tv DW News Africa Deutsche Welle March 25, 2023 12:30am-1:01am CET
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i have paid almost every price of being a journey in a country like turkey taking on the powers that be they risk everything gender, dar activists, journalists, and politicians, living in exile. they live to which they live for their mission. what drives them? people need to know what is happening there are series guardians of truth watch now on youtube, d. w documentary business did of the news africa coming up in the program. the danger of water pollution. we visit a community in nigeria that is soon shall blaming them for spill in poison into it's rivers and drinking water. also coming out vaccines can be a baby's 1st line of defense when it comes to early childhood disease. but in
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godaddy have run out even many in funds, dangerously exposed on the challenge of being black in germany, we meet a single e man living in hamburg. sharon has experience of racial discrimination. ah, i am eddie mike are junior and you are welcome to the program. what are is are well it's live blad, but it's being poisoned by pollution. that's what un secretary general antoine. you're good cherry said at the wild conference on water across africa. one in 3 people do not have access to safe drinking water. some of the causes manmade. like in nigeria is nyja delta. the area was once filled with flows of clean fresh water, but not anymore. thousands of people in 2 communities. a su in petroleum giant
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shell for making the water unsafe to drink. due to the oil explorations, our correspondence flows drucquer i sent us this report from a galley blessing james b as a double burden. firstly, she has to walk all the way through the public top to fetch water. secondly, when she gets home with a heavy load, it fulfills none of her needs and it's dangerous. this will face no good. i will be faith is what the lady will use for power before we know for you to are you the for wash it? see, we know for you, we reuse it for what we hear. the smelling pollution from oil spills has left the ground water contaminated big oil multinationals. light shall have exploited the delta us our reserves. for decades, the local community used to be able to rely on fish in the river was the our sauce
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of food, incom, and drinking water. we had the what i used to team with fish. now we are reach only in pollution. this is the or go near reverse in line j delta, and if you look closely, you can see oil at the surface of the water and also some fish had been washed off the shore as a result of the pollution, this water is completely useless even though people can't see what i hear the actually have no access to clean water. the united nations environmental program ran tests on the water in or gully. it found levels of cancer causing benzine to be $900.00 times higher than the levels permitted by the ward health organization. scientists also found 8 centimeters of refined oil on the ground water which feeds the whales that people drink from. local authorities have want people to not change the contaminated water and suggest the buy bottled water. few can afford that,
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forcing them to leave with a death rate to be a health. that's why you see most and was he in the levels, ovarian cancer. prevalence is increasing while seeing the age of m people coming down with cancer decreasing before you see cancer cases from 506070 years. when may ftp, children come and are we cancer? it deigned 1520. the government provided what i see shows across the village to supply clean water from other communities or we are told and none of the stations have worked for years. local authorities admit that not enough is been done, but say the responsibility for solving the crises lies elsewhere. what we do as for local government, on her, her stair blog, maybe dr. supports support services, but the main issue is with the federal government about
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a believe while politicians, elaine jerry are past the bach and b cow, whose responsibility is to provide clean water for the people of all galley. laurie king emory godwin, oak. barbie has taking matters into his own hands. the traditional leader has least said 14000 individual cases of the damage caused by shells oil spill andy seeking compensation as caught in the u. k. we had the company is based off of people that are big people. that, that receive dividend and they sit down and enjoy the money and they are children. doug, grant germans enjoyed the money. i want to tell them that money is blood money. that money is broiled broad money as you're using the money to to get called ford for you, your children and your, your descent, your dependent. so our children or gully are dying. the
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court case could take years in that time, nigeria and shell will continue to and from o'kelly's oil you lesson. james has a message for those who profits from her pain. i'm not feeling well, this is so fun. that's all that you have. you saw no bustle, mom, fish. what are you was? what will have my old by my house more and more people here appealing their hopes and the quote for seeing the shareholders of royal dutch shell to do the right thing. but you are willing, comes the people of all gully, i condemned to drink poison from all those. let's bring it up. matthew renshaw, a lawyer and partner lady. he's working on the claims involving allegations of environmental. how caused by celebrations in the niger delta. hello mark. you, thanks for joining us. so what exactly do your plaintiffs wants from the court?
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so we're, we're representing 2 communities, the golly community and the billing community who are claiming, because of serious oil pollution from shells, operations in the noise and out. and they started their claims here in the, in the english one course in 2015. they are seeking compensation for the loss of livelihoods, the loss of income, the other losses, dave's office, and crucially that also claiming to clean all they want shell to clean up the oil. that is continuing to believe that communities to this day, it sounds fair enough. cell is planning to leave the niger delta a t as of exploit and there is apps there, but they are not taking responsibility for the pollution. what argument had a making so then they're putting fools of arguments in this case, for example, they say that the communities were representing have no right to go to court and
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get shell to clean up. they say doesn't matter. purely for the nigerian regulated today. they also say that any spills that caused by bunkering, that of course, bye oil theft shell is not liable to pay compensation for those in any circumstances. and shelton spills around that time if they happened more than 5 years ago. she also has no responsibility. and all of these points the shell putting forward have significant implications, as you say, with the background that shell potentially is looking to divest and leave the $90.00. and the question will be, will legacy will a leave on the going to leave communities like these with crowding oil pollution? or are they going to clean up before the noise? it sounds like cell is not literally taken 0 responsibility. so let me, let me ask this again, is shell offering to do anything at all about the mess it has cost?
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not at this stage? no. and these claim started in 2015. and as i said to the, the claimants to living with, with chronic coalition, the un went to one of the communities in 2011 and said there was an immediate danger to public health because of the all creation that the claims were started in 2015 at the outset shell was challenging them saying the claims should be heard in nigeria, not in the u. k. making jurisdictional legal arguments to try to stop these claimants coming to court in the u. k. and making that case. so, so there have been 7 years since these claim started. and still there's no indications that she's looking to, to clean up in the community to compensate people for their losses or anything like that. at the end of the day, justice must be saft, right? so when my members of the community see that justice and finally be able to drink
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clean water. and we think there may be a trial in the latter part of next year potentially. and obviously, if, if the claims are successful in that trial, then we hope soon after that they would be receiving compensation and show which still to do a proper cleanup to international standards of these 2 communities. it may be the claimant's of settled along that door is always open. if a shell is willing to talk to them, if shell is willing to take proper steps to clean up, then as soon as that happens, the better for the claimant's. let me ask you this briefly on this as the worst case scenario. that shell actually gets to walk away free. well, it's sharla correct with the legal arguments that putting food in this case, they would have very little obligation, very responsibility for cleaning out oil pollution and, and i to dallas and not just in these 2 communities, but more broadly. so the,
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the arguments that are being tested here all very significant, we are optimistic and obviously extremely hopeful that shelley is not correct. and that it does have legal obligations to clean up to these communities in other communities like these. but the, the significance of best case is that those sorts of arguments a potentially going to be tested in the course here in england. ok, matthew renshaw, lawyer and part nod lady. thank you very much for your time. thank you very much. ah, it was indeed of the news africa still to come dealing with everyday racism in germany, a young blackman chances experience of racial discrimination. but 1st, the cobra pandemic showed us one thing that vaccines our life save us, you know, kill ation, is especially important for babies who have no immunity of the own. so what happens
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if there was no access to the japs? that's the situation in ghana where some hospitals are forced to 10. 04 mothers away. maxwell soup tells us more in this report from tom ali in the north of the country. it might look like in no my children's ward, but nothing is normal. he added tamale west hospital. these children all have ms of the abilene care for any special you need a we, from what a children. an outbreak of the infectious disease has led to a sage in cases we suspect at dave's residence, bloomed bucks and shortages for the outbreak. my childhood had been vaccinated against measles, she wouldn't have become infected, but the children are not vaccinated. and that's the problem over how to shut the shadow. for 6 months, the situation has been the total written health facilities have now run out of critical vaccines for young children, re form babe who 14,
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we don't have. it's like they will you, which is giving us based fully 0. we don't have full you right now. we don't have the router via a the roots of us into we don't have it. we don't have missiles these mothers have spent the last month visit in the hospital. the air force in been back. why the, when i have been coming here for the past 4 weeks, each time i come, the vaccine is not there and i have to go back home to day to i came and there is no vaccine for my child. walk, angelina lankin on to recently gone, this economy was doing well, which led the world bank to list it as a middle income country. it therefore no longer qualifies for do not support him more sick. this included in health. the government also have been keen to break
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away from each dependency, but with the current economy, downton ganna is struggling to mit is childhood vaccine. knees, public health advocacy. the governments you swallow is pride in seek international support. so it's time for government and we look at our policy as a yes, that's fine. the fact that we want to go gonna be on index by default, our middle income country. deborah inequality is within our country that needs to be address and to call for the necessary support that we can gonna from all the dable in partners. gannon normally has a good record of vixen optic, at around 95 percent, according to the health ministry. but these vaccines sure to use, i have this serious consequences. iran children are nice and there are certain disease conditions that they will not build antibodies against. and therefore, when they come across it, they are what we can read of free and the opposite of organisms. how will fill the and just spread encore severed is, is as an agent,
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a temporary solution. the government has sought help and brought in some vaccines from neighboring countries, while it hopes to somehow allocate money for vaccines. but ex, with c, it is not enough in just a drop in the ocean the universal declaration of human rights states that everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms without distinction of any kind, such as race and color. but people with skin colors like mine, still face racial discrimination of all kinds. we'll soon talk more about racism and how to do with it. but let's 1st look at one example from right here in germany . alford, the comes from senegal. he now lives in hamburg, where he works as a model. he says he's experienced repeated discrimination because of the color of his skin. like when he wanted to go to a club with friends,
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family mothers at near person. they always said no, no go. that was brutal for me. i was actually, we didn't even have a chance. and even if we did it, it fell apart. when we had a show id cards, we had special id papers and they always said no reason in my name. he's also had problems with prejudice in his modeling work to the slate of, of the, um, light on this, the quote, sorry, but unfortunately we don't have clients for you. i knew, oh, you look great, but he's trying new york and i to lance. and i say, hey, i'm here in germany. yes, i did my schooling, he owned and i want to be successful. he interval minus and those were such blatant moments. realizing there were limits to my career and my future because of my parents like to come feelings, i'm also, you know, then it's funny how fia sees this as racist. exclusion and he's not the only one
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german society may be diverse, but any one with a different skin color or who wears a head scarf is likely to experience racism sooner or later. that goes for berlin and the whole country. one researcher says that 90 percent of the respondents see racism and germany as a problem. those who belong to a minority are usually speaking from experience. numbers being offered themselves. racism is not a marginal phenomenon. laquanda, it affects society as a whole. generally, schools, the police, labor and housing are some of the primary areas affected by racism. but help is available. there are dozens of resource centers in berlin alone that are publicly funded. reach out is just one of them offering psychological help. keep your to list us as a prominent as the men. it's always the case here that people a traumatized by racist attacks and finding venza torment is yet on their traumatized by racial hostility cup. alicia,
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and that in turn causes physical problems. the people can't sleep and they're constantly afraid. there's so many cindy gangs, hat, aid workers, politicians, and scientists all agree racism is not an individual problem. but a structural problem means for me on the issue of racism, have now joined by emily reich. she's a renown social justice leader ortho, on expert on in tacit knowledge he inclusion on nondiscrimination. hello, emily out. thanks a lot for your time now. we had in the reports that racism is a structural problem. is that really what it is? yes. as we racism is a systemic issue, so it have foresight to it. it has the individual perspective into, into individual dimension. the church, old, i mentioned the institutional dimension and that history cool dimension and the sum
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of all these dimensions make racism. so it would be wrong to say that there's only a structural side to it because there can be as well and in traditional and history cool. and it's in individual side to it. but generally what they do with that, those sides feed each other. so any individual instance of racism, for example, somebody who is attacking someone on the street because of the color diskin. this is in printed or at least this is embedded in a wider system of the human isolation of black people. so the late nelson mandela, one said, no one is born hades in another person because of the color of his skin or his background. so how does racism come about? so what happens is that we, we take on a lot of messages, a lot of images that we learn as children to hierarchy people. we learn to hurricane people on the basis of their gender, on the pieces of their skin, color,
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their religion, their social class. and all of these messages convey an idea of superiority for certain societal groups. and so for example, for the case of racism, black people have been portrayed as inferior as sub human. they have been portrayed as particularly criminal, as particularly unintelligent. and all of those images are to be found in all the, the narrative, the stories, the, the images that we take on every day in literature on tv, in advertisement. and so that's how we learn from a very young age to internalize, or at these to get to view blackness as something deficient as something negative. let's bring him down to a very personal level. how that's a black person like me, deal with racism when i'm faced with it. so i think what happens is that from a very young age there is a cognitive dissonance happening. so i can give you an example of when i was
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a child, a white child said to me media, you're black and the teacher came and said, no, no, i don't want to hear this. this is not kind any days a child like you. and so what we both internal life at the time was that blackness was interior that blackness in and of itself could be installed. and so could we did this one is that happens in black people, is that we learn to reject one part of our identity or to consider that part of our identity as negative. and healing means that we need to be whole again, that we need to see that part of our identity as not something negative, but as something that belongs to us. and that is that that has been constructed as inferior. so it means that the work that needs to be done is individual and collective healing. and that's not an easy task, but i think we society need to go through that in order to heal from a racist society. okay, i mean, i guess, i guess you're looking at the very broad picture of how you know structurally and
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institutionally and do society that it can be addressed. but everyday basis, black people face it from time to time. if one is phased with it right now. what is based on your experience, the right way to deal with it? so there is no right or wrong re to do with it. there is something is that it creates rage, it creates frustration and it creates anger. and a wet supremacy society tells black people that they are not allowed to feel the feelings that they are not allowed to be angry, that they are not allowed to be frustrated. and so that's what i'm not going to say . oh, you should be calm, then you should not respond, it, you should ignore what's going on. i think it's important to keep the space as well, could he's negative feelings and to also respond to what is happening. but this is not in and of itself. the right way to do it, i think each individual should know that their point of view, their perspective dare dare did the hurt that he's on to them is important. and
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that in fact, black like matter. so if a black person is being physically attacked on the street or verbally attack attack on the street or at work or wherever that might be, i think there's a right to reset the issue and to stand up for when self. but this is not without consequences. you might be with a police officer and you know, in the end you will pay for that. yeah. well that, that, that just gives me different images. i hope to never be in that situation. but before, let's just rounded out by finding out that many people that have gone to that trauma of racism. what is the best way to help such people dealing with this? i think the best way to heal this is to find a community to find a community of people who make similar experiences. people with whom you can exchange those experiences and collectively as well healed from it. healing, and that matter cannot be done individually because i feel like it's going to
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certainly reinforce the isolation that comes out of racism. so noticing that what had happened to us is not because of us as individuals, that because of a wider system and it's a collective issue that affects many different people that are get, may also happen to be back. but it could be a black woman, a black man, a black, disabled person. he could be a black, rich person, a black, poor person. but knowing that this, this commonality is something that can be tremendously helpful in the healing process. and we are i normally it would take hours to talk about the issue like this, but due to time will ended here and we are right. social justice leda author, an expert on the snotty inclusion and non discrimination. thanks a lot for your insights. thank you. so much me. now, how about we end with that smile after all alley, others week. we marked well happiness day. so what makes you happy?
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is that the fun love isn't money. maybe we asked people across the continent. what makes me happy? why is the piece that relate to me and my family spot on my happening? and knowing that he had up, we are in a country which is peaceful, coming out to hell. even if it's not someone you know, helping them out in they are point of need that makes me satisfied. happy go and have i sit down to my friends and my family members watching my just a rated gym. i'm always happy. what makes me happy is my best friend made that and my mommy and my sister who makes me happy, think people happy makes me happy. make friends? what makes me happy actually is money because like i can use it to buy my stops and to travel. the people, they love out, my friends, my classmates,
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my plans and my family may my mean may bless her. yeah, that's what makes me happy though music makes me happy. and when i just he had the millo deese when i just he had the lyrics and i just, he had the drama was an african, i'm already happy. and on that happy note the and the program by for now with ah, with,
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