tv Close up Deutsche Welle April 25, 2023 1:30am-2:01am CEST
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hey, culture. information this is need over you news warner. w. leave minds. ah, what secrets lie behind these walls? discover new adventures in 360 degrees. and explore fascinating world heritage sites. d w world heritage 360. get the app now you ah. the vast plains of south america, a home to hew, tubs of semi wild horses. some are subject to
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a brutal practice. so cold blood farms extract blood from pregnant mast to provide a hormone used in pig farming around the world. old to produce cheap pork. the couldn't be treated food, this hormone p m, as g, is used to control the reproductive process. doyle, i normally, the pigs would come and heat at different times when speech by synchronizing better, you can increase efficiency. but for the horses, it involves terrible suffering. images filmed on south american farms have drawn criticism from experts, da houses. so they suggest a lack of veterinary care and a fundamental failure to exercise the duty of care for the horses that are living creatures, ship fat, k o. ringback as though desire for cheap meat, the driving factor behind the cruel treatment of thousands of horses. ringback ah, ah,
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the footage is hard to watch. it was filmed by campaign is for the animal welfare foundation in germany, who visited the blood farms in south america. it suggests systematic abuse and neglect all because the mares blood contains the sought after hormone p. m. s g which plays a major role an industrial pick farming. the ot and tinian companies syntex runs blood farms in argentina and uruguay. the mares here are kept in a constant state of pregnancy and forced to give large quantities of blood and it's all perfectly legal since 2015 rights activists. sabrina. good. now from the animal wealthy foundation has been recording the appalling conditions on south american blood farms. yet site, the bow in them has been
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a period of time that the p m. s g is present in the horse's blood is very limited . yup. as if it's just 2 or 3 months. i mon oxen and dazzled during the short period as much blood as possible is taken from the mare's much more than international guidelines. recommend even for horses that aren't pregnant, miss pasty good. in this poses great health risks, both for the mayor's and their unborn false daughter won't alford, you won't get one and fallen. the farms are not keen to have the operations observed and have screened off the area where the blood is extracted. but in 2018, the activists managed to obtain images from a camera hidden inside the stables. they revealed the brutal procedures involved the so i'm mixed up, i took this worker is using an iron hook to go the mayor into the restrained box to book see, and you can see how scared she is, how me see for she's resisting and panicking the via she undergoes this every week ever, and so each time she's even more scared than the last one and fights even harder to
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resist going into the box up the not me that i'd so gaining these if you see a box syntex has since invested a lot of money and security measures to prevent any more footage getting out. this miss treatment of horses and argentina, and uruguay is serving the demand for cheap pork and faraway europe. to understand this, we need to look at how meet is produced. let's take germany as an example. ah, for the business to be profitable, everything has to be timed exactly both on conventional pick farms and organic operations like this one. this farm in west and germany does not use p. m s g, which is banned in organic farming. the heard includes $168.00 pigs plus they're young. for the past 40 days, the mothers have been suckling their young and the store. now it's time for the pickets to be weaned. so farmer hover not and his son leo,
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not. we'll separate them from their mothers that make money america so that we don't have to crawl through the small hold on all i stand in here and drive the pigs out. either. leona guides them outside from missouri, but he locks the pig. whats in? um, jamante is the mothers do worry when they realize what's happened and on the spoke of, but this worry and also the milk pressure on the utter. and he helps to bring them back in heat from that. so this is an important thing for us, this because of her being in hate means they're able to conceive again their lead straight into the center where they will later be impregnated. but 1st they have a 5 day break. the function yet it mother it works 95 percent of the time w 40 days saturday. so on wednesday and we'll inseminate them again. missiles are given especially nice feed to sweeten the separation from thy piggly.
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this would be the time to administer p. m sd, but as this is an organic farm, that doesn't happen. so now now it's time for our breakfast. am i not as the 5th generation in his family to found the land? he runs the business with his 2 sons. by the time a pickup is weaned, it should weigh around 11 killers. they were all okay in terms of their weight on them. like in many german families as ham and saw such meet on the table. here it's made from their own picks, of course phones. i'm good, that's right. it's our aspect. and our liber patty, we've already eaten the pork sausage, but we've just had another slaughter and are waiting for the results with us. it's really nice that we can eat our own meat here. i can of worst. yeah. for this
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but only one percent of polk in germany is produced in this way. the oil tear in hanover is the world's largest trade fair for livestock farming. here we get an insight into industrial farming methods. it's clear that life on many german pig farms is a world away from the romantic view of country life. it's an industry. the price competition is huge, especially in pig farming. the animals are a product and it's all about maximizing their value by increasing efficiency. optimizing all processes and minimizing costs. in 202151 point 8000000 pigs was lost in germany. cells have been dropping for years, but poke is still the most popular meat in germany. the average person consumed 31
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kilos of polk that here. that accounts for more than half of overall meet consumption at $55.00 kilos per person at the university of gibson's veterinary clinic off levelland, a specialized in livestock breeding in conventional meet production, every cent counts will form is seeking to remain profitable because of the pressure on prices, there's very little room for maneuver or because the sawdust and i'm between defense also in the case that while the mothers remain on one farm, the factor bigots once they reach a certain age are passed on to another farm that a specialized and funding them up when did the farm that gets the pickets for frightening once uniform groups, because the next stop was the slaughterhouse and they also want uniform groups off . that's because he had law trying and then cutting up the meat is all organized based on certain norms. but we should, we could say at the end of the day, a piece of toast has to fit in the toaster. what goes into it? and you can achieve that by forming these homogenous groups,
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will gain called mirage. tickets are also less susceptible to disease if they've all come from the same bon conventional fattening farms like to buy as many pickets as possible in one go. that's another reason why piggly produces one, there sounds to come and he together and give birth together. p m s t allows this whole cycle to be synchronized. so the sex hormone found in the blood of pregnant mass is more valuable than gold. just 100 grams of concentrated hallman can fetch 1400000 euros. that makes it an extremely lucrative business. back in argentina, in march 2022 animal rights activists once again found severely injured mares on the premises of the syntex blood farm. it's clear, the operators was still paying no attention to the animal's welfare, the lamb and then father, lilian horses are not separated and treated by a vet behind. they remain in the group bargaining the culprit. he has the motor
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that's about here. you can see tumors that are both badly injured as he haven't. they both have deep open wounds on their legs, on the fet locsin as a by facing glank. and how many teeth awful. i wound them when c t m. you can still see the puncture marks of the canyon, the neck newly as o u. so she's had blood drawn relatively recently. no, ma'am. and you can also see here when she walks that she can't put much weight on her right hind leg, but osmond con veterinarian, stephanie clamor is professor of laboratory animal science and animal welfare at the university of keyson. when she saw the footage from the blood farms, she said the way the blood is extracted from the horses already violates animal welfare standards. does his niece? it's not normal for it to leave behind a visible wound whose eat? what would you conclude from the condition of the wounds here? um they suggest a lack of veterinary care and
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a fundamental failure to exercise the duty of care for the horses as living creatures eat dim the mid gotcha fatigue. mm. but it's not just argentina. neighboring uruguay also has blood fans in 2021 activists. sabrina. good. not captured footage of especially emaciated mass. here. she even found the remains of dead horses in the field. the unwonted falls are generally aborted late in pregnancy. the poor condition of the mass appears to be intended. as i said, us her, her val, that is the perverse thing. it's basically all about efficiency. if you'd seen to all biden, there is some evidence that the more amazed he added. the mayors are on the worse their condition, including their nutritional status. you know, the higher the level of p m. s g fund is there through who are, is dea pm's gift. so you could conclude that they actually want the mayor's to be
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an especially poor condition and undernourished on the left to get the highest possible yield of p. m. s g, and movies to war. pier mosquitoes, boy, it's watson. there are no official statistics on how often p m. history is used in germany. experts estimate between 10 and 30 percent of farms work with the hormone . there are 3 companies in germany that off a p. m. s g for use and pig foaming. z home back bound book seaver and into vet once the blood has been extracted from pregnant mass on farms like those in argentina and uruguay. it sold to the 3 pharmaceutical companies in germany. they then turn it into the cover to drugs that are sold to pick farmers. we attended an important veterinary congress in hanover. the home vac bound book
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had a stand here. but we weren't allowed to film and no one from the company was willing to speak to us either zealand that bound book sells a drug that contains p m. s g from syntex source from the far managed tina where the animal rights activists filmed the many lame horses in march 2022. we wanted to talk to zealand vac bound book to ask if those responsible in germany were aware of the abuse going on at the farm. but we only received a written statement. we found no such information of the allegations made to you by the animal welfare foundation regarding the farm where the p m. s. g for our product was obtained. no one appears came to talk about the use of p. m. s g. neither the companies nor the farmers, nor veterinarians that got the organic farm run by huddled note, we learn more about why the cycle of pregnancy,
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birthing and suckling needs to be synchronized, even without p. m. s t. the farms, 168 cells are kept in 7 groups. these pigs are almost ready to move into the birthing or furrowing pen. the group opposite wasn't se emanated 3 weeks ago. havoc no, i can tell from their behavior if the insemination has worked. this is already through this sound. number 420 has got a discharge. they're all, she's restless. it hasn't worked with all she's in heat again and it us a pick and heat needs to be inseminated quickly. so $420.00 is now a problem. all the others and her group all 3 weeks into their pregnancy. she doesn't fit into the group of nearly separated mothers either as they won't be insemination for another 5 days or so diverted your i'll use the board to meet with her. to de leon. i ordered the seamen from an insemination station i'll because i wouldn't do that for a single animal. martin does me. that's why we have the bore. who will inseminate
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her decking lesson. everything that deviates from the norm leads to extra costs, like this letter, for example, takes i usually pregnant for $114.00 days. but in this case, the mother has given birth early a week before her group mates. but disrupts the workflow you're going in out there for the entire we want to castrate the pilots within the 1st 7 days. yeah. cost you. so i'm going to have to castrate. these pigments before the rest of the group. awesome. i'll is that means i have to set up the equipment and prepare everything again later on the fact of any of owens. oh ha ah, then we vaccinate our pig. let's twice in shima now they won't fit into the vaccination schedule either off on top. so these things create more work and can have financial implications. and also if you like, we have a 13 pickets here parts. in fact, if i open a pack with 20 shots of vaccine was i have to throw 7 away, 5 val ah,
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on organic farms. the higher costs can at least be compensated in part by the higher price of the meat. hovered nut gets about $160.00 euros for each pig lit. depending on the market, non organic farmers often get barely a 3rd of that. breeding expert, oxer, vaillant from geese and university, conducted a study in this area. ah, he wanted to know where the conventional farms have to rely on p. m. s. d. to stay profitable. we haven't been 3 because what we looked for commercial iran farms and so not hobby farms museum or open air museums or university farms. indeed. but those that are in the commercial market. but don't use p s. m g farm gazoomba. we collected their experiences to see and yet as we bought this at work and practice, darcy and we found that farms that produced a glitzy, as i said, commercially, you manage just as well without p m. s g as those that do use p m s j. now's
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a good outcome. mid p. m. escape this farm has experienced with using p. m. s g, but decided to do without it. nadine and heinrich hank, his farm in western germany is not organic. they have 1250 pigs who produce 40000 pig. let's. e t n one is getting birthright. now nadine hanker is a trained veterinarian. she makes sure the pickets are looked after. 24617 and all nadine hanker used to work for a major veterinary practice in northern germany that specialized in pigs. many of her colleagues prescribed p. m. s g, but she never had a good feeling about it. as i have all fallen up and when i was practicing that i try to avoid p. m s g. because i was aware of how the mares were being treated in south america on and i know that you can manage without it. i want to get p.
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m s g is expensive. it costs around $9.00 euros for single dose on a big farm like this one, the costs would run to more than $20000.00 euros a year. the hank has stopped using p. m. s g 7 years ago. and even before that, i never used it on a grand scale up kind what i mean, i got a cookie, c, l, e advantage to it that you know from the od i was recommended by the vet on. so we gave it a try, but it didn't really achieve anything yet. so we just let the pigs have their natural cycle involved. anybody and you're not really know with a little extra help from the farms full balls. once a day the farmer usher is a bore past the south that are ready to get pregnant. again. name of them, if you have you been on the bore, works like a pin up on the ideas that the so see him and smell him and knowing that their
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pilots are gone. bad. have a desire to follow their natural urge again, and to produce more offspring em. i'm not turning it off. it really got off novels anyway. that's not. it was a real bore to bring a so into heat all her once the board has done the rounds and the cells already, the father needs to act fast. the sooner he inseminate the pigs, the greater the chance of them becoming pregnant. meanwhile another so is having problems giving birth and needs. nadine hank has help us cloud like that. i know hello there. in germany, prescription medications can only be obtained directly from the vet. that's in charge of the animals nadine hanker believes that's
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part of the problem with p. m. s t. i hope when did hear of a warrior coined is that vets of course, earn money from the sale of the p. m. s. g. as you know, in the heart of their income and i was young, i feel that something that as a veterinarian, you don't want to lose. he asked me, fiano, professor p m s g isn't only harvested in far away south america. until relatively recently, the practice also existed in germany. mo, her in east and germany is europe's largest stud farm for having her horses. until 2021 blood was extracted regularly from pregnant mares here. unlike in argentina and uruguay, the horses here are at least used to humans. in december 2019, a television crew visited the farm and spoke to the manager. she showed them the equipment used to extract the blood and photos of the practice. they can gimme one
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permit. do you have for extracting blood from the horses? cried none. but why not? because you don't need one that can her good fortune. jasmine, actually i can well imagine that people at moira assumed they'd acted correctly because the authorities didn't intervene and have in the at faulkners. but after the tv program, the state office responsible for consumer protection did get involved. it checked the conditions at the farm and then gave its approval. really, stephanie came, i can't understand why the authorities didn't bound the practice right away. i was manase shed, in my opinion, it violates animal welfare standards because the horses are subjected to a level of stud goes way beyond anything that's acceptable on the horse is used as a producer to generate this hormone empties. and because it's their blood that
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contains the hormone, you extract considerable quantities of blood from them in a happy man, but you don't actually know what harm you might be inflicting on the horses in the process leaking shot, and mondays and patton, that we were to there are no scientific studies available to show how often and how much blood can be taken from pregnant mares without harming them or their unborn falls. but there are general guidelines for horses that are not pregnant. these recommend a break of 30 days before collecting blood again. at mortar, the horses had to give blood several times a week is lobby only to father. i think considerations about how the fall or even the mares are doing or not really factored in because they're basically just the means of production. the goal is not to produce a fall is to produce p. m s g. and the useful life of the mares. if you can put it that way is also relatively limited. they might be used for 2 or 3 years,
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but after that, their bodies can't cope any more than cleanliness male. in former communist east germany, pierre, miss g was an important source of income from star farms like mortal. when taba voted reading the horses was only profitable because the blood of pregnant mares can be used in veterinary medicine. the p. m. s g from moya was processed by a company called e d t b u log ika in des. so in 2019 it was bought up by french pharmaceutical seaver, which ended the contract with moira. in 2021. moya stopped extracting blood from mess. since then no p m s g has been harvested in germany. cba didn't want to talk to us but sent a statement saying the p m is gee, that we use for our medicines is sourced from iceland. because p m. s
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g from south american now has a bad reputation. more and more pharmaceutical companies are turning to iceland for the whole men into it. also sources, it's peer mystery from iceland. but other mares they're better off rights activists. sabrina. good now and the team from animal wealthy foundation also shot footage of p m. s g collection in iceland 1st in 2019 and again in 2021. the men here are semi wild taking blood from them as completely legal, but even just capturing them is hugely stressful for the horses. in nissan, somebody be having in iceland we saw one mares struggling in the blood collection boxy up and trying to break free ice and mesh as a result. one of her legs got trapped in the side wall and thought she was stuck there like that for a number of minutes. and you are so kind enough to anishia beacon if and of course
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that can lead to serious injuries. kitchenman, she could also injure her head when she thrust it against the cross beam hit by a construes o animal welfare experts. stephanie coma studied this footage for us to. when can your son, you can see the poor condition of the wooden panza. his that already poses countless ways for the horses to injure themselves. it'll the dance upon it. and then the way the mare is tied up means that when it tries to resist the act like you see it doing here, it can do itself serious harm. the thing that nice land a course weighs around 300 kilos vendors when that all starts to move and rotate around that sensitive axle of the neck. and it can lead to very severe injuries, eyes, but i can see here she also valid on the pharmaceutical companies. cba is familiar with these images from 2021 and told us that since then,
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all those involved have been monitoring the horses welfare very closely on a regular basis. our internet also told us that they are now keeping a constant check on the situation and take corrective measures where necessary. but we want to know why the use of these hormones is allowed in germany at all when they involve the process that is clearly distressing to the mass. we wanted to ask the german agriculture minister from the green party chem estimate why they are not binding animal welfare stand. it's in the production of medicines, but he had no time for us either. his ministry replied that he is pushing for animal welfare rules governing veterinarian medicines in the e. u. b argentinian firms. syntex wouldn't comment on the allegations of abuse. they suggested the animal welfare foundation is a rogue organization, but didn't substantiate their claim. they've since suspended pm. isde deliveries to germany citing illegal. trespassing by
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n g o's and pending legal action back on the organic pig farm in germany. operations continue perfectly well without p. m. s g. these pickets are now old enough to thrive without milk from their mother's. in 6 weeks time mail be sent to another organic farm to be fattened up. while rounding them up, the farmer noticed that one of the pickets is much smaller than the others cannot. yep, this one's very small. does. it was probably smaller than the others right from birth and then couldn't catch up. or do you want to pat as much milk from the mother as his siblings on? i'll put him back into the cycle with the sow that doesn't have so many pigments, not whether it's pigs giving birth early, all pickets who need to be suckled for longer. everything that is out of the normal rhythm ultimately adds to the price of the meat. but does our desire for cheap need
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justify the abuse suffered by the horses global as this, i don't think all the pig farmers are aware of the conditions under which the hormone is produced, if they knew and the i think differently also with unfortunately, consumers can't tell where p m s g has been used there is no labeling system that includes the hormone. the only way to be sure you're getting pork that hasn't involved the abuse of horses is to buy organic, meet, or do without it completely.
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