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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  April 20, 2023 12:02am-12:31am CEST

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and much more on our website, d, w dot com. ah, lying always comes at a cost most times. it's a moral price we pay, but when the lie threatens the most powerful democracy on earth. well, the stakes are a lot higher in the last minute agreement. fox news settled a defamation lawsuit with election tech firm dominion voting systems. rupert murdoch network will pay $3.00 quarters of a $1000000000.00 to keep the case out of court. dominion claimed that fox had knowingly spread baseless allegations about their machines being used to tip the 2020 presidential election and jo bind's favor. now the case may be closed, but the dangerous lie of the rigged election lives on a nickel relation. berlin, and this is the day ah, this does, and i think
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a big message for the industry wise have consequences will go to clean up all of this information in licensing station to listen. this information will not go away doubtful, but i do think they'll have to be more careful of 787000000, 500000 dollar, represent vindication and accountability. also on the day from one nightmare to another, the ukranian refugees who fled the war. but instead of a safe haven, they encountered more violence and fear a rushing my girl into a cupboard and was holding her hand over her mouth. and no one of my little one could read go as i saw her terrified eyes which were begging for help or form like
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welcome to the show, the defamation lawsuit between fox news and the voting machine maker, dominion ended in a settlement, but not before shining a light on the networks approach to truth, dominion accused fox and its parent company news corps of ruining its business by air in claims that its machines were used to rig the 2020 u. s. presidential election. fox agreed to pay dominion $787000000.00 and avoid trial. fox dodged that legal bullet, but a further, multi $1000000000.00 case is looming this time by another voting machine maker. smart magic. the company alleges fox knowingly spread false claims that it's software to was used to change votes. the dominion case has badly damaged foxes reputation. so where does this leave? the u. s. is most watched cable network well after the settlement fox
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news release this statement, part of which says, we acknowledge the court's rulings of finding certain claims about dominion to be false. this settlement reflect fox is continued commitment to the highest journalistic standards and it goes on. we're hopeful that our decision to resolve this dispute with dominion amicably instead of the acrimony of a divisive trial allows the country to move forward from these issues like fanny as a media reporter with the news website. them a for he joins us now from new york max, get to see you. so we have a settlement, but some say this was really a win for fox. what's your take? i think that wall, it's not necessarily a winning for fox. i think that the company on the network avoided the worst possible scenario. and let's just be clear, ah, fox is going to have to pay $787000000.00. it's a lot of money, even for a company,
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as large as fox that i know has billions as billions in cash on hand. i'm, it's, it's still a lot it's, it's a major, it's a major san. ah, you know, they've also taken some serious reputational damage in so much as you can damage and, you know, fox reputation. ah, you know, the dominion lawsuit laid bare of the inner workings of fox. and, you know, confirmed a lot of suspicions that critics of fox had had for a long time about rupert's involvement. i in it a lot of the news programming. ah, and in the fact that, you know, some of the things that fox has on air people, the hosts, people in charge the company may not actually, um, believe so. i think that it was a massive loss for fox in both of those ways. but at the same time, a fox was able to avoid a, some of the worst possible scenarios which included,
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you know, putting rupert murdoch up on the stand, putting some of these other hosts upon the stand and, and, you know, possibly a, you know, a jury, a warning and even larger, even larger damages i to, to dominion. and so i think that wall wall fox, you know, definitely is, is taking a big hit here, both from a financial standpoint and reputational standpoint. they avoided or what would have been 6 weeks of a really, really difficult of a really, really difficult trial. yeah. let's hear from the theo, of the many in who had this the say falling the settlement fox has admitted to towing wise about communion caused enormous damage. my company, our employees and the customers that we serve, nothing can ever make up for that. next, nothing can ever make up for them. but on the other hand, dominion has said that the settlement secured accountability. but really, between you and i didn't just put
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a price tag on lying to keep the rating. so i think that that's definitely a fair way to read it. uh, fox did not have to a crucially did not have to issue an apology. you know, as part of this deal, and if you look at the statements that fox put out since, you know, they said that this was just another example of, you know, their high standards for journalistic integrity that they were willing, you know, to, to, to pay the settlement to, to admit their mistake. so i think that there are a lot of critics of fox. um you know, a lot of people. ready who are, you know, people on the left, you know, here to america and, and other people that media who think that their journalism and you know, is, is not up to snuff. ah, you know who, who are disappointed here and who didn't want to see. ah, you know, rupert, i'd be put on the stand and you know, to be held accountable to see chuck carlson and sean hannity and maria bar ramos and other people who allow these claims to be a to, to be put on air. they wanted to see them a face real tough questioning,
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which is not something that any of these people are really normally are subjected to. ah, you know, so, so in that way i do think fox, i was not, they were able to escape really what, what, what would have been an embarrassing and in very difficult a 6 weeks or so. so i think, i think some of the, some, some liberal critic certainly certainly have a point. they're not. but what i will say that's actually just just one more thing . and you know, a lot of these people had to give a very uncomfortable depositions. and so, you know, there are very revealing things as part of those depositions as well. so i don't think that that should get lost. now one thing the settlement is not established is that fox news apologize or even acknowledged the lies on air and they are unsurprisingly not covering the defamation case on their channels. so potentially the die hard fox audience could never find out about this. how significant is that? oh yes, that's right. fox only covered it. i only mentioned this the settlement just
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a few times on air yesterday night during the news programming hours, i wasn't really a subject of their a more highly rated opinion shows. so a, and this has not been something a fox or news max, which is also another conservative network that's being sued by dominion. oh dear, not talking about this at all. so i think it is, there is a high likelihood that a lot of the viewers of fox what no idea about the outcomes of this. but i will say this, you know, some of those people are also fans. many of them are fans of a former president, donald trump, who has actually been, you know, talking about this and he posted something untrue social i just a few days ago saying that fox shouldn't admit to. ah, you know, it shouldn't admit admitted to, to any sort of wrongdoing or any false claims here. so there are still a few people that, you know, ironically enough, the person who is still talking about this is a, is donald trump. so maybe some of those fox years will, will hear from him,
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but certainly they will be hearing much about it all on the network, which really wants to be bond. this is not the end that foxes legal troubles is a let me read out a statement by the lawyer for a smart magic, another voting machine firm that is doing fox, he said, dominions litigation expose some of the misconduct and damage caused by foxes. this information campaigns smart matic will expose the rest max smart magic lawyers sounds very confident of succeeding and their last soon had the company's chances improve following the settlement with dominion. yeah, i mean i think that they, they have a roadmap here. um, smart magic is a lot further behind a, in a, in its a trial in its case against fox dominion was a, was the for, it was the one to go 1st. and now, smart medic knows, i know that it has a playbook the companies are, are a bit different. and i think that there, i think that the cases are in are in different jurisdictions if i'm not mistaken. i, you know, so it's not going to be exactly the same thing. they've also adopted somewhat
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different tactics here. dominion had a really media forward, a strategy they wanted to get as much of this stuff out there as possible. smart medic hasn't necessarily done that quite yet. but they are a bit further behind, but they've seen that there is a price that fox is willing to pay. and in a smart magic is actually seeking more damages dead than dominion was. i think that day, i think they certainly feel good after say, but, but fox, you know, fox is continuing to stand firm in saying at least in their statements that they'll go to trial with this one as well. but i think again, once again, it all really depends on, you know, what smart magic turns up in, in their discovery efforts. and it really depends on, on what their, what, what their goals are. but certainly this is a, a, they've seen the roadmap here, which hasn't been laid out by dominion. now can you think that will do anything to change foxes and authorial policies, especially heading into the 2024 election?
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that's really the question, isn't it? no, i don't think that they necessarily, i certainly don't think that they enjoyed this, this process one bit. and so i do think that certainly there will, there will be some soul searching. ah, you know, by, at least by the, some people at fox who don't want to make this up miss this mistake again. but at the same time, we saw in the, in the documents that, you know, some of the only people who've been actually pushed out the network over this for some of the people who were saying that these dominion claims were not true in the 1st place. and, you know, fox was really scared about losing its hard core audience to, to other places, you know, because they were willing to make some of these fraud claims. that was actually the crux of dominions dominion's case in court. so in some ways i, it's unclear whether they learn their lesson or not. i think, you know, the lesson that they've learned is that they don't want to pay $787000000.00 again
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. so i think that they'll try to avoid that, but they, at the same time, don't want to alienate their viewers. who, ah, you know, who believed a lot of these claims and wanted to see evidence of fraud. so, you know, fox remains in the same position. it remains at the, at the behest of its viewership, you know, who, who believed a lot of these claims. so i think that the network is still in an incredibly tough position. um, but at the same time, it's the most successful cable news channel in america. you know, they print they, they really always print money over there. they're more successful than m a and b c and cnn by far. so i really do believe, i believe that they're, they're feeling, they're feeling okay. yeah. donald trump once called rupert murdoch, a great friend, what did we learn throughout all of this about his role and miss about rupert murdoch's role or better or about trump's role for? yeah, i mean, what yet, what,
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what we learned is what we learned is essentially that murdock plays a we is very, very tuned in i, you know, to the kind of micro elements of the business. you know, he cares about the he cares about the daily ratings. he's looking at them. he cares about everything, including, you know, down to a random contributors on the network. he's watching segments daily and he also does care about electing conservative politicians in the united states. in some of the discovery documents, he talks about the georgia special elections. ah. but at the same time, i think that he felt, and you can see this, you know, he felt that the act, what happened on january 6th was what was terrible and was concerning. and i think that he clearly was not in favor of these are, you know, these dominion, you know, these claims are being made about 2000000. but rupert is always going to put, it's always going to be about the bottom line. and it's always going to be about the strength of the business. so right now, at this current moment,
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the energies of fox are, are being put behind people like rhonda santas on and other, you know, possibly electable on, you know, republican alternatives to trump. but if it's good for foxes business it, and it's good for, for news corp. ah, that's essentially all that matters to. that's the thing that matters most of the toot toot to murdock, so he's going to him, he's going to emphasize that and that's gonna be always his 1st priority. when will stand sharon, for that mike stanny of them a for i thank you so much for all this and thank ah millions of people. mostly women and children started fleeing ukraine when russia invaded the country more than a year ago. there was an out for of solidarity around the world with families opening their doors and hearts to the displaced. but others took advantage of the refugees vulnerability. many ukrainians fell victim to trafficking exploitation and physical abuse. he w meds,
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one ukrainian woman who traveled with her daughter all the way to the u. s. just to end up on the run again. oh, senior in museum in everything to each other. when war came to the home near odessa, senior took her daughter and left youtube michelle at the cost of what he bought. i fled the war, so my child didn't see any mile a minute. but me experience stood here instead, the hope of fall, apologize. the player came to the yes, via a sponsor. there is no automatic right of asylum for people fleeing war senior had followed thousands of others online to find that sponsor. the system for ukrainians offers 2 years residency for refugee has certain financial guarantees from a u. s. citizen, she thought she'd got lucky when she got the reply from a woman in california. there is no m a go. she said she couldn't support us financially for europe in their time. she would teach me programming what to do and
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then find me a job in her company process outlined sounded great by kenya, left the war with miriam, who was due and moved in with her sponsor family. ah, but she tells me she soon noticed her daughter seemed scared of the woman who had taken them in. one day she heard her scream and found her with the woman. and after that, she was washing my girl into cupboard and was holding her hand over her mouth. and no one of my little one could hardly breathe was i saw her terrified eyes which were begging for healthy prosper of all my ship. the 2 women argued, and after a few days the american went through them out. seeing her had $60.00 in her pocket and nowhere to go. that they ended up in a shelter catch emory shaver and her colleagues have helped more than 1200 ukranian families, find places to stay since the war began. is that of a full can longer put up that it says about 10 percent of them have been abused or
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forced into sex, but or unpaid work really hoping for you here in as well as okay, some yardi honeypot valley fictitious love. we had one family who ended up in forced labor on which the man they lived with was aggressive, nasty, atlanta. he shouted. every one was violent and don had a gun. ah, he both held their documents and they felt unsaved. all any them from the family cleaned his whole house. in brief, also had cases where i had to call if the human trafficking hardliner had yielded, anita, human trafficking, kuchma belong to it. and she says, most sponsors really want to help, but it's impossible to know how many are abusing refugees. authorities say they check all potential sponsors, but they wouldn't tell the w what these checks look like. senior is one of an untold number who had the problem. and felt unable to get help from officials, crossley, flight lung out, lots of people have asked me why i didn't go to the police. it's because this woman
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scared me from the start. me i was, i was intimidated. like i thought she's the u. s. citizen and i am still not eisley up. she has connection sir dan and money or, and i had absolutely nothing in young jerone at miriam is safe. now senior is thankful for the help she go to california. she's looking for a job. they can leave the shelter if i'm be in depends the lather machine. i got that so now what have your car stopped working and you couldn't buy a new one because manufacturers can't get their hands on a teeny tiny but tremendously important component needed for the vehicle. to function, well that's been a real problem around the world due to shortages in microchips, also called semiconductors, is also cause the major security headache for governments with micro chips being crucial for transport networks and defense systems. now the european union has
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struck a deal that would boost production of semiconductors and help the you break its reliance on suppliers and other countries. prior shortages were largely attributed to supply issues linked to coven, 19 factories in taiwan, and china, making the chips have reopened. but the backlog remains significant and ben vega joins me now from brussels for more band. first up. why are semiconductors and an increased domestic production so important for the you? microchips or semiconductors are an essential commodity for the digitalized economy in europe and all over the world. it's as essential as water electric power or you name it. and so the you have the feeling that the, the supply of the semiconductors has to be guaranteed. and that's why they want to produce more semiconductors year in europe. term,
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especially during the corona crisis, service is experienced with a broken supply chains from asia and out of the war, the russian war against ukraine is boosting. this feeling that you have to be independent of from other world regions and to have the essential things you need to produce to work and to live. and that's why this program is now under wave, 53000000000000000 euros in the making for public and private investment to boost the production in europe over the next 8 years. the ear wants to take a 20 percent share of the global market inches by 2030. how realistic is that? well, it's ambitious to say the least. if you look at the numbers 20 percent market share in 2030 means you have to cred drupal, the production in europe because of the demand is also doubling in the next 8 years . now europe stands at 8 percent market share in the roads and to reach 20 you have
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to make it fourfold. the united states have 12 percent and the rest actually comes from asia, are almost 60 percent from taiwan. the rest from south korea also very important and china. so to have a market share that is essentially is very difficult for the europeans and you also have to decide what semiconductors you want to produce. do you want to produce high edge, high performance conductors which are, for example, built into i phones makes? does that make sense to do that in europe? because the i phones will still be assembled in china and elsewhere? or is it better to produce or easier or simpler ships that are used in the european car industry? so these are things that have to burke been worked out, and europe also invest in research and development because they're the share is much higher of 40 percent of the research and the development of these contractors
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actually done in europe already. so this is also feared herb herb this program shall boost outputs. yeah. and you need skilled labor reagan in people to work in those factories. and this is found thing to be an uphill battle, as you describe it how united is the e u. in this, there tends to be difference of opinion when it comes to big investments. well over all, you have to say that all 27 members sits want this program they, they want this ships act, but of course they're also competitors of for the, for the sir. everybody wants a piece of a slice of this cake. and most of the money will go, of course, to germany, france, netherlands, and other leading countries as have rich, who have already big companies, little silicon valley's in their regions. and the eastern companies in the eastern countries will not get such that much money. and as of course is a, is a point of tension within the u, and we get and wrestles. thank you so much. ah.
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6 blood clots are to blame for strokes, heart attacks and pulmonary embolism is responsible for a countless depth around the world. each year. researchers have turned now to an unlikely source to learn more about how to prevent the dangerous class. hibernating bears understanding the science behind. this could have major implications for human health. bears may seem an unlikely source of inspiration to prevent risky blood clots in humans. but scientists were willing to weather the swedish winter tracking through the snow to analyze the animals. after noticing an interesting quirk in their biology, certain people, for example, people who are in mobilized. so you, someone who is paralyzed a wheelchair down, tend not to be an increased risk of having decrease from bosis, despite the fact that they're not moving alerts. so why is this? so we turned to an interesting solution to this problem and that was to look around
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best. because bramble is hibernate for long periods of the winter. they don't move to yet they seem to be protected from, from bosis. along with hibernating, brown bears, the scientists investigated patients with back injuries who were mobilized alongside on injured volunteers who took a month bedrest as part of the trial. the bad live in a reserve and also in sweden. they could easily be located because they were tagged with gps tracking devices. scientist took blood samples from their sleeping bags in winter, and then again when the pads were active in spring time. they focused on a protein called h. s p 47. that is important in the closing process. when they are awake, on average there was a near total reduction of h. s. b 47 in the blood of the hibernating. bez in the resting human
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volunteers levels of the protein where on average, 50 percent lower compared to when they were active. the bears showed that reducing levels of the protein plays a key role in preventing cloth. discovering something like this is hugely exciting is school scientists leave for. it may be hard to believe, but quite a lot of what science involves is quite repetitive, quite a lot of repetition. and you're always thinking about the long term goal. you're thinking about what it will be like to find something for the 1st time. also maybe discovery that kid have a really big impact in this case on human health. so. hugely exciting. scientists now have a new target for drugs to fight dangerous blood clots. they say new treatment could hit the market and as little as 5 years. well, that's our time, but make sure to stay informed. stay engaged and stay in touch, follow our team on social media and join us again tomorrow. thank you so much for
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a company with prices and the financing system bank failures on rising interest rates are affecting berlin thoughts as well. what do young entrepreneurs in germany dos of capital? think? what might the future holds all the golden he is over
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made in w mining versus nature conservation. rent of mining is penetrating sweden's, pristine forest. the saw me, people feel for their existence is rain. dia, their fragile ecosystem, under a risk to their lives. focus on europe. in 60 minutes on d, w. o. u work is an architect all land or not at all. women in architecture.
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why are they so invisible to the larger public? we decided to ask them. what is the poetry the secret of the house? about their struggles and dreams for walkability is huge. they have so much to lose shattering the glass ceiling women in architecture. this has to be really, really good. starts april 20th on d. w. ah, ah, ah, ah. no more nuclear. that's what germany decided in april 2023 when it power down its last 3 nuclear.


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