tv The 77 Percent Deutsche Welle April 1, 2023 7:30am-8:01am CEST
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i found a place ah, 3 times. why? very much alive. d w, travel yo guy to his mental health in germany. europe recognizes where exactly one learned a lot more cordial history. do you know or you travel extremely worth a visit? ah, it's time for another edition of the 77 percent. sure. this is brochure where we tackle they hide and important issues affecting the lives of africa's youth. my name is wendy camara and i'm delighted to have you here here's what's coming up. i was truly bade, takes us to quit,
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or no in been in where we entire get the plague of sable bully. we moved uninspiring young man. maurice mar, up who returned to sierra leone from the u. k. to rebuild the nation. finally, slam port and host of these weeks treat to beat come mile. raji takes us a while. his hometown cut in more than half a 1000000000 people use the internet in africa and well, the web has had a positive effect on education and free speech. it also has a dark side hiding behind faceless profiles. cyber bullies, plague many 77 percenters cyber harassment can be anything from intimidating. what's up messages to hateful facebook and instagram comments to sharing private pictures without permission? we asked you on social media, have you ever been affected by sable bullying? his?
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what do you said? charles wrought cyber crime has grown in book in a fossil. there's no criticism of the leaders, but everyone is kept. got it. journalist activists, security analysts, and politicians. the supporters of the regime sent a death threats and a head speech to people with different opinions. etna from no robbie seed. i've become very passive, especially on facebook because of say by bullying. schwab from nigeria. seed cyber bullying is why i don't even like making posts that will generate reactions. last week someone abused me under a comment. i have never been abused the way she did. it pained me so much, but i kept cool. and a didn't say a word to her. thank you for your honest feedback. now will meet young south
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africans who have received online abuse. a warning, some may find their accounts disturbing. the one the only people i knew, but i had a hotel. only such a toxic kinship novel gelham older than you know, i can call you a kid. oh, ever so shut that mother mouth of yours and the 1st thing that came to us in my life, treasure days. the rest say bubbling looms large over sorrow for cons. from all walks of life, nobody is safe, and it's increasingly hurt and, and threaten into mental health of young internet users. they said other stuff with my dad that i look like those 2 people who are mostly shrill, tre, delayed scale in january, thinking better. and then if i'm appellate on blank, i think i saw i wants again, and i got a hold of
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a long pills. and the 1st thing that came from and was in england, cuz i don't, i have recent studies have shown that 54 percent of south african parents personally know a child who has experience in cyber harassment in their community. it's very prevalent in schools, but often parents are powerless to stop it. she can't even speak, she's gasping for it. i saw my child literally with a handful of pulls because she mentioned he didn't want to go to school anymore. i would be without her daughter, right. now, yet prosecuting to police is difficult and since online in social media access and exploded across africa, it affects all communities and all ages in many countries say about believe it's not even recognized as a crime. there's no policy that isn't in any townships or regarding bullying yet they are policies that govern the topic. lenin, how to protect yourself online is becoming a live school for young people. luckily across the continent,
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there is one youngster who is doing just that, and teaching others to nigerian teen joshua abolla begun program. and when he was only 6. today, he's teaching this school class how to court and of course, responsible use of social media. while the internet is a rich source of lenin, it also offers harmful content to georgia. came up with a way to protect the children as to sift a weapon as
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a small step in the right direction. but in a well which is becoming more digital every day. it's essential that kids and parents land strategies to use social media responsibly and combat cyber harassment . one of the ways you can use social media safely is to be mindful of what you're consuming, knowing what cyber bullying looks like. we help you recognize when it's happening to you or a friend. sounds simple, but it helps fable bullying affects ya, people's mental health. so what can you do about it? and at this week's street debate in been in on the beach in cut to new. here is slam poet and self confessed. afro optimist. come mile rad gee ah. blubber new dawson wells,
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him to the 77 percent. the debate show for young people by young people this week we receive you in katana, the economic capital of benning, and we are going to discuss a topic of concern cyber bully garcia on lucy bare acilo mom. let's 1st hear from much was much were is an activist against cyber bullying and an influenza. she will tell us about her experience with mozilla. how did it all start for you? see ben. there was a festival. i was bullied in real life as a teenager, and because of this, i developed a complex place. people harassed you. why? my because of my small breasts. people used to ask me, why don't you breast getting bigger a see if i could change anything about my breast sites. they would see me and say things like this girl is just as i would pass by them if you want to do so they would say you are, which just because you know because of your breast size. so right away they say you were which we, yes,
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and they would recommend products to increase my breast size all the time if you don't on to. so these people would recommend what did miracle product with the miracle products to increase your breast size. so every time i go out, i would hide my breath, and eventually i hugley went out to enemy, and one day i had about facebook, the social network, which would become your worst nightmare. so in 2017 falling and argument with a friend who knew that i had a complex about my small bread, was that possible? started reading things about it on social media. and it was in just one week, more than 60000 people had subscribed to my account to my facebook profile. and those people did not subscribe to support me. but rather to insult me even that you and you received many comments failed the way i wanted to kill myself. i tried to kill myself several times. ccd,
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it would. i would cut myself if had come close over the camera in. can you like to see traces of self hum on my body from that period to me today. we will come back to that later. ok. that was a very touching testimony list. and now we're going to talk to mr. sacco who is slam poet latimore. you've heard much was touching story. do you know people who have been similarly affected by cyber bullying or law do policy b r selma. grandmother tried to deal with say, but bowling is that it could come from your best friend hiding behind. so don't even me who is hurting you and you don't realize it. you're having a drink with a person's life. and meanwhile they have a form in their hands and are posting comments on facebook page on the field and you even don't know it's from the person you are laughing with key on that's the
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tragedy of say, bubbling. now thank you very much, mr. saca told him we've learned from much was testimony that the hateful comments follow you everywhere, mem toilet even when you try to escape them. they keep chasing. you went away. the more i would like to ask mr. fred, i was who is a young entrepreneur for you? where does cyber bullying start off said more commas, that it's too easy to hide behind and allow us to but most others. but i dare you to come and tell me the same things real life today with the internet. there are so many ways to attack a person could you hear from anywhere else in the world yet, like it was no way to see each other. so anything goes, well, i don't take a lot of positions on the internet and it's not because i'm afraid of being harassed or anything because we're already we're going to listen to someone here who wants to comment on the theory that men generally are not as often victims of cyber bullying as women i think you don't necessarily agree with the idea. what is your experience?
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do you know any men who have been bullied online or how do they do with it? for cinema, you said in my opinion, it's just that men don't feel to say it's just because men don't try to reply. a man knows with going that women are such enough, i'm shish and on her mad now knows where he's going. and no, not a man knows with that's not quite. i mean i'm, are you, the madrid of men will not be tempted, replied to comment. so what the do not see them concern is that they won't react to things that don't help them still objectives. manella some life, whereas a woman will try to reply to those comments and upon her pony again about the girl . some one here does not agree with that. yes, i'm listening which is usually the good shampoo. i'd like to react to what the jews just said when he says that men usually don't react to that kind of things. i think it's not the case. yeah. he had, he, bob was the only shoot. okay. no sna panica look husband, you see another aspect of cyber bullying that hasn't been mentioned until now is
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that is it. we also contribute to add in social pressure to our own publications. for example of graham, if i say that a real man should be at least 1.7 meters tall ja content, that's the kind of thing that triggers a lot of discussions or so to duffy exactly for them. and i personally, well you have noticed already about my height doesn't quite me to do standards like come a little, i'm like i like it out player icama basket to go so that when i read something like that, even if i wasn't tacked, even if it wasn't the comments directly addressed to me. i can read that kind of publication and it will annoy me. that's already a form of cyber bullying selma that go on by. all right, there are other aspects in this debate. we'll now explore the consequences of cyber bullying. i see some why not with the microphone? there are what are for you?
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the consequences of cyber, brilliant silver. oh, double digit lucy basil mo. cuz heck of the one thing. when a person is a victim of cyber bullying they will be traumatized and does, and they cannot simply ignore that cyber bullying and the mental issues. it progressively provokes more. luc montagnier, as it can have a really severe consequences on everything you're undertake on your entire life. though she mean mother does still dive the auto more. bo vo, galileo or what role should parents play in their children's education to stop cyber bully and belle said, more with their clue. you can be a starve, a singer and besides, bullied where to ship the liter. yet you can be ahead of states and be cyber bullied. simply because you are taking a stand that is politically correct, but someone might not agree with you. it by that gothic. though, so parents need to prepare their children to defend themselves if they asada believe gisele. see they're actually also walk,
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or we see that they are 3 actors in cyber bullying the victim in the bully. and the observers fix that to set up it more mozilla quickly. much what you told us about your very touching story when we do need the piece to can you also give us possible solutions so that young people avoid taking part in cyber bullying only don't see. even if i have small breasts, it's my really big, beautiful, and different being different is valuable. i accept that i am a woman with less cost. the 1st solution is to accept who you are to be yourself. we. yes, here and there. e. at accept who you are and don't let other people get you don't get a vehicle for to be mentally strong. very well. thank you very much mozilla. our states must also take more responsibility and ensure that the less young people participate in bullying in a virtual world. that is almost permanent, that is in our pockets and follows us every way. thank you so much for following
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this episode of the 77 percent. we were in katona. you too can participate by liking sharing and giving your point of view of aquanda. thank you. come all and everyone who spoke so openly. as always, you can watch the full debate on our youtube channel. fiber, bullying, and harassment is a big topic of our time. but how should i react when my new pictures? alex on line. i was sex and relationship expert cas has some tips for you. i really need to put this gadget down. it's no good for you. who are they talking about anyway? some high school girl just happened as an intimate pictures to the wrong person. and now they're all over the internet. the common section is a mess. poor baby. why are you even looking? then this happened to you a few years back. rather how that felt, how can i forget?
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it completely broke me. i just want to know how i can help this poor go. for starters. stuff engaging with the trolls on the internet. even reading comments as engaging and then tried to remember what some of the things you needed well when you were in that vulnerable state. what helped? well, after my massive mental breakdown, i shut out the internet and kept a low profile. there's a lot more you have access to now than what i have access to and it happened to me . i think it would be in her best interest to take screenshots of the people bullying her on mine, even if she's not the one to do it. she can ask someone close to help her. and then with the screenshot she can report cyber bullying to the social media platforms. they're quite good with shutting people's pages down. she should probably also change her privacy settings on her social media pages, like the privacy settings allow you to decide who you want to engage with,
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including who can send you messages or comments or photos, or even who can follow you and she so young. she should probably reach out to someone older to help with her mental health concerns. like a parent, a guardian teacher or school counselor might be able to help her get the support she needs. do you think she should report it to the police? absolutely. and can we now have a data protection act, those screenshot can be taken to the office of the data commissioner. and the perpetrator can face a fine of up to $30000.00 and up to 10 years in jail. really, tat, it should be, this kind of violation is so personal it's, it's an invasion of privacy. people have been known to end their lives over something like this. you're right. so while we're on the top, it say someone does want to send it to a partner of their safe, a ways to go about it. there's always safe, always to navigate the internet. and honestly,
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if news is something that you want to share with someone, the 1st thing i would suggest is to make sure it's something that you, i mean, they want to do and not been coerced into doing it. and then keep in mind that once those photos have been sent, anything could happen. so be safe, for example, you could copy our head out of the picture, so there's no way of people knowing it to you. in case of a leaked incident, i imagine if you have tattoos or any prominent birthmarks, that might be difficult. yes. so keep those out of the picture if you can, and use technology to your advantage. like, for instance, you can turn off your location services when taking and sending the pix and use platforms that have end to end encryption. you know, that sounds like a lot of work for just a couple of moods. but would you rather end up like me or this poor girl? absolutely not. i suppose it's like, for things you value, you must protect. exactly. we now head over to sierra leone,
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where we meet maurice morrow, who returned home after years in the diaspora. when there bala crisis, heat the country in 2014, where is decided to go back and help rebuild the nation. he found an attack innovation hub, teaching young people take skills, but what was his driving force? the things that drove me, my education in london was always a view of africa developing one, i will now africa never really left my dna. i'm the kind of person i see myself as an african right 1st. and then i have my whole within africa. my name is maurice moran. i'm an insur prolong in sierra leone, the founder of innovation hub core says the tech hob, well worchol o vegetables and, and digital literacy education. and the owner of her resorts calls are from beach resort in the early 2, thousands or on 2000 is when we migrated to the u. k. because of the war,
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a lot of forswear refugees fleeing all parents at the time. one had a better education for their kids, so i think that was the main driver for why my parents are way like, okay, let's get you guys to the u. k. so that you can get to a better school, better education, the skills that developed, there's only one place i want it to be useful with that. to see a young grown up in freetown always teaches it to be resilience and to push in traffic skin. what you see in me and it things that i do because i was pushing to kind of create ecosystem, a better world outside of how to preach for everyone. when a bowler happened, i decided, okay, like i could mobilize my tech network that i had in the u. k. to see what we can do to help sierra leo. i met the guy who discovered the ball a virus. his name was dr. peter pills. so that's kind of how i came back, you know, came back support at peter p or,
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and his team to set up their vaccine trial of them till i connect to the president was obvious. he was the ball among right. he was the guy who discovery bowler in gander at the time. and for me, the education i was getting from them to do, my walk in tech was very important. so i will end up becoming an end to prolong this is i'm doing in salient. i'm a business man now here i, i of the walk in create, in education and changing the economy at the government level. and on the normal level, i have my own business is where mil, praying for a lot of people are, you know, improved livelihoods to best buy advice africans, but in the diaspora. africans in general, wanting to come back to africa. the most important thing is you have to get ready to repress your culture. if you don't quickly reverse up cultural understanding,
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things you love develop, we're looking straight at the challenges and you're not able to navigate all changing people's livelihood. one business at a time. what a great concept, right, you just saw him in a st debate now with a different hair style camera. raji is taking us around his hometown cartoon me quote, come and thank you for being with us. my name is kemal raji. i am a slam artist from the republic of been in europe. i would like to introduce you to my city where i was born, where i grew up in this beautiful city is called coach new welk up. my city. come on, love the vibrant life of cotton. you hear the semi gent known locally as in make sure any chip across the city is cheap and thought and on that note, come all takes us to the neighborhood way. he grew up, his family still live here. we live, oh god, the whole,
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the train station is part of the legend of the bygone me. well as the market place where my mom used to have a stand, we welcome to, but gama is with the gummy is the center of cut to new. but it feels more like a village. everyone knows everyone here. around 700000 people live in cotton, making it been needs biggest city as well as the political and economic capital. daneen became independent from funds in 960. for almost 20 years, it followed a marxist ideology, which is still visible in the cities architecture. for camel, beneath his treat is inspiration of a comma takes us to the most symbolic place in cotton. if you know they'll blush mit, raise you up with this place is called motto square. it's
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a monument in memory of the park. 3 arctic soldiers who fell in 1977. when the french mercenary bob did not. evey did benign and tried to overthrow the government . kemal is not just a political engage artist, but also a successful businessman. in 2016, he opened his restaurant bamboo number rick, as to not in the height of cut to this sample. numeric has become a meeting point for young people from all over the world visiting me, but it's also the perfect spot to enjoy. hm. of jam sessions with all points. remodel on both z soco. doha could do. glover mediocrities on production. robert dc the long. i've been to see locked on hubbard to see the golf properties, but they are nearly like everyone else in cotton. you c'mon, love to go to the beach to relax a delay veto. it was
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a great pleasure to introduce you to my city and these special places in cartoon or labelle which we love so much to endo or to or we are here at a place of pleasure and relaxation. the beautiful katana beach, mobile. don't forget to visit with and that to or brings this week short to an end. we've seen a lot about cyber bullying and how it affects all mental health. but we've also been empowered by tips on how to protect ourselves if it happens. and my reminder to you is always be mindful of what you're consuming on social media. if you have enjoy this show, then you don't want to miss out on some more great content from the 77 percent pass visit on instagram and youtube. and now spoken word poetry from point try santo are about self loud. thank you for watching. good bye. approximately
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$3.00 inches of flesh out of the waste area left to the breast to offend position until it is perky in a perfect decap. 3 layers of skin until the buck side can by plate with a single pope till the leg muscles until men can see the reflection in you gleaming skin right in the hips until it is the exact care of a bass clef chip. chip chip ah, with
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you decide what really matters to you. shift in 15 minutes on d. w. o, a net trick chick, carbon neutral gene. dr. chang, the delivery industry and talent, he'll take the mostly economists vehicles are operated remotely. is don't use capital. city is paving the way to move the stain of all deliveries in city. read in 30 minutes on d. w. o. o flu, did you do the full? i'd have to channel. fantastic. ah, she survived auschwitz,
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thanks to music. he was the nazis favorite conductor. he is morally degenerate to musicians under the swastika, a documentary about the sounds of power, inspiring story about survival at home. i don't get the tennis. i was the only one . what lies look. music in nazi germany. watch now on youtube. d. w documentary. i when you work as an architect, i go all in or not at all women in architecture. why are they so invisible to the larger public? ah, we decided to ask them. what is the poetry the secret of the house about their struggles and dreams. likability is huge. they have so much to lose
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shattering glass ceiling women in architecture. and this has to be really, really good. starts april 20th on d. w. ah ah, this is t w. news lie from berlin. ukraine mark's a years since the liberation of boucher and the discovery of a ledge walk right president for lot of mr. lensky leach, the remembrance of killings carried out by russian troops during 5 weeks of occupation. and grieving families pay their respects also on the program.
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