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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 12, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm CEST

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starts april 29th on d, w. ah, ah, this is d, w. news life from berlin, that reports that china is planning and no fly zone. north of taiwan is follows. recent chinese military drills in the region will bring the license from correspondence in taipei. also on the program leak to u. s. military intelligence documents indicate that nearly a 100 special forces troops from nato countries. a been operating inside ukraine. the german government responds to growing calls to legalize it the growth possession and personal use of small amounts of cannabis will soon be permitted.
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and us president joe biden is in northern ireland for talks with british prime minister wishes sumac, about 25 years of peace in the province. ah, i'm so gale. welcome to the program. so i one says china is planning to close down the air space north of the island for half an hour later this week. our time is down from the 3 days originally pro proposed after taipei protested the move. and taiwan says it was notified by china that the no fly zone would be imposed on the morning of the 16th of april. because of falling objects from a satellite launch vehicle. the chinese move follows inflamed tension rate him after recent overseas trip by time when he's president,
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sighing went to the united states and canada asian claims taiwan as chinese territory, which taiwan a strongly rejects lacker respondent william young in taipei told me more about taiwanese reactions to this latest chinese announcement. so all they have currently said is it's probably related to a chinese aerospace activity, but they don't know about the nature and also the intention. but how many experts are saying they believe this is just another chinese grades on tactics trying to test whether they can use a non military excuse to actually implement such a no fly zone in a very busy flight route. that's just north of tai pay. i think there are a few factors that we have to consider for this. for one, this is just happening right after the 3 day military exercise around taiwan. and
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at the same time, it coincides with the foreign ministers meeting, manji 7 countries in japan. and as we know, this is a route is heavily busy traveling between taiwan and japan. and it's also within kind of one's a d i is the so a lot of the experts are saying that this is just china showing the options that they have in their tool box to pressure on time. one is a d, as this is the ad defense. but as you seem to be indicating that china, i'm seeing the end of that drills, but that vessels are still there around the island and that we have is supposedly separate the announcement about it restricts. and so it doesn't sound like the chinese blockade is really over. right, exactly. they have definitely while reducing the number of very military aircraft and naval vessels around time. one, the activities continues because today the people staley, china, state, media reported they continue to have their naval vessels operating what they
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called as the regular patrol around the water is in taiwan and they are conducting exercise. it's including air defense, anti missile, as well as anti submarine exercises. so i think this is just showing that they are trying to impose a new normal where they consider it their brides to actually continue to send out their naval vessels and their military fighter jets around taiwan to make this pressure. and you know, something that will always be around time one. and also i think this is just a way to make, to pay, be aware about the fact if they continue to engage with foreign government officials, especially the united states. china has all these ways and means will continue to impose the pressure and there is an economic elements to this as well as china's
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launched an investigation into ty wants trade restrictions on chinese products. so what we're hearing from inside taiwan about this so currently the council of agriculture is the only government department that has responded. they claim that these so called restrictions are and wait for time one to protect the interest of its own farmer in the agricultural industry. and they vow to work with the relevant officials here in taiwan to see what are the reasonable way for taipei to respond that experts are saying that the timing and also the timeframe of the so called investigation announced by china. coincide with the presidential election that's going to start very soon in just 9 months. so they, they view this as another way of china pulling another tool out of their tool box to try to retaliate against the time meeting with mccarthy in california earlier last week. ok,
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thank you for that william young in time of war stories that making headlines around the world. mia mars military rules of confirmed carrying out air strikes that have reported the left dozens. dad, including many children. these pictures show the aftermath of the attack which took place at a village ceremony organized by groups opposed to the countries military. gentle for indian soldiers have been killed in a pre dawn, shooting at a military base. and the board of state of punjab army and police officials have ruled out the likelihood of a terror attack. incident comes against the backdrop of rising tensions in the northern states of the local resurgence of a separatist movement. turkeys president, reggie of type err. dawn has begun his re election campaign on tuesday. he criticized what he called the global imperialists. revealed plans to boost public spending to go to the polls next months for what's expected to be the president's
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toughest election fight. linked u. s. military intelligence documents suggests that special forces from nato countries of been operating in ukraine. according to the papers rest, officials estimated they were more than 90 special forces personnel from nato states in ukraine without specifying their activities or locations. delete intelligence also, claims that the soviet has agreed to supply arms to keep a service, the only country in europe to refuse to sanction russia. over the war of alina chic rover, i found it the geopolitical consulting firm a face. i asked her if we should be surprised at the presence of nature, special forces in ukraine. i'm not at all. in fact, i would argue that to the number of those special forces absolutely insignificant to make a difference or 2nd, they are not deployed. so on the battlefields and dirt,
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most likely these special forces from need to countries are probably deployed to, let's say, assist in training and equipment. mostly, of course it is about the training mission. so for the king in shops on the ground . right. but i appreciate you say it's, it's not significant, but this, if it's true, would be the 1st evidence of the boots of nato troops on the ground in ukraine. well, once again, and they are a nato ah, and non nato, our countries are that are delivering cur, military 8 to ukraine in accordance with the, the charter of united nation sir. article $51.00 are so crannies defending itself and they are having the right to uh, provide this military our support. so there is no surprise once again, as i said that, oh, we may see also spatial forces or let's say
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a military or personnel on the ground in ukraine that provides this support and her consulting. there is a lot of western misery equipment that is being delivered and has been delivered over the last 14 months. so ukrainian troops needs a neat also to, ah, well, operate with this equipment and you need actually to put on your, our military personnel on the ground. the leaks also seem to indicate that serbia is ready to supply arms to ukraine and is, that's a support. serbian support likely to make her a significant difference. not at all. oh, it is of course an interesting information. first and foremost a hasn't been confirmed to come to present as we all know. still d a. these documents are being, are practically proved to afford their authenticity. ah, and yet it is an interesting case or force as we know, serbia has
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a very large defense industry. air has been selling a lot of arms and ammunition around the world, and they have a very, let's say, a wide range of up private and public. ah, defense procurement. so in a sense it could have been up private to company supplying ah, the weapons. also, if you think about what happened with the bulgarian government, which, ag, in fact the niter, are supplying weapons to grant. and in fact, it turned out that there was an indirect, her military 8 coming from bulgaria, also to crane a quick word on the lake itself. at moscow says that this was meant to deceive russia, the u. k. as question the accuracy of the documents and the u. s. is in a full hunt, the mo mode. what do you make of this li? well, i think at least as far as we understand tom and also are hearing from the reactions coming from pentagon and from u. s. officials. ah, most likely
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a law chair of the circumvents esl 10 dick. of course some parts have been already . ok. let's eat, alter it up for obvious reasons. so for instance, for dissemination on our russian channels, a russian or the russian reaction is very interesting. cur, they're quite cautious right now to actually comment on that. and i think it has very much to do with this, sir. specific her part of information or that points to on the possibility of her, the, you, ice to penetrate the russian ah, security and military system on the ground. so obviously what we understand from the documents is that the, the, the, the united states worse and is still able to learn a lot about the military plants of the russian army. thank you so much for that. a geopolitical ancestor, felina chucker over from face. thank you. of italian coast guard has rescued
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a boat carrying around $400.00 people that run into trouble trying to cross the mediterranean sea vessel, which has that now arrived in the port of cataneo was a drift at sea for several days with no fuel was take and was taking on water, the angio alarm phone, which helps migrants in emergencies at sea said it had tried more than 20 times to inform the maltese coast guard about the boat situation, but was rebuffed. malta denies that a request was made by this comes amid a sharp increase in people trying to travel in unsafe boat from north africa to europe. the un says more than 400 people have died, trying to make the journey in the 1st quarter of this year. the number of boats making treacherous trips like this one has risen drastically in recent days. age groups and the italian coast guard have rescued more than 1000 people from over packed, barely see worthy vessels. many of those making the journey have ended up here at
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the migrant seemed on the italian island of lum producer authority say they have been 2000 arrivals since friday was to get some of it in i can say that there were many female migrants with young children and several unaccompanied miners needed. we are in an emergency situation with us and i'm at the staff a trying to do what they can to meet the primary emergency. so video limited, and sadly marya now georgia maloney's right wing government, has declared a state of emergency. and what it says is an attempt to better manage the search and arrivals the 6 month measure will provide $5000000.00 euros to set up new refugee reception. seem to but it will also allow the government, which campaigned on anti immigration, promises to quickly to port those not allowed to stay. human rights
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activists fear the changes are an excuse to port migrants and potentially deny refugees. their rights as they seek asylum in europe. are you as president joe biden is in northern ireland as part of celebrations, barking the 25th anniversary of the good friday agreement, which ended 30 years of sectarian violence. he's currently giving our address at auster university in belfast. he's alive, images life after his speech at the university is scheduled to meet with each of the leaders. our regions are 5 main parties. withdraw expertise and branding or correspondent rosie birch are the is there in belfast or welcome rosie. what's the president been saying? he says, your future is are a future. that was his message to the people of northern ireland. he says, people of the united states are invested in it. they took a bet on peace in 1998. that was when that landmark peace agreement,
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the good friday agreement was signed, and he says, the dividends of that piece are no all around. he said when he visited northern ireland in the early 19 nineties before the belfast good friday agreement, he would not have been able to stand in a glass building like the building behind me where he is now speaking. because of the conflict which was tearing the city apart and of course, the troubles that was those decades of the sectarian violence in northern ireland claimed thousands of lays and this peace agreement. the good friday agreement was carefully painstakingly crafted to rebuild trust, to convince parallel paramilitary groups to lay down their arms to set up new forms of government. and joe biden has really been paying tribute to the gains of that agreement. putting that front and center. he says peace was not inevitable and he thanked those who he said, have been working to maintain that peace and to build prosperity here in northern
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ireland every day since. and it's almost a flying visits to the your province much shorter than many expected wires that will the visit philly. somewhat bitter sweet here, because despite the fact that peace has remained less, everyone i've spoken to here says the good friday agreement should be celebrated. will the institutions which it laid out, particularly a power sharing consent based developed government here in northern ireland? well, that is not currently functioning and that is down to a political stalemate over post bricks. it trading relations now, joe biden, i think, chose his words very carefully here. he was very keen. it seemed to me not to be seen a sort of bullying or pushing any of the political parties here back to the table. most notably, the democratic unionist party, which has been boycotting a, forming a devolved administration here as an or, and iris executive. instead, it seemed to me, he was kind of dangling an economic carrot in front of political party,
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saying that since the good friday peace agreement, g d, p in northern ireland has doubled. and he said, if things keep moving in the right direction, he predicts it will triple full. he also threw his own political backing behind a bait to try. and in this political deadlock, negotiated between the united kingdom and the european union, it stopped the windsor framework. it's essentially a reform to the technical document which lays out post breaks at trading arrangements for northern ireland and phil listened. this, it's all very technical. it's about border checks. it's about customs, but that shows you just how complicated policies can be here in northern ireland. because despite the fact that those are technical issues, well, it boils down to those most primordial questions here about borders and identity and about irishness and britishness. and was there any real expectation that miss biden's trip could help solve the political style? my outline i spoke to people gathered here, people in the codes, many of them said they hoped it would help shift the dial note some are more
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optimistic than others. and those that are less optimistic point to the fact that he, president biden, is seen by some, particularly on the unionist side of this debate. so those are people that are communities that want northern ireland to remain part of the united kingdom. some in that community see joe biden as not enough of an impartial broker across this debate which continues to divide northern ireland. and that's because joe biden often talks about his irish descent and he's described herself as irish american in fact, filled in the coming days. and the next hour or so, joe biden is, will depart. northern ireland crossed the border into ireland where he will be ringing piece bells and going to the tones for his ancestors once lived. so he'll be really paying tribute there to his irish heritage. and of course meeting key political figures there including the irish t sugar prime minister t lee over at car. thank you for that, rosie rosie burch out in belfast. our nasa is looking for flatmates
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with elite levels of patience and understanding the u. s. space agencies unveiled it's mars simulation habitat when our volunteers will live for a year at a time to test out living conditions for future missions to earth neighbor. located in texas, the 3 d printed structure comes with 4 bedrooms, a gym, and lots of red sat. the facility includes a replica of the martian environment. not surprisingly, the ground is covered in red sand and scattered around the room known as the sandbox. our other pieces of equipment astronauts would likely use, including a solar panel, a weather station, and a treadmill to simulate the long trips outside astronauts would make to collect samples and gather other data. there's also a brick making machine part of the activities for mars mission would be, besides the geology and exploration building and maintaining that infrastructure for wife on mars, for human life on mars,
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or for humans to come and and future missions to come. they want to start building out that infrastructure. the astronauts would then go through an air lock with several doors before entering the living quarters, dubbed the mars dune alpha, the 160 square meter home includes 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, an exercise room, a medical bay, and an area to grow crops, such as lettuce and tomatoes, the members of the 1st experiment team have yet to be named, but nasa says the astronauts chosen will likely have backgrounds in science, engineering, and math. they'll also be under constant surveillance to see how they handle the environment. beside lation confinement and it's your distance um would be things like being able to get along. so when you're in a small habitat with you know, 3 other people that can wear on you overtime and we have different experiments.
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those experiments include testing the crews response to stressful situations, such as restricting water availability and equipment failures. nasa hopes the simulations here on earth will allow the united states to send people to mars sunk in the next decade. i here in germany government plans to legalize the use of cannabis, a taking shape health minister car lauterbach has announced that the possession of small amounts of wheat will be permitted as will the growth of some cannabis for private use. if parliament passes the proposals, distribution will be possible in special consumer associations. but a 5 year test phase will see the control sale of cannabis products limited to just a few outlets. here is the german health minister calatrava was enough for shooting . we want to prevent cannabis leading to the consumption of harder drugs. we want to better protect the youth. we want to fight the black market. we want to push
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back drug related crime. i mean, we want to get a grip on the steadily increasing toxicity of the products. in other words, we don't want to create a problem, but contribute to the resolution of an unsolved problem, probably in woodland via f. and so as a german health minister, let's get more from our political correspondent, thomas barrett, welcome thomas. so just talk us through these proposals, what will be allowed if it gets the go ahead fill some of the plans that were announced by the government include allowing so called non profit associations that essentially have the task of cultivating the product for recreational purposes and only for adults acquiring and possessing up to 25 grams of cannabis for personal consumption would also become legal as well as cultivating a maximum of 3 plans at home. but the plans are not set to include and this is
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important. white spread sales in shops. now, members of the governing coalition have welcomed these plans, saying they are pragmatic. they would help to protect consumers. they would help to fight the black market. but members of the conservative opposition have remained critical, and they've emphasized that consumption could cause considerable hom, especially to children and young adults, will the original plan, as i understand it was for a much more extensive liberalization. why is that not happening? that's correct. the german government had actually laid out a plan which had been described as much more ambitious than this one. but it quickly became apparent that it was difficult to coordinate the german plans with you laws. and for instance, the shank and agreement, which basically eliminated many national borders, says members have to prevent the sale, the expert, the procurement and the distribution of cannabis products and germany as well as
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all of it's ny neighbors are part of sanguine. so basically, these new proposals are seen as a less ambitious plan, which could, however, potentially be in accordance with e u laws and regulations. so what is the situation like elsewhere in europe? well, actually, germany's original plan had been described as the boldest in europe, a going in part, even beyond regulations in countries like the netherlands, which is seen as a wheat friendly country. but these new water down proposals are argued, arguably, much less ambitious. now more broadly, the eu has been described as having a more conservative approach to cannabis compared to other parts of the world. but again, it is clear that different countries within the you have had different national approaches, many european countries, and this includes germany have already legalized cannabis for limited medicinal purposes. thank you for that sir. thomas thomas sparrow is bought
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the top to see that tennis is monte carlo masters of made it into the round of 16. the father stephanos at phipps sip. c pass is hunting a record time title, while novak jock bitch claim to what he described as an ugly with low back joker, which went into this tournament as the top seat, but hadn't won a match. and over a month, after receiving a 1st round by qualifier, even ga. gov pushed him to a tie break in the 1st set which jock, which one by 5 margin even though the world number one, then claim the 2nd set 6 to his russian opponents still put him through spaces with rallies like this one joker, which hadn't been able to attend the miami open and indian wells masters due to his coven vaccination status. but here he shook off the rust to move in to the last 16 . will be it without dazzling against an opponent who considers him his idol.
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i. you can call it this way and argue tennis. when for me today i haven't plates really my best, particularly in the 1st set. and i, i kind of expected that that's going to happen in a way fellow heavy hitter. stefan lost seats. he passed had an easier time in his match the tournaments defending champion as aiming to become the 3rd player to win the monte carlo title 3 times in a row of his 2nd round opponent benjamin boncey, injured his wrist early on and was then unable to continue beyond 22 minutes with since he passed comfortably leading for one at the time of frustration for boncey. but a welcome break now awaits the greek 2nd seed before his last 16 match on thursday . is reminder, our top story of this are i one says china is planning to close as space north of
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the island for half an hour this week. that time is down from the original 3 days after protest from the time when he's got the w environment to show acre africa is next. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more. well, i'm good with with
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who ico africa. they are hard to commodities. b, b, chimpanzees are being illegally treated as a rangers that the upper niger national parks are fed up. they want to raise awareness of the issue with a wide range of projects to protect to pansy with eco africa.
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