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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2023 11:30pm-12:01am CEST

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they are cheap, they provide better insulation in capture carbon dioxide to india. 60 minutes on d w. a thought they were great able to do with this as did up the news africa coming up on a program. not everyone can conceive a child due to the challenge of infinity. so what options do couples have an idea more people are warming after the idea of surrogacy to get someone else to carry the child with no loss in place, the practice can be risky. sort of it's how you,
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monday we ad agreement. yes. yeah. you mondays and become brick agreement. and so the 1st, 2nd, even the thought surrogate broke agreement and thousands of them. bob wins living in south africa, could soon be kicked out of the country if they lose a court case. meet one teacher who says staying is his only option a i id mike a junior welcome to the program. one in 6 people around a well struggles with in fertility, a condition that prevents a couple from having children. according to the world health organization in facility does not discriminate between high meadow or low income countries. in fact,
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nigeria, africa's most populous country, some express suggest one in 4 people are unable to have children. so some opt for surrogacy where another person carries the pregnancy for them a decade ago. this was very rare, but us did abuse of macau coyer reports. it's now become so common that surrogacy agencies are imagine or do there still no adequate loss guide in the procedure. making up myra and myra, judy, it's children, but she wasn't pregnant with them and she didn't give birth. they were carried and born by a sorrow, get judy has the auto immune disease lupus, which means she couldn't carry a baby to term. she decided to find a surrogate to have a babies for her. she tells me that it wasn't simple for her. it wasn't a direct process because solo with our human beings. we had agreements. yes. what's
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the or you mom be as an become brick agreements? and so the 1st, 2nd, even the thought forgives broke agreement brigand agreements like i wish she was 30 process. and midway, i don't want to do this except you do this for me. it was, it's off period. judith found a surrogate who successfully bore her children, and she tend to experience into a business. she now runs a surrogacy agency. the full service costs, the parents around $3000000.00 error or 6000 years after medical costs and the agency fee associates can expect to get about half of that. that's around 3 and a half years of minimum wage. this woman is pregnant with someone else is twins, babies. it is her 2nd sorrow gets pregnancy. she knows all about the home on medication that is needed fine implanted pregnancy and to worry about whether it will work. she asked us not to identify her on the piazza and i went to study
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man because you have to live in a walk, you're doing that and it up once. so he's 5050, is that i will gain or lose i with all of his really right. so on those mental degree of what god, how wonderful to be positive so that i went off with my time and i felt their positive leg, maybe 2 or 3 months. you still have to be careful too because you got to lose its its own is not careful for that, but you scary. how does she think she'll feel when she has the babies and gives them to the parents? how can i what is on my egg? says no, my spam, i'm just a courier. i have my own children. that is i can do this l e, but i felt sure i can do it because it is mine and i can't afford to lose my own child. but in this case, i'm just a courier says when my child if you look for a sorrow, gisy,
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lloyd nigeria, this is what you find the reason to one. currently, parents surrogates and agencies use contract law did it says she would like to see and smooth or better regulate of system. so everyone involved has more certainty. she wants to help others who have struggled with infertility, have the children they want, like she does. so surrogacy is clearly not uneasy procedure. what makes it even more complicated and i, jerry is that there is no clear legal framework guide in the process. so how much of a challenge is that? i asked that she knew a been in the commercial lawyer in boucher well, it was a very big challenge because right now from what i understand personally and that's no contract, you know,
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on the usual sort of either or just the reasons for commercial reasons. not because there's no guidance or guidance on this issue. it's from to i view, you know, i'm sure you have most of head of a baby factory alone across nigeria. well call speak to my people on the, on the issue. so there's a kind of a block market right now because if it's offering to just came to me jewels, the sort of gave me the best more that the local abuse might call me. you know, there's no copy of that because the law provides for this issue. and teenage girls on the age girls might be a toy, ted, people from disadvantage communities might be
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a boy for financial reasons. so i mean, it sounds very sales that this whole situation could be abused. why is the gum in trying to do anything about it? why is there no particular law for 3rd se? oh no, no, yeah, we are, we are still, we're very right. a traditional country, you know, a lot of issues i know of in the front going to be issue. like i said, reproduction is it's still something that a lot of people don't want to talk about. it's just ended up classify things like i vs gauge. why now in 9 years here, because paul at your job, traditional norms was remain warm to be the want to come with the
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children who for 10. yeah. yeah. i mean, i think you've made up points clear back to the type of contract to do because this is the issue you're talking about, the black market side of it. but as also, i don't know if we can see white, mike, an audit legal, so to speak market of it's where people openly saying, yeah, this is an agency where just like a report we saw the essay and this is our agency where, you know, if you're struggling to have a kid, you can come and we can provide you with a surrogate mother, so to speak. so it seems it's also being done in the open. how do you just oppose the galaxy between that and the black market situation? ok now if the hot to the end of the contract, you a pen the between maybe like i mentioned the so again, agencies that handle this issue now crunch plots move from the subject to the
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laws of the government contract. no, that's not contract with an individual. now we have to look. 5 even there was no mis mister with misrepresentation of mine, but he's the so we get more than the, the, the women and i say, you know, all, matthew, out on that issue must be present. it also, the more will be, do read, you know, those, the sort get more that shouldn't be in time on the read was set to be a surrogate if the contract was ends on the, on the do it. now it's, it's void of who on the night you run laws, please. you have a charge of less than a fee is agreed to be. if someone gets mother the contract, it boy did. in fact,
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it's normal. why that been issue? you know, so there are a lot of them will be and you will issues of why x x, i mean soft, so we get contract. ok. kelly, a lot of issues need to be ironed out if such a law as to exist that she knew event. i'm a lawyer in boucher. thank you very much for your time. thank you very much. the option of fraternity treatment is also complicated and expensive in africa and beyond adding to the distress and stigma that the effect of people already face. i discussed this with pre year here by the president of the association for fraternity and reproductive health nigeria. he starts by telling us the state of infertility in africa, most populous country. it's the most common reason for gynecological consultation in most of our clinics. and the a,
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the prevalence is rather appears to be increasing recently, and i just seen many more people complaining of inability to conceive. but i mean, that has my attention. why does it seem that more and more people are suffering from in fertility? well maybe because awareness is better. unfortunately, most of the data we have is based on hospital. so vs and a lot of clients who go to clinics outside where research is done and not captured . so a lot of people, the health system is divided into 2 main sectors. lousy for my health system. private and public. most of the government hospitals attend to those that are
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reported. well, we have a large number of private facilities who probably get up for even more than the patients that we see in government hospitals. and most of the data from the office is not reported. however, we are recently trained. busy carriers nationwide, so the, so that we have a better understanding of the provenance of it. yeah, definitely sounds like a challenge now when it comes to in fertility, basically meaning not being able to have kids many point fingers are there woman. but as we know, as you said, a bit earlier, man can also be in fair time, isn't that right? absolutely, absolutely. and it's not just meant can also be that, you know, experience generally about 30 percent of cases are due to factors in the woman. another 30 percent in fact are due to 5000 in man. and then
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we have about 20 percent where you have combination of factors in both the man and woman. and then for about 10 percent was a on explain. so for today, because we really can pinpoint it now and what's me because so men or women in our environment contribute equally to the condition of you know, what are some of the practical things that one can do to increase chances of having kids? so start from those who have not yet commenced the process and we advise preventive measures before you move that train. good diary, early lifestyle exercise. i avoid multiple social partners avoid debacle and alcohol as much as you can. and that's where you reduce the risks that
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you encounter. and then for those who initiated the process and have started train, how long don't wait for too long. if you notice that it's a problem, you should see appropriate medical care. and so simple methods like a general practitioners and then you want a streams to do so. but when it starts becoming complicated, it would be wise to see again, ecologist and if need be, if it gave you appropriately. if i reach you and kind of give you the appropriate treatment that will assist in getting you pregnant. doctor, pre a fear by president of the association for fertility and reproductive health in nigeria. thank you. now imagine this, you settled in a new country for many years. it's
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a place that even feels like home. but now the government is trying to kick you out . that's the situation facing nearly 200, thousands and by williams in south africa who were granted residency in 2008 on a case that called decide the fate human rights groups have asked the court to stop the government from doing so. by the clock is ticking us residents payments will expire at the end of june. did abuse christine wound were method to change his bag, who's hoping to remain in south africa? far from his home in zimbabwe been mad suddenly is contemplating the future. his life in south africa might soon be coming to an end. he's been earning a living in johannesburg, teaching and waiting take that to pill day for me. graduate to go to school in the morning. and then later, go to restaurant boys at the school or any mash
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of to the well around. and nixon is amy is land with my insight to shoot them and the wife and others beautiful, which were to assume to madison, where i can live and work legally in south africa because he has as and bobby an exemption permit. these permits were offered to zimbabwe and who had been living in south africa and documented, and those who were seeking asylum of to some bobby's violent election in 2008. now, after 12 years, the south african government is canceling. the permit and permit holders have been told to apply for work visas, but these will only be given to applicants with critical skills. like the majority of permit holders, madison res work is not considered to be critical over the border in been awhile.
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his wife and 2 daughters worry about him having to return to zimbabwe. ancestry has made or to quiver adjuster, and i don't know how we're making it into meeting decide to can we like with an inning? i can or i can assess, didn't finish, aren't off or tool before or the while you shouldn't yet fees in the n needs data carrying back to thing is really a life changing thing. it's me that i'll have to drop out of correlate and whatever it is that equality in i'm about to finish. so if he comes back to the end, that means i have to drop out of correlate living standards in zimbabwe. have been in decline since the early 2 thousands today, about half of the population is reported to be living in poverty. some bobbins have migrated to neighboring countries in big numbers. many have come to south africa.
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and this is growing actually immigrant. that has that time escalated, divide into tax on our national, had suggested that the government pandering in taking the end of the glory maintain that the home is always a temporary arrangement and wait for citizenship. all permanent resident rights groups have often called to stop the government from canceling the permanence, there was no public consultation with the stakeholders prior to the decision being made to terminate the payments. if you have enabled people to farm families, found lives here and careers that you give them a fair opportunity to make representations so that you understand the circumstances of the lives and what they face when you make the decision to terminate. and that
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is absent in terms of the decision that has been made by the south african government has been my son would it hope support will rule in favor of the appeal. he doesn't want to go back to some public soldiers or something to stop him. go pick the static game. it's better than finding out other goes some way. if the court rejects the appeal, then matter. nora and others and bobby an exemption permit holders have until the end of june to leave south africa just so you know, we reached out to south africa ministry for home. i fast for comment, but they didn't respond to our request. the court case go ahead next week, and one of the legal practitioners representing some of these and bobbins effect that is symbol you can do as an bobby and lawyer based in south africa. he told me why he thinks he can win the case argument is that
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when people have been in the country residing lawfully, these are not legal immigrants. these are not refugees. these are people that have lawful rights in the country for the past 12 years. that is no longer a temporary arrangement. it is a situation where the vast majority of these people have given almost 2 decades of their most productive lives. and, and yet they are differently permanently in the country. and they have goods roots in the country. they've got the bonds, homes and that they're paying for. they've got financial arrangements that with children in the country. they've got the, the contribution to the fiscal of the, of the country and the gross domestic product of the country. so they are differently permanently in the country. without it, ok, ok, but here's the thing. who, who decides whether they should be there permanently or temporarily?
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is that not the government? the law, the government applies to legislation. so, in this, in this matter, the law says after 5 years, any foreign national who has lawfully lived in south africa, should be allowed to apply for permanent residency in the country. and that is what we will be arguing. well, at least i will be arguing that in court on tuesday next week, on the 11th of april, the law says after 5 years, and bob, we are nationals, all the city p holders that i'm representing have a right to apply for from the residency and the government can only deny the application if they have committed a crime if they have in any way violated the stay
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in the country prior to the application for them to residency. and none of that has been alleged. what has actually happened is that the government has decided, look, we have made a decision for you to leave after 12 years. and throughout those 12 years, the government just try to block. this is important to try to block the city, the city p, all the suburbans attempts to apply for a permanent residency in the country for the past 1213 years. ok? but when you said, if try to blog, what does the government stand to gain from? from this action and the government then this african government does not stand to gain anything. in fact, if anything they stand to lose a lot by their decision, the center who's you know, skilled some bob wins who are on the city. you know,
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who are part of the economic fabric of this country, the real estate of the country they, they stand to lose a lot. but notwithstanding the fact that they tend to lose a lot and they have seen the evidence, you showed it to them as part of the proceedings that they stand to lose a lot from a situation. there's a mass exodus also involvement, but they still, they've done it anyway. and the reason why i believe they've done it is because they're appealing to the populists who i have shown recently, i think, is as recent as last year, that they will vote for smaller parties that once and bob winds up. so the n c's under pressure and they said look, we don't care if we would rather stay in power and then protect the bobbins in the country. ah,
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now so far, 2023 has been very busy for many and aids area, especially considering that presidential elections were held earlier this year. so maybe it's time to catch a break as we get into the long easter weekend. did of use lisa tacoma from our studio in lagos. nigeria looks at how some people will be spending their time ah, around half of nigeria simulation is grayson, to the grateful here and elsewhere east. that is the most important part of all of the year. and will be heading to church. newton is the keyboard. we asked talking process holly. not only did he say, but more is because of good and bad time. you, you. ringback completely do your height, what do you do? how you behave? well for me is it is or is it about douglas right? it needs. 2 happiness. 6 it is, oh, he's not able to request anything. so for me,
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is it below go to print as a pillow for you ms. abuto said no, but to see this east that is also the 1st. a big public holiday, it was been a top year with a long and challenging presidential election, a fuel cache on cost of living prices. people are looking at water break. yes, of course i'm good. so i had a good time with my family since we then bought we did, you know, we do have all the time, you know, i might be going to the bid. so my be home grenette center. and this is over. so the, the 1st holiday for years, so i'll pick out for my 1st relax booth at miss joyce bob all over a by very good. i wonder what your plans are, but wishing you a happy long east out weekend. that's how we wrap up the show. from our stories go to our website, d, w dot com slash africa. you can also visit us on facebook and twitter. see you next time i for now.
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thank ah ah, with
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who go india. the waste from this crop is a major source of pollution. but it could soon become a solution because this entrepreneur is turning it into eco friendly, brick with lots of benefits. they are cheap,
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they provide better insulation. they capture carbon dioxide in 30 minutes on d. w. with secret. behind these was discover new adventures in 360 degrees and explore fascinating world heritage sites. d w world heritage 360. get the out now is key about the media, douglas. enable other get out of media mirabella give up a bit on, but again, i'll just got into that. and now giga or media. yeah. but you are lit up, jo, media dog. currently, more people than ever on the move world wide in such a better life to jamalia videos amended the katie mccloud good on
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a la guardia pin. meg the from prism imagine on does our peers him and his g is bull, or that i'm was voted he gets expose, go to lecture ok. there may not find out about aaliyah story info, migraines, reliable needs for migrant. wherever they may be. a some people don't care about me because they don't see my beauty. some people don't care about me because they think i have nothing to give but 2000000000 people due to then i am every day at home, their food, their livelihood. but day by day i do and
12:00 am
so does everything i give 2000000000 people care about me need me. and now i need you with this is dw news and these are our top stories. israeli authorities say at least one tourist has been killed and several others injured in a car wreck. attacking televi is really media said that the attacker was shot dead by police. the government has tightened security.


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