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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 13, 2023 7:00pm-7:16pm CEST

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where the pentagon's ancestors earn their living on land and sea, and walk in the streets of ball and our my great great great grandfather, blew it live with his family before re located in 1851. eventually settling in my hometown of spanish pennsylvania. yesterday i returned to county louse where i toured the calling for castle. likely one of the last glimpses mile on my fitting and answers saw as they gazed on their way out. in one of those days was referred to as a coffin ship. and they sailed out a new re and $1850.00. i wasn't going to say this, but i'll say it anyway. the idea was, i later learned from the irish times they did a little background check. and my good friend, brock obama is my good friend. his grandfather was a shoemaker like mine, sailed 5 weeks earlier from the same port, the idea they both sale for a new life and thought their grand showed their great, great grandsons would both be president, i think is really a little bit of irish malarky
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tomorrow. also revisit county, may i remember the history and hope in the heartbreak, my blue ancestors must have felt leaving their beloved homeland to begin a new lives in america. i sell this not to wax poetic about bygone days. but because of the story of my family's journey and those who left and those who stayed is emblematic of the stories of so many irish and american families, not just irish american families. and these stories are the very heart of what bind ireland american together. they speak to a history defined by our dreams. they speak to a present written by our shared responsibility. and i speak to a future poised for unlimited shared possibilities. so today i'd like to reflect on the enduring strength of the connections between ireland and the united states. a partnership for the ages began to our shared history,
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dating back to the very found new united states. the irish hearts that help kendall the torch of liberty in my country and fire its revolutionary spirit. the irish blood from across this island that was willingly given for my country's independence change that lay the foundation of a new kind of future. one from the bottom up in the middle out, one build on freedom. you know, the great wage immigration that brought our ancestors to the united states and succeed in decades carry many more irishmen across the sea. most of them arrived a little more than with hope in their hearts and strengthen their dreams and beautiful memories of an emerald ground green. i'll a home they would never fully leave behind. i never met an irishman in america, doesn't thinking we'll hope we can see ireland some day. you know, they're sweet. they're asking me, their sweat is soaked with the foundations of communities across the nation,
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all across the marriage. you can't go anywhere and not find it by the way. chip ornell the former speaker, the house used to say that he'd have a, he'd have a reception for all the irish in the congress, the house and the senate. and all those who wished their irish and everybody showed up the clerk. journeys of our ancestors expanded our horizons and little excited imaginations. they became the untiring backbone of america's progress as a nation. even as they endured discrimination were denied opportunity. i tell your story. i was campaigning for president, and i was out in colorado, and i was with a man whose family had been a former senator, a man whose family had been in the united states since the con, keeps the doors for generations. and he kept in there a whole lot of people standing across a refurbished rail station in western shoot me an eastern,
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colorado. and there is literally 10000 people on the other side of the track waiting to hear me speak. and he kept saying, joe, remember, remember, these people are not doing these? my people are spanish or not used to be taken. you've got to show respect. and sir, i said i understand them and kept, kept it up. fine, i turned mister god's truth, this refurbished train station. okay. and i like running a wall paper on it. and about every 20 feet there was a brass plaque that said no irish allowed. i said i get it. i get it. position to speaks above all to the values as a stain. these people throughout their hardships in their lives. freedom, a quality dignity, family, courage. my mom used to have an expression. joey, courage is the greatest virtue, all for thou courage. you can't love with abandon or courage,
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you cannot live with the band. these are the values that were handed down generation generation, my family graft and honored american character tended as they transformed an entire nation. like so many countries around the world, though, perhaps more the most united states was shaped by ireland. and that's my hyperbolic . that's a fact in the values we share remain to this day, the core of our historic partnership between our people and our governments. as nations, we've known hardship in division, we've also found solace in sympathy in one another. and just for years before we issued our declaration of independence, benjamin franklin came to the irish parliament and declared and described it as i quote, disposed to be friends of america and of quote. in turn. next, ireland turned the text of ireland. 1960 proclamation displayed mainly in the main 4 year of this bill in draws on the support of irelands exiled children in america
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. the quote draws on the sport of exile, children in america, where nations didn't know what it means to persevere for freedom to brave a civil war, to toil in the vineyards of democracy. and that's again, not hyperbola, it's a fact. it's a fact. it's not just the hope, but the conviction, the better days lay ahead, brought us along. we have the power to build a better future. 60 years ago as reference, the 1st irish catholic, president of the united states made historic trip here. speaking to this assembling and capturing the imaginations of irish and irish american family life. when john kennedy addressed parliament, he honored more than 150000 irish immigrants who joined the army of the north during america civil war. and among them, one or 2 of them are my relatives as well. they signed up in
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a new land to stand for all values to defend freedom, and the dignity of all people. think about this name, another country, whatever their language is that use the word dignity, as much as we are, issues or dignity. it maps my dad, you say everybody joy, everybody. the minute caleb retreated in dignity, no matter who they are. president kennedy honored their courage and sacrifice by presenting to this body, the flag, the irish brigade which hangs out here to this very day. likewise, was honored, receive an irish side from the tissue during the recent st project, a celebration of washington. it was flown to commemorate the irish 1st rays of tried color in ireland a 175 years ago. and who supposed sus subsequently made his way to america, where he led the irish brigade and that civil war, that civil war battle. these white symbols holding
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a place of honor and launched her house in the white house, embody century of history between our countries. connections that are revocable, have shaped the understanding of the world and our hope that we put it ours to reminds us our history, ours, yours and mine. reminds of the responsibilities we have in the president that should be the present to the hopes of our ancestors. to the expectation of future generations. because you know what it means to fight for democracy. to day ireland, united states are standing together to pose rushes, brutal aggression, and support the brave people of ukraine. i spent many days president kennedy said 6 years ago and i quote,
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ireland pursues an independent course in foreign policy. but it is not neutral between liberty and tyranny. and it never will be thankful for the past year, ireland has proved him right. speaker said ireland, as i stood proudly with united states and partners around the world for liberty against germany, i was committed more than 170000000 euros and non legal aid ukraine. and louis including vital protective gear and medical gripping humanitarian support and aid to minimize the impacts of war on food and security. and child malnutrition, you don't forget you have memories. go deep. as a member of the european union, ireland is working together the united states and other partners,
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the whole rush accountable for its actions, including through significant sanctions and export control. i'm no potent for over 25 years to thought the world would look the other way. was confident he would brag nato in the european union, the unity western nations with fracture and for the moment of testing, that's what he thought. but he was wrong. he was wrong at every point, and every from today were more united and more determined than ever to defend the values that make us strong ruins. sincerely, thank you for allan vital leadership. last year you had a security council working together. i states help change the way the un sanctions are implemented to ensure they do not hamper humanitarian efforts. the new monetary
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carve out, we'll make sanctions more effective and save lives. ireland support for your credit is especially meaningful because you carry the moral authority with nations around the world. allah's iron was always been a voice for liberty, global cooperation and equality of all mankind. because ireland remembers the terrible cost of war. you build an international credibility as peacekeepers, stepping up continuously to serve in the you and keith. phoebe mission since our 1st development, since our 1st deployment in 1958, because island remembers what it means to have to flee home, leaving everything behind to begin again on foreign shores. the irish people have generously opened their hearts, their homes, and you'd welcome and you said nearly 80080000 ukranian refugees. i would argue the rest of the world has an obligation to help you maintain that as
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well. because island remembers how painful hollows of the great hunger and you're to day global leader and food security as well. islands, committed fully 20 percent of your age budget to fighting global honor. and in a moment where people around the world are struggling with the economic fall out of the van demik, russia's war and ukraine. ireland is growing, it's 8 budget expand, is committed to help vulnerable people, especially partner nations across africa. i predict, they want to thank you for stepping up alongside the united states to help unicef and the world health organization fight malnutrition and child wasting island. contribution of 50000000 euros is helping prevent these. the treat wasting child wasting a supply, ready to use therapeutic food and reach a half a 1000000 children in africa, a half a 1000000 children. a change in lives. i own also remembers,
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as i do at peace is indispensable piece is an essay foundation for progress, for both, for growth from locking. enormous potential exists in every part of this island. this week mark's vital milestone for peace. 25 years ago. the belfast good friday agreement. 25 years ago. one of my best friends in the senate, a great great friend of his days. george mitchell is he said, or 300 days of failure, or 700 days of failure and one day of success. but it was a success that one day, but more is to be done. yesterday i was in belfast honored those who commit themselves to peace, to reiterate. enduring supporting united states for the good friday agreement and northern islands, democratic institutions, and help accelerate the enormous economic growth that is opening new futures for young people in northern ireland. as i pointed out, there are literally hundreds of american corporation ready to come and invest.
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investor cautious. christian institutions are non employs. i must never forget that peace, even as has become and lived reality for entire generation of young people. peace is precious and still needs, its champions still needs to be nurtured. good friday agreement didn't change just changed lives for the better northern ireland that significant positive impact across the republic of ireland as well as a t shook. and i've discussed including last month in washington, and again today how ireland united states can work together with the united kingdom and european union to support the people northern ireland. i think i think that the united kingdom should be working closer. wireless or ever resistant, ever political violence must never again be allowed to take wholeness allen
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to be watching as best program here, alma d, w, as the u. s. president joe biden addresses the irish a parliament. i very personal speech which touched on his own history on ukraine, on the role of our island and its peacekeeping mission and on northern ireland as we left it that more at the top of the hour and online at d. w dot com on the w act. i'm good with our sports a scoring when we say they're about never giving up.


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