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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 12, 2023 10:00am-10:31am CEST

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ah ah ah ah, this is dw news live from berlin until he declares a 6 month state of emergency over migration. human rights group say that it is a pretext to send refugees back in violation of international obligations. that is, as thousands of people are rescued from the mediterranean,
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also coming up shortly after rounding up several days of military drills around taiwan. china is reportedly planning to impose a no fly zone. north of the self hold island, we will speak with our correspondence in taipei for the latest. and u. s. president joe biden in northern ireland. he is there to help mark the 25th anniversary of the good friday agreement and for talks with british prime minister richey snack. plus what a very most famous rivers is cleaning up its act. and even hopes that it can be a venue again for the world's biggest swimming effect. ah, i'm sarah kelly. welcome to the program. italy's far right government has declared a 6 month state of emergency following a sharp rise and the number of migrants crossing the mediterranean sea thousands
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made the crossing just this weekend and at least 2 were found dead. rescue efforts are underway to help over a 1000 more off of italy's southern shores. the number of boats making treacherous trips like this one has risen drastically in recent days. aid groups and the italian coast guard have rescued more than 1000 people from over packed, barely see worthy vessels. many of those making the journey have ended up here at the migrants seem to on the italian island of lump azusa. authorities say they have been 2000 arrivals since friday, migrants with young children and several unaccompanied miners needed by. yeah, we are in an emergency situation about some of the stuff a trying to do what they can to meet the primary emergency. so video are limited inside the marya. now georgia maloney's right wing government has declared
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a state of emergency. and what it says is an attempt to better manage the search and arrivals. the 6 month measure will provide $5000000.00 euros to set up new refugee receptions seem to but it will also allow the government, which campaigned on anti immigration, promises to quickly to port those not allowed to stay human rights activists fear the changes are an excuse to deport migrants and potentially deny refugees their rights as they seek asylum in europe. and i spoke with georgia leonardi on this for the very latest. she is a spokesperson for c watch in italy, which conducts civil search and rescue operations in the central mediterranean. as so delicious information is that you should be almost determinate to the rescue of about 1200 people supported by the italian coast guard, and addressing to speak, both with the 8,
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respectively 80400 migrants on board. the risk operation has been ongoing since a couple of days now after president flack by and you as alarm on and he watched and the yesterday during our i area le monitoring mission and see what we spotted yet. another 2, both we about $400.00 people each. we alerted the authorities and seen there were also and many cop there from the tanya navy. it to both were cited the once again in the multi area of the search and rescue responsibility. meantime, italy is right when government has announced a state of emergency to help deal with the influx of migrants, what do you think that will need an application? well for sure, the situation is challenging about 32000 people have arrived in italy, which is 4 times a day didn't amount of people who were right in the same period of the past in the
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past 2 years. so definitely a situation that needs to be addressed with the further further measures. the issue is that migration is not a new topic. it is a structural phenomenon that keeps being treated as an emergency and it with the emergency a decrease. and these are it said dangers in terms of making sure that the human rights of the people starting with the right to seek asylum is guaranteed at old times. we are worried that these will expedite today expulsions and repatriation without the possibility for people to seek asylum and have their asylum application being assessed. and this is of course, the result of the lack of cooperation from the european union, even though it's in its founding treaty. there is, it is clearly enshrined the principle of solidarity, specifically in the topic of asylum and migration. this is not happening and this is the situation that is that we have now in italy and it will be at the cost of
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the human rights of the people in danger. in the mediterranean migration route, tell us more about the humanitarian situation, especially on the both right now. so when we are cited in people se, i mean usually they and they weigh it and they had the, i mean it's, it's really and it's really difficult for us to be there monitoring them from the sky and knowing that they cannot be rescued immediately. corporations, when they take place that they take a huge amount of time and hours, especially on these big fishing boats. it's really difficult to support people. we were informed about the presence of medical emergencies and a pregnant women, several small children and their weather conditions, etc. have been a deteriorating so i mean, this is a very and i cannot imagine myself surviving in these condition quite frankly. and
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this is the situation that these people face every day in the mediterranean sea since years. and yet we do not have a european search and rescue mission to make sure that it can be supported as soon as possible when we receive information of their presence in these conditions, ga, leonardi spokesperson of see, watch in italy. thank you so much for joining us. to share that perspective. thank you. and here's a look at some other stories making headlines around the world. beyond mars military rulers have confirmed carrying out air strikes that have reportedly left dozens of people dead, including many children. these pictures show the aftermath of the deadly attack which took place at a village ceremony being organized by groups opposed to the countries military hunter for indian soldiers had been killed in a pre dawn, shooting at a military base in the border state of punjab. army and police officials have ruled
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out the possibility of it being a terror attack. the incident comes against the backdrop of rising tension in the northern state over the local resurgence of a separatist movement. turkeys president wretched tie, fare to one has kicked off his re election campaign on tuesday or 2 on slammed what he called global imperialists and unveiled plans to boost public spending. next month. turkey heads to the poles for what is expected to be heir to one's toughest election to date. china is reportedly planning to impose a no fly zone north of taiwan shortly after rounding off several days of military drills around the self ruled island. i wants defense ministry confirmed the report saying that the aerospace closures will be about 85 nautical miles north of the island falling within its air defense identification zone. the reason for the restrictions is on clear. a taiwanese official say that it could be related to
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satellite launches. it follows a recent overseas trip by taiwan to president site and bang to the united states and canada. china claims that taiwan is part of its own territory. while taiwan government strongly rejects china's sovereignty claims, let's pregnancy w correspondent, william yang in taipei. william, you just listen to the news conference by taiwanese defense officials. what did they have to say about the plan to no fly zone? so the initial common coming from the national defense ministry here is saying they can only suspect that it might have something to do with aerospace activities conducted by the chinese. but there are no more details and they are continuing to try to determine the nature of the no flight. and in the meantime, they are also responding to highlight the way that they have responded to these 3 day mil,
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3 activities and exercises that we've seen earlier this week. they said that they have elevated the already new level of combat readiness. and at the same time also established a reaction center. so at the same time, they are also instructing the military to respond to any intrusion conducted by the chinese fighter jets and also naval vessels of based on the principle of safeguarding the medium line, safeguarding the territorial water and also safeguarding the sovereignty of time. one, what sort of reaction to china's actions in the taiwan strait can we expect for, from ty wants military? so, oh, we know that starting next week there will be military exercises being held on the east side of 21. even though the ministry said that the exercise has already been planned and scheduled way before china decided to take the exercise for 3 days. but in fact, the area where the ponies military exercise is going to take place is
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a very problematic area. because that is who can participate in need of and of a fun big part where we see the new strategy that china has unveiled in terms of its capability of really trying to impose a blockade around time one. so how time one is potentially going to react to a situation like that may actually give us some clue through the military exercise on the east coast next week. what does the nomination of william lie to run for president by the ruling party need for relations between taiwan and china? so i think the nomination and confirmation for the lie to be calm, the presidential candidate for there are 2024 presidential election, just shows that the ruling party is going to double down on their emphasis on time
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one sovereignty. and at the same time deepening ties with the united states and with lie confirmed as their candidate if he becomes the tony's president, we could expect aging toughening measures and also responses to any type of taiwanese international in foreign policy decisions. because the little gift is ism and suspicion on lie, it's even higher compared to beijing. curren suspicion on the outgoing president tying when so it is indeed a development that could of further heighten the tension across the town. one street, if he becomes the president after the 2024 presidential election, william yang and ty pay, thank you. thank you. in the netherlands, french president, a manual ma crohn has been giving his key speech outlining his vision for the future of europe as part of a state visit. but his domestic vision caught up with him in the hague.
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oh, his address interrupted by hecklers. they're accusing him of hypocrisy instead of democracy for bypassing parliament to enact unpopular pension reforms. security guards dragged those protesters from the gallery. and the french president has also been facing criticism abroad after making controversial remarks on taiwan following his trip to china. or so would in manuel macklin, digging his heels or back pedal students in the hague, eagerly awaited the french president's key address rhythms in missouri. over the weekend, michael had given an interview than had drawn attention due to his remarks about taiwan. and the threat of conflict between the us and china. the worst thing would be to think that we, europeans, must be followers and must adapt ourselves to an american rhythm and
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a chinese over reaction. this raised the question whether his views were in line with the ease position is later speech seemed more cautious in spite of its grand flourishes. his white europeans sovereignties logistic concept or fantasy. but it's absolutely no dangerous world. the necessity, tenchi over easter, beijing's military exercises and waters off taiwan demonstrated just how dangerous the global situation is. but other europeans draw different conclusions to mccomb. he taught it does the fact that he signs with china and against america at the very moment when military exercises are taking place on taiwan borders, does not align with european interest, alexia polish prime minister. more of yet ski stressed that the relationship to the us is critical to poland, security over a new group. and one us senator said, what many conservative americans think we need to ask her a busy street for them because we're pretty heavily involved in ukraine right now.
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we're spending a lot of our taxpayer money on a european one. the manuel mom has given a year of fresh impetus, but not every one is pleased with the direction he's taking. correspond christine, one wise in brussels and i asked her earlier, what was at the heart of microns message. well, is may miss it in the speech he gave in the hague yesterday was to say that europe is way too dependent on other world powers. and that, that needed to change, he referred to the pandemic, has having had been an eye opener or how europe was experiencing supply shortages, semiconductors. and the also referred to to the fact that war was back in europe and that europeans needed a common defense and security. so what he would have said yesterday in that speech, many, many would agree with that. europe indeed means at to, to further into grades and to be more independent, more sovereign. and he said it was important so that europe could be
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a rule maker rather than just a rule. take her it in a changing world. so that was his main message at yesterday. of course, it wasn't just those students in the hague listening out in that speech history to see if he would make further remarks about what he had said on taiwan. and it was the press 2. and at saturday, we were disappointed in a sense, tell us a little bit more about that because, you know, as you mentioned, so many people were watching to see if there was anything that he would say to reassure those unsettled by his recent remarks on taiwan. yes or not in yesterday speech i and not at all. of course it wasn't a press conference or to say where, where, where, where we as a press could have that further pressed him on that. but what is clear is that for a lot of people, what, what's really unsettling by his remarks was his, his way of almost equating beijing and, and washington by saying that we, we shouldn't be followers of china. and we shouldn't be followers of the united states, especially in eastern european countries, where the u. s. a security reassurance is,
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is really important for the foundation of their peace and security. again, especially in the context that we're in now where there is a war in europe. so it is the said seemingly equating and it china and, and, and the united states that a lot of people would have felt uncomfortable with, i think, you know, in large part people do agree. as we heard from, for example, at be a european council presidential. michelle, that, that europe must be more independent in a position where it's able to, to make its own decisions. but i think it is this idea that he would be turning on on an ally as we heard from the german m, m, e p. there that he would be siding with beijing because really these remarks have been welcomed in beijing. a lot of for local outlets in china reporting at rallying and, and hailing these remarks as, as refreshing from an independent individual to speech interrupted by protesters at one point. tell us more about that. well, a prison, him, a crime is in his 2nd term and he's really facing the biggest challenge of his 2nd
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term back home. that is, of course his efforts to, to reform francis pension system, which will see the retirement age go from $62.00 to $64.00. we have seen that we've been reporting on, on the mass process that have been happening across the country in france. and of course, before you started his speech, you had a hitler's shouting, you know where his french democracy in that you are a president of hypocrisy and violence. and of course he went on to rebuff that to say, well, the very fact that this could happen shows that we're in the and said we should not be equating and our country's western democracies to places in the war where there really is no democracy. so it's really just those issues back home catching up with him as he goes on on the international stage where he lodge he receives, as we saw in beijing and also here in the hague. we're spending time with the king and other senior leaders. big receptions, christine white in brussels. thank you. us president joe biden is in northern ireland to help mark the 25th anniversary of the good friday agreement,
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which ended 30 years of sectarian violence. the president will meet with you. k prime minister wishes to knock in the coming hours before speaking at ulster. you will meet with each of the leaders of northern ireland 5 mean political parties at a time when northern ireland is without a functioning government and dw correspondent rosie burkhart is in belfast. and i asked her more about the atmosphere there. well there is a big police security presence all across the city center here in belfast. there are, there were some small crowds gathering as president biden arrives late last night, and he's now busy in his hotel getting ready as we understand for that key meeting with british prime minister re she su not, no, of course, there is also a mood in a moment here of reflection of celebration and of commemoration because every one that i have spoke to here in belfast, no matter which side of this still existing divide that they come from,
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says that this is a moment to be celebrated. 25 years since the citing of the good friday agreement, the landmark peace accord, which people have told me really changed everything in their life. i heard one quite poignant testimony from a woman who grew up in a small town here in northern ireland. she said there used to be regular bomb threats in her tide, and she said she, so grateful know that there, that this deal has brought about peace. and of course, that is exactly what president biden is here to celebrate. so heavy police president, loss of security arrived, but still plenty of moment of celebration of commemoration, of course, of reflection of that piece that has been secured by that landmark 1988. 1998 p steel. the good friday agreement. his visit is shorter than expected. why? yet if you blink, you might miss this visit. it's an important one, but it's less than 24 hours. and you might say, well, he's a very busy man, he's the u. s. president, but he will be late his day crossing the border into the republic of ireland where he will spend 2 and
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a half more days full of other activities. so it's something that the reason this visit is shorter than expected is simply because it's sort of bittersweet because 25 years on from the signing of that. a court. all the institutions which it lays out are not all functioning properly, not least, the fact that there is no functioning devolved government here in northern ireland . and that is down to a political stalemate, essentially prompted over disagreements over post, bricks it trading arrangement. so that means joe biden will not be visiting the seat of political power here in belfast. storm it, instead, he will only be making that speech at all state university before he makes what really does seem to be a pretty swift departure at heads across the border into ireland. what are the prospects to help restore power sharing in northern ireland? well, president biden says that is his priority when he's here is to try and preserve peace to promote prosperity. but i think most will tell you here that he's perhaps
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this is not likely to really shift the dial in any one direction or the other. i've heard some people here say they hope it might encourage politicians to get back round the table, but there is an issue here. and that is that joe biden, who is of irish descent, who often identifies himself as irish american is seen by some units. communities here is not enough of an impartial broker in this political divided across these political divisions. so the democratic unionist party, that is the main party which is boycotting the default administration currently over those post wrecks it issues while they are not likely necessarily to pay great heat to what joe biden says, though, of course, they will be listening carefully and joe biden is expected to meet the political leaders here in belfast though it's a pretty short meeting but he may do is trying to push the economic case and say, well, listen, think of all the investment there could be in northern ireland, if their political perishing would be restored. rosie bar chart in belfast. thank you to the southern australian coast now and
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a sporting story about the circle of life. specifically, a mother and her son, 24 year old australian ethan ewing lost his mother to breast cancer when he was just a boy. she was a champion surfer who won the famous bells beach title in 1983. well now 40 years later, her boys become a man and become a champion at the same place. and his mom made history all those years ago. 40 years ago, it was ethan ewins mother who well judges on the way to victory at bills beach. in australia, the longest running event and competitive surfing ewing used to sleep next to his mother's trophy as a child by repeating her success, he's achieved what he's been aiming for his entire career. its way, my biggest all him my career to in there. so just all my heroes of on this, her jaw mc kelly, the girl steph carissa. and i'm a mom. back in 93. it's a,
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it's an honor to, to compete here. when i'm other with hers is it's really special. yeah. just crazy waco. out of all emotions and i just went my while there over the moon. the victory sees ewing move up to number 4 in the world surf league rankings. becoming the 1st all stroke in mail to women, title it bills beach since 2016. the river, sand running through paris has become the backdrop for countless love stories. it's also been a depository for raw sewage making swimming in it, forbidden and downright dangerous. but that could soon be a thing of the past. when you go for a swim in these waters, you might want to think twice swimming in the river. sand is strictly forbidden and has been for the last 100 years. the reason untreated sewage that flows directly into the river, but that could soon change. look at the water and you know right now it's
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a little bit survey that we listed, but that is not really relate to so much. there are lots of really clean water which are like that because they're all in them and and frankly, some measurements. and i saw that there's a good measurement of dumped in the right paris is planning to make it possible to bathe in its main river again. and so far, the effort seemed to be paying off. fisher returning to the sand and the water quality has been improving in recent decades. just in time for next year's live begins. paris wants to host several swimming competitions for the lympics and paralympics right here. it's been a our project a for a decade, and that's a from here, a fantastic demonstration of the power of the game. thanks to the games. we all the possibility to make sure that all the stakeholders will accelerate the work to make sure that by 2024 it will be possible and feasible to swing in the re listen 5
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miles. how can it, would it be the 1st time? second, 1930, some competitions were held here, despite the general ben on swimming in the sand making. now the french capitalism vesting 1400000000 euros in order to make it possible once more. one of the measures is the building of huge water tanks for storing rainwater. that might otherwise cost the public sewer system to overflow and end up polluting the river. but the races on to clean up the sand in time. the 1st olympic swimmers are supposed to take the plunge and dive into the river again on july 30th, 2024. and finally, just how much would you be willing to spend to own a part of n b, a history? a bitter at sotheby's just forked out $2200000.00 for an old school pair of jordan's making at the most expensive sneaker sold at auction. michael jordan laced up these iconic black and red air jordan thirteen's in his final run up for champion in the game to in game 2 of the 1998 and b,
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a finals. his aarons scored $37.00 points and led the chicago bulls to victory over salt lake city. next sunday, w. it is the environment show eco africa to stay with us. if you can for that. i'm sarah kelly and berlin. thank you so much for watching. take care with with with
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who go india. the waste from this cross is a major source of pollution, but it can become a solution. because this entrepreneur is turning it into eco friendly,
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brick with lots of benefit. they are cheap, they provide better insulation, they capture carbon dioxide on d, w. ah, our produce worker is getting squeezed. brazil dominates the global market for orange juice, but free pickers on the plantation are complaining about low wages for working conditions and illness related to pesticides. why do they pay the price for our breakfast? beverage? in 45 minutes on d, w o.
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o that has to booted you do the food? i played to china fantastic. she survived auschwitz, thanks to music me. he was the nazis favorite conductor. to musicians under the swastika, a documentary about the sounds of power and inspiring story about survival. music in nazi germany, watch now on youtube. d. w documentary with oh, hello. i'm sorry because the lady and thought he need to remove this mask. not a huge fan of it anyway. keep keeps winning my makeup. but what options do we have? look at all of this construction.


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