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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  March 23, 2023 6:30am-7:01am CET

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oh, come to take a paralyzing turner society's computers with government. go crazy for your data. we explain how these technologies work, how they can go in for how they can also go terribly watch, you know, ah, hello and welcome to focus on europe. it's great to have you with us. the massive broaders in georgia have highlight and a divide between the state and the wider population 1000 stoked the streets of the
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capitol tbilisi to protest the controversial foreign agents bill proposed by the ruling party. ride pullers, use water cannon and purple spray, while protest. those shouted down with the russian law. the bill has now been dropped, but the mistress remains most georgians. want to see their country and the un nato, but they doubt whether their government can or even wants to lead them there. and the protest as fear that mosque was influence will hamper their chances of getting into the european union. a group of radical pro russia protesters, remove the european union flag just outside the door to parliament and set it on fire. the scene shows the political pressure. the small country has been under since russia invaded ukraine. many georgians, fear their country could slip into rushes, orbit of control. so they've been pushing back. jason, don't we?
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students will fight for european values to leant. old yorkie patch was really and thousands of others took to the streets to fight for their future and for a future where georgia joins the e u. we are major or historic members of the european society. and we wish to integrate into the rook in union beds written miller constitution, and it's agreed in our society. things escalated after georgia's ruling party submitted a so called foreign agent draft bill. in early march, georg and thousands of others saw the bill as an attack on democracy. they protested into lazy and face tear gas and water cannons. the bill echoes a russian law allowing the government to target critical media and angie owes. this could jeopardize george as long awaited a new candidacy,
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but was backed by the prime minister. through any group is molly article news that i've got a future of our country doesn't belong to foreign agents and people who serve them backwards through in the future of this country belongs to patriot other such anti western rhetoric reminds the students of moscow's narrative. one of the bills drafters is actually a professor of gayor gays who taught him why e u membership is important for georgia before he changed his mind and parliament. we so the, the meal that he supported and we're pretty disappointed results. and that is the reason our a protest will support this moral dilemma is the reason we refuse to attend his class. out of injury georg, he used facebook to alert his fellow students. together, they boy caught at the professor's classes. they st. george,
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as european aspirations are included in the countries constitution, and they've piled copies of it in front of his office. as a reminder, after 3 days of protest, the government finally withdrew the bill. georg was tired and relieved. at this is our joint. a week to re, as the society, because we stood together, a family's friends, colleagues and the we actually together training the students are proud but know their country remains in a difficult situation. the warren ukraine, as a daily reminder of george as complicated passed with russia. 15 years ago when georgia was moving closer to the you, russia occupied the region of south pasadena after a 5 day war. russian forces are still there. george's,
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remember of the war of 2008 and remember their history. oh, mazar morrison, 200 years of subjugation under moscow. but in this country there are also supporters of anti western policies. udo turned on me. griffith got no new daughter stuck out of georgia is full of foreign agents, whole, not just from mendoza, but from secret services. i wrote it up and get with bethel tahobit back in the parliament georg, he says the government is failing. the majority of the population. polls show that more than 80 percent of georgians support you membership, but we also must mind a war future battles. and we must always be ready and people, millard, so that these freedoms are never taken away from us. the e u flag is flying again outside of georgia's parliament. but georg patch was really knows the fight for his future inside europe is far from over. evil in
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ukraine are also fighting for their future, even as russian president vladimir putin continues his walk. he recently visited the occupied city of maria board to release radio short, him driving, and talking to residence in a newly constructed district. it was an attempt to present life as back to normal in mario board. but this is far from the truth. the city was devastated after russian troops bombarded it for more than 80 days last year. and for many people in ukraine, the fear of rush and bombs remains were on the road with ukrainian explosive experts in the devastated villages around khaki. the russian border is less than 30 kilometers away. now dashed edward off north called the emergency services after she came home and found rocket remnants stuck in the middle of her flat.
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nathaniel, you could death mogley when we came home after the russians had been pushed back, i saw the nice thing they left for us alumni. i was scared to touch it with us. you are, the boys will remove it, but i had such a fright. i thought it might explode, hulu, that you will send you label. the explosive experts quickly give the will clear. there are no explosives left on the rocket nose. this team faces such dangers every day. anywhere you are, so i really wanted to work here. this is my family except that was a vote. they are very worried. and most of those in on one many residents are still afraid. the russian soldiers might come back. but not, there's not a dwell, dove now, refuses to be driven away by the terrible memories of the last year. yes, yes. it's all still very fresh in my mind. reason. i worry about it, but that's life. we have to calm down, keep on and keep living. i won't leave this mom, my mother, my father and my husband are buried here. it's our home. so
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the team also quickly checks the garden where they find just scrap metal, nothing explosive. they say that's not always the case on board or political. many residents have found themselves and places littered with minds or other explosives . often would fatal results. a bulletin. now boy, the people who don't die are often seriously injured, losing their arms or legs bullying. concealed one year ago, a bomb destroyed several houses in the next village. svetlana was less than a 100 meters away at the time. no more dawn yet dead. we had done it, but a little the woman in one house was injured and her husband escaped with a scare tour of the seat next door. a house wall collapsed and killed the woman living there in la eat. but below still you think how heave people seek shelter in the subway stations during the daily era, warnings,
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some have been living here for year in fear of the messiah yet. but anyway, i've gotten used to it me, i feel fine here. but he just showed up, but not the only bad thing is that you can't do your laundry or cookies that need good. but i had thought it is for sydney agreement cogburn. when i time shelling became heavier as well. i couldn't bear it any longer. furthermore, yet so, so i came back here to calm down. oscar was backward because i can't stand it up top anymore. it was a little thing. you have more you. this is a secret place and crushes with thousands of rockets and shell pieces. the army has various places where it collects what russia has been raining down on the city for months to meet church, being co from the public attorney's office shows us the evidence of the inhumane war, including internationally banned weapons,
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laquatta quickly finding cluster bombs in her cave that fell on soft ground and didn't explode, or discover one or 2 cluster bombs, you know, city every week, which is the for the 2. for, for sort of mr. back in the villages, near hershey, the emergency service team finds explosive material everywhere like this grenade. they assure the residence that it's no longer dangerous, but the team has to be very careful with if we find more their accidents. suddenly, there sometimes accidental explosions and areas densely packed with munitions most thankfully, there are none to day. the team collect some shelves and hopes that it remains quiet at the near by front. have you ever written something so beautiful your waste your could preserve it? not just for yourself, but for future generations as well. well then martin consoles, the guy for you. he is creating a time capsule so that our descendants can have details about us and the and avi
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lived and he said it was storage facility deep. and one of the was all the salt mines near hullstead in austria. except the data for this project isn't being stored digitally, but on sediment dials. ah, my concern is on his way to his treasure trove, located deep in a mountain and austria. it's a vault of stone and salt is given the project, the name, the memory of mankind. if the next are in, we're in the so tug of hostess, the world's oldest. so now we're going to take this old mining train around 500 meters into the mountain and back now the government made this group of mountains and upper austria is called harlots. the region is famous for its rock salt extracted here for centuries. the old pits and shafts provide ideal protection for
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martin concerts archive project. the data is inside these boxes of fired clay, but here data isn't being stored digitally. it's on ceramic tiles, not unlike those. you could buy concert burns text and images into the tiles. what get stored is selected according to his own criteria. beyond just an account for tavern reader, we've brought another handful of tiles into the mountain and we'll now put them into this box here. terry enters. oh, this is part of a locksmiths training journal from the 1915th sunday over arlington lawrence. things were done differently. bethany oliver, which is why i think it's worth preserving that often do, does offer heart and spirit. besides his own selections console will also store private texts and images for anyone in exchange for a small fee or stories. but the covered lockdown, for example,
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shred it. so it's or to a doctoral thesis of a pakistani antiquities researcher who doesn't want to only rely on digital clouds and servers so hard both vivia mangen is also our internet information. still nerves isn't as long lasting as we think. that's one of the reasons why i decided to set up this archive. so that information can be stored for the long term for much or for future generations of thought. so they can gain some insight into their own past the mid d and an applicant, the agony for parenthood hom, cronum around 2 per cent of de la tricity worldwide is already been consumed to store data and digital storage systems don't last forever. they could be deleted at any time or become unreadable on the other hand, conscious as, as tiles are indestructible and the vienna native knows what he's talking about. he's a trained ceramic specialist and well versed in these materials. he even developed
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a special process for burning high resolution images and text on to the tiles in his workshop at home. it can take hours or even days. the supervisor goes with his white blaze of the child bombs with the color grains. then it causes food, all is after that it's a smooth surface. let's white so durable. you is the full heart bar. whenever a batch of tiles is finished, martin conser heads for the salt mine and housed at the picturesque location of trucks many tourists and has been used at the fillum location. visitors from around the world come to house, start with you know, the deep in the mountain above them. a time capsule or archive has been growing for a decade tile by tile. this tile is particularly important to martin cancer. it shows how iglesia has melted and just
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a few decades present and got his element. that's a central element of the archive, documented climate change. because if we don't safely preserve the raw climate observation, dazzle, future generations might not understand that climate change took place. and certainly not to what extent are went from going through. i was masser, the project won't be limited to just tiles. scientists are working with martin conser on new data storage materials to fit more data on smaller spaces. because there's plenty of demand. even the university of vienna has tiles here. the project memory of mankind is to last forever for every one you want to expect europe's largest shanty town to lie just outside of madrid. but that is where you'll find kenya that he out of 14 kilometer long, illegal settlement about 20000 people lovin gun. now that he al, whose origins dead back more than half a century, many living shacks are dense,
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but others have built permanent houses for years. the local government has struggled to deal with this settlement. now that is enough, madrid glanced appeared on everything by offering the residence a permanent horn elsewhere, complete with the running water and electricity. an offer that the local administration thinks no one would like to mess. this key opens a new chapter in augustine and her family's lives. now there is water. oh, i've got to see that. oh, i see we have hot water to shower away. so. ready the family will soon have hot running water for now base to live here, together with thousands of others along an old cattle path called kenyatta dio.
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believe to be the biggest legal settlement in europe. here, a fire on the street indicates a drug selling point. power lines attempt everywhere. and in the southern part, some residents also grow marijuana. well, well, if i follow to police recently published footage, arrayed, growing marijuana requires a lot of energy enough to maybe cause the local power grids to collapse. well. well, many canada re, our residents came decades ago from southern spain or abroad. augustina lives with her parents and lauren children. they haven't had power for 2 years. manolo augustine, as husband wants to show us something. so when the generator is running, we have lights of it in more less. is this a busy anyway?
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too low on it or do we need power for at least a few hours for the refrigerator. but now the gas is empty. was pricey. little definitely. yeah, $500.00 euros a month later, for gas for the generator. can you do enough space for animals and little scrap market manolo. his parents built this house and farm decades ago. back then, no one seemed to care about the settlement east of madrid, but now everything here is to be torn down. the you sent a letter calling the widespread lack of power unacceptable, and demand the spain take action. but the dreads regional government didn't repair the power grid and said the settlements commissioner offered people one of the over $400.00 brimstone apartments. the city bought an exchange for their homes. but not everyone wants to leave. like sar, who lives at the southern end of most of her neighbors and their homes are gone. my dad is that a family. the houses are, as you know,
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to look with all the pay taxes. we don't want someone else to decide where we get to live and not get emotion. ideally done. they do get as m a lot better. she shows us document that sure they pay property taxes up until 2011. when you authority suddenly stopped collecting them yet. sarah's neva, elena doesn't want to vacate either class. she's been living here for 30 years and recently had solar panels installed on your house. yeah. now she has power even without a generation piece of china. is so macro found, it cost me a lot of money. i have all the bills if i'm, if the authorities reimburse me for all of that. i'll leave the primary as mine, but the house is in your store and i was at the town hall over 20 years ago and they didn't agree to let me build my father. but it didn't prohibit either or yeah, they said nothing. another of you must, this young, the commissioner shows a satellite images to explain why things are complicated. the canada, he also has a strip around 14 kilometers long, is that you,
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since 1940 houses have been built here illegally. responsible authorities include the regional government and 3 local town halls. and what is the nature reserve and urban planning nightmare. but everyone has now agreed that the south side of the settlement is to be torn down with no compensation is at present. most people are going to receive eviction. notice says hello there, the chance to request to move and didn't my next step well is eviction. if i look, manolo and augustine, the decided to leave the illegal settlement before the excavators arrived, manolo tis anything, you can salad, the scrap boxes. oh, really? after that, they'll move on to town to this apartment provided by the city. this was the moment when they 1st source it. so emotional
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with oh, beautiful. just look at this kid. i mean their monthly rent will be 50 euro's for the 1st 3 months and then rise to around 200 years. that's the deal for them to leave their illegally bill housey through this, some is excited. they won't have to freeze any more. and now they can just flip a switch and turn on the lights. it is the only capital in europe that remains divided. negotiate in cyprus, fenced august, troops in waited the island in the mediterranean, in 1974. cyprus has been divided between the greek republic and the dog is occupied, not many political attempts to re unite the island has failed,
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but citizens continue to do their bit to bring cypress and its people together. and that includes people like yogas and most of roadblocks, walls and barbed wire have been part of nicosia for more than 48 years. the capital remains divided to this day, split into a greek and turkish part, just like the rest of cyprus. the greek cypriot to your go speedo, finds it difficult to accept the political deadlock and that there is no perspective of re unification. he looks over to the turkish side. the retiree says the reconciliation should no longer be left to the politicians. i see and realize that if they let us on our own, i mean citizens or we could have hot grade left to day urico
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speedo experiences. just how great this could be. in the bod, camino choir for peace, lena melanie, do. greek and turkish cypriots sing together in the name of peace and reconciliation in this choir, where music surmount, political, and linguistic borders. mustafah air salter has been in the choir for a year and a half. the architect from the turkish north meets his coral colleague your post before the concert. the border can still only be crossed by a check points. mustafah is used to this. he grew up with the division, just like his turkish fans. and then i have participate for the choir. i will i tell them we are going the of them that i'd be surprised. think of you field of you are doing something for your own country for peace. 40 reunification. it shows from the time they see us on stage with a white crows like that,
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they put color apiece and they cannot ever understand who is creek, who is touch, same hobbies, the same songs, the same attitude. so step by step, i think we're influencing every law who is turkish and who is greek. none of that matters when the choir gets together, as can be seen at this piece concert in the greek part of the capital one. proponents of reunification are now a minority in cyprus, but the quire won't give up and it's a full house at the auditorium. before the concert, 2 survivors of the civil war in 1974 are honored. one greek and one turkish. both survived, massacre as, as children to day. they both promote reconciliation together
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with the whole choir, your goals and mustafah, perform the song, sorry. the turkish choir members ask for forgiveness in greek. and the greek members did the same in turkish. they understand that one requirement for reconciliation is recognizing the other side, suffering to talk more and more like this. and disney bri closer people to each other. at the end of the concert, they sing the song, my homeland has been split into which of the 2 sides shall i love? both is the answer given by yoko most alpha and the other singers in the piece choir of cyprus. what
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an uplifting not to and on. that's all from us to day on focus on europe. if you have enjoyed watching today's show, you can share it. why our home page just so so focus on europe at d. w dot com until next time. goodbye and packs. are watching ah ah, ah, with
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who a neutral by 2045. germany's public transport system is going green. is it good bye to the old bus? well, you know, they're converting to electric energy which presents a technical challenge. is it worth it for the climate?
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absolutely, but what about for businesses made in germany? in 30 minutes on d. w. guardians, of truth, and my name is john dinner. and i have paid almost every price of being a journalist in a country like to a key taking on the powers that be they risk everything john, don't dar? asks activists, journalists and politicians live and exile a too much on my shoulders. but i have to hold this weight because i'm responsible for the future of our country, for the people who are behind the bus they live for their mission. people need to know what is happening there in our series, guardians, of truth watch,
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know on youtube, d, w documentary, a 100 german must reads on d w. ah, she's got issues with all say what grade a mm hm.
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ah ah. this is date of the news line from the the world war to cycle is broken. that's the warning of the start of a special un conference to discuss threats to the water resources and what needs to be done to secure the future of humanities life. also on the program, ukraine's president visits soldiers in the.


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