tv Eco India Deutsche Welle March 28, 2023 7:30am-8:01am CEST
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tennis tennis has ah, she survived our spits thanks to music. he was the nazis favorite conductor. he is morally degenerate to musicians under the swastika, a documentary about the sounds of power, inspiring story about survival of the home and get the tennis. i was the only one. what lies it look, music in nazi germany. watch now on youtube. b. w documentary. ah ah. humans are dependent on energy. whether it's to heat, our homes, look off food or travel to work. but this dependency fuel by its limited resources,
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has led to a crisis that threatens the world as we know it, humanities only who is to change the way we think about energy and debbie get it from. that's what we talk about today. hello, welcome to eco india. i'm son, that i go. now garbage is another problem. give clear it. every day we produce more than 2000000000 tons of solid waste. in thumb and nod will adjust a using that trash to generate energy solving to problems at once. let's see how. ah, a little boss, some done walked through this village and he will noticed all of these lights come on. these lights are powered by this, this, this and this. we all can jungle village and gum. another zivare gun guy district. here they generate electricity from vase using this bow. gas blocked. everybody
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keeps stocking nowadays about west to well. so this is a perfect as on mission in that angle. dom law do generates more than 14 and a half tons of solid risk every day. most of it is collected by local municipal bodies, but only half of it is processed. the rest goes straight to landfills. we're collecting, we're collecting all the rest and generalizing. we're trying to segregate, we're in processing assets that we're not 100 percent of processing in many places . so now that attempt to, we're making, the blonde receives waste from more than $4000.00 households and come to wrangell village. additionally, the super gun guy down an 8 near by villages also contribute ways from their vegetable market through the blonde, on average, the blonde receives anywhere between 500 to 1800 kilograms of bio degradable waste every day the village president money moved to say is that this process reduces the
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burden of vist management on those local bodies. funny commer oh, sunday retina. now a products i, let's assume there is a leaky market in one of those villages on a saturday. and we go in the evening and collect the v est with the vehicle. when we do saw, the village saves about $15000.00 rupees that it would have otherwise. a spangler did that add up to like $60000.00 rupees. amanda's went any product or not. even i believe it wants to waste to send to the bio guest blonde. it falls within the purview of the blond supervisors look up ready brooch. he works long side to sen because in overseas operations in the blonde to ensure every 10 grams of smoothly, although the biodegradable waste is already segregated when it arrives, pradeep says it is necessary to repeat the process. only it contained biodegradable waste only that many to cross ticket to ensure that it doesn't contain anything like last extension of as we get here. it is made up of the tables, chicken parts and things from the students and vis from which other schools and
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fish markets like october think negated, which on the list up and send it on to for the next, a standalone for that next the se, debit travels through as crew type convince straight to the shred over, it is mixed with water and flows down to the edge data. the agitator is nothing but a collecting dang, that continuously stirs the waste before feeding it to the digestion. but before we get into what that is, that is an important step which involves cow dung. and all of that, if you get a lot of cytochrome, to count of the acidity, the add about 100 k g of golden doodle to think that and shows that the back media inside survives i had the act quickly quicker. that's an out of now back to the digest. it is this huge balloon like structure. and here is where the magic happens . this digested capacity is 2 metric tons, meaning it can process 2000 gallows of vase width 2000 litters of water at any
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given time. the rest of it to the digester takes just a month to decompose. that process would be 3 times as long if the refuse were left out in the open will not honestly, if you don't, the based on that or the police becomes dirty. landfilling happens. that problem of landfilling thought because of my best learning a lot that melodies, anyone who wants to buy a gas is produced. unwanted gases and moisture content are scrubbed out and the filtered gas is fact of the generator for electricity generation and can go out in the dense and order give us a degenerate us capacities 15 kilowatt like engineered up to 100 units of electricity with the and died who nick is powered by mortality, nicky. as i d movie pouting, 25 lights around declined with this electricity. and then secondly, we have a charging istation for the eguard bedding, snobbish to what you were charging, wondering about from bio gas to digest role, to generate slurry water as a byproduct. it is an efficient alternative to chemical fertilizer and is distributed free of cost to residents in the region. nathaniel,
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unless larry water has to be used in one by an issue for every daily dose of water . vanita ross, letty is mixed with big because it's highly concentrated with nitrogen that the garden head was created with that lady water, our sanitary workers, working that accent. they take over the fruits and vegetables, they read about a cultivating their desire. it gives them some supplementary income, also for them to sustain their lives. the plant was financed by the ministry of ruler development. for 66 lat rupees, about 75000 years. it's daily operations are managed by the villages administration . he did this type of unit can be set up in every village, ex benita in quantity can been abused and this model can be replicated. it's pretty good all at india. this must be known as m. since the by august unit began operating in august 2021, it has processed some 400 metric tons of biodegradable waste
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and sustainably. the west has to be managed 100 as to remeasured and low cost that happens or not in dms of financial benefits. but that in terms of the ecological benefits, the protection of our health, protection of our public health sanitation. that way only we can assess in the future. the village administration plans to utilize all of the electricity generated from the bio guess plan to politics, office, and other administrative buildings. hype, a local and decentralized solutions like these con commute not only to the waste management needs of the region, but also to safe, healthy living spaces. oceans cover more than 70 percent of diet. ocean tides could potentially be an abundant source of energy, but utilizing that power is not so simple. we took a look at the highs them laws of tidal energy. off the coast of scotland. you could witness this wind turbines being put into the water. they're called tidal turbines
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. they sit on the sea floor and harness the energy in the moving water that comes in and goes out with the tides tell car just cannot sitting there and waiting to be used. the potential is huge. it's estimated that we could practically capture enough tidal energy to power all home from the united states, twice over my research with climate change shows beneath this energy. now, yes, at the moment, all the energy we get from existing title power plants worldwide can power less than 400000 homes. so how does title power work exactly? and why isn't it every way at the tides are predictable. they come in, they go out and they've been doing this the same way since the moon was born. so with the dial stick a turbine on the water as it flows in or out. and viola you can make electricity with the same principle that window binds. you moving water mix the turbine spin,
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this powers the gearbox on a generator, which turns mechanical energy into electricity. water incidentally is over $800.00 times downfield, an air which means that time turbines need to be studio, but they can be smaller and slower and still individually produce more power than wind turbine. wind starts and stops blowing somewhat randomly and the sun isn't always out. so these renewables can be difficult to integrate into the grid tides, as we know, i really, really predictable and consistent. so if batches are charged, when tides are flowing, we could use those batteries each time there's no movement and repeat at regular intervals. with tides to mean waste extract, power exist, once called title stream, and the other title range. let's talk about titled range power. that takes advantage of the difference between the high and the low tide,
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which can go up to 12 meters. and this kind of title power has been around for decades. the oldest title drain generator lawrence was built in northern france in 1966. it cost around $1000000000.00 in today's money, which is cheaper than a comparable nuclear power plant. there are 4 other titled range plants running in south korea, russia, canada, and china. apart from geography, the infrastructure to support titled range plants does, doesn't exist everywhere. and people have opposed the massive structures because they can be who difficult the local environment, disturbing migratory fish, the composition of the soil, and even taking space away from local communities. 98 percent of total energy today comes from titled range projects that together have a capacity of $520.00 megawatts, which is still a tiny, tiny fraction of consumption. but the other kind of title, power generation could ship things up for the younger and sexier kind of the market
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dido stream power. it's showing more promise at the moment with its simpler devices that depend on underwater currency caused by the tides. they vary in shape and design. i like wind turbines that have been known to cause the lungs of bats flank boss to implored the pressure difference caused by title barrages could have a similar effect on the internal organs of fish. but title stream projects are already more eco friendly. what we see is climate change is by far the worst enemy . so yes, big things will have a environmental effects. but we should put them in that context. climate change, compared to wind of solar energy. title has been slow for the reason you might have guessed. sadly, a lot of the solutions are really expensive because the industry, so young with very small industry, it's, you know,
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it doesn't have an established supply chain or manufacturing chain. corrosion is going to be big problems. you're going to choose your materials, really carefully, bio falling as a really big issue where, you know, you put something, the water is things are going to want to grow on it. and it's going to make it into low, many repo habitat, the performance of the turbo deteriorates. he finds when we are renting, that that's a huge operational costs. which is why most title stream generation project cluster in the global, not where financial support to death. the technology at this stage exists, china and south korea joining in but low income countries like india have been slow, a drop plans to try out idle power. but they could benefit when the costs of deployment begin to fall, while its financial cost is still higher than other renewables. if net benefit could actually be higher when you consider things like it's predictable supply of clean energy to the grid. or the fact that stream projects don't visually affect a beautiful sea view. so especially,
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and course to long island nations title does have the power to play a significant role in getting to net 0 in a relatively less destructive way. the need of the hour is to make total power competitive from the depths of the ocean to moon buys high rise, rooftops where more and more people are considering solar panels to generate cleaner and cheaper electricity. we explored how businesses are helping people lose the sun's limitless energy. efficiently. share money is a financial consultant who now works from home, which means his electricity use has flight. he tried to set up solar panels on his roof to north his carbon footprint, but ran into a problem living in the city leg one by 8. your new understand the moodle. stop is
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never communion spirit said so shared spirit, it's not on late. the other thing is that you have your worn holes, your own little thought that you can, you know, yours or control, ah saw, gaining access to little thought who set up a solar panel warns that electricity, because i'd like to say diesel, openly, con, weekly, or bi only me this is one big problem. several renters and homeowners in crowded cities like mom, by our facing. and it accounts for a large gap between the countries. ambition for rooftop solar generation and the reality under around india dog. it was to produce around 40 gigawatts of energy from rooftop solar generation. by 2023. so far, only 8 gigawatts have been generated. other factors holding it back out, a lack of standardization in solar policies and practical financial support for solar installations. ah, but there are now
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a few startups in india working to bridge these gaps like betty job that has raised private investment to install a low cost solar panel for the dangers of communities. so far they have set up solar panels for hundreds residential complexes in one by pony and nashik model and was a long term leasing contract and financial support. eventually, the communities will own the panels. so with us, the divers fixed for 15 years, that is one benefit. second it is immediately i'd be 0, it is 50 percent of your cost and $3.00, it is free. and when you set it up at the end of 15 years, the plan does transfer to the consumer free of cost. ah. however, the update from urban consumers continues to be slow and then date. but betty or john will founder, she believes that when a few people feel incentivized to buy in more will follow i feel that you know, if the trust definitely needs to be solved for, ah,
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the starting step for solving their trust is definitely them would instantly shane social prove, which is with that creates they are working with a bangalore based technologies doctor called sandy grids, also attempting to make solar energy more accessible and affordable by going digital. is it possible for us to basically decouple the boat, the problems of a having to go? so wanting to go solar on one side and having a physical installation doesn't necessarily have to happen on your own. rooftops, right? can it be just like, you know, back in the day we used to carry or another thumb drive with storage. and now everything is on the cloud in a similar fashion. can we put solar on the cloud? it sounds novel, but it's similar to a credit treat scheme. how it works is sunday grids rains grids, like those belonging to the residential solar project from perry, which are the units of energy produced here,
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are mark distola credits and can then be traded on their platform. customers can invest in the panels, monthly and reserve units of solar credit because of economics of scale, the big kick them because we are building larger systems and then we are basically, you can come and re so smaller portions on it. they have let me resort to close a solar we actually segregate and basically allocate to glow what's off this particular project for your requirements. so whatever power gets generated from this, right, we trade the power to a local, a partner of ours. in this case, it is this building, retrieve this power at the p defined price point. so that is around $5.00 rupees per unit. that bubble essentially, whatever gets treated, that credit then come to a what? so every time you come and create an account with us on our platform, we also create a wallet like a digital wallet, in for the but to clear up on and on to that a wallet, we essentially add those credits from the system. since it's launch in november
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2021 sunday grids has purchased 64 kilowatts or solar capacity through multiple residential rooftop installations across my and bank lot. and people from around the country can and have bought into these installations as it's in the development phase. the solar power market relies on subsidies from the state. the startup companies also have private investors who are financing them and funding their operational costs. sunday griggs have on boarded with most public and private electricity suppliers and built us in biotech collaboration with solar producers. like betty, we'll just, we'll provide that infrastructure. they need a group of believers educating over digital holiday. you know, i, i felt this was 11 that julie grid. oh gab. but he was filling in the and died ecosystem. the link between public and private electricity providers is
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a really important step that helps customers offset the credit against that electricity bills and minimize their own carbon footprint. and this platform was exactly what shall ronnie was looking for. it's undergrads. i started at about 50 percent off my bill basically the greatest give getting a crude to your account as their generator. and whenever you have to pay your bill, you can this born to that of portal or the backboard and use your credits to pay your bill. and if anything's left right, you can use your traditional sources to pay the rest of the going rate. and what that also allows me to do is all the ability to decide how much of my bill to offset gives me a good starting point, right. or as an entryway into this ecosystem. while this still remains accessible only to
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a small section of indiana city dwellers and is still in its early stages, going indoor digital solar energy is one potential step forward. talk, lena, future. oh, solar panels. like those from the last report. wind power, title, energy. these renewable sources are key to generating clean, abundant power. the infrastructure needed to harness that power requires other resources. and there's the question of what we do with the material when we can no longer use them. we travel to poland, where a company has found a creative solution with these wind turbines are more than 20 years old compared to modern ones. they're small and inefficient. so they're being torn down. so what happens to these green
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energy giants at the end of their lifespan? the blades, especially, are made of composites and plastics. instead of recycling them a lot ends up in landfills, more incinerated in the kilns of cement and steel factories for some years. now, facilities that it's generate them aren't really happy about it and that's down to the physics of the combustion process. last fall, the glass fibers bonded with residence which come up the kiln and the ash on die. so quite apart from the environment, luna sank on. it's just not an ideal solution. zeal is neat. you lose own and recycling is only just getting off the ground. it's only recently that wind turbine manufacturers have had the wind to waste problem on their radar. that often leads to situations like this on this green field decommission turbine blades
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are dismantled for the scrapyard. one company near the polish city of rod suave has come up with a solution unmet takes all turbine blades from germany and turns them into furniture. the plains of 12 meters long are 1st sought intersections, sounded and painted. they get a new life as outdoor furniture, chairs, benches, and tables. accented with top quality, large wood. students from the university of shalana gotta come up with the designs. they're thrilled that their products are being bought by customers around the world. of course we can use it inside, but i think outside is am is by the right to to use this material. because it's water proof is damaged grove,
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a foot bridge, another of unmet novel recycling ideas. the rotor blades were transformed into the support for a pedestrian bridge. it's the brain child of engineer on j. r. done show. for him. old blades are not hazardous waste, but a resource spout. shamiqua news me ions go to the for example. we don't try to change the shape of the rotor of yet, we turn it into a sculpture or that doesn't blade and switch me go. is going to be monumental. i really big so that when it was really wild bush bunge, it'll be on a narrow jug. rosanna enclave novel of runs, an online shop wings for living. that's the exclusive retailer. there's even an app to let you see what the furniture would look like in your garden shed novel and his counterparts in poland are good friends. a garden bench like this can easily cost 1500 euros. we're aiming to be
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a small and stylish branches that helps raise awareness of the problem and also shows that old discarded objects can be turned into beautiful and unique furnishings. the movie boy, his friends and poland are constantly coming up with innovative designs. like a rotor wing transformed into a wine cellar. when it comes to up cycling the sky's the limit. and there is no shortage of turbine blades that need re purposing. will. the new generation of wind turbines are bigger and more powerful. modern turbines are temples of high tech filled to the brim with electronic components. and they promised to help solve the wind to waste problem. in 30 or 40 years, when these turbines go offline, they'll be more easily recycled into valuable raw materials. alanon ha, yesterday about the all big manufacturers are working on producing their components
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and so that they'll be easier to recycle. meaning in a way that's environmentally sustainable energy saving and cost savings in advance . if the customer, 100 percent recyclable turbine blades are the wave of the future. germany, for example, plants to install $1500.00 new wind turbines a year in a few decades. their aging blades will be mind for valuable raw materials. recycling, conformist surely seems to be the way forward. and while we're talking about the way forward, a team in india and germany is working hard on bringing eco india to point to in the next few weeks. sadly, it's time for me to say good bye. thank you for all your depreciation and support over these last 4 and a half years. aku. and i have enjoyed every minute of bringing you this short week after week. keep tuning in to find context and solutions to some of the biggest
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out and proud, and look back. a pulse with the beginning of a story that moves us and takes us along for the ride. it's all about the perspective. culture information. this is the that were you news and he w, made for mines a few minutes on d, w. and he tagged along to this vessel hotspots in germany, europe and the world d. w. travel extremely, we're in several did and right wing extremists, that's right. progressed and again,
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world lobby and couple rate and burned in south africa. people with disabilities more likely to lose their jobs. independent, make black lives matter. shine a spotlight on racially motivated police violence, same sex marriage is being legalized in more and more countries, discrimination and inequality. are part of everyday life. for many we ask why? because life is diversity. to make up your own mind. d. w. lead for mines. ah.
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