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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 30, 2023 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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ah ah ah, this is dw news lived from berlin and britain's king charles on a charm offensive in berlin alternating between german and english. the king reminds lawmakers of the rich history of positive ty is between britain and germany during a trip aimed at reviving relations. after breakfast, also coming up,
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each chief osalla fund alliance as the future of relations with china, depends on how beijing responds to russia's warren. ukraine will have analysis of her remarks in brussels ahead of her crucial visit to europe. biggest trading. ah, how many cubes mckinnon? welcome to the program. britain's king charles has become the 1st sitting monarch ever to address the german parliament, the bundle tug on day 2 of his state visit. king charles praised britons ties with germany and spoke of the 2 countries mutual admiration for their economic and cultural achievements. he also spoke of reconciliation and the need to learn from the past with europe. security once again threatened by russia's invasion of ukraine. the british king spoke to german lawmakers and dignitaries, and
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a mixture of german and english is his own grocer. it was a great honor to be able to be here with you to day, my wife and myself. my house, very, very pleased with my 1st overseas tour. i knew of my reign as king is an invitation to germany. i am particularly pleased that i am able to speak here to day to reassert the commitment between our countries on the basis of friendship. i didn't miss an aunt of food and what is the better place to do that?
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i know this bill again, his stones have ja hundreds and really shaken by the history of the 20th century. this building itself that demonstrates the ties between our 2 countries. rise in 1933, it was on fire from 1945. it was severely damaged in noticing a young from m. and in the ninety's, a british architect made it into the retirement of a unified democratic germany. cornish a glass cooper. these iconic glass dome is a symbol of the records transparency and accountability of this parliament, the burglary burger. the citizens of germany, by hen, literally was there delay elected representatives at work. so this is democracy
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in the flesh at spring. indeed, ugly correspondent, emily gordon, is in the bundle. stagen was listening to that speech by king charles emily. we saw a very warm welcome for the king in the bundle tag. and then a speech in which he delivered in both english and german, calling it a great honor to be in germany for his 1st overseas taurus king. and he also said how happy he is to be able to reassert the friendship between germany and the u. k . and he can he walk us through his speech? what were the main points that he made in the start today? yes, i mean, he started or obviously emphasizing the german british ties. and by going back in history a little bit, he spoke about the historical ties between germany and, and, and the u. k. a throughout, we know, and, you know, when,
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but how the u. k played its part in liberating europe from the nazi regime. but also then later on when it came to the post war era and was tom a reconciliation, how his mother, a queen elizabeth, was actually the 1st monitor then the visits are germany and her made her 1st state visit to germany and that was an 11 day trip that was a long trip for a monarch. and that really sort of marked the beginning of reconciliation between the 2 countries. and, and that sort of set the stage for a his latest head, the rest of his speech really. so he then went on to speak about how am he really, it was very grateful to how germany responded to the death of his mother, the queen elizabeth and was very heartfelt are his words and that he chose m. and after that, he spoke about the war in ukraine, and he spoke about how lessons from history also um, you know, influence on how we react to political,
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a terminal to terminal to day. and he praised germany's reaction to the war. he praised how germany delivered weapons to you kind a but he also spoke about and as for his sake his i came out. he also spoke about the the admiration for the 2 countries and culture and, and, and music and, and me an art. and he spoke about in particular about a british production called dinner for one in which a, which is not very popular in the u. k, but is widely popular in germany. so that for that brought in a lot of laughs in november, bonus tag. and, but he also then thought of finalized his feet or with his emphasis on unity that in times of war in europe. and that it is important that the u. k. and generally stick together and there. and that, you know, it's kind of emphasized that both countries need each other, especially in times like this. and same goes for the existential crisis. that is
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the climate crisis where there is a certain admiration on both sides for each other's technology and that there is a lot we learn from each other. so very much a heartfelt speech about the strong ties between the 2 countries. a lot of politicians coming out of the bonus tag said was quite emotional to listen to his feet. and, and of course, for them. it's also important the political signal that this sends to germany. emily, as you say, a lot of positive reinforcement and of the relationship between the 2 countries. and you mentioned the reaction of some of their parliamentary ends after the speech . how did his address or go down, how was it received by german members of parliament today? i mean, it was meant was a standing ovation. no, i mean there was a lots of applause in the bonus tag. and people who politicians who were coming out of the bonus tag afterwards and were giving interviews here to different german
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media. and you can't really tell that this was a great speech. they enjoyed listening to it and they say they welcomed his speech, they welcome his visit. they see it as a grade signal from the u. k as well from maybe more positive relationships in the future. and, and i think what's remarkable is that we saw criticism in the beginning ahead of his speech by the left party. about, you know, it not being an appropriate for a monitor or the, the most important democratic body to bow down to a monarch. but even the ranks of the last party were filtering the speech. they even, they were there and listened. and i think that really shows as well that even though this is a monarch and the political signal of us carries through all of this. and it is an important signal, and it's being welcomed. he deliver respond, and emily gordon. thank you so much for the analysis. now the european commission,
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president of lafond alliance, says that the future of relations with china, the use biggest trading partner, will depend on how it responds to russia's war in ukraine. speaking at a brussels thinktank funder line, said that you need to cut to its risks in dealing with a china that is becoming more oppressive at home and more assertive abroad. and that's a made a growing concern over the close. a partnership between beijing and moscow funder lions remarks come as she prepares to visit china together with the french president emanuel mack hall a time when on the line said that given the multiple strains on your, its relationship with china right now, it's time to take stock but she also stressed the importance of maintaining dialog, finding a european strategy towards china. we finding what success looks like. must start with a sober assessment of our current relations and of china's strategic
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intentions. our relationship with china is far too important to be put at risk by failing to clearly set the terms of a healthy engagement underline use her speech to call on beige ng, to play a constructive role in creating a just peace in ukraine. so far, china has refused to condemn russia's war of aggression. we have to be frank on this point. how china continues to interact with portuguese war will be a determining factor for china relations. going follow it for analysis of her speech i spoke with our correspondent jack parrot, who's in brussels and beside encroachment, a journalist in beijing. and i started by asking jack parrot, what were his main takeaways from was left on the line speech?
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well, there was really a lot in that speech, and i think the fact that this speech has been so heavily anticipated and is getting so much attention shows how around the world, china's power is growing and china's, or the way that china operates. and the way that especially european partners are focusing that as efforts on sort of working out what they want the relationship to be. this is a real signal of that. that was so much that she said some of the things that stood out to me. she said the china is changing its sort of policies from reform and opening to security and control. she also really crucially mentioned european dependence on china, specifically on things like lithium, which is crucial for batteries. crucial for the green transition. she said that europe is 97 percent reliant on china for lithium, and that by 2050 that there would be $7017.00 times more demand
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in europe for that lithium. and this is the balance that she's trying to put out that basically we need china. we need to continue to cooperate with them. the things like human rights issues, things like their support of rushes invasion in ukraine, and certainly not the condemnation that the european partners with want that, that she said us love on the line would have a defining a position, a default have a be a defining factor in how europe decides to go forward in its relationship with china . and that's something that we heard from the speech. it's clear that for her, she wants to see a real overhaul, a change in the thinking in europe, at least a discussion about how we change the thinking and change the position of the european union towards china. that's right. she said that she and his interaction with tutors will, will determine china e relationship going forward and father. and if i can ask you, i mean, she was quite critical, wasn't she? and there were certain things that she brought up talking about the taiwan straits,
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human rights violations in china. can you give us a sense of how her words will go down in china today? yeah, her speech was really very comprehensive and not only that are also quite concrete in what action that european union wants to take and dealing with this china that has changed. i find it a part of really almost like a paradigm shift. i mean, it didn't come out of the blue, it was a clear that there will be a change, but she was really mentioning all the critical aspects of the human rights violations of china, the economic coercion, and also the, the taiwan issue. and basically all of that was in it, and that's definitely not what the chinese government wants to hear. and i think the worst case scenario for aging is that the european union finds a unified voice to deal with china. because china strategy so far has always been divide and conquer. they wanted to solve all issues, or by literally they didn't want to deal with the europe as
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a whole. and i think fonder line speech was clearly in an attempt to find this unified voice. because europe, by itself is the biggest trade partner of a, china has a certain power, but all those countries by that, by themselves, of course they don't have such a strong voice as did you repeat union as a whole. all right, jack, can i ask you, we heard from and was left on the line. and we heard her talk about her visit to china next week with the french president. give us a sense of why she's choosing now or to go and, and, and what does this say about where you china relations as stand right now? it's a really important and a really significant trip is that she announced by president micron at last week. you cancel summit, he said ursula on the line is going to come along with me. and this shows the frances always try to play a sort of director role a sort of prominent role in china relations that had longstanding diplomatic relations more than perhaps some of the other countries. but just like fabi,
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i'm was saying they're the european union knows. and there is a tacit understanding of this across all of the major capitals, including in berlin and in paris. that the really, the only way, especially economically that, that you can deal with china is collectively if face work as small individual countries. if it happens by laterally than that just doesn't have the economic power, the trading block of the european union has, i think what we're seeing is it with this speech, which is, you know, a really one of without question with one of the most sweeping statements on china relations that i've ever seen, and he, you commission president do, she's laying out the issues that she wants to take to beijing with her. she said that she's going to be critical of, she's in pain that she will raise all the issues. she'll never be shy about raising those issues, but that there needs to be a space for partnership. we'll have to wait and see how bold and brave the europeans are when and and from the line herself is when she does arrive in beijing
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. fabi and can i ask you, i mean we've seen a host of visits to china recently by, by european politicians, and how are they seen by beijing and, and, and, and what welcome bill that was left on the lion receive next week. well that will be really interesting. i mean, now the opening off of china has begun to communication channels are open again and every week then you delegations arriving and, and when you ask the diplomat sia or you know what to, what's happened in those talks are behind close doors. and the chinese site, they always want to ask, will there be a new china strategy and will there be a chance, a change in stance and, and you policy, they are very worried about that. and i think one thing that they clearly have under estimate it is the shock that it was for euro power close. china was supporting a russia, how seating ping and putting were celebrating their friendship. while
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a russia was in waiting ukraine. i think that this was really kind of um yeah, it of change a shock for also all the european diplomats. yeah. and i think the chinese are slowly beginning to understand that. and so far i think that's the crucial issue. there won't be much of a room for improve tice if a china does not, you know, change its stance towards russia and distance itself, at least to some degree or to what's putins warm. all right, that was generously and fetch my reporting from beijing and our correspondent jack parrot in brussels. thanks so much t those that, that analysis. okay, look and have a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. at least 20 people have been killed and a fairy accident in the philippines. official say the boat carrying some 250 people caught fire of the sultan island of the babylon, with some people drowning after they jumped the ship in panic. rescue is still
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searching for several passengers who are unaccounted for. he fur has strips indonesia of the right to host the under 20 for all world cup the decision follow street protests and 2 prominent indonesian governors. calling for israel to be banned from the tournament. v for is also considering further sanctions against the indonesian football federation. mexico's president undress, mano lopez, upper door has said there will be no impunity for those responsible for the deaths of $38.00 migrants in a fire at a detention center video. footage of the incident shows guards leaving migrants trapped in cells amid the flames. authority say the deaths are now being investigated as homicide. the head of the u. eden's nuclear watchdog says that he still hopes a deal to protect ukraine's at zachary, her power plant can be reached rafael grossi toward the plant on wednesday. it's his 2nd. since 2nd visit, since russian forces took control of the site last year,
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the international atomic energy agencies, director general, has been pushing for security around the plant to be increased to prevent a nuclear accident. he said this was likely to involve rules rather than a physical buffer. a crisp on that max on that is in teeth. and he told us more about the dangers facing europe's biggest nuclear plants and what can be done to make it safer. yeah, i'm so grossly the head of the i just returned from his visit to as of ridge, a power plant, 2nd visit or 2nd was in total. the 1st visit since september. and he was that the situation there is still very unstable, very dangerous. at the moment of this is you said it correctly. this is the largest nuclear power plant in europe and used to provide 20 percent of the country's energy prior to the start of the war. and this a areas under russian occupation, it's still it's, it's, is experiencing, fighting in the area which is increasing at the moment. and in the past them,
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this nuclear power plant has been suffering from power coats. it does not produce energy itself at the moment, but it relies on energy coming in to stabilize its core. so engineers there had repeatedly switch on diesel generators to stabilize the court, to prevent something, something up bad from happening. and this is actually, this is, this is what the there with the head of the i a's warning about. instinctively is max under reporting from keith allen, russia, public criticism as the president vladimir putin war on ukraine often leads to harsh legal consequences as people prefer to voice that discontent in private. and the russian elite is no exception here. but now one critical and supposedly confidential conversation between 2 prominent russians has surfaced online. oh, it's a phone call. that's not everyone talking with a 30 minute conversation,
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allegedly took place between a very prominent russian music producer and one of his friends. and it was, liter leaked hitting the headlines. if you think about that, i, li, everything's a mess and good. he says it's not a big deal. army is the most important thing, but we can't rely on it. can you do it now? should he bet that he is russian president vladimir putin? bleacher. his critics, the 2 men conducting the comb or allegedly music producer, use of proportion and billing, or for cut acne above. and they don't pull their punches when it comes to putin's war against ukraine. and russia's top military leaders. did it for my tutoring, yet he loaded. can i hold on to power? no idea the entire situation is a miss. the country is a mess. everything is a mess other now what are we still waiting for? lera larry is presumably a reference to pre gordon's wife aleria, one of russia's best known pop singers in her instagram account. she praises her
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family vacation in dubai. that countries also mentioned in the controversial telephone call, as is up near the z. yet, because of such details, many people in russia believed that the recording is genuine. the list, i know it's difficult to fight such a long conversation. a fight compensation would be significantly shorter, and they would have charged more prominent figures, a minister or someone like that. i could only would minister that a girl in the country is all a chatter with the news. neither p, goshen nor his oligarchy. friend has spoken up against the kremlin in the past. after the recording was released, the music producer said that the conversation had been created using artificial intelligence. while she lay out you, that even though he conceited that some of the sentences were genuine, has got him, said lilian, and she'll, observers aren't convinced because i still,
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she would there wondering just how strong support for president clinton among the russian elite really is we be seattle of sarah sees the russian leads to have lost an awful lot as a result of this war. they are uphold by what's going on at the moment. but they're remaining tight lipped and saying nothing the money in your mouth chat. so since you, when you get my dad is paula, they say they support potent, but he goes on like yours, if precaution, gardner, and his public appearances in front of the camera, mostly items, but as soon as they're together and private, unnoticed by the public company. i of course, say the whole thing is a disaster, letty, because that's the roku. yet this, this satisfaction is not dividing the elite opposition politician dmitri good cove is convinced, let alone making them prepared to take a stand. fear is too deep seated, particularly when such calls are leaked, where the movement in a single telephone call is enough for
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a sort of public execution. the others have been too frightened to even talk about it in their own kitchen. as well as trying to intimidate critics, the criminal also tries to praise those people who back that women if they are trying to control the moodle, the country with carrot and stick tactics. new ski presidential elections are coming up next year. who knows whether the war will be over by then or not. and they w moscow bureau chief, uri russia, so filed that reports and spoke to us earlier from reagan in lapierre. that's where our studio relocated after dw was banned from reporting in russia. when we spoke to him earlier, we asked him what's likely to happen to the people involved in this apparently leaked cool. while yoseph regoza from a report published a short video in the beach, he, we saw it in the report sat, he didn't know how to leave with this shape. that's what he said. i know that if his b u secret service is reportedly to deal with the case,
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but it's clear that the ease alive is now over for him and his family as well as for many others in russia. this week, for example, a father of a school girl in tula, region got to he has imprisonment. and the reason for this was that his daughter has had painted an arty anti war picture at school in the girls picture, the war russian and great and flex, ukrainian, flex, and the words, nor to war for this. and for critical comment on his private social media account, the father was sentenced to 2 years in prison. and another case nicole in st. peter's book yesterday at it's able to disabled man war who has a disabled child at home, was sentenced to 5 years in prison. for what they call discrediting the russian army, he published 3 short critical comments about putin and the russian politics on his social media account. and meanwhile, there are supposedly more than $500.00 trash and sentenced for what they call discrediting the russian army. uri rochette are reporting that i hear of some other stories making news around the world. russia's security agency,
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the f s b says it has arrested the u. s. journalist to evan gush coverage on spying charges. the agency said the wall street journal correspondent was detained in your catherine berg for allegedly trying to obtain classified information. gosh, coach is the 1st reporter for a u. s. news outlet to be arrested for alleged espionage in russia. since the cold war, australia's parliament has passed landmark legislation requiring the country's biggest polluters to cut their emissions or pay for carbon credits. the previous attempt to make polluters pay was repealed by the conservative government in 2014. the current government says the new measures are essential to reach climate goals by the end of the decade. now aurora, australia, so the southern lights have been spotted in an unusually vivid display. over new zealand. the southern lights are typically visible this time of the year, across southern parts of australia, new zealand. but this year,
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observers said the show was particularly intense. the dancing lights of the result of charged particles from the sun colliding with gases in the earth's atmosphere. and from the activity becomes more intense, astrophysicists expect increasingly more vivid lights every year until 2025 was that you're up to date, stay with us. the focus on europe that's coming up next. that is again, there's always more news and analysis around the clock on d, w dot com. i many kids in the can. it's so much for watching with
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who won tragedy to many, vincent. so luciano had been a fisherman in cro. tony italy for 40 years. he was one of the 1st on the beach, when more than 80 people had drowned since then he can no longer pursue his work.
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the drama of international refugee policy destroys so many lawyers focus on europe . next on dw conflict with sebastian as the fighting growing zone in ukraine. spare a thought for some of the countries on the edge of the wars. i how stable ave these days that smoke overs, foreign minister, nicu profess school is government struggling to come back? i bring the tags from russia and it's supported just along with pro west to the state, even hope to survive. conflict with in 60 minutes on d w. o. o, this is to who did you do the full? i think to tenant fantastic. ah,
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she survived outfits. thanks to music. he was the nazis favorite conductor. he is morally degenerate to musicians under the swastika, a documentary about the sounds of power, inspiring story about survival of the home. i don't get the tennis. i was the only one what lies and look music in nazi germany. watch now on youtube. d. w documentary. ah, ah, hello and welcome to focus on europe. it is nice to have you here with us. desperation is driving more and more people to europe with many attempting to reach the con.


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