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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2023 2:30pm-3:01pm CEST

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2023 in bon germany and online and increasingly fragmented world with a growing number of voices, digitally amplified. we see where this clutter can lead what we really need, overcoming divisions and a vision for tomorrow's journalism. register now and join us for this discussion at the 16th edition of d w's global media forum. and don't worry d, w 's health magazine this week is not about a lack of exercise and high fat foods. it's also not about drugs and medication abuse, family arguments or anxiety attacks because those are all things that disrupt sleep . we want you to have a restful night and feel cheerful when you get up in the morning. you want that to
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been in good shape can help you with leonardo da vinci is said to have slept for only an hour and a half a day. albert einstein, on the other hand, was a long sleeper, often spending 12 hours a day in bed. napoleon bonaparte is said to have slept for only 4 hours, but took many naps during the day. the singer mariah carey, spent 15 hours a day in bed until she had her twins and soccer star close down overnight ago says he rests for 90 minutes 5 times a day. so clearly our sleep requirements are highly individual. how do you find out what yours are? w sophia?
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wagner has a suggestion. is it hard for you to get out of bed in the morning too, then you're probably not getting enough sleep. you're not alone. but how much sleep should you actually get? researchers have found that 7 to 9 hours of sleep is what's best for most people. but some people actually only need 4 to 6 hours of sleep. they are called natural short sleepers. the condition is pretty rare, but it does so that the amount of sleep you need is actually highly individual. so how can you figure out how much sleep you personally meet? as actually a pretty easy method that involves the tent. but before we get there, let's have a look at why sleep is so important. first of all, sleep is essential for health. that's because it's like your nightly repair service . if you don't get enough of it on a regular basis, you're more likely to get ill. a lack of sleep can affect your immune system,
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not getting enough sleep can put you in a bad mood and make it more difficult to deal with stress. you might fear worn out like motivation and find it hard to focus on things. can you relate? then let's take a closer look at what defines our individual need for sleep. to some extent, it depends on your age. infants need on average between 14 and 17 hours sleep every day, but some newborn sleep up to 19 hours daily. the older we get the leslie we need by around the age of 18, it drops to those 7 to 9 hours, and it keeps decreasing. just much slower. that's why people over 65 usually sleep a little bit less then let say people in their fourties natural short sleepers. those seem to function just fine on as little as 4 to 6 hours. natural short sleepers are not, it's on the eggs,
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and they don't to sleep so little because they have to work a lot or have other obligations. they simply don't need more sleep. it's in their dna. that's because along with your age, your genes are the other big thing that influences your need for sleep. natural short sleepers carry mutations and several different genes that i'm out. we don't know why. give them the super power to get by on little sleep without feeling grampy or exhausted, or eventually getting sick from it. but there is no point and trying to train yourself to sleep just for the 6 hours. it won't walk if you're not a natural short sleeper, habitually sleeping, that little really isn't good for your health. and as i said, the trite is pretty wrap. so rare that we still only know very little about it. unfortunately, there is no genetic test that can tell you whether you are a natural short sleeper or even just how many hours of sleep work best for you. but there is another way to find out. the best way to figure it out is to take
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a relaxing 2 week break. i know vacations are a luxury, not everyone can afford it. but this break could also be taken in the comfort of your own home. it could also be an ice beach or a camping trip. anything relaxing really? by the way, this is the park behind offices, but i think for demonstration purposes, it's fine. an extra benefit if you decide on camping the natural cycle of light and darkness can help with finding your rhythm. try to go to bad at about the same time every night. don't set an alarm, just get up when you naturally wake up and write down how many hours you slept. you probably get in a lot the 1st few days because your body will be making up for any sleep deficits. but after a few days, your body will get into a routine and you'll begin sleeping more or less the same amount each night. congratulations,
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you've figured out how many hours you need to sleep and cite node. it all labs to figure out your perfect that time because that's in your genes too. but that's a story for another day on a common cause of sleep deprivation is so called social jet lag. this basically means living counter to your internal clock. like when you have to get up much earlier than your body wants to because of your job or when you have to stay up much later. shift work commonly disrupt our body clock as does frequent flying across different time zones. parents of young babies also often have restless nights. it can take months for an infant to find it, sleep wake rhythm, which can be very hard on mom and dad. at 9 months old tioga is katerina and borak, demi as pride and joy and yet to the young parents is struggling. the big problem
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is te august sleep. we are in that for the hand and we started offering him a hand to fall asleep with high. he would take it and stroke it and eventually he got so used to this hand that it became a sleep aid for him. and he could only fall asleep with it is. and i, the problem is that when he wakes, he misses the hand, had in the hand for months. we've had to keep reaching a hand out to him, sometimes lying in uncomfortable positions for part of the night. it's physically exhausting, extra encouraged. another thing. every night it's the same. tioga typically wakes off to 45 minutes and looks for the hands. if it's incredibly draining you wake up in the morning and wonder how you're going to get through the day because you're so tired. and yet you also know that when the night comes, it's unlikely to be any better, jenny orbiting jobs merchants would. i've stopped playing soccer for example, while i was a current for years. but i said that with such little ethan, my desire to do the jobs,
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it was impossible to juggle everything clean. the chronic sleep deprivation is also taking a toll on their marriage. that gets on at some point in the night, it's just about survival. and when you just want to sleep, sometimes you end up saying something unpleasant a lot. in their desperation, the couple have sought help from kim baba. she's a mother herself, and office sleep support for parents and babies and with the family for christ. i lay out the 1st thing the family does is complete a 5 day sleep blog, which is super important because it gives me an overview. i as i then look at how much the little one sleeps during the day, usually how much he or she sleeps at night. what the total amount of sleep is. he woke how often he or she wakes her. what the eating patterns are during the day 7 and whether nutritional needs are being satisfied at night. this analysis reveals that there are 2 factors influencing t r go sleep during the day his body is adjusting to having less sleep. such an
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adjustment can lead to more restless nights, but the bigger issue is that he is unable to fall asleep on his own fin cottages t montage policeman and the hand is basically asleep aid. and there are many different types escaped from such as being dependent on a parent session and at an up hang carrying the child is a classic sleep age and more breast feeding or, or anything to do with movement. ah, i was estimate of ego. and then there are other ones that don't directly require a parenting. somebody cuddly toys that play music. for example, on such sleep aids or a sleep associations can become anchored so that the baby believes they need the very same thing when they wake up again, which in t argos, case is after around 40 to 45 minutes and they need that security to go back to sleep again, the child feed up often invito she often. the plan is now to wean the little boy from his sleep pans using a cuddly toy, kimball,
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but knows from her own experience. just how problematic poor sleep can be for parents. and the babies themselves also suffer from a lack of sleep. good rush losses on proper sleep is very important for babies and small children for all the different developmental stages they go through me. if a child is not getting enough sleep, and if it were to crawl towards the stairs, it would have a far higher chance of having an accident than a well rested child. so he, i'll go, definitely needs to learn to fall asleep again at night without a parental hands. now do you feel better already? because you have a kind of plan, you know, ok, it's going to be hard. but there's hope that will get out of this also go nothing with the help of power. the cuddly toys that is instead of his mom or dad hands tell go now get power to snuggle with. weaning requires patience, but the reward will be great. a regular daily
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routine can help a child learn to get tired and fall asleep in the evening. so it's a good idea to make sure resting, eating and playing, hopping at roughly the same time each day. it's also important for kids to eat and drink enough in the evening so that they don't wake up thirsty or hungry at night. a consistent bedtime routine can also help children sleep well. this can include a story, a song, or just relaxing together. a popular new trend is aiding children's sleep with candy or chewing gum containing melatonin. a hormone that promotes sleep. social media is a wash with parents posting about their top sleep tip melatonin gummy bears which they say help their children fall asleep. huh. oh, the trends stems from the us, but now fruit gums,
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spray and tablets containing melatonin are freely available almost everywhere in the world. yet there is barely any information on either efficacy or risk. according to manufacturers such low doses of melatonin or harmless wouldn't do you want a legal kind? are they not subject to safety, testing or regulatory testing? vito and suppliers don't even have to provide evidence of efficacy for these products before they go on the market. 40 often mock. com. what is melatonin anyway? we'll opt melatonin is a hormone produced naturally in the body, which is secreted in the dark and which controls the sleep wake cycle. it might be sleep inducing, but it doesn't actually help you sleep through. do these fruit gums really help children fall asleep more quickly? many parents are skeptical. can, if you can say a lot, say what's in it, but i still don't know. and that's reason enough for me to say no garden city and i
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live with my kids every night when i put them to bed and read them a good night story, then i sing to them and stroke them until they fall asleep. thanks laughing, but when it comes to giving them something to get them to fall asleep, no, i'm not up for that, or he's got sweetener in it too, which isn't good for kids now. there are other reasons why putting melatonin and fruit gums could be problematic. decent, but they can be tempting for children if they're just sitting on the bedside table . do you, after all, kinda couldn't your grandchildren can't usually read the dose, so it's easy for them to eat too many of them, philip on walked, nor are there any studies to prove that they actually work, especially with kids. does how that can be side effects like headache, stomach aches, dizziness say these really don't belong in children's hands and kinda hinder pharmacists believe these sleep aids are only appropriate in exceptional cases as good because it makes sense for some children, but only those children with certain medical conditions who are under the care of
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a doctor. that's where melatonin belongs. in the hands of medical practitioners, it needs to be controlled. it shouldn't be available for people to experiment with in depth was instead parents can try and work out why their children are having difficulty falling asleep. often it can be enough to introduce regular bed times and simple evening rituals, both of which are risk and side effect free. even adults should not take melatonin supplements regularly without medical advice. researchers still don't know enough about the effect of these drugs. it's much better to regulate your circadian rhythm, naturally with exercise, and plenty of access to daylight. excessive intake of caffeine, alcohol, or nicotine, on the other hand, disrupts melatonin production. as does chronic stress exercising in the evening or pain killers, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, heavy meals can also make it tricky to fall asleep. but there are foods that
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promote sleep naturally to. oh, i hear a 3 tips for food that study show can improve sleep, cherry sour cherries in particular, try eating if you or having a glass of juice. according to one study, people who consumed 2 portions of sour cherry juice a day reported sleeping better than participants in a placebo group. that's down to their melatonin content. this is known as the sleep hormone. the body produces it naturally when it gets dark, hoping you wind down, but tart cherries, increase your melatonin levels and therefore improve sleep. sugar content though can wake you up. so they're best consume during the day rather than in the evening. lentils, lentils are high and tripped offend an amino acid,
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that the body doesn't produce by itself, it uses it to make serotonin. this makes you active and energetic during the day when the evening when it's dark, serotonin gets converted into the sleep hormone melatonin. for this process, the metabolism requires b vitamins and folic acid, both of which lentils provide their also complex carbohydrates. they can help reduce blood glucose levels and make you feel full for longer. that's important for restful sleep. but if you suffer from flatulence or heartburn, it's best to go a little easy on the lentils. tip number 3. bananas bananas contain trip to fin and have a high serotonin content. they also contain magnesium and potassium, minerals that help nerves and muscles relaxed during sleep. and iranian study showed that finance has also help lower brain temperature
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bananas also ensure healthy gut bacteria, which can help guard against stress related sleep disorders. but the fruit toast and bananas also causes blood sugar levels to rise. that means anyone with weight problems shouldn't eat any bananas in the evening, but rather have 2 or 3 bananas throughout the day. but be aware that all these food should be part of a varied and balanced diet. a lack of sleep can trigger heart disease or memory problems, say medical experts and the sleep deprived are also less tolerant to pain than they're well rested. counterparts exhausted, men are more likely to find a woman attractive if sleep deprived you are less likely to care if you lose money gambling when very tired, you're worse at recognizing the feelings of others. all of which means that it's important to get a good night's rest. and sometimes that can be as simple as having the right pillow
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. lu, healthy sleep makes you beautiful. sleep coach eva beaufort is convinced of that. and she says, your pillow is more important than you think i do this kissing as infancy. basically, a pillow is for the neck and head what a mattresses for the whole body. when does give, and of course, there are different types of pillows with different shapes that are more or less supportive. all that is soft and give us a feeling of well being and also allow our muscles to relax and our ligaments and tendons to relax. and basically, and show that we're comfortable at night from head to toe, best food, good, good bet, had sent. this is a for both. it helps her customers find the right pillow hospice from the lang. ahead to see the family business also has a production area where custom made pillows are crafted by hand. this kiss, this hello is 80 centimeters my 80 centimeters. it is good for those who work
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a lot with their pillow. you can cut the legs, come pit to roll it. other pillow size is provide more support because really it's just your head and neck that should lie on the pillow. so this one is really a bit to bake here at fast food. so smaller sizes are better, this one is only big enough for the head and neck, so your shoulders can sink into the mattress. the stuffing is just as important as the size. and there's a range here to synthetic feather down and plant based fillings which all fulfill different needs and it had the hollow fibre bulls stuffing is synthetic, so it can be washed at 60 degrees in a standard washing machine. it can go in the tumble dryer. the material absorbs moisture very well and dries very quickly. harkins ashna, so it's good for people who sweat. hello. so give off
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a lot of moisture as well as those with allergies. lag account. allegra co, him. custom made pillows are more expensive, but you can choose exactly how much filling you want to have. the cheapest option is synthetic fiber balls. while feather and down are the most expensive then there are the plant based fillings, like millet or spelt husks. yet no logics is true, right? we covered them with a latex layer, which makes the spells in the millet washable and more stable. and of course, the seeds have been removed. so it's just the half of this energy, hulu. this filling can be a bit noisy, gina damn, or it can feel free. me like when you're lying in the san antonio tonchee. it's very adaptable, but it also has a firm solid feel. so how did the fillings compare?
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the sadness underwashed up. it's far more stable and solid, the synthetic, filling gives way and this is much firmer. 5th, it does the just to my head, but it's firm. you have to keep making a whole to get it to the right position. but once you have it, you have it. so yeah, the next support pillow on the other hand, comes ready formed. it's made up of different layers and is available in different heights and firmness. so this is the 1st time i've tried a pillow, like as far it's great. so it's good for those who sleep on their side. pillows come in a wide variety of shapes. so it's wise to try them out. this one promises a special effect. yes, no, as the limp congestion level, which means i have less or even no pressure on my face and everything can flow
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easily. ideally, i wake up more refreshed with bright eyes. i by the way, pillows made a good clean, at least once every 2 years. take your time when choosing one, because the right pillow is really as individual as we all are in the us, it's not uncommon to sleep on several pillows, and many people also take their pets to bed with them in parts of asia, it's traditional to sleep on the floor or on thin mattresses. an outdoor nap is not unusual in parts of india and in japan, public napping is all very well, but snoring and drooling are often frowned upon. research suggests that 60 percent of mexicans meditate or prey before going to bed. different countries, different sleeping habits. still there's something for everyone and our sleeping tips ah,
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body needs to adjust to going to sleep is not something that can be done in 10 minutes. those who have trouble falling asleep should set up a bed time ritual. an hour before going to bed, for example, by playing a relaxing game. or by writing down tasks for the next day. or enjoying a relaxing cup of tea. oh, trying to make sure you go to bed and get up at the same time, even on weekends. our body loves routine. it's key for it's biological rhythms too. if you often sleep poorly, don't compensate by going to bed earlier. oh, by sleeping in. and it's better to avoid taking a nap during the day to now,
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if after waking at night, you don't go back to sleep for at least 20 minutes. it's better to get up. don't lie awake in bed instead. read for example, until you feel tired again. make your bed to the place you sleep, not where you lie awake. the brain needs to learn this. ah, bright night acts as a stimulant and help set our internal clock. and so if possible, go outside 1st thing in the morning, walk to work. for example, daylight also lifts the mood and eating outside helps us sleep better at night. as does a daily dose of exercise, hulu. and here's a dose of exercise to get you started. a really
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a shows us how to strengthen our core. hi and welcome. today i have a wonderful exercise for your lower back and your ebs grab a map and lead flirt lie down on your back. press your back on to the floor. you can check it with their hands, then left your legs. bring your knees into 90 degrees angled press your hands against the knees and re holt. if for 5 seconds. 12345. really good. one more time. 12345.
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with this exercise your strengths, your ad. and if you have lower back issues, this exercise reduces your pain. let's do one more. 1234. so you next time i in good shape. right? ah, with
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architechnical allan or not at all, women in architecture. why are they so invisible to the larger public? we decided to ask them. what is the poetry the secret of a house? shuttering glass ceiling. women in architecture starts april 20th on d,
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ah. ah ah, this is d. w is coming to you live from berlin. lift off from french guiana. the european space agency launches a probe into space. it's on a mission to investigate the gas giant jupiter and look for water on it moves. also coming federal agents in the u. s. arrest a man alleged to be at the center of a massive intelligence.


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