tv Kick off Deutsche Welle April 25, 2023 4:30am-5:00am CEST
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orchestra called the brain continuously adopts itself. and so we ask a few astute questions. we can control our thoughts, which makes us very power. kind of like a superpower. ah, questions about life? the universe were series, 42 years. almost everything in this week on t w. a voice been 1st night boy, boy, especially christopher lee. there's lots of them paulson with a low blood. it's something that people always try to look away when they see a blog. but to me,
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it's very real with me. they have a love for vampire fangs. zombies and all things glory. this episode of art sunbelt is dedicated to horror fans. feel the delicious prickle the fear. sit back and enjoy them a copper ride. they start on the northeast coast of england at a birthday party. for the most famous member of the living dead, bram stoker's novel dracula was published in may 1897. the book became a worldwide classic and founded a successful shock. vampire stories continued to be popular. but where does our fascination with the alluring blood drinkers stem from irish writer,
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bram stoker got inspiration for his classic story whilst holidaying in whitby on england's north east coast in the 18 ninety's. in his novel. this is where count dracula lands in the western world. and in our nightmares. today the town is a price of pilgrimage for horror fans. why the genre will never die. reason number one obsessive fans is very good. the thought. the romance of it all, knutson, you know, and the consequences of, of lovin deception. i suppose this, this, the, if the fight i have a good over evil to bus flew. we saw the bus against the moon, with the abbey. a know exactly how his imagination, what because he was in same fig because it's spooky. it was a bright full moon with heavy black driving clouds,
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which through the whole scene into a fleeting di rama of light and shade. bram stoker's novel dracula was published on may 26 1897. it's presented. professor catherine, when has studied the elements that the irish writer took from whitby the also did his research in quit be library and it was there, of course that he discovered the name dracula. and he changes the name of his vampire from count one pier, which would never have worked strictly. it's very melodramatic to counteract. ha stoker read about bland dracula, or flat the impaler of 15th century ruler over lakia and the national hero. in romania. he was almost certainly not a vampire, but did have a reputation for brutality in particular for impaling prisoners. although historians say the stories may well have been exaggerated or even invented.
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stoker took the name for draculas, 1st british stood great name nervousness. oh yes. the signs finds this name here and sights to use as immortalized. this figure in his, in his novel figure, introduces lucy and mina to, to all the tales of whitfield and is the 1st victim on british soil of the vampire chris, their victims, on the boat in real life. that boat was the russian schooner, the de meet tree, and was wrecked in a storm in 1885 on the beach below saint mary's church. this true story also finds its way into the novel. in slightly changed form. it changes the name of the boat. he doesn't do very much. he just changed the name of the both from the demetrius, the diameter, the only living thing the pangs of this boast is
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a black dog. a huge, how many bombs up the steps here? this huge hound is dracula. stoker picked up on the local legend of the bog, asked the black dog ghost, and skilfully wove it into his elaborate tale foot. strangest of all, the very instant the shore was touched. an immense dog sprang upon the deck from below. as if shot up by the can cushion and running forward, jumped from the bow onto the sand. vampire law is much older than stokers. novel belief in vampires was widespread in southern and eastern europe. in the 17th century. such that pope benedict the 14th had to declare that vampires were fallacious. fictions of human fantasy by the early 18th century vampires were beginning to colonize western european novels like john polly dories. the vampire, originally attributed to lord byron doctor clair. nellie says
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bram stoker was clearly inspired by these earlier works. there are so many other vampire novels. polito res, the vampire pre dates, stoke his novel. we've also got camilla by sheridan left a new as that quite a few examples. camilla by sheridan, left a new is really interesting because even though it's written in quite coded turns for the period. uh, camilla is a lesbian vampire. and obviously that links to an awful lot of the queer agenda that you tend to find in gothic texts. again, the fact that gothic texts are about me being conscious about, about arguably the taboo. which brings us to reason number 3 for the genres, enjoying appeal, sex and sexuality. them
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high tech, always on one level, about forbidden desires. also the descriptions in the novel are very, very least sexualized as lots of references to so of blood and her lips and dripping with blood. but she's wearing this white dress. so there's all these kind of reflections on innocence of virginity and all of those kinds of yes, broader ideas that will have been in, in, in, in kind of discourse in victorian society. me in 1922. the novel dracula celebrated its 25th anniversary interest in the novel was waning, but it was about to get
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a major boost through reinvention for the silver screen. not for also directed by a legend re german director f w mer. now is ground 0 for the vampire film. reason full for the vampire genres rising from the grave. reinventing dracula at the movies. after you were nose not for our 2 was the 1st vampire movie and it did set a template for a lot of those to come even though it's quite distinct. i mean his vampire, his, his count or lock is very different from the draculas that will come later. but various elements in terms of the, the way the sunlight can kill a vampire, ah,
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the way that count or lock life after young women and seizes them at night coming into their bedroom windows of those elements we see play in a lot of other vampire movies it visually so striking. i mean it's done this high german expressionist style with extremely sharply contrasting shadows and light and all of course done in a silent film. so everything the sort of visual omits, play a much stronger role. unfortunately, the makers of this historic horror film didn't bother obtaining the rights they just changed. the names dracula became all on for exam. paul stokes, his widow, florence, successfully sued, and in 1925, a court ordered the destruction of or copies. fortunately for us,
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some survived. oh, the 1st us film adaptation came in 1931 actor bella lagossi was a hungarian immigrant who had played the role in an authorized stage fashion. his acting and delivery may seem wooden to us to day that his chilling and hunching quality, only added, menace for audience is in the 1930s. ah, i am that you won't bellow, though, see, brought to dracula. the character of dracula was eastern europeans sophistication. yeah, he, this is a guy who was able to speak a beautiful long, complicated sentences and incredibly charming. and with that amazing hungarian accent of, i am gone, called raoul. i want to lock your blood. this was no longer just
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a monster who wanted to kill innocent women. this was a sophisticated aristocrat who also wanted to kill innocent women. and that image of dracula became a template for basically all the vampires to fall dracula slept through the 19 forties and most of the 1950s, but on the cusp of the $1006.00 days a franchise was born british actor christopher lee played the count for the 1st time, both the marketing and lees mesmerising and simmering performance oozed sexuality. this is the story of driving, a creature who destroys all who we touch. or crisper we brought to the character of dracula was sex. he filled this character with erotic tension and lost all these women a bosom women toppling over and fainting in front of dracula as he consumes them. um and that sort of a sexual energy was something we saw in vampires from then on
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a in cinema lou. ah, regional 5 for the vampire genres. recent revitalization, the female, past active awe. in anne rice's interview with the vampire, the blood suckers aunt, driven by their nature to find new victims. but some have developed a conscience and feel quite bad about it. anne rice wrote interview with a vampire after the death of a child and this was her way of coming to terms with loss. and of course, i suppose the vampire had that type of appeal for her. initially, the sense of, of living for ever, which is one of the vampires at grace appeals. rice is now those have many fans in
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the l g p t q plus community to create a family of 2 male vampires and a young girl, a child vampire. so what she creates for us in this a quite radically in the 19 seventy's and later found of course by neil jordan in the 1990s is the gay family in stephanie myers twilight books and the films that followed vampires are young and beautiful. my rights from a christian perspective is working within a very, at, within a mormon context as well. that supplies don't have sex before marriage if the human female and the comes to the vampire. if edward cullen, let's, as defense as dan and, and take, there is a victim at then she is, you know, she's going to become a vampire. and if not what she looks like, that's fascinating. frederick holland is how she smells. the sensation is so overwhelming for edward when they 1st meet, that bella clearly believe she has
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a body odor. problem. reason 6 for the success of the genre is its basis in the dark arts. not for our to was co produced by graphic designer albin growl. a student of their coats and lifelong member of for turn to us, so tourney, under the name master prestigious grow influenced the look of the film and was responsible for the intrusion of alchemical symbols in a key scene. ah long back to max shrikes depiction was so terrifying to 19 twenties audiences that here too, rumors abound. some people have claimed that he actually was a vampire, that he can't be buried here because he's, he's one of the on dead. but there's no way that could be an ordinary bad, and also i be backtrack. kubat, that sounds like a made up name re max max fright. come on that cap villarreal act. right. i become
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do vampires really exist? back in whitby bay, some fans of the genre would only agree to meet us after dark. my name is the countess stretcher. and on the count. and my name's gary, but i'll notice m. lucifer. lucifer jack, you know, we believe that fanboys, all room. i mean, we don't sit around drinking blood one day long. are there other other means of satisfying our, our needs? there's nothing different really about us. there's lots of empires in whitby. well, we're not sure about that, but 125 years after the publication of bram stoker's novel dracula has millions of fans all over the world. the vampire genre has revitalized itself feeding on the
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blood of bleach. you generation, bram stoker, died in 191210 years before the 1st film. what would he have made of the enduring success of his creation? i think this is the one for the celebration of france, stokers, legacy and the legacy of of, of dracula. because stoker was a man of theater, he spent his whole life looking at costumes, seeing productions gothic productions at the lysine here. sir, i want a celebration. they say if this performance is costumes, people living out there found to face the novel is had real action in wider, popular culture. and you can certainly see that around whitby with the over tourist attractions with shops that are inspired by dracula, by bram stoker. and it's all that really, that makes it so popular. how he's inspired thousands of writers and stage directors. and of course places like the whitby goth festival. that of profited from this. and is it to
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a gathering of people who love to come and celebrate the goth life things that bram stoker really introduced to the world way back at 18. 97. i'm feeling quite mirror a mirror on the wall who was the great just screen dracula. of them, oh, very well, bram stoker's idea that vampires have no reflection seemed taylor made for gripping scenes in countless films like a lot. but we can't ask the mirror. let's ask the fans who their favorite dracula was. lagossi is the, is the, in my opinion, reactor tackle dracula on because it is personal relationship to the character was unique. the fact he was a who go into radian actor or political refugee. i will know what the goals his marines were. and the cult member koberson the the accent avoids been personally boy, boy, especially chris felipe, of forget for me personally,
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epitomizes dracula match rack and loss brought who will stand as really one of the greatest for films of all time. and i would say one of the greatest films of that since the 1980s. joshua has had some competition. zombies does re animated corpses have become a fixture and film and books at her aid and lumbering monsters. the annual somebody walk isn't like the fans. if they resurrected well white, such events have been now since 2001, including in mexico, chilly singapore and new york, the undead keep reappearing in our streets. so what a fun seen them, and why do they enjoying dressing up as brainless, zombies, hungry for human flesh? so much. somebody seemed to have 1st featured in west african mess, derived from creole. the term means go, store spirit of the dead. my,
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i 80. zombies found their way into american pop culture. the zone behind began in the late seventy's within living dead film series, directed by george andrew romero, which lasted until the mid eighties. the films attain cult status and contains social criticism. somebody storming a shopping center is a metaphor for capitalism. that night as 2004 we make was also a success. look up the road. there's a lot more. there are they're coming here. maybe they're coming for us. the key thing with the zombies. as monsters, is there not a like a frankenstein or something or aliens? they are whole human, they're humans and are within us somehow. um and that's the threat. and it's used very useful for filmmakers to zombies as a metaphor for some general anxiety in our society that we know comes from people. but we don't know how to control and we think could threaten us this year.
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please help me. the south koreans only film, trained to pusan, also criticizes the government inability to solve problems. the film was made off for a series of accidents involving bullet trains. and zombies have moved forward with times in hit video games. and last of us, some of these are more on channel faster and more efficient. a mutated fungus causes visit the outbreak weather in the virtual world, or in real life. some of these remain on the road to success, satisfying appetite for horror. the next on the parade's all set to happen out helloween. so until then, keep practicing been scary. what is every harmful need? blood and lots of it. digital set designer and visual effects. artist malice, aksoy mix. sure they get it. we met her in berlin. ly, me intestines,
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devastating tornadoes. pool a good old blood bath. manus aksoy in high demand in hollywood. she's a bro, it digitally crating all things gross. but she also doesn't mind getting her hands dirty effect started. re, craig breathed design the real birth elements and building a bridge between the fantasy world and the real life. ah, i really liked her. do lied and gore the blocked blushes, the dripping of the blood. the ballade coming out of the billing and the stiff too many options and i love it. now. for the american horror story, i design own was 50 even more blood elements that looking their friend and looked awesome manager. so initially studied industrial design,
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but in 2015, she moved from tennessee to california to study visual effects and animation. and these days she is a successful digital set designer. i'm not a harm the fan. i watch horror movies only with my friends. what i like about doing though, harder movie elements. i can get the footage, there is no sound and then i actually get to have control of an it doesn't scare me at all because i'm doing good. miss only i worked for tim burton's. when his les, i did a fire, i fired up the statue and that was the one the walmart i'm really proud of. i loved it. she says, the visual effects field is still largely male. for every $300.00 men in the sector there, around 10 or 15 women, but they've done the scan up. on the contrary,
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it pushes her to succeed. the networking platform at the belin allah is a useful event for her to meet other people in the film wound. people don't know what visual effects artists do. people actually don't know the process behind all these footages. i feel like i'm the are the bridge between the fantasy world and real world. so the ag actually executing their fantasy world and make it real make it happen, designing something to disgust dust and then making it look real even when it was created entirely digitally. that is the magic of malice, aksoy the art which brings horror films to that next level. they could well pass for jacqueline sisters. are they about to open their eyes?
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japanese dolls. staged disturbingly. ah, they appear angry, sad, weary of life. damages de, around, are full of great feeling and of dying. ah, i might be doris comic or graphic dolls, photographer. so b, j. d, those are my passion. so cold to poll, joined dolls with their movable ball joints. larry popular in south korea, japan, the dolls facial features and outfits are inspired by monger, japanese comic art, the crack of based artist to create a unique personality for each of her dolls. so you can exchange to ours so, so i, she can look, you know, aside all in front so you can change the color of voice size of ours and so on. so
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again, it will be like a different face and a different different character. she especially likes dressing her dolls in a gothic style. ankle straps bundles, and least of shoes. i necked colors, lace, everything in white or black. the collector now owns almost 30 of these dolls. his doors, you know, are so inspiring for me because they are not smiling actually. they are pretty a serious or even said old crying. yeah. so it has some possible to code or a more serious stories, not about toys, but actually about the people. yeah. about the humans emotions ah photos that seemed to capture an inner space somewhere on the threshold between life and death. and this erie lira, of the morbid continues to hold people under its spell.
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more meat with less effort the goal of conventional pig farmers. one efficient aid is the hormone p. m. s g imported from horse farms in south america. and iceland here, blood is extracted from pregnant horses under brutal conditions. the agony of horses, the true cost of cheap work, close on in 30 minutes on d. w. a fed up with an achievement
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tree out. he must go an increasing number of women in latin america. i'm guessing fed up that fighting against sexism, violence, and access to abortion. how effective or protest from the 3? fed up with machismo. in the 75 minutes on d, w. the trio taking on nigerian trafficking networks with over those mounting since that nigerian human trafficking enforced constitutes and also taking place here in school with the trio, combating, shady dealings starts. april 29th on d. w. that has devoted you do before i played to santa fantastic. ah, she survived auschwitz,
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thanks to music. he was the nazis favorite conductor, to musicians under the swastika, a documentary about the sounds of power and inspiring story about survival. music in nazi germany. watch now on youtube. d. w documentary. ah frank food, hot, international gateway to the best connection, self air, road and radio, located and out of europe, you are connected to the old world. mood experience outstanding shopping and dining offers. enjoy alice services be our guest at frankfurt airport city, managed by frappe, bought lou ah
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ah, this is dw news live from bird lid at truce incident as millions face food and water shortages. the warring sides agree to a 3 day seas via to allow for monetary an aide. meanwhile, thousands of foreign nationals are evacuated and embassies closed. also coming up, speeding up ammunition supplies for ukraine. you foreign ministers debate the fine points of replenishing ukraine's depleting stocks.
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