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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 24, 2023 4:00pm-4:30pm CET

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i have learned a lot our culture history, all their d. w. travel extremely worth a visit. mm. ah ah, this is dw news lie from berlin. you leaders try to calm down financial markets. at the end of a brussel summit, german chancellor and others hail what they call stable banks and tougher regulations. meanwhile, shares in deutscher bank tumble. also coming up closely, you can see the oil at the southeast of the water and also some fish had been
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washed off the shore as a result of the pollution people in nigeria as a niger delta regions to one of the world's biggest oil companies. blaming it for that dwindling access to clean water. and one of the biggest names in german, buddhist, big football, et cetera. i've been sacked off the last weekend's last by, by a munich coach jojo nuggets. man is expected to be forced out as the top club chases, it's 11 consecutive title. ah, i'm gathers welcome to the show you lead as a se european banks are stable despite fresh turbulence in the markets. at the end of a 2 day summit in brussels, they responded to the recent term all in the global banking sector, which is seen a non of banks collapse. they also address concerns of a wider contagion. is
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a comment from germany's chance that will of shows european banking on a system of robust and stable that we have the necessary oversight and structures. and that are thanks to the work of the past years. and the efforts of the banks themselves were in a robust and resilient position. and this is an incentive to make progress in the capital markets and the banking union, and we discussed us. but what, what's more important, we plan on till full heartedly and make progress. tremor transfer all of shaw speaking then other have been further concerns about the banking sector. after deutscher bank surprise dropped by 10 percent this morning. i also corresponded jack paris and brussels about how chancellor shows responded to that. yeah, that's right. he was really trying to sort of calm the concerns around this. he said that deutsche bank is
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a very profitable bank and there's no reason to doubt it's future. he said that he did thoroughly reorganized and modernized his business model and that it will be very profitable. now, this is over concern. did you say this shadow price greatly reducing this morning over fears of contagion after credit suisse. the major swiss bank was taken over by u b. s. that real concerns about what this means for the banking sector in europe now. and another press conference just along the who french president, emanuel micron. he also backed up this position. he said that the european union's banking system is signed and he blamed the market turmoil around deutschen, but deutsche bank on speculators was trying to get him. well, there's a turmoil going in it going on in the banking sector. you said that the use banking situation shouldn't be compared to the swiss. he said it's not a comparable situation. now, this is all sort of happening in a context that was already on the gender by the europe in union. trying to kick
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start its plan. that was put forward in 22008 for a banking union is by harmonizing banking rules, trying to make sure the tax payer's aunt funding all bailing out things that if they fail. and that is, it is sort of got underway after the financial crisis, 20072008, but has been relatively sluggish. ever since you can sense among the leaders not just shows the macro, but others as well. that had been speaking after this summit that this is going to start to be a priority issue as we're seeing these high levels, inflation high cost of living, the concerns around the banking sector growing. and this issue, this banking union issue for the european union is becoming much more of a priority. speaking about shots and my call, the to have been a meeting on the sidelines. i understand. and it's about the a fight between the 2 about the future of the combustion engine in the europe. or what can you tell us about that? yeah, that's right. the 2 of them of really sort of stolen the limelight from this summit
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. and that's because this morning before the rest of the summer got together, they had a one on one meeting about germany's plan, a regarding the combustion engine phase out in the european union. there was a broad agreement, essentially for combustion engine cars to stop being sold in the ear because you can't tell the difference between a fossil fuel and then if you often, the combustion engines will be able to continue to be produced for cars. and therefore, that plant green of phase out combustion engine, cars won't be in place if the germans get their way on this, at a friend's when most folk or in their opposition to this. and they were essentially trying to get concessions on making nuclear power, which france is heavily reliant on it for his production of domestic electricity that they would be concessions on that. and i both the 2 leaders came out and said there is no discussion. there's going to be a deal, it's all gonna be fine. but we know behind this, there have been big battles and the shouts, even blame the pressing. you've made this story. you're in the business of
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entertainment. the doves jack arg, they're reported from brussels. thank you, john. and to the war ukraine, our russian and ukranian troops continued to fight fiercely in the countries east. buck motors. the city though, has come to symbolize slow moving battles at high human cost. but there is another front line town in the east in ukraine that has witness crucial ukrainian resistance that the city is of difficult. it's almost completely and circled by russian forces, much like baltimore to the north. the city of, of diva may not look like much of the prize and battle there simply isn't much left of it. but resident say the russians seem set on battering their city into submission. this eerie silence a rail and fighting to him. there are plains rockets here all the time. every day you see there to them that she was really good at birds,
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eye view shows there's barely a town left to occupy, but this isn't stopping rush and fire lucia muzzle. the situation is getting worse and worse. the misery for getting bigger or buildings literally collapses. lawgroup, western intelligence and ukrainian commander say the fighting full of diva is some of the fiercest of the war. comparisons are being drawn to the embattled city of buck mote. located on the front line and don. yet, province of d. fca is another stubborn thorn in the sight of russian troops trying to advance west data gathered by the institute for the study of war. she is, the kremlin forces had almost surround at the city, an apparent attempt to cut of def go off from its western supply lines so far like back moot f. d. fca has held out ukrainian treat say they're managing to stop russian forces from breaking through the defense line. but commanders are having to
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way up the use of every sheylan bullet. you look, we are trying to save him emission with as much as we can possibly in case this breakthrough will deploy. the cities fierce defense has entered a reputation as a 2nd front line fortress and local say of diva has an advantage over back moot. it's been on the frontline since the done best conflict started in 2014. notice this is a very serious fortification line. all armed concrete with bunker's, israel fortress is protected better than boat than you boggled the fortress or not. the ukrainian government has advised of div got people not to take their chances of voluntary evacuation effort has emptied the city of most of its 25000 residents. but some feel that they just can't leave are so we have what about leaving my sons?
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i am the cemetery. no one needs me any more, nika when you lose money. so, it's a sentiment shared by others. local official sate some t 1000 people have chosen to stay in the city. they've long cool time. with russian traipse pushing to encircle f d. fca, they face a growing risk of being left to their own devices. of these guys seems to be the focus of russian forces in recent days, but it is it likely to become a baffled ground, similar to the motor, but that question to caterina, the financial, a russia analyst at the institute for the study of war. it's not, it looks a lot more like the docket which is the 2 ometer southwest of the new. 5 city, it's very much forced by proxy, as well as volunteers, and some mobilized, so russia from the russian forces have not committed their lead formations just yet
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to the front line, which differentiates the from back and forth work. and now now we thought that the russian offensive, rambo wood, is losing steam. what are you hearing then? yes, it seems like it is wagner or the main enemy where you finance and on the direction and wagner have not been able to successfully assault directly into the city and are now by passing from the north and south in an effort caught ukrainians. ground life communications them west of the city. however, ukrainians are conducting tactical counselors facts to prevent that from being friend of and circle. now we also hearing of preparations for a ukrainian counter offensive. what should we expect from that and where do you think it would be focused? yes, ukrainian officials are signaling that they are planning
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a transfer on time or summer. and ukrainian officials are largely that it will be grain with russia around their counter offensive happens. we obviously don't, we don't need assessments as a matter of policy and ukrainian true. however, if it were to happen, it would likely look like mechanize when you were warfare with the world you bring in on the ground. now ukrainians are calling to speed up arms deliveries to avoid a stretched out conflict. is that realistic? do this a speed of arms delivery? really a couple of a conflict short yes. the does. we need your name on ukrainian here that can i do when you are work there. ukrainian currently need to form
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a strike group that will be managed, that will manage to rush in defense of the cell that they need. now main thing that will be break through our defensive line as well as armor 1st personnel vehicles that will allow them to mount safely when they arrived there, their target position covering a step and ankle then washington d. c. thank you very much for this analysis. thank you. time out, have a look at some of the other stories making headlines. denmark has asked the russian controlled operators of an old stream to pipeline to help salvage this ident, unidentified object found on the sea bed beside it. it's the last intact north stream pipeline, after 3 explosions destroyed the august last september. authorities have yet to determine who is responsible for those blasts. india's main opposition leader role gandhi has been disqualified from parliament a day after. he was convicted of defamation. gundy was sentenced to 2 years in jail
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over comments about prime minister rand remotely made in 2019 his supporters of hughes the government of using the law to silence. critics. gandhi says he will appeal is sentence that shower for french president, manuel mac hall says he will not give in following violent protests against his pension reforms. demonstrations intensified after the government by pass parliament to enact change the changes last week. a visit by brittany king charles, which was scheduled for sunday, has been postponed because of the unrest. germany's rail operator dodger barn has canceled all of its long distance trains ahead of monday's one day national transport strikes. regional rail roots are also expected to be heavily affected. germany's busiest airport frankfurt and munich scrap all past flights as well. thousands of people in nigeria,
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niger delta region are suing the oil giant shell over alleged damage to their communities. they hoped to convince the british court that shells, oil exploration activities have polluted their rivers and underground water supplies. towns in the niger delta region say they have not had access to clean water for decades. did up your correspondent flourish to war. up sent this report from oh, golly! life in awe, galley east of blessing. james has lived here with her husband for 5 years. everything is hard to come by, including clean water. i'm not happy now. why dizzy? so far? as on daddy's heavy so now boston now come on fish. what the year was, what to have my all what they my house or gallegos, a community in oakland land part of nigeria as earl reach, named delta big oil multinational like she'll have explored the area for decades.
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pollution from oil spills has left the ground water and reversed contaminated. this is the or go near river in line j delta. and if you look closely, you can see oil at the surface of the water and also some fish have been washed off the shore as a result of the pollution, this water is completely useless even though people can't see what i hear the actually have no access to clean water this community used to rely on fishin or with this level of pollution, their soft or food incom and water has vanished. this will face no good. i will be phases with a lady will use for payoff me. so we know for you to use it for wash it. see we know for you, we will use it for cookie. we hear the smelling, the united nations environmental program ran test on the water in or galle found
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levels of cancer. cause when benzine to be $900.00 times higher than the level located by the world health organization. scientists also found it sensing the types of refined oil on the ground water, which feeds the whales that people drink from. local authorities have one, people do not drink the contaminated water, but many like blessing have no choice and the air force the damage to the hill. that's where you see most and we see in the levels of am consol privilege is increasing. we're seen the age of people coming down with consol decreasing before you speak, kentucky use from 506070 years. when a c p. children come and are concerned. 8101520. the government provided water stations across is the need to supply clean water from the community . but none of the station has worked for years. local authorities admitted that
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they have not done enough. let's say the rest will be for solving the crisis. like what we do for local government and the state government who does support support subs. but the main issue is where the federal government, everybody believe, while policy shows in named jerry i play the blame game and argue of actual responsibility to provide clean water for the people who galleys. others have taking the matter into their own hands. like traditional lay down king emory good doing a pipeline. he has leased that 14000 individual cases of the damage caused by shield oil spilling and seeking compensation in court in the u. k. we have a company is boost. there are people that, that receive dividend and they sit down and enjoy the money and their children. doubt, grandchildren is enjoying the money. i want to tell them that money is blood money
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. that money is broiled broad money. as you're using the money to, to get co fought for your, your children and your differ your descent, the are your dependent. so our children of or gully are dying. the case could take years in that time, 90 area and shall, will continue to profit from o'kelly's oil. while people like blessing james, who quite slow to suffer the consequences of the contemporary thread warfare they are forced to drink. mario tele is the head of the nature of a climate branch of the un environment program. and i asked her if the outcome of a un water conference concluding in new york today could eventually make things better. we certainly hope so, and we were very pleased to see this happen under the you when they came on the
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restoration that was launched in 2019. the 1st reason why we're very happy for that to happen is because ecosystem restoration was very often it wasted to planting trees. we know that ecosystems are more complex and fresh water ecosystems have fresh water, equal systems around the world are either degraded or polluted or affected by some sort of human encroachment. this initiative is very, very critical. not only to address pollution issues, but also to address water shortages extreme floods and climate change impacts. if you think about wetlands, for instance, in the 1970s over one 3rd of the world, wetlands were trained to release the land for agriculture purposes and agriculture production. and in that sense, wetlands had not been acknowledged for the ecosystem services that they provide. they are like a sponge in the environment and being the system. they absorb water when there's
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too much and they release it when there's too little name. also headquarters deep into the ground slowly and they the pollute resources as well. because many of the reads that grow in what plans are for use that have the ability to absorb heavy metals and different type of pollutants. so we're very, very optimistic about this initiative and hope that it will not only help improve access to what resources but also, but for the impacts of climate change in the mood demand long term mario talavera b u. n. environment program. thank you. muslims around the world have begun observing the 1st friday prayers of the holy month of ramadan worshippers in jerusalem have been gathering at the alex. i'm off on of islamic holiest sites. are among the 1800000000 muslims around the world expected to take part in the fasting
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season. tensions are high and israel and the occupied west bank of the wake of recent violence. this year ramadan coincides with a jewish holiday. passover and christian celebrations of easter time for celebration. as thousands of muslims gathered in jerusalem's old city for the 1st day of ramadan, ah, at an ox, a mosque worshippers arrived early for their 1st meal. eleanor, i've been on the phone. oh and we usually have if todd, our families place, but today we wanted a change from a lot. it's a great feeling. we came here and we saw people who are also coming to pray and eat . on the 1st day in alex and mosque. it's the best feeling as people come together tensions a high in the region with nearly daily clashes in the occupied west bank. on
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thursday, palestinian officials said one person was killed doing a raid by israeli security forces. one have to come on you. people are now afraid of entering the old city because there is not a minute that goes by where the situation is stable here is that it is how are this applies to all cities in the west bank idea. if you have are, in a matter of moments, some things could erupt and the markets get messy. this year's ramadan coincides with both the jewish passover and the christian vista authorities fear that tensions could flat up as large numbers of jewish muslim worshippers. poor into jerusalem's city in the coming weeks. some sports sold by a munich, reportedly 5 coach tuleya na guzman with immediate effect the reigning champions ever having a patchy season as they go for an 11th title in
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a rope. the club is reportedly lining up form adornment, and chelsea coach thomas told to replace not of man hard to get his head around this one sunday is defeat at the hands of by lave accusing with julian men last in the by and munich, jack out, it meant they slipped off the top of the printers, leak a table, but despite the disappointment, there was still hope. how much of a setback is that when it comes to the title rates, fireman is no longer in the 1st place. the biggest setback rules are going to be very difficult, so we have to and it wasn't always like this last year by and when the legal by 8 points, the 10 straight title was one of the games. most highly regarded coaches at the helm results that she haven't been great bye bye and standards. they look beatable, but they remain in contention for the treble the league cup and champions league. now probably it will be up to thomas trickles who achieve that. the former chelsea
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coach one, the champions league with the english side in 2021. brian hierarchy would love to see similar themes in their dressing room in june british music legends, depeche mode, are back with a 1st album for 6 years. the 1st since the death of key border and co founder, andy fletcher, the album's dominant theme is mortality after losing fletcher, the bans return was anything what certain depeche mode for the 1st time as a g o. b b y a new song and a call to grab life by both hands with
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we decided it was better for us to focus on music and you know, not, not just like, whoa in that would be in our misery. that misery being the sudden, death of andy fletcher, fletcher nearly 10 months ago. he was the keyboard player, the 3rd brain, co founder and kid of the band. for 40 long years. his band mates are still deeply shocked at his passing bowers say this, which was the biggest supporter of us and the, the band martin to push mode. everything about it. he, you know, it's very jarring and you know, your own mortality and everything. so people around you and friends, family, you know, you start to think about a lot more melancholy as part of depeche mode brand, but so is carrying on this time for fletch. the new
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album's title memento mori, a nod to that full and friend. but while death and grief may be all over the new release, the band are keeping going ah, that edition. it's out the day. it's clear that even after 4 decades and the last of the beloved friend, they just can't get enough. i hope you're watching dw news before we go is a reminder of our top story. e leaders have been seeking to reassure the public that european banks a stable despite recent turbulence in the market. at the end of the today, summit in brussels, german chancellor will have shows that there was no reason to doubt the future of thought. a bank offer its share price fell off on friday. that's it from me on the
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news team from now. i'll have an update for you at the top of the hour. do not go away. up next is equal india. brian type is for clean energy. and of course, there's always a lot more news and analysis and background on the website, d, w dot com on the golf is in berlin for me and the new scene here with
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nico india. how to clean and light a village all at once. and we were to keep stalking over at escobar to rescue well . so this is a mission in the engine. the village is kangi. ron gall, generates electricity from waste, with a bio gas plant. there is no better way to keep tom well now. do's landfills, clean eco india. next auntie delux
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