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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 27, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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what is the poetry, the secret of the house? shattering the glass ceiling. women in architecture starts april 20th on d. w. ah ah. ah. this is dw news lie from berlin, civil disruption spreads in israel as opposition to contentious judicial reforms, gross demonstrations and a general strike. increase the pressure on benyamin netanyahu's far right. coalition sources within the prime minister's li could party says he could be
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a back to suspend the reforms, but it's hard line allies are urging him to press ahead. also coming up germany faces it's most disruptive strike action in 30 years, public transport rail and airport staff nationwide are walking off the job to demand more pay to counter a cost of living. crisis and controversy surrounds a visit by taiwan as former president of my gang, joe to china. the 1st time a former or seething president has been to the mainland in 17 years. ah, on pablo foliage, welcome to the program. we begin in israel where there's been massive civil dis
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auction as prime minister benjamin netanyahu comes under pressure from both the opposition and his only could party to hold a contentious judicial reform. but netanyahu's right wing coalition allies are demanding that he push ahead with the overall sources of said he could be ready to suspend the judicial reforms. 7 the protests that refused to die down nationwide demonstrations against prime minister benjamin netanyahu controversial plan toola parliament to overrule israel supreme court. i've been on for almost 3 months and sunday stoked the flames of protest further by sucking defense minister you off. garland was cool to law to be postponed. that prompted israel's president, isaac had spoke to tweet monday that the eyes of the whole world on you, for the sake of the unity of the people of israel. for the sake of the
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responsibility i call on you to stop the legislative process. immediately things got worse for netanyahu. when the country's main trade union announced a general strike that threatens to bring the country to a halt. already most outgoing flights from ben gory, an airport have been cancelled, meant and keeps building after mass protests intervene in jerusalem on sunday night . critics accused antonio of a conflict of interest. his attempt to sideline the judiciary run parallel to his ongoing corruption trial. whatever his motivations, the widespread resistance to efforts to weaken the courts as great new problems for the prime minister. all right, well for more on this, let's be to our correspondent injuries them, rebecca richard, and she's at the israeli part of the can acid, rebecca? great to see you. so a national strike has been cold, even israeli diplomats are joining strikes against netanyahu's plan to overhaul the
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judiciary. what's the latest you can tell us what we're seeing unprecedented protests here across the country today. pablo and these protests, we know, been going on for months, but these fontane ones that started yesterday and were again the plan for today are unlike once we've seen before, tens of thousands of people gathered outside thickness where i'm standing and we have a veritable shut down of the country you mentioned in that report that no outbound flights from the airport, even some inbound flights have also been canceled because of the case of the airport that unions right, causing chaos across the country. seeing universities and school also striking and there's even talk that hospitals will take part as early as mid day tomorrow, meaning the only emergency medical procedures will take place. we are really seeing the whole country come in revolt to these proposed changes. we've been waiting all
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day for the prime minister benjamin netanyahu to come out. there was some room as this morning from sources within the likud party. his own party that he would come out and say that he was willing to suspend legislation, perhaps move towards negotiations that compromise, we haven't seen that happen. we're all still waiting to see what will come out. no news. we've seen the connected be reconvened with their people and they're discussing the budget things sort of proceeding as normal that nothing big when it comes to the political aspect of today, we haven't seen any major outcomes yet. still waiting. everybody with bated breath to see just exactly how benjamin netanyahu is going to handle what he's saying on the streets, what he's getting from international pressure. and basically the major pressure coming from within. rebecca tell us that you spoke to people today. what did they have to say to you? what the people out that we've been speaking to out at the protest, so angry,
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there been many of them coming out for the entire 3 months of protest. now they say they're not going to stop even this legislation. he's going to be put on hold. let's have a listen to what some of them have to say that our leaders care about the nation of other people about the citizens. note about themselves every week, 53 months already. every week, every day, thursday, instead of a. and now we are here and we won't stop until we wait until we get our country back. i'll be left country. the moment one showed that he's a director of just because topic want law doesn't mean he isn't. but i'm just one person for the most important thing is to prevent, god forbid a civil war or a deepening the disconnect. we don't have any process in israel that said how you legislate up normal end of the one we're here. we want to return here in
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a year from now. we have to get now all these accomplishments. rebecca, what could benyamin netanyahu's next movie? really is the $1000000.00 question. the question on every body's tongues here. everybody waiting, as i said, for him to make a statement to the nation to decide just which way this political upheaval is going to go. it really, it could, it could go in any direction at this point. it's a little bit too hard to speculate on what exactly might happen, but we do know that benjamin at yahoo is clearly in a very tight spot trying to keep his coalition, his increasingly fragile coalition from falling apart. so he can maintain that government while trying to counter that with just the civil unrest that you're saying around the country. plus this pressure from external from the us who've come out in condemnation, urging that there is a negotiations and a compromise made. and we're seeing that from other external sources as well. so
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really walking a balance and we just don't know exactly yet. hopefully we will know more by the end of today, but still still waiting to see exactly how benjamin netanyahu is going to handle the situation. thanks rebecca rebecca ritter's in jerusalem here in germany, the vast majority of rail services, buses, and domestic flights have been brought to a halt by the biggest public sector strike and decades transport workers from germany's to biggest unions have walked off the job in a coal for higher wages to counter the cost of living crisis. inflation rates here in germany have been above the eurozone average in recent months. there is not a train in sight during rush hour, felons main station on monday. and frank, the attack put germany's top pub is nearly deserted. tens of thousands of transport workers are going on strike across the country,
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demanding pay increases to match growing inflation. planes, trains, and buses are at a standstill. and in some cities, local transport was also affected. these workers at frank for apple, it say that recent negotiations with their employers have failed. yes. likelihood we're striking today because we want to make it clear to our employers that the offer that they have made us is not enough. it does not reflect the amount of work we do, and we're going to show our solidarity with our bargaining committee, who are negotiated on our behalf to day and potsdam it was. we want to show them that we stand with them. most passengers found out about the plan strike ahead of time and some stranded travel as a balance train station have mixed feelings about the action. or they even meet them that i, i already with the people striking. but i would like to warm at home with
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a beer and be able to share my solidarity my my watching it on tv. solidarity though. do then is ian retiring kernan. not every one was his understanding. the action has been condemned by transport companies as causing major disruption. i didn't wraps, organ, and on millions of nurses who rely on buses and trains are suffering because of these excessive and extreme strikes. not everyone can work from home. thousands of companies who rely on sending and receiving goods by train will also be affected. and this is also a head for the environment and for the climate your merits on strictly muscles, salary negotiations will continue between transport walkers in their employers who eager to get all forms of travel back on track as soon as possible. their frankfurt airport is usually one of the world's busiest,
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but not today. the report her emily guardian sent us this assessment. we're standing here in the departure waterfront for airport, and normally this case would be absolutely packed with holidaymakers. right now it's pretty diverted. if you look at the departure board, every single flight has been cancelled. ironically it says more and more and more. and indeed, over 1000 flights have been canceled here. hundreds of thousands of passengers are factored bodies, cancellations, even if you just wanted to change flights here that is not possible here today. so we've spoken to a couple of travelers that harbor arrived here. many of them were flown into small, small the regional airports and then were taken on buses, adding sometimes 5 to 6 hours and travel time. but of course, this is not from nothing what to say. they can't make ends meet. they need these pay increases and don't want to strike is their way of putting pressure on the ongoing panic oceans. but of course the situation and you have not unique across
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you're presenting a wave of strikes, whether in the u. k. from, from spain. i'm not really reflects a why the struggle or the why the struggle of people not being able to pay for the rising bills, rising energy bills to deal with inflation revenue. that is a record hiv and going on. strikes is their way of making their voices heard. emily gorgine, they're taiwan, the former president, my using joe has started a controversial trip to china. it's the 1st such visit by a former head of state since 1949. my has recently landed at sean. i airport, the ex president has stressed that he will not meet with high ranking chinese officials and that the visit will focus on preserving pieces of trip as far as controversy in taiwan, a territory. beijing views as its own. while we can talk now, with chang found new, he is
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a political scientist and assistant professor at so show university tie once. welcome to d, w. so at taiwan former president, my young joe says this visit is not political. he says the trip could help ease tensions between taiwan and china, but his critics say it'll do the opposite. what your assessment will. it is indeed political because he's a former president and it is the 1st former prison who visited mainland china. so it is indeed a political and also why is controversial because china is now adding attention to the cross trade relations. we see that tire. china is flying a lot of fighter jets and watch ships around taiwan every day. and also is given time on a lot of pressures on the international politics. and recently, a switch of the diplomatic ties of honduras from taiwan to china.
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so there are a lot of tensions and allowed all pressures from china to taiwan. and this visit by the former prison my enjoys just, everybody was indorse a kind of endorsement to china behaviors in international politics. and we cannot expect him to say something about towns international status or to try for the time ones and international spaces in that area. so, so we see that in tulsa and i think it is sending a really wrong messages. tell us. so how is beijing responding to my visit? well, they gene it. but again, heidi will come such a visit because we see from last years, party congress. they genius starting
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a process called democratic consultation. and then they genius now inviting a lot of dedications politician from taiwan to china and they are starting a process of so called the mccarthy consultation to initiate the process of unification. i think my, my enjoy is part of this process in it is the inducement of the unification of, of the main and trying to, to tie one. so i think they genius hardy will come such a visit. now while former president, my is in china later this week, current taiwanese presidents, i, in, when is expected to make an equally controversial trip with the united states. what kind of message will they send to people, voters, even in taiwan? i don't think that is controversial is controversial to china only. so i think it is very clear that the worries now dividing into the democracy versus autocracy. kemp's is a like a new cold war. and i think ty,
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one in recent years is stay new for the democratic alliances and making friends with like minded countries. so it is very clear that time when it's making a trip to consolidate or diplomatic our lives and also making a significant visit to the us. it is highly likely that she will visit. she will have a meeting with the us house speaker mccarthy. so, so it's very clear that time when standing with the democratic alliances, however, my enjoy is standing with china and china is now standing with moscow with russia. and it is a kind of dictators alliance. so it's a 2 opposite options for full time when these voters tell us that you've mentioned the voters. is this being discussed a lot in taiwan at the moment? these visits? yes, of course, because in general election it is all about china, china factor. so in the general election, people always talk about the cross
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a relations and also the turn off actors and study. and after the 2020 general election, there's knows a big changes in public opinion. that is people are still aware of the chinese inference. oh, or other or so called trying a china shop power in taiwan. so people are concerned about how trying nice now inference in time once party parties are using the formation of warfare us and also pushing for unification. so i think the 2 parties, the ruling parties, d v p and also the opposition parties. and my angels came t are sending a very clear a messages to the voters. here, chang found new and taiwan. thank you. let's have a look now at some other stories making headlines around the world. in kenya, police have clashed with protesters who are angry over the rising cost of living crowds took the streets of the capital, nairobi, defying
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a ban on demonstrations. shots were closed and transport services were disrupted. the opposition is calling for renewed protests on thursday. cleanup efforts are underway in the us state of mississippi. after tornadoes destroyed several towns. president joe biden has declared an emergency freeing of federal funds. at least 25 people were killed when the twisters flattened neighborhoods down trees and power lines. ukraine's ground forces commander says his troops continue to repel russian attacks on the eastern city of back moot calling. it's defense, a quote, military necessity. the battle of boot is the longest since rushes full scale invasion of ukraine with both armies suffering heavy human and material losses. ukrainian president vladimir zalinski has handed out metals to soldiers on a surprise visit to the front lines. sir lansky thanked troops for their service in
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these aperture region where russian forces are in control of europe's largest nuclear plant. fierce fighting continues to rage in the countries east with casualties mounting on both sides. ukraine does not disclose its losses, put us officials have estimated more than 100000 ukrainians. have been killed or injured during the war fellow to be over a shank. ho was just 20 when he died. oh later the butter 26 bo down plesco was 21. they all thought for their country at this graveyard in hoc eve, there are hundreds of soldiers graves over each one flies, a ukrainian flag that sits in though the price is so high. do you see how many of our soldiers have fallen in this war union? i hope the sacrifice is not in vain. your ship starts in novel on the durham law in
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ukraine, during lent relatives bring bread and sweets to the graves for the dead iran or is here with her son. her husband, it was a border guard club. the we do that. well, it looks ukraine. there are so many graveyards everywhere in ukraine. this is awful as it is a slow so that it is time to end this war. but as a result, those there are just too many ukrainian victims, small, so good in the next group of mourners is already waiting for a 26 year old who was killed in blackwood, muslims around the world are taking part in ramadan, the holiest month of the islamic calendar, it's marked by fasting, charity, prayer and reading of the koran. but years of studying can leave copies of the holy script desperately in need of repair. our next report here is from
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a traditional book binder in the m and e capital santa working to restore as many as he can with the street to center bustling. it's a busy time for bookbag does like caching al serra she has she music traditional methods to particular c restored, damaged copies of the crown ramadan brings? was it more customers and has sheen worked long hours to meet the increase in demand? was worshippers fasting from dawn to dusk. more time is left for reading and reciting . the holy book. oh, i defraud. 47 copies of the koran here to be repaired because some of them need fixing. we take damaged copies from moses to be restored at our own expense. during ramadan, particularly, everyone wants to reside the koran em available office. in the cities mosques, local people come together to recite passages like you
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do. oh, we are studying the holy koran, the teacher, and am to learn with his teaching me the rules of enter nation. i looked at rid, may allah bring blessings. well, a luxury at this time of year worshippers show the corridors, good mosques in santa thanks to all of the people of yemen or taken good care of the koran. they are preserved in it, honor in it and pondering its meaning as well as had during to the parameters of what's permissible and what's forbidden. they are following what a lot of mighty has said. what of the ignite migail. hello, hannah with ireland to sports now. and looking ahead to the meeting of the international olympic committees board this week, it will be discussing the participation of russian and barrison athletes in sports
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competitions. the i o. c currently recommends allowing such athletes to compete under a neutral flag, but some ukrainian athletes are getting ready to cross swords with olympic officials over the issue. in keith, they practice their sport between air, raid sirens and missile attacks by russia. the notion that they may have been expected to compete against athletes from russia and its staunch ally, bella roost, leaves the ukrainian female fencers at a loss. the sticky on the one hand, there is sport and a victory on the other. our soldiers dying finish. it is very difficult to have on the team has already heard what it regards as bad news from the international fencing federation, the f i. e, which this month voted to a low, the return to competition of russian and bella, russian athletes starting in mid april,
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just in time to qualify for the paris 2024 olympics. helene there's a ac, is that we know that this world in general is not very fear, but this decision outrages us or new on saturday protestors raised their voices outside the i was c headquarters in law son i oh see president thomas by says nor athlete should be discriminated against based on their passport. and that politics should be kept out of sport. that's not gone. don't well, cruise fences and nash, this is not just our problem, but also an international one. after all, today, ukraine is under attack and to morrow it can be any other country. that's why you can't close your eyes to let to which ukraine has threatened the boy caught of the parasol lympics as
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a last resort. it's doubtful that the fuel throated support of the u. s. and dozens of other countries would extend to joining them. given that the i was see, says any such news would be against its charter. in motor sports, raining moto g, p world champion, francesco vanya has won the season. opening portuguese graham pre e to county ryder dominated the race, taking the lead after a crash involving pole seater mark mark with his success follows a victory in the sprint race. on saturday. a season april as go this one in portugal was not short on drama. pardon? favorite miguel olivera got off to a flying start. moving from 4th to 1st on the opening lab. but oliverez in the portuguese fans. joy was short lived to last. later he was taken out of the race and a crash, or some involve whole fit and mount marquez, oliver ashanti from behind, marquez suffering,
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a possible fracture to his hands. natural benefitted francesco benya fresh from his when in the spring race on saturday. he completed his double victory in style with the note to christiana, rinaldo trademark gold celebration, cecily and mary abbey. very happy. we're done the perfect job for sure. only mister bud deletion, but was the same starting from the front. oh, the raining champ, already setting a mark. once again, he looks like the man said, beat. well, before we go, here's a reminder of our top story. in israel, demonstrators have gathered outside the kinetic to continue colds for prime minister benjamin netanyahu to hold judicial reforms. israel's largest union is staging a general strike against the bail. branding flights of the countries main airport is ready media report that they've done. yeah. who made bow to public pressure and suspend the plants. you're watching dw news coming up next. in dw is
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asia. what a former taiwanese leaders visit to china says about the state of the opposition on the island. barish banner gee, will be here with more on that story after the break. and don't forget that there's plenty more news analysis on our website at dw dot com, and you can follow up on our social media channels where our handle is dw, and use on bottle of honey in the us for me and the team here. brandt, thanks roger. take care, i don't see again at the top the next hour with
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ah, with who i would stoves are back and wisdom particle pollution to save money. germans are turning on their fireplaces. it's cheap and cozy, but it causes massive air quality problems. scientists are sounding the alarm,
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demanding all fireplaces be equipped with catalytic converters to morrow to day. in 60 minutes on d w. the amount of cost is increasing every year, many im gonna working on landfills with the only why fairly holiday destinations drowning in plastic white. we read wine at the console with every year. europe exports over 1000000 tons of plastic with there. another way. after all, the environment isn't to recyclable. make up your own mind. d. w. made for mines. oh, i has too much. do you do the flu? i seem to tenant fantastic. ah, she survived. oh,
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schmidt's thanks to music. he was the nazi's favorite conductor. he is morally degenerate to musicians under the swastika, a documentary about the sounds of power, inspiring story about survival of the home and go get the tennis. i was the only one. what minded luc music in nazi germany. watch now on youtube, d. w documentary, it avenues aisha coming up to date, a history making visit across the taiwan straits. my young job because the fast current or former taiwanese leader to visit china and 74 years what's his motivation and what does it say about his political party? the gorman tongues position.


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