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tv   Discover Uzbekistan  Deutsche Welle  March 29, 2023 6:15am-7:01am CEST

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about the future of music, so i don't know why they sound just as good in math that you're watching. d. w. news live from berlin up next here on the channel a documentary exploring the central asia nation of is becca stock, which once was one of the most important house in the region. don't forget this more news and analysis around the clock on d, w dot com. and you can find us on older majors, social media, i'm full, i was like up from me in the team here in berlin, thanks the company, my phone. imagine how many portion of lunch are thrown out in the world. climate change to be very comp, the story. this is my plan, the way from just one week. how much was can really get we still have time to go. i'm going on with
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what 5th? ah. ah, endless deserts and deep gorges. along the old silk road, we travel by train through a mysterious country whose back histone ah, the former soviet republic is a country offering both 1001 nights and communist style prefabricated homes a country with strong women twins in uniform and some very special camel driving techniques, a journey from the deepest caves in the world, ah,
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to the remains of the r l. c. ah tosh kent capital of the presidential republic of his back, his don, founded only in 1991 in 1966, it was the victim of a devastating earthquake. it was rebuilt in the modern soviet style. now, massive transport routes,
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chris crossed the city. the main train station is located in the city center waiting on platform one is this so cold silk road? express engine driver. uh huh. who j. u dash f checks everything once again so that the train can leave on time at 8 am last quarter. so ross lincoln also allows even as a child i dreamed of becoming a trained driver because my father was one that he drove old soviet machines that the working conditions were really tough. back then over today, everything is much better and more comfortable. although you also get them on a salary after the
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rail road is still a lifeline for his breakfast on and it's 33000000 inhabitants. it takes about 20 hours to go from tosh. kent across the country to the east, to the former shores of the arrow, see the road network. he is poor in his baker's stone. and flying is expensive because of this. most people just take the train was biggest on is located in the heart of central asia between afghanistan and kazakhstan. al journey takes us from the capital tosh. kent towards summer comes along the he saw mountains and further to bo hara and across the desert to the almost dried up our aisle. seat
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water is the greatest treasure if this dry country in the 1970 several dams were built on the slopes of the t, an sion mountains which still fulfilled tashkent. water needs to day. but there's not just water in these mountains. hidden deep within them is a secret that the soviet union, guarded the decades. in the 1940s uranium was discovered here. for the mine is a top secret, sissy bills out of the ground. to day, it looks like a ghost town. ah ah, a one of the last inhabitants of yanine but is
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merit in your cave. who was one of the 1st people born here 67 years ago. every morning he makes his rounds. first stop the daycare for his that same lived another. was it a sales nor a message for me? yeah, i was only one month old. my parents brought me to this daycare in 1954 currently at now nobody is left. she'll filler spot. so yes, go say user. when the soviet union collapsed and the mine was closed off, there was normal work and almost every one that is a busy witness. the year will arrive both it never lazara. ah, things are lonely in yonah, but the former music school like the whole city, was built by vulgar germans it feels
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like a faded european memory in the middle of asia a meal or with of which a year with is called a 3 gordon the for to be on when i was a child. i took piano lessons, here. it was over till after 3 years the teacher told my parents, i shouldn't come anymore because i had no chance of becoming a musician or you can watch. i mean i was incredibly happy with this statement. yeah. well is, can you start up as a more salvage 5 years ago merits got married for the 2nd time to his childhood suite. larissa, she said, what are we having? stay in the blue cheese soup? will it taste good? of course. yeah. you know, well i can't remember this new life been young, but again the olympic boxing team is training here in the pleasant mountain. an
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larissa and merit have befriended young saw he about and perhaps adopted her obese yes. venue my 0 food fishes from lots of our garbage. a. i started focusing in 2017 and i've been on the national team since 2019 half of the month. i'm at home and the other 2 weeks i trained. yeah. bought a lot of information. mm hm. and the training is hard for the olympic team. while boxes in other countries prepare for the competition in high take. jim's the coach, he knows break his don has more rustic methods in mind.
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it was there is through it. i bought orchard. she's so good. originally we only trained men here, but for 6 years we've been preparing girls for competitions as well. develop the truth about some of this and the regimen e streaked. get up at 5 o'clock, then an insurance run off to break this training in the whole followed by stone lifting at the river. i want to succeed and i hope to take part in the olympic games some day. and when a girl of metal ah, the training in yona bud is exhausting. so it's nice to have a surrogate family like the one. so he bought a house that's the day. oh, he greetings my big stuff on his eyes. well dolton go now he to nice bone of
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c. okay, is not chris j, i am very off time sick, but my will to achieve something in boxing is simply great. as a new, i've no washing brioche them, it's so nice to have you because we miss our own chunky j budgeting mara, sons. like so many others. you have long since left young bud. ah, the seal growed express has left the mountains behind and is now moving through increasingly sparse vegetation. with the construction of the railroad began here more than a 100 years ago, and soviet times the railway network was the highest priority, and there still is a lot of construction going on it. rosanna,
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thousands of years ago caravans travelled along the banks of the czar of shawn river to the east and west. it's the lifeline of probably the most legendary city and central asia. some kind the center of the city reg is don square. today, a populous font for photos. and in the 15th century, the sight of the most prestigious university in the islamic world was breakfast on is considered a police state. and recently, even has special police for tourists, twins, fatima, and so forth, were actually english teachers before they joined the police. they beat the register to wear a uniform,
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it was a dream from our childhood. and the opening new department to refill is apartment. we were the 1st time to work here. so i thought it's me and i to why my sister's with me with patrolling. isn't that easy for the 2 of them? because the tourists want one thing above old. a photo with the twins in uniform. the fearful as special a teenagers wanted to take a picture and mostly girls they wanted to be a like, fullest man. like this place was a hub for mathematics and astronomy. in the 15th century. sure
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is india is a magical place for 600 years. the necropolis has been hanging on the hills over summer, can mazin of do gunny, caused the faithful to prayer with the large tomb lies within the twins precincts, all in it because we walk in this a place historical place and when we have a nicer relationship and i say a relationship, then i walk oil will be easy. ah, if some travel se had finance, eliza is theresa. when they worked together with during soviet times, the 11 mausoleums were left to decay. but recently they have undergone extensive
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restoration. let all the new storm stella kitchen, all the old owl and the past life as a devout muslim was very difficult. there were only a few mosques in which one could pray. there was hardly any possibility to train is a museum monopoly. today there are 2000 mosques in new spec, you stand up and new ones are still being built in the curious rosalyn, okay? kind of in those raised every muslim can once again, freely and openly practice their beliefs. and i also love that if judge that a founder machine of do gunny is also responsible for the care of the tombs. the most important place in the complex, the to move a bus who is said to have brought islam to summer. i can't shut
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off this. am what other chunky woo my jamal. good will the joy for me? it is always a deep feeling of gratitude that i am given the honor of serving here in law to us . also this is a holy place because our boss who lives here was the prophets cousins along. i'm like another a bus to all and that the phones with each evening in some kind. the police twins fatima and zapora have been invited to their grandmother's house for a small family celebration. ah, no more than an hour. my change of medicine. i am so proud of my 2 granddaughters. even when i was young, it was unthinkable for a woman to wear uniforms. i think of the twins each have one daughter,
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divorced and live independently. our parents gave us a really nice life because they hadn't said to lie on their own life. and now we tried to be to show our boss is full on what children ah, me to the east of some kind mountains rise abruptly from the landscape. here once stood the magnificent palace of t more who conquered all of central asia in the 14th century. that he saw mountains of the west and most foothills of the himalayas. here over millions of years,
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the deepest caves in the world were formed. speedily ologist vladimir dulcie and puzzled bear are on their way to uncover a great secret. but then i can see it. so i can wait on the fisher, i have it, and what we want to go to the 2 more in cave to investigate legend has it said t more hid there with his entire army. we want to find out if this was actually possible. of course, a lot of but the root, his loan and difficult ah . after 18 hours on bumpy roads in an old terrain vehicle, they can continue only by foot. i saw a 100 so and then when shall fall? the trail was very long and we're tired to get him. we won't make it to the cave to
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day. we'll set up camp here and on the sample size, i get this and to morrow morning it all begins. heading down into this canyon. aah! vladimir and pavel have been working together for 8 years now and i've explored many caves, right? the fella ross by someone to show you that a bit of narrows eliza meza beach by get. this is the simplest and cheapest food. there is the classic student today. here in the mountains, it's very convenient because it's so easy to prepare to get through to my doctor. here in the mountains, there's hardly any infrastructure. the 2 men are on their own. they must be careful, especially in the evening. after all,
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bears ann leopard still live here at 6 in the morning. the march to the t. mo cave begins. all of us are thought to shift with us with some civil docket, but we have to go down here and then along the river through the gorge and then back up again. above the cave must be behind there. somewhere along down the steep cliffs, we go into the canyon called the color, cher hon. the lion fortress.
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the cave has 2 entrances. the explorers designed to take the smaller one. ah shoot it out. when the ball inside decayed it will be very cold. so we need to dress warmly. we will try to explore as much of the cave as possible to see if the survival of many people have as possible a toll. most importantly, of course, is water without drinking water. no one could have survived it with as much as the rhythm of it is written already. even though it's really hot outside, inside the temperature drops quickly into the single digits.
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oh my business vicky does that picture of things just my paycheck? looks like left of his here. take a look at this. i don't think so. let's go married on yoga. all right, that's got no more daylight reaches this part of the cave. the explorers find themselves in total darkness was just that i said, and if we have to descend deeper now, we suspect there's water down there. if the stories are true, there must have been some kind of lake here in timor's time, although with and if it exists, we'll find it. my younger daughter simo, ruled an enormous empire in the 14th century from present a india to turkey. his victorious campaigns has said to have begun from this came
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to look for though and above. there's a small waterfall there. yes, the water is collecting down that grinding noise from the drinking water for tea more more but was water alone enough to cape hundreds of soldiers and maybe even their horses alive? when ashley course, of course to liberty, there was testimony old food. how old it is, however, is difficult to say, just as mountain place. after 5 hours in the cave, they stopped their way back. i found a small reservoir, so there is water here, bags am appointed to store. however, the way into the cave is difficult. it's hard to say if it could have been done with horses. in any case, they could have been shouted fellow guanasha. ah, still, there's not enough evidence to say whether timor was here. it still remains
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a mystery lecoq. they'll come back to explore tea more in cave further. ah, from here it's less than a 100 kilometers to afghanistan. the silk road express is now heading west again. every one has their own way to pass the time. of course food is also important on such a long trip and it's served at their seats like everywhere in the country. the national dish pill off is on the menu, rice with carrots and mate cooked on a cold stove. aust, i'm know the sun and the stove,
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push the temperature in here up to 60 degrees celsius. it's really hard to cook and such heat was baked. cuisine is full of mate here. mutton goes with everything. will fairly fashion over the guests. mainly want to eat peel off or meat skews and cold willing i'll have enough to satisfy them. all piled up with the train is now entering the next famous city. bo hara, the oasis of booth horror is said to have been inhabited as early as 500 b c. it was once famously rich, and one of the most important stops on the silk road.
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boot her allies some 2800 kilometers northeast of jerusalem. yet it's home to one of the oldest ju communities in the world. ah, daniel, nuts itself, son of the old rabbi, is a watchmaker here in bo herrera. he's rented one square meter from a small travel agency to carry out his business where a thumbs image so much sarah, boy, that we've been watchmakers for generations. my grandfather, my father, my brothers, me and also my son. when my grand father lived here, the jewish community was huge. sir marcella, thank god, but as time went by, it became smaller and smaller and amy than when a woman shall film in the shop. every day at 6 o'clock shop,
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the 53 year old closes his stool and heads hon. the 1st jews from this ancient community. a said to have settled here after the babylonian captivity around $500.00 b. c. even 100 years ago, the jewish community contained more than 25000 members. to day daniel and his wife, new books, and about 150 others make out the last jews in the city. hey, to well, how was your day? mm hm. how was yours? it was quite good at her as a nationwide the she only meet him with a sheer nasha and he came with our future like that of our children lives in israel . what kind of life would that be alone without our children?
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we have to go with a and our grandchildren. ok. even though it will be very sad to leave this wonderful house behind leudemann though as though dead after her father in law, the old rabbi died. the 49 year old and her husband took care of the synagogue just across the street to day community members are preparing a memorial service for the dead or go to any of my medical. my is sick, literally. we want to remember my mother in law today. her name was on over maria, and she died in the usa at the age of 19 and was buried back to my car every year we held this memorial day here in harrow. now i am. yeah. who died of a community member has agreed to read and it will all be streamed live for relatives in the u. s. he is the has on the can tool and has no training
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of look every one around these table wants to leave the country in the next few years, mainly for economic reasons, for israel or the u. s. very nice there they can easily get a residence per miss roseville. hello quote. we're gonna be a source for the even if i leave bo hara, i won't forget our traditions. i carry them deep in my heart, and i will continue to live the life of a book. what are jew everywhere? it is simply in me and i will pass on everything i know to my children and, and children at his on same day a it seems that the 2500 year old history of the book are a jews, is about to come to an end a religion that was indigenous here for over 1000 years before islam came
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by the early hours of the morning, the silk road express has reached the edge of the castle. come was becky's dance. great desert either at all the loss of allah get spell out of it. my father used to tell me how hard the work was, especially on long distance trips in the sun, shone so strongly on the metal roof of the locomotive. that it became unbearably hot for the driver to give my life to day. it looks completely different. the driver's cab is comfortable and we even have air conditioning. give us up to me. unfortunately, for those in the carriages, there is no air conditioning. every one tries to cool down in their own way. despite the heat,
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the most important thing in every ooze. big train con remains the tea kettle for people. hot tea on a hot dice the most normal thing in the world. john, i've already taken off my shirt because of the heat with a good working ventilation system. it would be more bearable here, but one will still applies. if you drink cold water, you sweat more. if you drink hot tea, you sweat. bless. i think. cuz ill cool means red sand. the enormous desert stretches from the curriculum desert in took, menaced on through was breakfast on to kazakhstan. originally, the desert was populated only by no mads, but was settled in soviet times. borders are unfamiliar to its inhabitants. so the
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l e r. o family. originally from kazakhstan, has been living on, was big territory the decades your father columbine has decided that today should be a special day for his 13 year old daughter ask or not cuz a lot of them at. and she saw the god willing, i want to teach my daughter how to milk hamilton. today. she has to be able to stand on one leg and found the bucket with the other. we have 6 ammo, mass, and then not easy to mil. pick the 11th, how and bad it it him that alice and i'm looking forward to the milking and will give up my own. okay. but before that the dishes have to be washed and that's the work of nausea and her youngest sister. ah now can i?
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this is ethan. i'm happy to help in the kitchen, but now i enjoy working with the camels. i love that atlas. but unfortunately the camels, which are left to run free alone there. oh, and the father can't see them anywhere. the eldest son, callum joan, is supposed to search for them. but before that, a refreshing bowl of camel milk. then off to find papa's motorcycle. ah, both . today's also a good day for cullum, john,
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because normally his father wouldn't let him use the motorcycle. i kept up the desert, his pig, and there's no trace of the camels, but with gold tell, i will find them along. ah ah, camels have a good sense of direction and always find their way home. but when no one knows, luckily, call him john has a good nose and discovers them grazing on some desert grass. gyla darling, i really found them when i can drive them home, remember got on with my sister will be so happy. talk what i was and everything
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will be fine. o. cullum jone has an unusual but effective driving technique. every one is ready and waiting. the milking can finally start. ah, i am getting a game, but the 1st thing we need is a cough to drink from the mother and the teat swell, and you can milk them. look how nicely the milk comes out, but oh, how many? ah, mother, felicia has years of experience. but nausea is anxious. but now i'm scared. i hope to camels,
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why kick me? don't worry. you don't have to be afraid. standing on one leg is not so easy. ah, but then somehow it all works. mm hm. the 1st bucket is fine, leaf, food. cit. the all and again, most of the time we sell the milk at the market, except that when we are invited some way, for example, to a wedding. glad we also like to bring the milk is a wedding gift. toy are so odd that go out with these camels to still have to be milked to day full though i think i now understand how dull would
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cover something didn't get it. now i can help my mother with the milking but like to fit it in and she still has 5 more camels ahead of her today. ah, in the blistering heat, the train crosses the biggest river of his pakistan, the ammo. daria inside. every one is exhausted. and the on board restaurant has already closed on that a little after i've cleaned everything up now it's back to square one for the return trip. again, i'll prepare fresh p laugh beef steaks,
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master van equals so the tall guests have something to eat. sometimes passengers have extra requests, and i tried to fulfill those as well. for the 35 year old train driver, the shift is also slowly coming to an end gimme one. again, 2 yolanda. i got married in 2012 and had a son. he's in the 3rd grade and loves everything about trains. he's constantly playing with his little diesel and steam locomotives lateral. when i come home, he always asks dad, where have you been? how was your trip out there? he's just interested in everything. if he becomes a trained driver, some day back would make me very proud was that wasn't foxglove, you know, the silk road express has almost reached its destination, new crews, the former gateway to the r l. c. a little further north. once lay the world's both
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launches in land lake. starting in the 1960s its tributaries were cut off to irrigate large cotton fields. to day it's coast is just a rock facing the desert. not far away, the foam, a port city of moines up. back in the 1980s, it was still located on a peninsula surrounded by water. most of the people he is survived by fishing. today their boats lie in the desert sand near the foam, a harbor erosion of the sand is now the main problem in the region. a few years ago, a launch project was started with the aim to make the desert green shock re is studying environmental science in touch kent. and he's one of the 1st to witness the projects success. hello, you've vladimir. yes, that's me. led him is do you have leads a conservation effort here?
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you do not lawrenceville motor, but it really goes on will you do? i'm going to take you to the bottom of the or i'll see us before that we can see the plans for yourself. because i've heard in red lodge a bachelor program. now i'm very curious to see what it looks like. in the early 1916, the r l c was about the size of bavaria. everything that's now cold. iraq, whom o r l does it was covered with water to the right of the path. the 1st results of the planting project are already visible.
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the water will not return. the hope now is to bring the constant sandstorms under control which is allowed. i can hardly imagine that 30 years ago this place was deep at the bottom of the lake. good day. people just walk around here. unimaginable good can sure crease. grandmother herself, comes from marina, new jersey in mother there. now, i'm 21 years old. and when i was born, the water, he had already disappeared. now with the plans, we can at least stop the sand from a routing measure. them got it, you can always do something. that's why i'm so interested in ecology. the roots of the bushes reached deep into the earth and provide support to follow.
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where did the bushes come from and how do you plant them? well, what famished of the home here shortly. so joe took all citizens all over the country to let you sleep and we're good. but so many. so good. see yoga is from a truck to because they are then distributed either by trotter harrington from an aeroplane over the desert, or to promulgate which room for a little facility. only a tiny part of the or i'll see basin has been planted. it seems to be working, which gives the people here hope to buy your product. let's go, i'll show you the best part. come with the water of the arrow. i see a puddle compared to its former
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glory. but still impressive. leather me as father is still a fisherman and he himself has a very special connection to the water. come on my going swimming by water butler. yeah. yeah. yeah. no, no, not me. oh, garage grandma are all see here is your son vladin id that i put it curtis with her whenever i am here, my heart tells me has to go into the water. but the motor somewhere my whole life is connected with this water. odom the sky and this earth. we're, yes, there you are physically. i love being yet because nobody knows how long we lost remains of the sea will exist georgia victor
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despite he's moving words, he can't persuade chetry to join him from the remains of the earl c, across dusty deserts, to the green highlands of the he saw mountains was pakistan, a land of extremes? a minor crisis or the beginning of the new quake thick, several us banks are in trouble. well, credit suisse, one of the biggest banks in the world is on the brink of bankruptcy. how does it come to this one? exactly is at stake. and what makes thank systemic,
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irrelevant made in germany in 30 minutes on d. w. o. guardians of truth. my name is john dinner and i have paid almost every price of being a journalist in a country like turkey taking all the powers that be they risk every thing they want to kill me and they try many times. john, don't dar? asks activists, journalists and politicians, living in exile to which and what drives them her too much on my shoulders. but i have to hold this weight because i'm responsible for the future. all country
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for the people, for the past, no danger. they live for their mission. people need to know what is happening there. the courageous effort against corruption and political crimes in our series, guardians of truth watch now on youtube, d. w documentary. ah ah, this is d w. news. and these are auto stories. i fire as a migrant detention center. northern mexico has killed at least 40 people, dozens of others were injured in the place at the facility ensued at what is, which is the major crossing point for migrant seeking to enter the united states. authorities say some of.


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