tv DW News Deutsche Welle April 14, 2023 3:00pm-3:30pm CEST
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ah ah ah, this is d w. news coming to you live from berlin. lift off from french kiana, the european space agency launches a probe into space. it's on a mission to investigate the gas giant jupiter and look for water on it moves. also coming up. federal agents in the u. s. arrest, a man alleged to be at the center of a massive intelligence leak. a 21 year old member of the air force national guard
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is to, is in custody to be charged under the espionage act is believed to have shared classified documents, reportedly, to impress friends in a chaff group, plus german foreign minister and about coals on china to use its influence on moscow to help and the war in ukraine. beijing promises not to provide weapons to russia, but stopped short of condemning its invasion of ukraine. ah . hello and terry martin, thanks for joining us. the european space agency has successfully launched a pro bound for jupiter. it's the agencies longest range mission ever. the icy moons explorer dubbed juice blasted all from europe's spaceports in french kiana.
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it was the 2nd launch attempt after the initial attempt, ah, was postponed. they earlier due to bad weather. the spacecraft is now on an 8 year long journey to the gas giant. scientists hope it will help them discover whether jupiter's moons are capable of hosting extra terrestrial life in the vast oceans. hidden under the ice cupboard, shells. devil pursuing them? not. well, derek williams were our science desk has been following this long. sure you were here yesterday to derek. i know waiting for that to happen. didn't quite get off the ground. is there a good reason to be excited about this derrick? it's, there's always reason, in my opinion, to be excited about space missions, particularly ones that are, are as gigantic as this when it's been more than a decade in the planning. so today's a very, very big day for a lot of engineers and a lot of astrophysicists. it's an exciting moment that is going to go stretch well
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into the next decade until the mid 20 thirty's. it's going to be hopefully, if everything goes well, everything still has to go, well, no space is a dangerous place to, to play around in. but everything goes well by the, by the early 20 thirty's, mid twenties, thirties. we're going to know a lot more about jupiter and the i. siemens, that orbit tells quickly why this launch didn't happen yesterday. what got in a way, well, in a, in 2 words, bad weather or the possibility that it, that the probe that the rocket might be struck by lightning during the launch. and actually today it was still pretty gray and looked kind of overcast errands and the weather predictions were for some possible thunderstorms. so i'm sure i'm glad that that, that i actually found that moment to, to send it off up into space because they only had a one second launch window. and that's, that's all based on the, the long and circuitous route that it's going to take on its way out to jupiter. so all these things had to come together in this one particular moment that the
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launcher had to be okay. the probe had to be okay, the weather had to play along and all 3 of those things happened and up it went. ok, a stay was dark. we've got a report to giving us more details on the mission and exactly what that probe is going to be doing. ah, the jupiter, i see moons explorer, or juice will be on its mission for around 7 and a half years. its destination is jupiter, a solar systems, largest planet. to get bad use, we'll need a lot of momentum. and that will mean several close fly buys of both venus and earth. research is from the german aerospace center in berlin will focus on jupiter's 3 mysterious icy moons which were discovered back in 1610 by italian astronomer galileo, galle order crew. he this flew. the biggest question of all is evil. they can
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support life because they all have on the ice ocean in their interior. it's actually warmer now. for one of those the reasons that they can have what ocean, which is the most important prerequisite for the emergence of life. europa, the smallest of the 3 moons is believed to be the most likely candidate for extraterrestrial life. beneath its icy crust lies an ocean which could contain twice as much water as all of us oceans put together. how thick is europe has ice crossed? how deep is its ocean, and what is it made of? that's what juice is setting out to discover. and it will explore jupiter's other moons to which may also boast several layers of water. to do this, the probe will repeatedly fly past them, making observations with the health of its 10 state of the art scientific
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instruments. after 3 years juice will enter the orbits of jupiter's largest moon ganymede. it will be the 1st time a space probe has ever orbited the moon of another planet, an instrument co developed in berlin. we'll use laser pulses to measurements of ganymede says this will reveal whether ganymede has an ocean of liquid water and locate any areas of interest. mitchell's 100 minutes meeting with juice, we will explore conditions to see if life could have evolved. and also to find out another way to look at what was it, where on jupiter's moons will be most likely find evidence of life. that will also be a task for subsequent missions of true or not for them is who to reach. jesus will spend full years exploring jupiter and it's means uncovering as many of their secrets as possible secrets well with that we hope we can
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uncover some secret. so tell us a bit more about what these secrets are that we hope to learn. derrick, what makes this mission important? well, i mean, what you always hear in combination with this particular mission as, as the, the possibility that there might be extra terrestrial life on these moves. now, the reason for that is because we, we know we're almost certain that there are that there are gigantic oceans beneath the layers of ice. very, very thick layers of ice on these jovian moons. and the reason that we think that is because of previous observations, we know that the ice is there, and we know that the inside of planets and or moons can heat up, which they, these, these satellites of jupiter are being pulled and pushed by it by the gravity of jupiter, so they're going to be warmer inside than they are outside. and so also the observations show of the, of the magnetic sphere these particular satellites that, that there's possibly floating this ice layer. so, so the thought is,
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we're pretty certain that there's water down there and where there's water. there might be life, particularly where there's water and energy. we know that those are 2 of the inputs, at least for life. very exciting. what about the long term mission, a long term goals of this mission there? well, obviously one of the things is to determine whether the water is there. and also, of course, if there's water there, what's in the water? how, what's the solidity of the water? how much salt is in there? because that's a 3rd input that's important for the, the possibility of extra terrestrial life or there nutrients. what, what is, what are these oceans made up of, in addition to water? so that's important, but it's also important to, to not forget that the mission is also to jupiter. so there's going to be all kinds of jobs, observations going on. looking at the large gas giant in our solar system, 2 and a half times, all the other planets, the mass of all the other planets put together. and so, so there's a lot of science still left to be done on jupiter. so it's gonna be doing both end,
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which makes it even more exciting. very cool, derek, of very well is from our science desk. thanks so much. now to the us send the happy i has arrested a suspect of the leak of classified documents, some of them relating to the war in ukraine. the 21 year old member of the massachusetts air force. national guard is accused of sharing highly sensitive information with members of an online chat group. the circulation of this information on social media has exposed military secrets from ukraine and diplomatically embarrassing details of u. s. espionage activities. arrested by a team of federal agents. the suspect employee of the united states air force national guard is accused of leaking a trench of classified documents, led away from his home in massachusetts. he'll now face the full weight of u. s. justice. to day the justice department arrested jack douglas to shera
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in connection with an investigation into alleged unauthorized removal, retention, and transmission of classified national defense information to share it is an employee of the united states air force national guard f. b i. agents took to share into custody earlier this afternoon without incident. the documents reveal top secret pentagon intelligence about both allies and adversaries. but perhaps most concerning for u. s. officials are the classified files about the war in ukraine. us defense secretary lloyd austin, said his department is launching review of intelligence, access, accountability, and control procedures. but you as president joe biden, who is currently on a visit to the republic of ireland. great. was came to play down, his worries over the potential fallout. and are you concerned about the way the
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time to go? oh, i got a minute of your concern about the ladies. i'm concerned that he's not in contemporaneous this is the boston court house, where the alleged leeker is to appear on friday. but while the main suspect may be in custody dozens more documents and their explosive content may yet come to light . earlier i spoke to the w's security correspondent, thomas barrow. he told us more about the man suspected of being behind the leak. well essentially he was very young and also low ranking within the national guard. he's being described as someone who worked as a sort of i t specialist within the intelligence wing of the massachusetts national guard. he was also simultaneously in his private life. if you will very active in
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online forums and it was in one of those, or 9 forums in a forum which is well known within the gaming community that he allegedly published some of these documents that some of the people who knew him in his private life. we even were with him in these online forums said that it was probably just a stupid kids mistake. and that his goal was probably just to inform some of the people in those networks about what was happening in real life. but for us investigators, the picture is a very different one. they're investigating now whether there must be or whether they could be a more turbulent aspect to this suspect. and at the same time, he is going to face charges under the u. s. espionage act. for what is being described already by us investigators as a deliberate criminal act, thomas, this leak is being looked at as the most damaging of its kind and at least
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a decade what sort of information has been compromised? well, a lot of information has been compromised from the war and ukraine to activities in the war in ukraine in particular, but also us spying activities both and adversaries and friendly countries. i would say that the key word here when it comes to analyzing the fall out, analyzing the impact of this is trust. now you're over, it's obviously clear that these kind of documents, when they are so sensitive, they're not supposed supposed to be disclosed. they're not supposed to be discussed in the wider public. so that's the reason why now that they are being discussed. the u. s. government is basically trying to limit the potential damage by talking to allies by all to trying to understand what has to change within the intelligence community. so that this doesn't happen again from bear standpoint. but you already mentioned previous uh, leaks in previous years. for example, the snowden leaks
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a decade ago, and i would say that the fall out, compared to the at snowden, leaks 10 years ago has been very different, at least if you look at it from the european perspective back then 2013. the fall out here was huge, even in cities like berlin, even the german chancellor back then anglo merkel stressing that spying among friends is unacceptable. well, we're not seeing this kind of outrage from us allies, at least not publicly whether there are discussions privately behind closed doors with the u. s. administration. that's something that we still don't know. as you mentioned, or much of this information pertains to the war in ukraine, much the leaked and promotion that the leaked piles are suggest that that western military forces were talking. nato countries involved here are, are operating in ukraine. what are the implications of that told us? well, they could be very big, in fact, the implications there, but one direct impact one immediate impact if you will, as a, could change the narrative in the war in ukraine, especially when it comes to the russian perspective. because they have been saying
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they will probably say this again, now that they are not only fighting against ukraine, that they're also fighting against nato. so it will be very interesting to see how all this develops and how, especially also capitols in the west, react to this information that has been published. thomas, thank you very much. renelle. that was our security correspond at thomas barrow. germany's foreign minister online about bach is visiting china. she beth with her counterpart, chin gung in beijing. the to discuss china's tensions with taiwan, beijing's human rights record, and the war in ukraine. burbock called on china to exert its influence on russia to end its war. in ukraine, german foreign minister and the lena bear bark on her inaugural visit to china. after landing in the port city of t on jan on thursday. bareback put the tough topics on the table in beijing. the war and ukraine is high on berlin's agenda. bare bark called on china to use its
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influence with russia to end the invasion as, as good stuff. he knows it, that is good. the china has signaled its commitment to a solution. but i have to say frankly, that i wonder why so far, the chinese position hasn't included a call on russia, the aggressor to stop the war. one's been hired, it didn't keke to stop him. beijing which sees itself as a mediator in the conflict, reiterated. it would not send weapons to its russian ally searching pins regarding the export of military products. china adopts a prudent and responsible attitude. we shall, china will not provide weapons to relevant parties of the conflict and will manage and control the export of items with potential civilian and military uses, which are in accordance with laws and regulations from them. another key issue up for discussion tensions between china and taiwan. days after beijing staged wargames around the self governing island bare box at an escalation and the taiwan
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strait would be a horror scenario for the entire world. in response, china said it doesn't allow any foreign intervention on the matter yet. but there are issues the 2 sides agree on strengthening economic and trade cooperation . earlier bear, bog toured german companies based in tianjin talks with wang ye, china's most senior foreign policy official our schedule before her departure shore. while ago i spoke with marina hanker, she is director of the center for international security at the healthy school here in berlin. i asked her whether ukrainians allies should be comforted by tron, has promised not to send weapons for russia to use and it's war against you credit . well of course it's good news fact by the way, china has been saying this for a while, and there was an official statement made in march. and so, you know,
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like it's not necessarily anal inactive box visit in beijing that you know, line kind of cleared that aspect of something that you know like was kind of known already before, but yes. and then big picture of things that, of course, good news. do you believe i do as needed? and i think ged china knows that the entire global dynamics in particular, europe's role in this war, would tara very much share escalate and of that, you know, like right now china hopes that still some european countries are willing to, you know, take as somewhat of a and neutral position in this, the growing tensions in the asia pacific a wrong taiwan. and not necessarily site with the americans. but you know, like, be neutral or even be somewhat sympathetic to china. and if at china starts actively being engaged in this war, delivering those weapons to rush, i think even most european countries would then say, well, you know, like,
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we can no longer even support china in other matters. now, germany has australia to use its influence on moscow to end the war in ukraine. do we have any reason to believe that china will actually do that given, let, it has not condemned russia's invasion of ukraine? well, exactly. so, and china has never called russia the aggressor in this war and has never asked any concessions from russia. and so, you know, it's, it's hard to judge how sincere china is in china. the war is depicted as a war that miss missed and mostly initiated by nato expansion. so it's a proxy war, randy united states fights against and russia. and so in the big picture of things, it seems pretty obvious that china here has a and a biased perspective. and you know, like, probably is not the, the most ideal country to be actually any and neutral and negotiator
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a 4 piece. well, the other big issue dominating the german 4 ministers trip door in china is taiwan . burbock warned the dangers of escalating tensions over the island. how likely is it marina that we will see an armed conflict over taiwan? and what would that mean? well unfortunately it becomes ever more likely, of course, there are all sorts of dates that are floating around, some speak of 2027 other speak of later. but a lot of folks in this world are convinced that there might be clashes. the big question of course, is, and how big the escalation will be, the united states is ever more firm to say they will interfere and they will protect taiwan or beyond taiwan side of china for example, undertakes and located on taiwan. and then, and exactly as
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a bare book set on her visit, it will, you know, completely shock the world or all you know, like supply lines connecting china and you know, to europe and also the rest of the world. they will be and broken as so, you know, like basically for no country on this planet. and, you know, like if they can ignore this conflict that was marina hanker director of the center for a national security at the hattie school here in berlin. talking to me a little while ago. well, only in about walk is not the only high profile visitor to beijing, brazil's president louisa. not your little da silva, is also policies of the international monetary fund. veteran leftist is seeking closer ties with china, which is brazil's most important trading partner to catch up on smell, the stories making headlines around the world today. north korea has confirmed that it has tested its 1st fuel, solid fuel intercontinental ballistic missile. as video supposedly shows the launch,
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scientists say the test means pyongyang could accelerate the development of nuclear weapons capable of striking the u. s. u. a plane carrying prisoners of war has arrived in the yemeni port of aiden, who the rebels and, and posing coalition of you, have any government forces have agreed to pre nearly 900 detainees. the united nations arranged the prisoner exchange french president emanuel michael has visited notary dumb cathedral for years after a fire destroyed much of the gothic masterpiece. i call a promise to restore the land art within 5 years. the cathedral is due to reopen next year, though not in time for the paris olympics. while i am now to molly in west africa and that countries made it clear that german soldiers station, there are no longer welcome, the forces are there as part of the un peacekeeping mission. but they are due to
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withdrawal by may of next year to german ministers are currently visiting molly to stress the berlin wants to continue helping the countries development. they are travelling together for the 1st time, germany's develop, administer, and defense minister on a visit to camp casto in northern marley, the german army, the most dangerous foreign mission. they are here to demonstrate that security and development go hand in hand, but the soldiers will not be here much longer in may next year. at the latest, the camp will be dismantled. the germans are not leaving voluntarily. the dog is dad us. i regret that this mission has to end like this in our discussions today, the dilemma became clear once again, it's ation in molly has not improved that, but that does not mean that this mission has failed me. that's one of the circumstances have led to the end of the mission thing that is not the fault of the
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german government. and it's from being default of the bonus vessel just i can for short and they're going to throw in on gotten a major reason for the job. and withdrawal is my lease military government. it hardly co operates any more with the germans. this means that they cannot continue their work for the un peacekeeping mission in the country. for instance, this drone has been grounded since december, while it should have been the soldier's eyes, and he is going to think of the security situation. it would be important for this surveillance drone to continue flying to provide us with a reliable overview of the situation and the florida shopping. instead, molly's military rulers have turned to russia as a new partner in fighting islamist milton's who, reaching further and further into molly, driving people to flight and increasing hunger in the entire saw her region. it's the notorious russian walk in
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a group with which molly security forces not co operate, but even when the german soldiers leave aid is said to continue. the german government does not want to abandon the country. but we've been active here since the foundation of the country. a work has been backed by the military security operation. but we worked for many years without such backing. we want to send a clear message. and even if the military mission and when the development corporation will continue, we will continue to work here in vital here for all the time. in the german camp and meeting with women from the gower region. they talk about how the western and security situ asian affects their lives. no one leaves their home at night that talk about murder and rape. molly is one of the poorest countries worldwide. young people, especially need some hope for the future. happier canada i'm plenum disassembly of women who are active in the community,
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gave me an impressive idea of all the things we can achieve at the local level, the young, elf daniel car, even alice bazillion, be vicious as it is important to provide access to fresh water to support agriculture so that people become self sufficient. so dusty mentioned except to tell us it is important to invest in education yet. support will continue, development, cooperation is possible even if the security situation is challenging. but still, the 2 german ministers have previously visited neighboring neesha. the government theft puts its trust in the waste. it's clear that media will become the central focus of jovan activity in the saw had region. and not molly. you're watching d. w news coming up next and d, w. news, asia, as a world leaders block to beijing is china becoming the world's next diplomatic heavy weight. and a friendship that's been ruffling feathers in india that
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we can control our thoughts, which makes us very powerful questions about life, the universe and the rest that were series. 40 to the answer, almost every thing. this week on t w this is the w news, asia coming up today is china becoming the world's next diplomatic heavy white champion. begging tries to play peacemaker in the middle east and ukraine while nerves grow over its aggressive intentions for taiwan. so what is all this mean for europe seemingly caught in the middle.
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