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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  April 21, 2023 2:30pm-3:00pm CEST

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oh, ready knows. welcome to tech told me about hackers and paralyzed me to your societies. computers that oh sure you and governments that go crazy for your data. we explain how these technologies work . how can we go wilson for, and that's how they can also go terribly watch, you know, need to ah, did you know regular exercise is good for your mind and soul, as well as your body. studies show that physical activity can help broad off depression or is it symptoms. exercise helps keep all brains fit and promotes cognitive function at any age, whether you're in your school at scale or not,
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enjoy the action on in good shape. let's kick off with a fitness test. to day christiane chris and tatyana are measuring how fit they are under the guidance of sports scientist and trainer michelle schmidt. so this test can be done at home. all you need is a bench, her chair, a stopwatch pen and paper, a measuring stick, a 30 centimeter high step, and 15 to 20 minutes of time. there are 5 exercises to do 1st up aerobic endurance. would i move them to be able to measure your aerobic endurance, you 1st need to find and check your resting poll. also
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important a little warm up and now the exercise walked briskly up and down a 30 centimeter high step for 3 minutes. a simple but important movement in everyday life. last 10 seconds. then they measure their active heart rate and a minute later the recovery heart rate will notice you've been moving. yeah, yeah, but it's good. aerobic endurance is calculated as the sum of resting active and recovery heart rates minus 200 divided by 10. the result there's room for improvement. next comes exercise to flexibility and ons stand with your legs together. nice straight technical try to touch your toes with your fingertips before come as close as you can. what it is needs to come. this done
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should tie his shoes this way more often, alex and i lean centimeter does this so much? it's a simple way to significantly improve flexibility in both the hamstrings and the lower back. all it is to feel better. but now it's time to take their shoes off for exercise 3 balance. things could get a little wobbly. one foot is raised just above ankle, height, arms crossed over the chest. the clock stops when the raised foot touches the ground again, or 45 seconds or up. for a specific why it's important, especially when you're running or jumping. it's a good predictor of how stable you're glad, or how much you might hurt yourself during a movement in venice. unavailing. also, exercise for strength. she gets on the hear the ideas to go from a sitting position to a standing one repeatedly just once or by a bit jaw. he might most of us manage once that we'll do it for 60 seconds and then count ramp leafy. that is how many repetitions you can do correctly in one minute.
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all suffer here, length strength is needed. that's why come those 2 extra grams on my belly. i noticed them by all 3 are out of breath despite their different daily activity levels. bahamas vi and i and the measurements show that all 3 have average endurance levels in the area of the lower limbs. but that's something that can be significantly improved through targeting, training, like focusing on powerfully standing up from a chair is often from a store and deliberately lowering yourself back down a bit more slowly and hints at 1st to have a greater impact on your muscular system. this whole thing of mine was gl else's team model. and now the final stage exercise by muscle endurance. get into position and try to bend your legs as they should be relaxed. also doing classic set ups for
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one minute was, indicates the strength, endurance of the trunk muscle to make sure to keep your lower back on the ground and not pull with your neck. 20 seconds, which were the results of average for the men good for tatyana. this test can be used for so evaluation and development and should be repeated under the same conditions after 4 weeks until then try walking upstairs. a bit faster level standing out from a chair a little more vigorously or getting in and out of bed differently, but we'll try to tie your shoes like i mentioned, standing up in angus for just move your body downwards. but these are little things you can do. and then with such a test, you can easily see what can change as a result of them for an uncanny. so expectations versus results. how much room for improvement did these 3 see? still, they all had fun moving their bodies to day. oh,
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a balance. diet is also inclusion for keeping fetch. because only when we consume a good mix of macro nutrients to our bodies, half the optimal fuel, along with carbohydrates and fats. proteins are especially important that the building blocks, the muscle and tissue. they make a cell phone and support your immune system. proteins are found in meat, for example, but very good alternative sources t. you are the best sources of protein for athletes who don't want to eat meat. eggs, eggs are great for athletes because they contain all the amino acids, the body, and especially the muscles need. the recommendation for a healthy person is about 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day . summer new ways 70 kilos would need 56 grams. but athletes who lift weights on
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a regular basis need more. the daily recommendations range between 1.2 and 2 grams per kilo of body weight. so a person wing 70 kilos needs about 100 grams. in one study participants who follow these guidelines and gained 1.3 kilos of muscle mass in 10 weeks. after that, more protein didn't improve the results. an egg has an average of 6 grams of protein, and most of that is in the yoke, not the egg white. so you would have to eat 16 eggs to cover your daily requirement . that's way too much more than 3 exit day isn't healthy. that's why you need other sources of protein to like quark, a low fat cur, jeez. 100 grams of low fat quark contains about 14 grams of protein. our athlete would vary for me to eat 700 grams to cover the daily requirement. fact
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cork also contains a lot of calcium important for bones plus zing to protect the immune system, which is under heavy stress in athlete and sodium, which sweats out during exercise. another advantage low fat quark has very few calories. and then there are legumes. legumes are an excellent alternative to meet . kidney beans have 27 grams of protein per 100 grams. dried peas about 30 grams. the front runners are soybeans which contain about 40 grams of protein. legumes are also rich and minerals, such as potassium, magnesium, and iron, which are needed for energy metabolism. so our athlete would be 250 grams of soybeans per day, because so it contains estrogen like substances. it's been suspected of promoting breast cancer and women, but several studies found no statistically significant association,
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while others reported a reduced breast cancer risk for women in the highest soil intake groups. another suspicion is that men's bodies feminized, when they enjoy an evaluation of several studies, showed no noted effects of so i so flavin on testosterone or estrogen levels in men . these estimates apply to normal consumption quantities and athletes don't just need proteins. so our top 3 are only beneficial as part of a balance diet. how can you get and stay fit on social media and elsewhere? everyone seems to be offering advice. how to tell fact, from fiction. when it comes to fulton fitness smith's abound to make sure you die full for half truths, we consulted some true experts. these folks really know that stuff.
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as for a scientist, a personal trainer and a doctor, you've made fitness their profession. miss one, many workouts on that's effective i the protocol that working out doesn't take as much time as you think. that's a real misconception, global wouldn't as, as, or, and routine. it's simply a myth to believe that anything under an hour and a half or under an hour is pointless. yoga kenyon, there's hidden training or high intensity training, which can have a huge effect in just half an hour or, or maybe even 20 minutes to me wouldn't. and even if, heck, recon vast and, and ceiling and what's your ultimate goal? when talking about short sessions and gets him ashby court if it's about improving coordination, courtside short sessions can be really good and tie because you're mentally precious and learn much better. and then your cognition. much better headphones going on get when it comes to burning fat. when the goal is to create a calorie deficit at a site, that means i want to burn more calories than a consume. and it can also burn calories with short sessions and heighten and
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colleen forbidden. so not having the time is no longer an excuse. myth t saw muscles mean you had a good walk out as is some routine. it's a myth to believe that only people with aching muscles really trained or built up muscle effectively. you can totally train has, are getting sore muscles, klingon order with. but people who are just starting out, i should have sore muscles at times void so they get a good feel for the areas of their bodies who has jackline and michael for let. so your muscles suffer micro trauma and cool little microscopic tears when you have muscle pain, as again, as they say, it'll destroy to build mac mask, he destroy something to better it. so new structures, conformational twin debated when can you construct home sore muscles or a sure sign where you're building up myself. on the other hand, i'm just because your muscles don't age doesn't mean your training wasn't effective . absolutely not. i got some garbage. and by the way, moderate exercise,
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like cycling or stretching ease is aching muscles it vsl circulation, which helps muscles regenerate mit, 3 joking is the best activity for white locks. the message board i'm going to press board to lose weight isn't jogging. it's the one that you have the most fun doing, and you would forget talking also hot and joins flattening, especially folks who want to lose weight are often too heavy for their joints. feel and find that hard to take. nathan, he said, would also thus jog that jogging or strong endurance training in general is best for losing weight. might by definition be going in the right direction, unity because if someone is just looking to lose weight and give them a sports, that's very intensive and burns lots of calories is just the chicken when a traditional mortgage dish i'm cuffed cleaning is, is uh, with strength training, it's about building up more muscle mass song and growth and a larger, more powerful muscle needs more calories on. and so, um, in that sense, strength training might bring more lasting benefits than cardio training guides.
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collier planning other de carpet. alit naggie behind to let the bodies energy supply systems all operated the same time as actually might almost say that a hybrid form like cross fit is really good ross with some nice views and scooters, and he has strength, endurance, speed, flexibility, and coordination are all trained but few and does she many different aspects which are produce a calorie deficit is and cuddle, india fits it, hashed it in summary. i just wish i never say a short work doesn't work because it always depends on your go up in his fancy i assist his to log van moscato hot, hot, effective senate about us and would a for those float. ah, the defends, it knocked him many folks jump on the scales right after cardio training and go, hey, i've lost 2 kilos. but honestly what you've lost is water. and that's what you see in the scale to see in gulf. of course, that's great and boost motivation. but the fact exercise makes us happy. so don't
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let fitness myths spoil your fun. when it's hot or where exerting ourselves, we sweat. it's our body's own climate controlled a cause us down. the sweat is almost entirely composed of water, but it also contains electrolytes, essential minerals like chloride, potassium and sodium. so when we perspire a lot, we need to replenish with more than just water. but exactly how much salt to we lose through scratch. zara. and maxine are our test subjects to day ready to work up a sweat i'm sweating well to day nice and warm to day to you ideal. i feel really sticky already thought scientist popular knowledge is studying how much so they sweat out while exercising. and in a sauna,
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we're trying to ensure that as few drops of sweat as possible, drip down on to the floor, we want to collect all the participants sweat on our porch. she can do that well on her front, but she can't reach her back while she cycling of one of those, as you can see of the towel is getting much heavier. that indicates she's sweating quite well. and we're also managing to collect it on his sweating a lot manger in bad shape. that often we've what some people claim that on athletic people sweat more, but it's not true at all. and also of actually, well trained athletes with more, you can imagine the sweat glands, a small tubes and their volume increases latavia. in other words, the sweat glands also become somewhat larger anatomically and can produce more sweat. persuade gland wise with the feel like going i'll meet you at the finish line. i did all of that up. give me some skin i one minute. i'm from
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all those up on the left with the don't you should have done this from the start of that would have been exercise your to one and to slow down. how much so did she sweat out? first of all, i don't even know how much you normally ingest about and guessing about 3 or 4 grams. i really have no idea on to the scales under, under any change the, you know, 59 kilos and 900 grand one of them. sarah released point 8 late is if sweat during one hour of exercise it's wet, his washed off her body with distilled water to measure just how much so she's in her school. it's cloven towel. also go into the tab now oldest way his in the bath water. tablo naulty takes his sample for the lab. now it's max seems 10 to get sweating. commission. i better not do any worse than
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sarah for 321 and slow down law. while turned down the resistance of it, what do you think, how much water if you lost this under half alida $3.00 to $400.00 milliliters, maybe and how much salt i'd say and grams, maybe 20 milligrams or so many kilometers of you know, 74.15 or the regular over kilo. wow, i would have thought that to morrow and analysis will show how much salt is ended up in maxine spot was hacked, but before then one more test, do we sweat differently in a song that compared to during exercise? so 20 minutes of santa claus gets
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at match ambridge her of 90 degrees celsius. sweating begins after just a few minutes to with similar to exercise. they saw so a training effect in the sauna, people who saw no frequently sweat long. do they also lose more salt? 20 minutes if the cut off point, but for a fair comparison, the results are extrapolated to an hour calculation to an hour we have a sweat loss of 1350 milliliters for sarah. and 1950 for maxine law. so almost 2 leaders ended up as i said before, so i included 1.15 leaders earlier more. and now $1.00 leaders an hour alone. that's a way more in the sauna, but it honestly also felt like that. i even thought it might be even more since we sweat so much in the sound on it. i also find the off to sweating this really intense. now it wasn't like that during exercise, at least i didn't think so before they went mean either enough of this sweating
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fair and maxime are about to find out how much salt bags crated in both test on this. and are you excited to vegas very and you go yeah, totally. let's say that and i was out of these, i've brought you the amounts of salt that you lost maxime during exercise. it was 1.4 grams of salt, and in the sauna 1.8 grams, and sco markham, well, i wouldn't have thought that it up on the other by this arrow for you and it was one grammar, sana and 1 point one grams during exercise by the a blessed so i'd sca mine's gum at the did you expect that for you? no, i would have thought it was much less definitely under a gram. i'm, this is about if it's so much like with maxime now that has gone to the mo, it's normal that we lose salt when we sweat and we can usually compensate for it with our diet. it's only a problem when we exert ourselves for a long time, like several hours or an extreme heat and explain my head. so, these are my things right, that i lost more sweat in
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a sauna than i did during exercise than others as well. exactly. you sweat more in the sauna, but the sweat is less salty than when you're exercising on the bike losses. i was by the beloved though, the o from 5. the motto, health interesting, that i thought you always with the same, the same. i swear to sweat, did you know that? no, no, no, i didn't know there were differences if you also don't know to said that i didn't have the feeling that my sweat was more salty doing exercise than in the sauna. i'm of import martinez than ivona. but when you, each after exercising, don't assume you need to heap on the salt. a loss of salt and other minerals can be found in whole grains, slicking, and nuts. they supply the body with a sufficient amount only those who to knox, of endurance sports need additional sokop back teaching a. there's a link between the salt. we sweat out and muscle cramps, and it's not just athletes who are affected when the weather turns hot.
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many people start searching the internet for the term muscle cramps more. often. there seems to be a connection, but not only there with that while a vice, when the dust, we now know that muscle spasm so strongly related to what is happening in our nervous system. it seems that nerves in the spinal cord are particularly over sensitive, and that probably can cause muscle spasms to develop a hot food entity from us. we come from this explains why people with chronic back pain caused by a herniated disk or constriction in the spinal canal. are more likely to suffer from leg cramps it, disrupts in the interaction of nerves and muscles. stimulus transmissions take place at the ends of the motor nerves. nerve impulses lead to muscle contractions. if a nerve fires uncontrollably, the muscles become overstimulated, or the muscles develop a hyper sensitive reaction to normal stimuli. both
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lead to spasms. then you might understand why someone frequently suffers from severe muscle cramps is voted in. it should be investigated . and he may conklin many diseases caused muscle cramps, which can then be caught in time. i thought he, i can't read and conan and then you can treat the cars coming out. it was a 100. the standard recommendation for cramps is magnesium, but it doesn't help every one. what else can be done? it can hurt helpless stretching before going to bed. if he want to prevent crabs in especially the calf muscles, human got it through passive stretching and working the muscles that you can reduce the tendency to cramp at night. be comfortable with enough for mindon at university hospital getting in don't chest. nick is researching the causes of frequent muscle cramps. he measures how the nerves affect the muscles and actually finds nerve damage in this patient. this compton was the only case that their nurse stimulation
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is exaggerated. so yeah, in this case, it's likely the result of an accident. frequently though, the tests can't detect a specific cause, when enough than i would, i think we call it benign muscle spasm syndrome because we can detect any nerve damage with our diagnostic circ gnostic is this, that often ending soil we're only able to alleviate symptom this long rather than bring no to a completeness dog and kronen treatments for muscle cramps often don't help enough . it's a frequent issue for athletes, especially in high performance sports. and it can decide a tournament. sports scientist michelle bellinger is researching a new treatment. a type of desensitization researchers trigger cramps with electrical impulses in order to prevent them later. i think what we found with this particular form of muscle stimulation was that we could significantly
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increase the spasm threshold in healthy individuals on and not just in the short term, but over a long period on in follow up to studies. we were able to show that this has positive effects on patients, meaning we could reduce the frequency of spontaneously occurring cramps well this wounds 1st, the individual spasm threshold is measured. the person thought so then the researchers trigger cramps in the muscles battling spasms with more spasms. the sting just my paradox at 1st it sounds paradox ago. but we need to keep in mind that patients who are plagued by seizures and wake up many times and i would rather have a controlled seizure during the day. if it mean sleep come through the night, i feel bad enough to shuffle. electro therapy is still in the research phase, so for now stretching magnesium, and in some cases, medication can help provide relief for cramp sufferers. and there's
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no cramping the style of our fitness coach al radia. she's back with a new exercise. hi and welcome to day we do a lovely exercise which you can do in your daily life. for example, when you're on your way to the grocery shopping, when you pick up your children from the school, or when you want to meet your friends, just everywhere did just need nothing else than yourself and your space around to. so i found this wonderful place where we do that dip. you can take something like this, or you can take a bench stairs or just something where you can put your heads on. bring your hands next to your hip and then bring your but slightly in front. and then we moved down and retry to have our upper arms parallel to the floor. and
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then we push up our slope. with the dip is a wonderful exercise for your triceps, but for your whole arm, your shoulders and your chest. my recommendation is to do 10 to 15 reads, 3 sets of fun keeping fit and see you next time on dw, help in good shape blue. with
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