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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2023 4:30am-5:01am CEST

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comes to trafficking nigerian women, so sick. so they're always saying the same thing about you get to go without having to pay it. obviously that's all in line m n a forms. yes. and then we succeed in restoring this young girls ability to treat it. it's something that really is price at minimum, that gives me known to what i do to true combating. dealings starts april 29th on d, w. ah, ah, this is focus on europe. i'm larva loa, thanks for your company. the reconstruction of one of europe's holy landmarks, the notre down cathedral in paris, is in full swing for years after
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a mass of fire. a team of experts are working tirelessly and shifts to rebuild the roof. trust and spire stone statues are also being restored or renewed. still, much was completely destroyed by the blaze. people around the world were shocked to see footage of the no tra dom engulfed in flames. in april of 2019, a massive influx of private donations followed, and these are now being used to fund the reconstruction of the cathedral in the heart of paris. if all goes according to plan, the notre down will reopen next year. master glass maker of levine, or salt petty, is doing her part to meet the deadline. like hundreds of crafts people in experts. she is working to ensure that the paris landmark shines bright once again. ah, fluffy von san patty is preparing for her day's work with care. a master glass
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maker. she's one of the artisans tasked with restoring the stained glass windows damaged in the natural dam, fire and cleaning the soot off them. it's a painstaking operation, but she's working at full speed so that the cathedral can reopen as soon as possible. it's also where they work in 2 shifts here from 6 in the morning to 10 of night. think m o m c m, we are work to help repair this trauma is something really special. have i said we usually have more time for our work on projects that are planned for the long term and but this is an emergency of sorts. no tottenham has a very special symbolic quality, which we need to restore somebody. and the adobe as if by a miracle, most of the cathedral stained glass, which stood the heat and flames of the fire on the 15th of april, 2019. but the icon expire collapsed
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ah, the roof and parts of the vaulted ceiling were destroyed. the entire cathedral came close to collapse. after the fire, the french government announced an ambitious reconstruction plan, not to tom was to be repaired and reopened within 5 years. looking even more splendid than before, you were still to supers who are only the best should work on such an important construction site updated local mid season. in a hiring process, we selected the most highly skilled crafts people in every trade with suited to me . me, me, you chicago, homer, to more than 100 companies and over 1000 crafts people are involved in the reconstruction. not all of them are on site partisans from across france were commissioned to repair the cathedrals windows
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including show viva san patty who works in tall south of paris. she is mainly working on stained glass windows from the 19th century. avow some also date from the middle ages, without its windows, the cathedral cannot reopen it, he called said to help him out again. without these windows, the sacred atmosphere is lost and becomes rather profane. because the windows are filters that transform natural light into divine light. it can ever sydney him yet . the cathedral spire will also be rebuilt. exactly as it was before. militia and 100 meters toll. the wood inspire will rise into the prison sky. once again, we haven't done anything like this for a long time. what will employ techniques used by the 19th century architect, viola dick, who does the lim, sick? reconstruction is taking a little longer than originally planned. madame is now scheduled to reopen at the
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end of next year. even though they can't go inside, visitors, thrilled to see the construction work. and when you're welcome circle, a building like this is something you just have to see. it's magnificent. also, all joseph is in very constant. the man, i'm happy to see they're rebuilding the cathedral, will have to save the building. will look like the original or even better thought method. sam had it's amazing work. a come to see the cathedral once it's completed . that's for sure. is that money isn't an issue for the cathedral parish. donations from around the world will cover the cost of the repair work. for many of the crafts people, though this is more than a job, it's a labor of love. also, i think you were part of a long line of glass makers. he began in the middle ages. each of us works to pre served a building for the next generation. it has offered you once to sot on the dust of centuries,
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have been removed. the stained glass windows will shine like you and not your time might even be a little more beautiful than it was before. hooton's war has brought immense suffering and destruction to the people of ukraine. the invasion has been going on for over a year, though many had initially expected a swift victory for russia's army, one of the world's biggest, but troops in ukraine put up a fierce resistance and largely halted russia's advance. that's thanks in part to fighters like marta. a doctor from chief and her husband, there he the couple were thrust into the conflict and on to the front lines of the war. ordinary civilians who felt compelled to defend their country. ah, marta and sir he on leave from the front. it's been months since they've had the
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time to stroll to keep together. they've been on duty since the very 1st day of the war. this time it's like to return completely tools that i before i could see old changes actually happens to you. but i seen you like it used after a few months since the beginning of war. so much, much is it and as good is good to have a place where you could return from the frontline and understand that that's why these food we 1st met the couple a few weeks before russia's full scale invasion, marta and sir he had just joined ukraine's territorial defense forces a military reserve of the countries on forces. few members had previous military experience. marta and sir he didn't either. they got training once
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a week in the very basics of combat. young rob, all the stuff that you couldn't just seal in the movie. so as of the common carriers, you know, they seemed very simple. but in general, when you started to do it, it's quite difficult because you need to know how to do it correctly or not to be and then just for yourself and for your colleague. so like him for the skills. very basic, but very important. at that time, the territorial defense forces were intended to support the military in case of war, but mainly behind the front lines. at checkpoints, for instance, a year ago, nobody knew whether or not russia would actually invade. but if war did come, martin knew she wanted to be prepared for that it's difficult to
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explain to foreign s y v r. i exactly know what to expect from russia, but if you happen to know history many, many times they just physically destroy all roots of the brain. yes, martin did not consider herself the adventurous type before the war. she'd been living an ordinary low key life. she had a house just outside cheve, a garden and some pets. after studying medicine, marta was supervising studies for international pharmaceutical companies from home . but she sense that the tranquillity wouldn't last. it's almost impossible to imagine what will happen if i have to leave it. if i have to just a fight and it will been destroyed, it could happens. i am trying to be ready for this because it's still how to same. definitely i don't want to preserve was, is a on the price of being live on to occupation
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down. that's close. more came much faster than expected for the pair was part of the defense forces. as soon as the war began with russian troops swiftly advancing on keep. their hometown became a war zone. sir, he was fighting in the trenches. by march, i served as a medic and a 1st aid station with these days, the territorial defense force is no longer stay well behind the front lines. they become active combat units and are deployed to some of the most perilous sections of the front. blue
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marta and sir he were both recently at the fiercely contested don bus front a there i am still afraid of edison because it is a little bit late. i mean, not a little bit is far more advanced and this i'm still afraid, but what's already happens when they know that they have to go there, you know, i just could go otherwise, i would never go back with me now for the 1st time, but couple has some time off together, we quickly who called us lee. i was not really up to least to come to trust one so far i have feeling that elusive between it is was big problem. it was
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difficult to move it from yours from supervision. but i only see how army became stronger and they are really prone for see this but as they walk around their home town, which for now is more or less peaceful. they come across reminders of the war. in the center of kiva, the authorities have had wreckage of russian tanks on display. but the 2 have already seen plenty of those. the hypothetical situation they started preparing for over a year ago became a deadly and all too bitter reality. his mother begged him not to ride a motorcycle but italian vanny. oh dera,
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couldn't ignore his calling and following his heart has paid off. oh, dara has enjoyed great success in the world. a freestyle ludicrous he tours the globe on his bike delighting fans with stunts. and acrobatic jumps, and there is calling goes beyond competing and winning titles. he also uses his talent to bring joy to sick children. a day in the life of motorcross freestyle champion vanny odessa in the gloria. ah. will look as i want, the valet, the beauty of this sport is that even the richest person in the world can't buy the feeling you get walking in the sky next to your bike. ah, but it's not all back flips in the sky, vanny odette as we'll take him to all kinds of places like this hospital in genoa.
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ah, danny's motorcross journeys started in 2002. he soon turned his passion into a profession and is now one of the most successful doors in the industry. his 200 horsepower bikes. these him, soaring up to 15 meters off the ground, but he's always afraid he says, of it. if our water of fear is what drives you to push on, because of course it's very dangerous, but the more you train and the more you jump on, the less grist water actually is on bottom of the bite becomes something like a 3rd leg blue. his talent brought him fame, money, success, and tournaments from brazil to russia. then one day, a taxi ride after a when in moscow changed everything i was actually straight away. i noticed a strong smell of urine stuff. i snapped at the driver to hurry up and quickly take
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me to my destination. often i looked into his eyes and saw a man like me who was for me, but he was missing his legs and he was sitting there in his own urine. front cover, oregon, and we had hospital to see dealers in med, social, and from then on, vanny began to help. others will dotala these. i gave the driver all the prize money and went up to my hotel, ashamed of myself. but i did. i thought about what i could do to help the world war on the top. and that's how he got the idea for motors, psychotherapy, and nato crystal face. the idea was to share my time and passion with others. i rang up associations and people with disabilities and talked about my project because i guess shorter they loved it. and so i invited them to turn him and he saw in italy with that can and abroad. couple of a navy tenicia really got to kind of funny you really thunder pretty well. this is genoa on a wednesday morning, vanny and his friend my tail valeca bogey,
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are preparing to visit a children's hospital and ghastly me. they've been dropping into clinics since 2014 . 0, it's like hitch. i gave her all these other. she'll go with movie and pick a gift card to review and now it's his turn. he's never been on a murder back before. i don't want this money. well, hold on tight off we go see some of the montenegrin from luckily, or electric motorcycle. so the kids and hospital can enjoy them too for life. we want to make this place into a big circuits because kids should be able to feel like kids even in a hospital, might like patients. 24 young patients are waiting for vanny and his motorcycle in the cancer ward to. he comes by twice a month. 2 over the yeah he what's your name?
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i g r g. okay. oh, watch the tube. okay. 0123 go shower drive slowly with ah ah. well, i never thought the motorcycle could move so fast enough. i could feel my skin my body. then i thought that the door ahead wasn't breaking shut, and then he made the spectacular stop. it was fantastic. from fanny's visits give the little patience feelings of joy and the hope that they'll see each other again soon for the next slide. is there something you would like to preserve for future generations, a memoir or a doctoral thesis, perhaps? and you may want to consider paying martin quincy, a visit for
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a small fee. the austrian will bring your work to safety deep. an austria sounds camera, good mountains. the warehouse lies in one of the world's oldest salt mines near how stat and to ensure that the data is stored in this treasure trove withstands any catastrophe. concerned doesn't secure digitally, but on a material you can find at any hardware store. ah, martin, kansas is on his way to his treasure trove, located deep in a mountain and austria. it's a vault of stone, and salt is given the project, the name, the memory of mankind. it's star and we're in the so to live of host at the world's oldest. so we're going to take this old mining train around 500 meters into the mountain american. going to go with this group of mountains and upper austria is
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called her let's the region is famous for its rock salt extracted here for centuries. the old pits and shafts provide ideal protection from martin concerts archive project. the data is inside these boxes of fired clay, but here data isn't being stored digitally. it's on ceramic tiles, not unlike those. you can buy concept burns text and images into the tiles. what gets stored is selected according to his own criteria. beyond just a handful toughened widow. we've brought another handful of tiles into the mountain and we'll now put them into this box here. her enters. oh, this is part of a locksmiths training journal from the 1950s salih over earlington lawrence, things were done differently. bank failure, carlos is that which is why i think its worth preserving that on finger. it does offer harden spirit. besides his own selections, constable also store private texts and images for anyone in exchange for
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a small fee or stories. but the covered lockdown for example. it so it's, or the doctoral thesis of a pakistani antiquities researcher who doesn't want to only rely on digital clouds and servers so hard by abbreviate man on his own. so our internet informations, turner's isn't as long lasting as we think. that's one of the reasons why i decided to set up this archive so that information can be stored for the long term. much all of a future generation was also the him gain some insight into their own past the mid d and an applicant, the and agony, forgotten her mom, colonel, conscious as his tiles are indestructible. and the v and a native knows what he's talking about. he's a trained ceramic specialist and well versed in these materials. he even developed a special process for burning high resolution images and text onto the tiles in his
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workshop at home. you can take hours or even days the supervisor goes with his wet plays of the child bombs with the color grains, then it causes food always after that, it's a smooth surface. let's white so durable is the full heart bar. whenever a batch of tiles is finished, martin conser heads for the salt mine and housed at the picturesque location of trucks. many tourists that has been used at the fillum location. visitors from around the world come to house that but few know that deep in the mountain above them, a time capsule archive has been growing for a decade tile by tile. this tile is particularly important to martin conser. it shows how a glazier has melted in just a few decades present and thought is element, that's a central element of the archive document and climate change. because if we don't
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safely preserve the ra climate observation data, future generations might not understand that climate change took place and certainly not to what extent are from going with y'all's masser. the project won't be limited to just tiles. scientists are working with martin conser on new data storage materials to fit more data on smaller spaces because there's plenty of demand. even the university of vienna has tiles here. the project memory of mankind is to last forever for every one. spain's countryside has seen populations plunge as people leave their home villages for big cities. it's a phenomenon that's become known as empty spain, in the southeast of the country, the village of penny as after the battle has all but emptied out the youth have left the elderly are left behind. it's a bitter pill to swallow for lucy. yet, nicholas who runs the village, but she is not giving up just yet. no,
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thea has launched an eye catching campaign that shows the villagers in a new light. these spaniards bad all including squash farmer. one whole perez here, the 68 year old and we and that because the pose, he struck last summer when he and most of his fellow villages agreed to be photographed, new available. good. what about i just had to take part wasn't working for they told me there weren't enough people who are because we have so few residents. i had no other choice. i'm lucy finance half my day about hallways home to just 16 people. they bent their bodies to keep their hamlet from dying out. but here in south east in spain, the nude photos have raised eyebrow as they now grace a calendar. maze picture is of antonia. she wants to show that folks here i'm more
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progressive and open than many people think. lesson to love her than you were just depicted in a bad light bill campbell, you see them on the front row. we'd like to be viewed in the way people in the laundry communities are you. we pay our taxes to the left, but here in our little hamlet, some of our own, we feel sort of left behind. we though, and were you rely photographers, david can 2 and one hall, i'm me has had a little trouble convincing the locals to take part with a political thing. i'm would so the villages things function via word of mouth, the noise, grandma, you go, people see their neighbors doing it and how well they come across are about. so they spur one another on see you see any money on his address. the idea for the calendar came from new caea nicholas head of the residence association at 30 years
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of age. she's one of pen yachts, after idea buckle was youngest inhabitants. she commends her neighbors coverage. generally what i fancy not on british 30 of the board there or it is only a kind of liberation, nothing. i get with the spelling stereotypes to mars a bit of a he's on pictures of buffalo bodies, animal there of ordinary people. here folks can show themselves as they are. unlike many of the new photos were familiar with what are feeling if. if i let myself be photographed too awful and the picture is great. it but it feels penya taff her day about holland. it's calendar on now known well beyond spain's borders, to the delight of squash, grow, a handful perez, who's discovered an unknown side of himself with it. i no longer have any inhibitions, though. i'd never done anything like this before, but i'm on board for next time. in the hamlet they were ready making plans for next year's calendar with even more residence revealing everything finance, half
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a day, a back hoe has to offer a gift idea for that friend who has everything that's all from us this week and focus on europe. thanks for your company, you can watch more of our show online at g, w dot com bye for now. ah, ah. ah, with
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renewable energy and electron ability dependent on the battery industry and can they be produced sustainably? absolutely, says europe. what about o rule material mining?
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and what are the alternative for electricity storage? made in germany. in 30 minutes on d w. buddha, in africa. my name is enough below the bill. my chinese name is other. enoch grew up in a buddhist orphanage in malawi nail d 9 d. i was so afraid when i arrived and we'll feed up man, because i'd heard rumors that the chinese eat a maniac torn between the teachings of the far east and his native african culture. it was 75 minutes on d, w. remembering benjamin farrah inch are film on the d. w documentary youtube channel. he was the chief prosecutor at the nuremberg trials. thanks to him . nazi mass murderers were taken to court after the end of the 2nd world. amend.
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tireless in his efforts to stand up for justice around the world, benjamin ferren. now on dw documentary, lou time, once again for a brain update. it's magic, it's the kind of magic a because this orchestra called the brain continuously adapted itself. and so we ask a few astute questions. are we smarter in swarms or u. s. i wouldn't causes monster waves. how powerful are your thoughts? however, we can control i 5, which makes us very power. came. we have to learn a lot and we do that through plane questions about life, the universe and kind of like
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a superpower. our series. 40. 0, most, every thing oh, this week. oh d, w ah ah, does that mean is line from berlin? federal agents in the u. s. arrest, the suspect alleged to be at the center of a massive intelligence leak. at 21 year old. the air national guardsman is in custody to be charged under the espionage act is believed to have shared classified documents, purportedly to impress friends and a chat group.


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