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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  April 10, 2023 4:30am-5:00am CEST

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i mean, you can choose to go back to somewhere else currently more people than ever on the move worldwide in such a better life. so i don't want to go back and yeah, like, i don't have any reason to but there's no reason that's moving for me that yeah, i believe something great is coming very, very soon. and yeah, i can wait for learn more about la valley's story in for my grief, reliable news from my grants, wherever they may be. ah, unsafe handling of fireworks can cause devastating injuries to your hands in just a fraction of a 2nd. cat bytes can also inflict serious injury some jobs compose the threat of 5 digits to us consists of both. but did you know that smartphones can also damage your hands?
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that's your exercise to keep fit. but have you ever done a workout for your fingers? today will show you some simple but effective exercises, healthy hand, this week's topic on in good shape. the dw help check with our hands are the epitome of human creativity. most tools are made by and for our hands, and our hands themselves are complex tools which evolved over millennia. there are 27 bones in the human hand, more than any other part of the body. and its muscles are very complex, more than 30 muscles, move the hand and fingers. the muscles in the hand can spread your fingers and the
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muscles that extend into the forearm allow you to grasp and open your fingers. and our finger tips are densely packed with thousands of nerve endings that makes them highly sensitive to touch. a lot of brain power is needed to process all these nerve impulses and control muscle movements in the brain, sensory and motor cortex. the areas associated with your hands are especially large that allows us to carry out very complex and movements. another part of the brain plays a role in coordinating in fine tuning those movements. the cerebellum. the cerebellum has more than half the neurons in your brain and constantly makes fine adjustments to motor movements. that's why once we've learned or complex motor skills, like riding a bike, we can do it again and again without giving it all too much thought. and there is
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more the left hemisphere of the brain controls the right hand. and the left hand is controlled by the right hemisphere. in most people, the right hand is dominant, as is the left hemisphere. so parts of the left hemisphere are slightly larger, especially the motor cortex. so is it exactly the other way around for left handed people? surprisingly know, in many left handed people, vogue left hemisphere is dominant just like in right handers. and often neither hemisphere is clearly dominant. which hand we prefer is probably determined, i'm mainly by our genes. but in many cases, what matters most is how will our hands work together. ah, and for that, both hemispheres of the brain need to communicate that happens in the corpus callosum a thick bundle of nerves that connects the 2 hemispheres. and thanks to brain
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plasticity, repetition and practice help form new neural connections. so practicing new skills with your hands will also keep your brain sharp and nimble. there are many different hand exercises. jim and physiotherapists often recommend the following. look out to strengthen your muscles and ligaments be fussed. blend your elbows and bring your hands up in front of you. clenching them into tight 5th for a few 2nd. then press your finger tips firmly against your panel. repeat 5, telling exercise to stretch your arms and fingers out in front of you. drop your wrists down. now hold a strong fist for 10 seconds. exercise 3, extend your arms, palms facing up now till 2 hands down 90 degrees just enough so it doesn't hurt to hold for 5 seconds and repeat 10 times. and lastly,
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hold your pons up towards you. slowly sweep your thumb like windshield wipers to water. a little fingers and back holding briefly each time. this was how can god against repetitive strain injuries, typing swiping and scrolling in the digital age al sums are exposed to a lot of strain. this can need to what's known as smartphone thumb or what sap vitus. jupiter, comcast, the typical symptom is increasing inflammation of tendons and the thumbs. gibson lemon has normally only see this at age 15 um featured offers, but now young people are developing these kinds of complaints. but don't have any other obvious cause. a pain in the some join till hand is a sign of over use or wear and tear on the joints. usually it's the tendency that becomes
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inflamed when bernice dogs, who rides in this kind of irritation or over use the causes the sheets surrounding attendant to thicken them, attend, and doesn't have enough room to slide freely. and she are the result is what people call tendonitis. i'm cold packs. massage physiotherapy and can easy ology tape can help, but sometimes the problem is more serious. pretty 0 is the what you end up with is chronic irritation or inflammation of the tenderness of. uh huh. that's what the treatments try to address. one of the 1st of all, ensuring that the thumb gets rest, i think a lot of times that solves the problems. then there's cortisone therapy and last of all surgery. and sometimes the only thing that helps are surgical removal of the inflamed tissue. so it's best not to get smartphone thumb in the 1st place. experts
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recommend operating your mobile with both thumb, so you don't overstretched the joints using your index finger instead can help to refer to your garden with my as the father of a 17 year old daughter, i'd say set their cell phone aside. more often impose some reasonable limits that can benefit other aspects of life as well as lead the best way to prevent what's up i to us giving your smartphone and your some a break. scores is great for our health, but it's not without risk. campbell is one of the riskiest sports where your hands, the fast moving bull can injure. you'll think it's, the interaction between players can also be dangerous. a close contact tackling can lead to torn tendons and broken bones. there's also risk of falling heavily hand surgeons deal with sports injuries every day. treating
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a dislocated wrist can be particularly problematic. it's not them liam, does this, i love flying more than anything, and i've been playing the piano since i was a girl. so my 1st thought was, what will happen to those 2 things? i love, i live in shops because young pilot, loud cometh, dislocated a joint in both rifts in the fall to dislocated joint found like it would be easy to fix. how a security is high in a dislocated risk, which is usually the wrist is also broken. no hm. and there are torn ligaments isn't all of that needs to be realigned in repairing those joins requires very precise and complex surgery at la comma had a serious injury, which was clearly visible on the x ray. you'd have more fun. why? this is the loony bone. it's called that because it's crescent shape elephant on the mine. it's popped out of its normal position. the on the other bones are still
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in the correct position, but they're no longer a functional unit. because these carpal bones and the ligaments form a unit, a nun, if one bone pops out, won't be, the ligaments are affected. all of this and the rest becomes unstable as on getting things to be. when her ambulance arrived at the trauma center, she was no longer conscious. what do you remember about the accident? it shunt i'm to mcclinton. i was in line waiting for a climbing wool. it was busy, so i figured i'd try a different one. i started climbing and just forgot to secure myself. but luckily i didn't climb all the way to the tom about some company that would have been over 6 meters. i let go after 3 or 4 meters or not right before i hit the ground, i realized i wasn't secured. so i automatically reached out and fell on my hands. it was the worst pain i'd ever felt in my life. as i was lying there,
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people came over and told me to lie still and raised my leg, sign in before they called an ambulance. it took 10 minutes to arrive, but felt like forever. but when the paramedics came, i asked them right away to give me something to knock me out because the pain was unbearable. the fish laugh is hostage mouth. michelle's. later that night she underwent surgery on both hands. a dislocated rest is an emergency like mine and 1st of all and with swelling can be severe from on. and 2nd, of course, because of the anatomy of the wrist, the median nerve is compressed, which leads to carpal tunnel syndrome. proposal isn't all and all the little wrist bones need to be reconnected and performed while avoiding any scoring. i could limit range of motion. so the bones need to be put back into position murchison and any ligaments or damage don't need to be surgically repaired to what is of a little silly thing if any of them kind of low hook. imus is a pilot,
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but it's unclear whether she'll ever be in the cockpit again. and i looked at yolanda for patients, dis, locations of the loony bowler, take a long time to heal and often result in some level of disability with y'all climbed . i enjoyed ankle for my, my marital angled saw my i moved in with my parents until my mother. i'm like a baby again. you have to wash me. feed me, do everything i can't day right now. this moment miss come after surgery, she started working with the physical therapist, vanessa diesel, pretty soon lava was making amazing him in a book 6 months after the accident and surgery. dr. here, she was surprised at her wrist nobility. yamisha trusted. you have almost 70
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degrees here, which is a lot fresh i can, but now here raise it, please. from here, that's almost 60 degrees. so great point went up now been forward 45 degrees. this is also a very good range of motion. what many people have asian 90 degrees of extension in 80 to 90 degrees of collection label and practice though you only need around 30 to 40 degrees in each direction, not polished. wow. mom on the laga also had some good news to northwest you. on the 2nd of july, i passed the pilots medical exam. very nice up for her. before that i had to test if i was really up to it. i did a test flight in a simulator. and the instructor gave me the green light speed. i could select that as it kind of devotion. then i started the re qualification process with you and started flying again on the 9th of july and everything feels back to normal things evolved panel. and that's great. it's a really phenomenal outcome and i am back out on sunday night when i flew back from
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my holiday as a passenger, i said, i'll be so happy to be in the cockpit again. more than 55000000 people worldwide have suffered the amputation of a limb due to traumatic causes. chris theses can restore independence and sometimes even enable incredible achievements. paralympic athletes with prostheses now perform as well as their olympic piers without prostheses. and the latest prosthetic hands are even capable of learning. thanks to a ali. this robotic hand can learn to cooperate with its wearer. thanks to artificial intelligence. ah, was gang balla is its teacher, and also its own up to dave king. bower can use his robotic arm to carry out amazingly precise and fluid movements. for him, the
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a i base technology has opened up a new realm of possibilities. he thinks me further, but i don't have to think about what i want my robot arm to deal with. he does it just does it automatically compare the markers ah, voice gang is a farmer tending to his crops and livestock is all he's ever wanted to do. but then he had an accident involving a crop chopper blade. his lower arm had to be amputated to continue farming. he needed a prosthesis that would replace his hand at a german prosthesis. manufacturer, physical therapist, daniella, used to fail to teach his patients how to use their a i based robotic limbs. with the initial training process takes
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several weeks. this specially designed cuff is fitted with 8 pairs of electrodes. they recognise tiny movements in the muscles of the upper arm. an app visualize is these tiny movements and stores them as movement patterns. as kept anecdotal for been on the cover and out are connected by bluetooth lemon chapters and can find the current. there are lots of electrodes. i'm here with these tiny impulses and buff guns muscles will be transferred onto the out velma, of crushed out. fin, especially voice gang is learning how to use his robotic hand. it's crucial that the tiny muscle impulses he's learning are as distinct as possible at that way. the prosthesis can link each impulse to a specific movement. he's not starting from scratch, even after an amputation. the brain remembers the patterns of movement needed to do things like open or close at hand. once muscle impulses become associated with
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specific movements, the robotic lem, we'll use artificial intelligence to learn specific movement patterns. the electrodes inside the robotic lim, register the muscle impulses in the upper arm. the app matches these muscular patterns to specific movements and stores them. while vice gang bowers spent weeks learning the basics. the company's engineers were building his robotic lim. now it's ready to learn and adapt to voice gang bowers movement patterns. his robotic lim has brought him a major increase in quality of life. but in his drawings, movements is just amazing room. all you have to do is imagine opening your hand and the robot hand opens out a taylor imagine closing at it or, and it closes same with rotating. anything on the prosthetic arm just doesn't intervene. as with many things, practice makes perfect. that's the only way the intelligent prosthesis can continue
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learning, including therapy, the cuff and fine tuning the devices cost around $60000.00 euros as him. and he said, honestly, i can't imagine my life without those pers thesis. i use it all day long, depending on what i'm currently doing because it doesn't, i use the pers thesis for everyday purposes at home to, for things like eating my, these are so many things i use it for his thanks to his prosthetic hand. voskus balla can continue to follow his dream. our hands are not only brilliant can useful. there is something that others judge us on. after all, at some point those around us usually noticed them. and nibble down nails or rough skin can send an unintended message. plus our hands often age quickie to betraying us with wrinkles and age spots. that's because, unlike other parts of our bodies, they're exposed to a lot of lights. dermatologist's recommend applying sunscreen to your hands all
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year round. and even if you don't consider such things, especially important, it's still good to give your hands a bit of tea. i'll see. many people suffer from dry hands, especially in the winter. what can help barbara beer is a pharmacist who's familiar with the causes of dry skin asking for she knows there are several factor huffman. some, 1st of all, your hands don't have as many, spacious glasgow as well. and the skin there is quite good at doing as a result, the skins acid metal barrier might be compromised. that makes the skin more vulnerable to bacterial and viral infections. people who work with solvents and other chemicals often suffer from dry skin. during the kobe pandemic, alcohol based hand, sanitizers became part of daily life, but they're also bad for your skin disinfect. so you can picture how disinfected
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work by imagining acne c panel. and when you add dishwashing liquid to the pan, you dissolve the fat out of the lippard, that's what solvents and disinfectants do. they dissolve the lip, it's on your skin, him and awesome. so when you wash your hands, you're rinsing the natural oils off your scan. that out hand creams are designed to restore this protective barrier and keep your skin soft and smooth, which is especially helpful if you use hands sanitizers as anc liam there that in mother let's. i generally recommend that people put cream on their hands. first thing in the morning to get that protection, and i am done that, and that also helps keep the lippard barrier intact. when you wash and disinfect your hand, and as it might be him. and if you can put cream on your hands throughout the day in my, my veto you but intact convict, he had to anchor him. there are all sorts of hydrating hand creams on the market. many contain ingredients like urea higher lauren of acid, or linna, leak acids again, or they give this kind of path as a perfect skin,
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cream or lotion doesn't really exist. slight surprise from the cranes should contain waste risers, as well as fat that by beds in york. and we also generally advise people these records re koreans that are ph balance out out more ties. and nowadays, there are also lotions that contain sanitizers, but 2 in one solution. my kindness often find the hand sanitizer motions are quick and easy, but we generally advise against frequent use because it can disrupt the skin micro biome, hydrogen. i nothing can if you don't like the seal of a greasy film on your skin, to screams and motions, but don't have too much oil and no mineral oils or petroleum jelly. they absorb much more quickly. the pharmacist also recommends hand baths with oils drinking enough water is also key to make sure you're not dehydrated, and it's best to use liquid. so rather than bar soap because liquid soap spreads more easily. there's also a trick to applying lotion as m 50 m r m. has we recommend the hazelnut eyes down
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to the back of your hanging on the eye. then rubbed the back of your hands together and rub forward to your fingertips. seen batteries in that way. your palms don't get too greasy, which is nice if you're working or holding a smart phone, had been months, much bad. smartphone was when it's cold outside gloves are a good idea to help prevent dry chopped hands in the winter. do you love gardening or play an instrument like this? trend is probably not for you. long chic fingernails in every color imaginable. under hash tag nails, instagram alone boasts almost 200000000 posts on lay. okay. we have the auto industry to thank for the availability of dazzling and above all durable nail enamels. it's not yet clear where the call pains are entirely harmless when applied directly to the body. but as we open touch our faces,
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unexplained redness could actually be a hyper sensitive reaction trial, nail polish. nonetheless, punish can cover up unsightly blemishes on our nails. like white spots, for example. trimming, shaping and polishing. many people spend a lot of time caring for their nails. as the saying goes, your nails complete the look. say you want them to be imagine. ah, but what about those white spots that looked like little clouds? where did those white spots come from? could they be a sign of a nutritional deficiency like calcium, or even a sign of something serious? it's true. your fingernails can be very revealing. do you bite your nails or smoke
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or do a lot of cleaning? lots of exposure to water can make nails brittle, but white spots don't indicate an ion, biotin, all calcium deficiency or any kind of illness. those little white clouds come from somewhere else entirely. our nails are made of more than $100.00 layers of nail cells which bond together in the matrix and grow to form the nail plate. sometimes tiny applegate's form between the layers and they look like little white spots. usually that's caused by small bumps to the nail, even a manicure can be the culprit, especially if the cuticles have pushed back to vigorously or trimmed so those white spots on to problem when it comes to nail care,
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sometimes less is more. and if you still end up with white spots, you can always reach for the nail polish loo. beautiful thing else, or of course, not enough on their own. that's why it's time for a full body work out. here a full quick exercises with hi and welcome. today we're gonna do a whole office workout for different exercises. 32nd floor. so only 2 minutes. and i think you have those 2 minutes. are you ready? let's go. then his wife left your knee and touch your elbow. it's important that you beg, straight, and just move. he also can get faster if you want
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to you. next exercise, you sent hip wide, then extend yours. and then you hoc yourself round your bag. and then again, extend your arms. don't forget to breathe in and out. next x or 510 poor squad. so you stand between hip and shoulder wide apart. we lower for 3 seconds. we hold for 3 seconds and they end up. let's do it together. 123123. next 112312338 thanks to remember. keep your back straight. dead, your feet are fully on the ground. sits down to at 90 degree
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angle with the last x or 58th, to stretch our legs and our hip flexor is take or bend your leg, grab your ankle, and then we just stand here for 15 seconds and then we switch the leg. and remember to inhale an x, a son doing that, and that's all from in good shape this week. so you next time, bye bye. ah. with
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the pablo? picasso redefined european fine arts. but where did his creative inspiration come from the place of his birth? perhaps get on the 50th anniversary of his death. we had to mulligan,
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search for clues, and find out what made pablo picasso. take your romance in 30 minutes on d. w. well, welcome to the super power in your head because this, the orchestra called the brain continuously adapts itself to what is happening around it. me can control our thoughts, which makes us very power. is a brain can do more than we previously believed. the power of thought, 40 teeth, the answer to almost everything. in 75 minutes on d, w o. in sometimes a seed is all you need to allow the big ideas to grow. we're bringing environmental
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conservation to life with learning packs like global ideas. we will show you how climate change and environmental conservation is taking shape around the world and how we can all make a difference. knowledge grows through sharing, download it now for free. oh, time, once again. oh, for a brain update. because this orchestra called the brain continuously adapts itself. and so we ask a few astute questions. are we smarter swarms? are you a psychopath? wouldn't causes monster waves. how powerful are your thoughts? we can control our thoughts, which makes us very powerful. questions about why the universe and the
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rest of that were series. 42, the answers almost everything this week on t w, y a got your new fly from berlin. what military secret does washington journey know about? russia's war against ukraine? leak document, but possibly from the pentagon, suggest the u. s. a spine one for russia and ukraine, military and gathering intelligence on nato ally. also on the show.


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