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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  April 5, 2023 5:30am-6:01am CEST

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single person do. she made china's a scandal. 45 minutes on d, w. and what are sports? all a scoring? do we say they were about never giving up sports life every weekend on d w. ah, ah. hello and welcome to equal africa. be same from gemini, i am sandra tree novia, and i'm still play type to be presenting the sheal 5 by 5 with my wonderful co host
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. righty in one of your major capitals at also home till partner broadcasted d w. yes, we are delighted to be here in front of the brand, the broad gate. one of the seats is both i on a land bug where can purchase is carnegie archibald. 5 degrees sashes south wide co . all the special edition will be asking all green energy can park the park entries . so sandra shop, we start with a quick preview for to store good idea, uninformed. coming up we have green energy from hydrogen med in the media and we visit a danish, my land. striving to become was on emissions free press reports, however, deals with a more controversial side of energy production. the earth may be turned off a lovely rate, but the global source for oil and gas remains this issue. and that's we've observed
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over and over again. companies we go to great length to ensure the supply keeps flowing regardless of the consequence that was slightly open. the environment, the phase, the heaviest price in the long run, in cynical, defined, processed by the local fishermen and environmentalists. the government approved the construction of offshore oil fields are equally reported when to see how it is affecting the country. like many other fishermen on senate gulf coast park jo use a fishing line or small mess. he's been going out to sea for 30 years. these men's former fishing grounds was 10 kilometers offshore, but it's out of bounds as an energy firm will start shipping liquefied natural gas . there soon? did the fisherman now fear even less catch and of mainly small fish, like sardines, or cutlass fish continents? any either? no, no, no, no, no, no,
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here off the cynical east coast that used to be an incredible number of fish. but now to make a large catch, we'd have to take the boat to martina for 3 to 4 days. got so, but we don't have a license to fish there longer. if we got caught fishing there without a license, we'd be arrested da da da da da morton. oh yeah, no longer the la, well visible on the horizon is the platform where the ellen g tankers will dock in one of the coastal areas richest and fish. local fishermen aren't allowed within 500 meters of it. and beyond that is a restricted zone. the ellen g terminal has been anchored offshore, so a british oil and gas company can ship the fuel from here. a move that has angered fishermen and environmentalists alike the area off the coast of synagogue and martina his home to large schools of fish as well as many dolphins. it also boasts one of the
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world's largest cold water reefs. the production platform is located less than one kilometer away. the nearly 600 kilometer long reef forms a huge marine ecosystem rich and diverse varieties of micro organisms. algy and fish who the government of senegal has approved an environmental and social impact assessment, commissioned by gas firm b p. but even scientists working in the affected area are very skeptical. i think you see fear buster, the criticism is justified because they didn't go where they should have to get the most up to date. information about the area along is in pharmacy, only that i saw on the dallas. they did the study without any partner say that you saw and didn't involve the relevant institutions in the 2 countries working on these issues. i also say bro and my took sofa just last year they took part in a norwegian study,
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which found that the large reef extends much further into synagogue coastal area than previously thought to last year or now. and if it did, if it were in the process of conducting a reference study, but it not that as india got their co vasa, we're going to take certain indicators and follow them up as they extract gas and oil deeper through it. then we'll see what the impact is. negative, neutral or positive and negative will be it. but i don't think it'll be positive, it doesn't, but what was it if mission groper? according to b, p, the platform will produce some 2500000000 tons of gas starting next year, and twice as much in the years thereafter. 5 percent of the gas will go to cynical and 5 percent to neighboring mauretania. synagogue government has now commented on how seriously it takes the fisherman's concerns and how they plan to protect the marine ecosystem. the la and look for more having them was this goes in particular
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with supporting measures, meaning measures of re conversion. the creation of artificial reeves, notably for the sector of fishing, but also with training of the communities affected, the senior good, the see community, the pan african angio don't gas africa points out that the project, not only harms fishermen and the environment, the countries involved don't benefit much financially either it don't fully couple of the puzzle. 190 percent of the gas is being exported and that's what we don't want goes key culture. it can't be that all the gas produced in synagogue is exported internationally to run other countries industries and is while we fail to build industries in our country. i'm awfully, says embassy. ellen g tankers are already waiting outside. the port of docker global demand for gas has increased due to the war in ukraine, but europe has agreed to phase out fossil fuel subsidy soon. due to serious concerns,
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the german government has not yet decided whether or not the gas should be imported at all. it doesn't interest and germany has made a clear, international commitment not to support fossil fuel investments with public funds. james, after the energy crisis and the start of the war and ukraine, we must focus on supporting renewable energy and climate protection world wide. i don't see how else we can achieve our climate target if we're still developing new oil and gas field worldwide, that simply won't work. she didn't finish given the threat to fisherman's livelihoods. organizations like don't gas africa are calling for more investment in renewables and environmental protection. football, if you can't cause damage to our country, luck and environmental catastrophe here to benefit other countries or go to the. meanwhile, for bach, her jaw and his fellow fishermen, they look into an uncertain future. a drop in the demand for gas might cause the government to rethink its strategy. but until this could happen,
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synagogue fishermen will continue to struggle. what better place to talk about energy here and below lane than here known as the gas soon meter. it was built in 19 o 9 and was once one of the 3 largest gas torrie tanks in europe. but it ran out of services $9.00 to $95.00, and it's now a historical monument. and maybe that's all it should be case because the fisa belongs to been energies like hydrogen. did you know of odd louise, a german company making plans to produce hydrogen in the media and have it sent to market here in europe? yeah, it sounds like our win win situation because as i understand it, the energy used to produce the hydrogen will come from renewable sources like solar and wind. let's find out more a team from the germany and g company
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and truck, our own our research to ok. national park, insult them. the media. they are looking for the best location to erect wind turbines. as part of a 10000000000 euro energy project. where we are right now, some of the world's best on shore wind, we know is, is really well class resource. 15 kilometers to the east. we have a solar sites which is some of the world's best sailor. so within a very close proximity, we have very good renewables. the media has disseminated an area 100 kilometers long and 80 kilometers wide for the project. from 2025, some 600 wind turbines and to solar farms will deliver as much energy as 7 nuclear power plants. water from the near by ocean will be pumped here by pipelines. it will be used to produce hydrogen, which will be shipped to germany for its energy supply. hydrogen can be used to
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fuel buses and cars. power chemical plans, who's metals to use, or simply heat homes and businesses. aside from the media, gemini also has plans for mega projects in other countries, including in autocratic ones. altogether, it is investing in 10 different countries. i have hundreds, we have trade ties as autocratic states where there's no press freedom and we have to deal with that. at the same time, we will still have to solve the energy transition and climate crisis. in this context, you always have to be prepared to compromise in itself is the firm managing the largest project best in ne germany, it is
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a pony in the wind power industry. more than 1000 wind turbines, some monitors here and our truck was the 1st company to produce hydrogen using wind power pilot project in bookmark region informs its work in the media and elsewhere. ah, that's what we call the scope of what we're doing here in the market. its size is very much comparable to what we're planning to create in the media lies from the in . but the value of this area in the market is also comparable to the area and maybe we're hydrogen is set to be produced. but then we've been telling us lou debates many residents to support the new project. so people are quite excited with his project that it's coming to new because they see a lot of development coming into town. they see a lot of employment coming to town. they see low cost electricity and anything else
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. so i would say people doesn't have much critical views, but in the back of our heads also, we think we hope that it's not, you know, it's not a corruption thing. everyone will actually benefit from the project around lloyd's rates with live in poverty. they have electricity and water, but it's expensive. the equivalent for euro's sense for 10 liters. it's often too much like for these resident massuce low to work up in and show the money you know, so you know, cyril, he lives in this moment because we want to supply both additional electricity and water from our project to the people of namibia and also the town of litter,
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it's currently has to bring water in from a very far distance. and we can over build our water purification and dissemination facility to provide water to the both europe and africa ton to gain immensely from project life these while watson undertaken, it will be interesting to see how these progress. but that's just one example of future that production. take a look at all this. whereas the all risk campus in berlin were over 5000 people work, study or do research in the fields of energy, mobility as soften ability. while it is an amazing place, especially as was before he, a walking towards one goal to enable germany to achieve them, reaches target of covering 80 percent of his energy needs from renewables by 2040. but i thought tod, it's realistic for africa. well,
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we'll come here to talk to an excellent from mccarter research institute on global comments on climate change. mr. felix, quite sick to find out. not most science. people say that to really slow the climate crisis. we must onto renewables and still pieces will still fuels. could be example from the me b, b a y model. well, the future. yes. i think the example of no media very interesting because it deployed a lot of hydrogen which is very, very important for your company zation. but it also offers the oppertunity to get clean and a to city and also clean water for a b, b. so i think it's good opportunity just to what extent consortium, what is the scada project visiting in northern africa, for example, never really go to the gaunt. the original idea was to supply you please. and the trustees generated on sun drenched solar farms in the sahara. you think the technology is there to make this possible at some point,
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if you need large scale projects and they're viable in principles, perhaps does it take was 10 or 20 years to early. i think it's important to design the project that both continents africa and your profit from the projects. and it's also important to differentiate between, between countries, between because countries have different needs and also potential, okay. it looks like it is possible to create some sort of green, analytical friction between offers in europe. so one project like to show oil platforms, aid, senegal, still been implemented. isn't that a huge tax to the wrong direction? i totally agree. it's a huge step in the wrong direction. you don't need additional gas, like your must come off gas very quickly. and instead, invest into clean energy projects like that. and i'm not part of your work involves the terminal in greenhouse emission levels and lots cities, legal and kyra,
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just 2 of the mega cities on the african continent. now what would health to get cities to turn away from climate damage and practices? more quickly said 2 things, 2 important things to go forward. first, cooling, say important in housing, in african cities in many countries. and it's important to have clean energy from photo tax and vent falling. and transportation is also very important. and for that, it's very important to have electric buses and a trembling face instead of private motor vehicles that make a main difference and should be the focus of transportation policies. while this is perhaps the most difficult question to answer, how can we turn the tables on climate change? it's of a difficult question indeed. and there's not enough action on climate change. the good news, the f, vate, low cost remove us year for low cost electricity and transportation. and we,
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if it consistent in heating system to heat pumps, it's happening globally. it's not happening at the right speed. we need toppling of speed to make it happen. that no extreme heat annoying, extreme precipitation for people to hit people worldwide. i would like to hear from you if you want to send it off for the african audience. what is that limiting factor? that is hindering them from taking up fashion models. the main problem here is that financing is more difficult than far call a guess for, and it's all about financing. it's economically viable, but finance gets more expensive and lower interest rates are very important. thank you very much. dunker winless bullying and took a short road trip to the neighboring state of brandon back, which banks, green energy with subsidies. now, when considering how communities can be empowered with green energy, it mix moto says to walk with what you've got. now, africa, where i come from,
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has sun want europe, as you can see, has a lot of weight. they can say that again sandra, but regulations in germany, big install in large wind turbines like this, somewhat difficult it can taking years to get approval. but a bustle, the case everywhere. peace in europe, the danish island, one home wants to become at least environmentally speaking. the greenest island on the planet. but just how close are they to achieving that goal? let's see. i know it looked like it right now, but this island might be the best island in europe and even the. 1 world not because of its sandy beaches or its architecture or year round world weather. so cool. but because it's maybe the greenest island in the world. all the energy produced here is we use the we use a lot of their weight and our reviving they're struggling economy by becoming more
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sustainable. so how did they become the greenest island? can they keep it up and what can we all learn from them? the 1st step was to reduce waste the common problem with islands is that waste can pile up quickly and can be expensive to ship out. many islands, especially those with lots of tourists like bali, a heavily polluted with plastic and other trash. and been a lot of it on the island, which used to be similar here to people already have to thought they household waste into thinking categories and they want to about to 12. and the waste at the recycling yard is divided into 14 categories to make recycling easier and more efficient. looking beautiful. so many businesses on bonham and also recycle their own waste so that it doesn't even have to make its way to the
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recycle like this fiber which is left over from producing rape. see the wheel because this directly from the from are you still have a little bit of waste leaves and stuff like that which we are taking away also and that we are pressing into pellets. which way he think is saving money. so no need to buy oil or gas or anything in this sustainable hotel, a lot of the furniture is made of wood would have been thrown away shower water is we used to flush the toilet and to add a whimsical touch, this path is made from old glass bottles, but that doesn't mean bonham is completely waste free. some hazardous trash still gets lanfield and about a quarter of it gets bound to the goal is to sought the waist so well that nothing has to be banned. at the latest by 2032. that's when this plant will have to shut
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down because it will be too old. the 2nd step was to stop reducing their own energy and become less depend on electricity for elsewhere. islands especially, are often dependent on the mainland or even other countries, providing them with energy which can become expensive. up until a few decades ago, bonham's energy came from almost a 100 percent fossil fuels. but not anymore. we have solar panels or photovoltaics . we have a bio gas system on bonham and of course also wind turbines on shore. some of the solar panels were developed, especially for bon home like lees, windowpane ones. many businesses send their organic ways to a bio gas facility where it's turned into energy. most of the remaining electricity and some of the heat on bon home is produced by burning wood chips.
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although wood is renewable banning it is one of the dirtiest ways of producing energy. it emits a lot of seo to. that's why bonham is planning to use less of it. another hitch was the same problem. a lot of other places have people are very, very fond of. well, that will live, i think we all are. and of course, this is a discussion always when you put a winter over there, you can really see them. many islanders were against windmills in their back yard. therefore, our local politicians exit well, our food is not to put up more winter, but on shore, we will put off shore on there. sadly enough, when the wind power bonham's harbor is already full of offshore wind turbines, which are going to be installed a few kilometers off the coast. and on top of that, they face a well known problem. what to do when the wind stops blowing and the sun stops shining, the energy produced in peak time needs to be stored for when none is generated.
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we're going to pull of a massive energy storage capacity here. unwelcome salt. what does molten salt? it basically is salt that we will melt on on putting in electricity. shoppers in electricity from the winter months when the arriving. and then we renewed it need energy and we just put water into it and creech steam. and then we produce heat and power. so therefore, we can contain a lot of energy for a long period of time, actually the around 20 charging station scattered across bon home, which is not a lot electric cars are still more expensive than gasoline ones. meaning it's a hard switch to make if you're not the richest regions. once more of them on the street, their own home plans to use the car batteries to also store some excess energy which is already happening on a test basis with these electric cars that are owned by the islands municipality. another big problem is this very because it runs on marine diesel and as
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a very dirty there's some discussion about hydrogen oil, electric engines, which are cleaner. but it's still very early days. change can be slower than wanted, especially if you can't just throw money at a problem. i strongly agree that all people want to do the right thing and the most green thing, but they have to be able to afford it also at the same time. that's why a lot of the efforts here are co funded by you or governmental programs or are set up as experiments that companies collaborate on and invest money into. so of course, all of these efforts, the entire island is super green and to break a friendly politics, dawning technologies and missing fund can get in the way and delay program. there's still a lot of things we can learn from this tiny island experimenting away on the baltic sea. you can't just copy what was done here and pasted anywhere, but you can copy the core idea, which is makes a thin ability, the easiest, most logical and cheapest way of doing things. and where this isn't the case yet.
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we need incentives. like wrapping up factors on fossil fuels, subsidizing electric transport, or investing in experimental projects like this one. well, it's true. well the say time flies when you will have it fun. take a look at a few. were standing on the roof top at the dw, please school office, and you can see the whole seat from up here. i've really enjoyed this opportunity to meet as pang time without production partners in presence. thanks for the invitation. next week, i'll be back present the shield from somewhat warmer region idea and hopefully we should be back here for some shoot. what do you think? i think it is a brilliant idea, greece and maybe you found for me too. it was indeed a pleasure to be in abilene. i especially liked the wind turbines in the german countryside, very impressive to look cards and all of you our view as
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a thank you for watching. don't forget to post all your questions or comments on our social media platforms. see you next time would all be back income. paula? uganda. ah. with okay, can you see? can you see? can we get a ah, with
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who who may is fine tune. this is nigel for justice and for some happy to herself and hundreds of thousands of aids patients in china victims medical scandal. again, in case we put
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a single past due she made kind of a scandal with 15 minutes on d. w. o. stop paying for energy and start making. are these solar tiles the future of energy? this high tech roof could power a single family home. the inventor behind this is convinced it will be a hit song made in germany. 90 minutes on d w. ah. in how many pollution? so now in the world right now, the climate change. if any, off the story. this is my plan,
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the way from just one week. how much was can really get we still have time to go. i'm going all with 5th. subscribe along with oh, time, once again for a brain update. because this orchestra called the brain continuously adapts itself. and so we ask a few astute questions. are we smarter a swarms? are you a psychopath? wouldn't causes monster waves. how powerful are your thoughts? we can control our thoughts, which makes us very powerful questions about life, the universe and the rest that were series. 40 to the answers
6:00 am
almost everything this week on d w ah, ah, ah, this is dw news live from berlin, a dramatic and historic day as former us president donald trump, faces criminal charges. and i never thought anything like this could happen in america. never thought it could happen. the only crime that i have committed is to fearlessly defend.


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