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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  April 26, 2023 5:30am-6:01am CEST

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on issues like racism and didn't justice are ever present. the ruthless gentrification of the one city is extremely political in 45 minutes. oh d w ah, what people have to say matters to us. mm. that's why we listen to their stories. reporter every weekend on d w ah, welcome to this new edition of aiko africa brought to you by germany's d. w. nigeria,
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channels television. and you get this and tv represented on the show by my wonderful co presenter sondra. oh thank is. so my screen is as a very wonderful day to you too. well, nice to see you all. and today we've got a wonderful short unless thought with a quick look at what we have coming up. how amount in uganda has found a way to put used diapers to good use the posting impact shellfish half on climate change and why and consumers and promise in germany a giving, forming a rethink. but 1st, the push me trait has come under fire in recent years. one reason is the rise in disease transmission between animals and humans. but there are also very serious concerns about endangered species. several countries of now banned the huntin,
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selling and consumption of bush meets that his wife crease, and indeed it is good for the animals. but the big question is, what happened to those people whose livelihoods once depended on the white life trick? how have they been impacted by french bonds? and our foss report picks us to a barrier to find out this young dwarf crocodile had a lucky escape. it was rescued a 3 and a half months ago. now beyond barbara is raising it back into the wild. ease the conservation manager at les barriers 1st general widely factory. before he started this job, he taught of sin crocodile, the source of food. now he's returned hundreds of animals to be a natural habitat. when i was growing up, i hair new coma view of all the barriers. well, it, it, we need is like of course them or a tradition ah,
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was growing up in going to school lane. yeah. what was their vision in getting that if you waking with wildlife, have teeth everything mclawrence did is to what the bid be brought to bring about teach the community to schools. and in the, in the villages where most of these animals come from the forest among ruth and rivers of a barrier or a global biodiversity hotspot. with hundreds of different species of buds, mammals, reptiles, and plants. a few years ago, the barrier passed a law binding, the cell and consumption of bush meet, the needs to preserve biodiversity and prevent the spread of disease. we make it more, really bustle wildlife century outside the capital one. roseville was founded in
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2017, the stuffy care for a huge variety of white life. most of the animals were confessed dictated by 42 developmental authority from people involved in the now illegal bush, me to fred factories. absolutely imperative till iberia, the wildlife law came and got changed in 2016. and the, when the law is in force, they have to have somewhere to bring these animals willing with most of the animals here actually often. and this little blue spark is a prime example, came in at 350 grams, which is the white the it would be while it was when it was born. so there is a 99 percent chance it's month. the mother had actually been killed and the mate and the little one was left with nearly
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70 percent of the barriers population living in close proximity to the country. dense forests bush. mit was incredibly popular. the most common animals targeted were tomlins along with several species of monkeys. comfort, debbie sold bush mitten monrovia, st. markets for over 20 years. but to day she has become a national advocate for the country's white life and biodiversity. and we're talking with a we me and we're talking will allow people to stop trading the wish me because it will be fine for we the lab, we read it with wanton under a tree, a push me our far i would be empty. it will not be good for us. according to the worldwide font furniture liberians used to get more than 75 percent of the protein from bush made. much of it was sold at local markets where most people here get their food. at muma also sold bush meat for many years,
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but after walking with comfort, she switched to selling fish, which benefits her and her family. oh, i sent a book i saw with you so far this. this is another fis on sally. no such is that i'm from the book fair. this is travis with apple following. if i don't want to go by, i think so much of it. my pleasure. the way i'm with comfort deficit advocacy looks to be paying off. a study was conducted on the prevalence of bush bit being treaded of the markets across the country. it found that in a single year, there was a 50 percent reduction in bush meat. but despite these positive results, there are still challenges this mike, as long as southern was me, what we have so many my guessing, like the route bosses or mike, it pauses on my guess is like here. and then the ladder as i saw,
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that it was me. so it takes time. all change takes time, but awareness is half the battle. and any reduction could give critical, endangered animals like these white bellied tree pavilion, and countless other species a fighting chance. the progress made in liberia shows the f. what is worth while to ensure the long term survival of many they pass on beautiful species. it's great to see in nature preserved. another huge challenge in today's world is all the west with create and how to disposal or recycle it in a way that doesn't put a burden on the environment. and a human west is no exception here. but before we, you poor poor. that idea, we want you to take a look at an interesting project righty at home in uganda that he is making the most of these and a valued natural resource here. ease this week, doing a bit ah,
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really. can a business be built on baby pope? well, entrepreneur patrick, my juicy thing. so babies go through 5 to 7 diapers a day on average. but in compulsive camacho, settlement most dirty diapers, end up on massive garbage heaps around town. now, patrick medusa, his team, goes out and collects the diapers. after separating the organic material from the plastic parts, the plastic becomes a component in the construction of urgently needed community toilets. missing the fust, if a word is compost napa toilet. so, to me though, the $200.00 women are vulnerable, women in come, which i slum. ah, we have, we have picked all we picked on the sorted unpacked. ah,
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they said they pause and fix them into their boat was to from town, from bricks and the upper part of it to the other. i whispered over it over there they but they put on and they put bull is put into the compost. ah, to make the biscuit for the laser which is organic. the baby poop is mixed with clay and local tree seeds and then rolled into balls and dried patrick ma josie then sells the sea balls to tours keen to do their bid for the local environment. and with a bit of luck, the seats will help trees grow far and wide. and how about you? if you are also doing your business, tell us about it. visit our website, or send us a tweet. hash tag doing your been we
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share your stories. ah, that's certainly another way of getting seeds into the ground and a pretty clever business model, considering it is best on free and endless supply of roll material as well. that's true sondra to read. i didn't think of it myself when my kids were younger. now speaking of sowing seeds in many parts of the world, industrial farming has taken a serious pool on biodiversity. many crops are now also struggling in the face of climate change. in germany, some consumers are calling for our general rule, think of agriculture and the number of farmers actually agree with that in early morning wash and echoing farm in the zone land region of western germany today vill him a guy doesn't have to look after his animals alone, alexandra mu,
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stumpage, and even as cooney are here to help for a weekend, they've only just arrived but are already hard at work. they want to learn more about the practical challenges faced by farmers are within a label with abortion. i work in the food industry and would like to continue down this path in the future weekend. and i wanted to get to know the whole food industry from its ruth's weekly industry and yeah, what's for cannon? lana is bon bons, ist and newscasts. i am self employed in the catering industry and i worked with products from the food industry. i was 30 was sort of console and was i had this, i wanted to know where they're made, where they come from and how much while catch to guys and then at the door to the farm has been in the family for 150 years. it covers 70, hector is of land and has pigs, cows, and chickens, while not in organic farm vill him a guy is big on sustainable methods and animal welfare. unlike on many farms,
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the pigs can move freely and they're stall and an outdoor area. but of course, the animals will still be slaughtered as if been the least. i'm not the kind of person who says that i can't eat them now that i see them them good. it's actually just the opposite. once you see they have a good life to no, there's always lots to do. reading livestock is an important part of the farms income. in addition to around $300.00 pigs, there are also 40 cows, but the farmer has no plans to increase his livestock. was van. so feler finer on sca frugal garden in germany we came to many pigs and poultry does. he had c r m. did we produce more made than we can consume? and that's not good for anyone. i'm good. so he decided to take a different path in 1989 vill home equity farm was the 1st in germany to adopt
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stricter animal welfare rules. these include free roaming for livestock all year round the use of straw and plenty of space in the stalls. unlike industrial agriculture, done with an unclear stud fin to restore, we have to move towards more regional farming and regional marketing, where we produce for the needs of our population and under conditions that are approved to ecological and sustainable india coalition. in our how they send the work continues for the 2 women. next, they have to collect eggs from the chicken coop. the farm has more than 1200 hands upon me. i've never collected eggs like this. this is oh, it's warm, it's really fresh. is it farming that needs to change or something else? name is minus the act. i think the problem is over consumption, the constant unnecessary demand from consumers. i mean,
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if we could just reduce bad, then there'd be no problem there. then people would just be satisfied with what's available empathy escape. so both consumers and farmers need to change, but how much change is realistic? the 2 women raised the issue during the coffee break as an cancel work not to completely turn back the clock. only bad people joining forces to work together again, one of them was a sharing system. exactly. lanchen the olive moor heading oh, you can think of all sorts of things including new farms or small farms that are managed sensibly by several generations or a farm with a baker butcher or handicraft business. in these, unlike in our market economy, the decisive factor is always whether something's profitable, whether the prospects for making money are so good that there are courageous people
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who do it, will help a guy has that courage and has invested in new mobile outbuildings for his chickens with ring in for them that i phone and we're actually getting 3 of these in total. they cost a lot of money. so of course it's not something you do in your 60, but our son said he's more interested in poultry for van. so the future of the harm is looking secure and the sustainability concept of the past 30 years is said to continue eggs and meets are 2 sources of protein. another excellent source is c food. but once again, it seems endorsed. proficient has cost more ham than goods. not only is specie loss are huge problem. stalks are also brindley at an alarming rate. the good news is that fishes are increasingly discover in ways of farming seafood. more south
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terribly. here is one example of that from italy. ah, it's an icy 7 o'clock in the morning and goro, and the harbor here on the po, daughter is draped in a thick fog. provide us pies, auntie, it doesn't make setting out any easier. roddy, i know he got it. you tried to navigate by orienting yourself to certain lan marks but on mornings like this and when the fog navia, which we call kaliko his so thick got it, makes navigating difficult, super feature that will very difficult. his father fish the adriatic before him, but to day but us harvest clams bungalow. where and how much that can that changes every day? let's see it. oh, i go but it's eva mandel, michelle. in the evening. we get a message from the co operatives. you don't mind telling us what zone we can fish
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when we can set out the need. and when we have to return to laura, and how much we can bring ashore in the bees, are they put a little bit, but they glide for a half an hour through the silent lagoon. then suddenly the quiet ends. the clam fishers appeared from the fog like ghosts 1500 men and women worked to go to lagoon . bad as finally reaches his assigned zone is not deep, but it is cold. looney gl model prescott student bonnie: it's the only way to warm up your hands when they're cold. ammonia ammonium all alone. come all the clam. fishing is more like forming the c bed than traditional fishing. a girdle, fishers harvest, almost $14000.00 tons of mollusks each year. up today we can all harvest 30 kilos, they suck the mollusks out of the sand with
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a special device. the water is 6 degrees celsius just right for winter. but in recent years, the temperature has stayed around 11 degrees celsius. climate change is also affecting the po, delta noise we video, montgomery, mental prima. we observed the effects of climate change here when the sea level changes aqua, when the shock a wind blows or during the phases of the moon, the fuzzy lunar video, ones that are c gumby, i mean typically, but we also see the effect of climate change when we find fish demolish and crap species that we've never seen here before. it shows that the b value jonetta king, but he manion of it. that's why clam farming is important. he says to help protect the climate liquid key, the shelves are made of calcium carbonate. go out to the car, which is just captured carbon dioxide. lenny that he did carbonic at the university
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of ferrara, professor elena thom bodine has authored a study on the impact of muscles on the climate. it confirms the girl fisher's argument, so could do more with can be mildly as they grow mollusks for michelle in that capture c o. 2, charlotte, oak, 2. and i'm gonna, if i harvest sticky low of clams with the c o 2 emitted for their commercial use is much less than the c o 2 captured by the clamshell as they grow, said he already spec last you had what? that's the surprising thing will show that even good, you know, don't look at this when i was that i was, i sort of put him in the lagoon. the goto fishers now form a dozen mullis species over 10 square kilometers. 7 years ago, vidas and the other fishers launched another climate friendly project. farming, oysters from the mediterranean, using the tides. ah, me assuming natalia, we're the only oyster producers in it'll donate their stroke. now it's low tide or
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yeah. and these baskets with a young oysters are hanging in the air and the sun or yeah, yeah, sold gwendolen when the tide comes in with this entire zone will be flooded. awfully alga hooked up to slightly like waste. and oh okay. um i believe with very nice loose and festal, one full frontal me led me there from 2020 shod to me the vein. let me live in the fisher's color, oysters golden goro, and sell them to chopped shafts all over italy. but above all, bodice loves one thing about his work. and he built on his c so the, it's that sense of freedom. lemme a you follow the ebb and flow of the tides and the phases of the moon. at least you are part of this beautiful world, our world, the po, delta. preserving this world and ensuring its future providers. and the fishers of goro, it's their life's work. back to africa now they on go in
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climate crisis is forcing us to be more for gold. with our most important results, if you guess it's water in legals, less than 40 percent of people have access to clean drinking water. this equation is similar. kanyes, capital, nairobi where the poorest residents leaving terrible conditions. now, a private sector initiative is introducing innovative technical solutions to help them just one touch of the sensor and clean water flows from the machine is changed barrel akin jeez life. my did not breath any therapy. the water we get is clean, affordable, and easily accessible them. berella congee has lived all her life in monterey. one of the biggest slums in nairobi. those 22 years have been governed by
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a daily struggle for clean water. she had to walk long distances to go to point in constant stay are being attacked or getting sick from the water to come. what the dirty water gives people diarrhea. they drink it because they have no other option . like what you're maggie half a 1000000 people live in mutari and very close quarters. settlements like this one . keep growing. and so just the need for water. city is all exploding and planned. you have mine love people coming from the countryside, settling down in the cities in them. so that's all not on the map of the providers . so i'm not getting what so i'm boost gay from you and have a chance. sees another problem. there is a backlog of infrastructure development over the years because well, what's a company's a government? i've not invested enough to maintain the pipes,
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so we have very old. so what's on network that's our leaking. and on top of that call, toes of control that they may charge extortionate prices or sexually exclude young women for water that really can feel safe. now that she can get her water from the machine, it's charged as a fixed rate and she doesn't need to carry cash. yes, then if i have 10 canyon shillings on my check book with that last me up to 3 days before i could only get 3 jerry kinds of water without money that the users receive about 10 times as much water for their money. now, kenneth window from the supplier module, melly had his work cut out, trying to convince water companies under 30 to back the idea when you started them . this, that you are not very popular. but i think one of the biggest impact is to get organization. and to do is to think about technology,
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st. anything technology is being 2nd are very good. one of the things we see now is that notion of the p paid what a d m. so we have is anybody becoming more efficient? no operating costs. so one of windows main arguments staff are only required for maintenance, and this is actually helped to diffuse conflicts in some places. areas where they will probably 50 help you more. but if you are, let's say, from your parents, bridgewater from to me, because the attendance events you for reaching the water. now, this doesn't happen. people out of indiscriminate use, the technology comes from enter a day in the netherlands. i'm tom lay. paula was working in africa for an 8 project when he came up with an idea to better regulate the water supply. on sir joseph presents his token, the fell so open and the flow material measured the amount of water is al serra g s
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. m. modem is size and as the car to store older transactions, the machines sunday to run consumption to the cloud. this allows supply and demand to be regulated. if the, all the systems in my target, and on here, crunchy revenue for one. what's important there are already around 800 of these pay as you go to dispenses in kenya and some neighboring countries. fortunately, that's been very little vandalism so far. they're really kenji comes here several times a day. she says that with this new clean water supply, stomach upsets or thing of the past. we've come to the end of this edition of eco africa. thanks for joining us. do come back again next week until then. i am chris alone say good bye from logan states nigeria . well, before i sign off, i do want to remind you to please check in with us any time on our social media
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platforms. let us know your thoughts on these weeks sure. until we meet again. if he's a good buy from me, sondra tween nobody else here in. com. paula, uganda take care. ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
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. mm hm. with this is the most expensive place to live in the well. i love eve, just that is a dream for any real estate agent thought behind the gold facade issues
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like reese's, the man didn't justice as a president. the ruthless gentrification of the $150.00 is extremely political. in 15 minutes, oh dw, exploiting labor and generating a load of plastic waste, vegetable growers in southern spain have long had a bad reputation. the german supply chain is supposed to ensure a fair wages and environmental protection. but will it have an impact on the situation in spain made in germany 90 minutes on d. w. o. ah, will you become a criminal? who pre climb ai already know who's
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with about hackers and paralyzing the tire societies? computers that outs where you and governments that go crazy for your data, we explain how these technologies work, how they can go. it was in for, and that's how they can also go terribly. watch it now on youtube. that has to flow. did you do the full? i'd have to channel fantastic. ah, she survived auschwitz, thanks to music. he was the nazis favorite conductor. he is morally degenerate to musicians under the swastika, a documentary about the sounds of power,
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inspiring story about survival at home. i don't get the tennis. i was the only one . what lies and look music in nazi germany. watch now on youtube. d. w documentary . oh this is the w news lied from berlin. u. s. president joe biden makes it official. he wants 4 more years in office. pardon, announces he will stand for reelection in 2024 non live video launches the dr. pill support with the id are old later. thank.


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