tv Eco Africa Deutsche Welle April 26, 2023 3:30pm-3:46pm CEST
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to see and prevent the spread of diseases. how liberians hunting with the chains africa on d w. mm. as you go, easy to thought they were great. you move ah welcome to this new edition of eco africa brought to you by germany's dw nigeria channels television. and you again this and to be represented on the show by my
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wonderful co presenter sondra. oh thank is. so my screen is as a very wonderful day to you too. well, nice to see you all. and today we've got a wonderful short unless start with the peep. look at what we have coming up. how am i in uganda has found a way to put used diapers to good use the poor steve impact se have on climate change and why some consumers and promise in gemini, a giving funding? i think. but 1st, the bush, me trait has come under fire in recent years. one reason is the rise in disease transmission between animals and humans. but there are also very serious concerns about endangered species. several countries of now banned their hunting,
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selling and consumption of bush meets. that is right trees, and indeed it is good for the animals. but the big question is, what happened to those people whose livelihoods once depended on the white life trick? how have they been impacted by french bonds? and i'll foss report picks us to a barrier to find out this young dwarf crocodile had a lucky escape. it was rescued a 3 and a half months ago. now beyond barbara is reusing it back into the wild ease the conservation manager at liberia's 1st general weidler factory. before he started this job, he toward i've seen crocodiles or the source of food. now he's returned hundreds of animals to their natural habitat. when i was growing up, i had the coma view of all the barriers. what it is we need is like, of course them, or tradition. ah,
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i was growing up in going to school laney, i was a vision in getting that a few waking with wildlife have teeth everything. mclawrence did is to what the bid be brought to bring about change in community to schools. and in the, in the villages where most of these animals come from. the forest among ruth and rivers of la barrier are a global biodiversity hotspot with hundreds of different species. of birds, mammals, reptiles and plants. a few years ago, the barrier passed a law binding the cell and consumption of bush meet. the aim is to stop by with a varsity and prevent the spread of disease. we make it more really bustle wildlife century outside the capital one. roseville was founded in 2017, the stuffy care for
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a huge variety of white life. most of the animals were confessed decanted by 42 developmental authority from people involved in the now illegal bush. me to fred factories, absolutely imperative to live area. the wildlife law came and got changed from 2016. and the, when the law is in force, they have to have somewhere to bring these animals willing with most of the animals here actually often. and this little blue spark is a prime example, came in at 350 grams, which is the weight that it would be while it was when it was born. so there is a 99 percent chance it's month. the mother had actually been killed in the mate and the little one was left with nearly 70
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percent of liberia population living in close proximity to the country. dense forests bush. mit was incredibly popular. the most common animals targeted were tomlins along with several species of monkeys. comfort debbie sold, bush meeting, monrovia st markets for over 20 years. but to day she has become a national advocate for the country's white life and biodiversity. and we're talking with a we me and we're talking will allow people to stop trading the wish me because they will be fine for we the lab, we read it with wanton under a tree, a push me our far i would be empty. it will not be good for us. according to the worldwide font furniture liberians used to get more than 75 percent of the protein from bush made. much of it was sold at local markets where most people here get their food. at muma also sold bush me to for many years. but after working with
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comfort, she switched to selling fish, which benefits her and her family. oh, i sent a book. oh, so with you so far this, this is another fis antelli. no such is that i'm from the book fair. this is travis with apple far. i again, if i don't want to go by, i think so much of it. my pleasure. the way i'm with comfort deficits advocacy looks to be paying off. a study was conducted on the prevalence of bush bit being treaded out of the markets across the country. it found that in a single year, there was a 50 percent reduction in bush meat. but despite this positive results, there are still challenges this mike, as long as southern was me what we have so many my guessing, like the route bosses or mike, it pauses on my guess is like here. and then the ladder as i saw that sitting on
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was me. so it's, it's time all changed takes time. but awareness is half the battle. and any reduction could give critical, endangered animals like these white bellied tree pavilion, and countless other species a fighting chance. the progress mode in liberia shows the f. what is what? while to ensure the long term survival of many de vos and beautiful species. it's great to see in nature preserved. another huge challenge in today's world is all the west with create and how to dispose little or recycle it in a way that doesn't put a burden on the environment. and a human west is no exception here. but before we, you poor poor. that idea, we want you to take a look at an interesting project righty at home in uganda that he is making the most of these and a valued natural resource here. ease this week, doing a bit, ah,
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really. can a business be built on baby poop? well, entrepreneur patrick, my juicy thing. so babies go through 5 to 7 diapers a day on average. but in compulsive camacho, settlement most dirty diapers, end up on massive garbage heaps around town. now, patrick medusa, his team, goes out and collects the diapers. after separating the organic material from the plastic parts, the plastic becomes a component in the construction of urgently needed community toilets. missing the fust, if a word is compost napa toilet. so to me though, the $200.00 women are vulnerable, women in come, which i slum. ah, we have, we have picked all we picked on the sorted on the puck. ah,
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they said they pause and fix them into their boat was to from town, from bricks and the upper part of it to the other. i whispered over it over there they but they put on and they put bull is put into the compost, our permit, the biscuit for the laser, which is organic. the baby poop is mixed with clay and local tree seeds. and then rolled into balls and dried patrick ma josie then sells the seed balls to tours keen to do their before the local environment. and with a bit of luck, the seeds will help trees grow far and wide. and how about you? if you are also doing your best, tell us about it, visit our website, or send us a tweet. hash tag doing your bit. we sharing your story. ah, that's certainly
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a novel way of getting seeds into the ground. and a pretty clever business model, considering it is the best own free and endless supply of roll. material is well for sandra, too bad. i didn't think of it myself when my kids were younger. now speaking of so in seats, in many parts of the world, industrial farming has taken a serious, tall on biodiversity, many crops and now also struggling in the face of climate change. in germany, some consumers are calling for our general think of agriculture and the number of farmers actually agree with that. an early morning wash at chi farm in the zillow land region of western germany today vill him a guy doesn't have to look after his animals alone. alexandra moose stumpage,
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and immense cooney are here to help for a weekend. they've only just arrived but are already hard at work. they want to learn more about the practical challenges faced by farmers are within a limited washer. i work in the food industry and would like to continue down this path in the future weekend or. and i wanted to get to know the whole food industry from its roots industry and yeah, what's the canon lana? and there's been been this and move cuz i am self employed in the catering industry . and i what with products from the food industry, i was 30, was sort of console and was i had this, i want to know where they're made, where they come from and how much while catch to guys. and then how about the door to the farm has been in the family for 150 years. it covers 70, hector is of land and has pigs, cows, and chickens. while not an organic farm vill him a guy is big on sustainable methods and animal welfare. unlike on many farms,
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the pigs can move freely and they're stall and an outdoor area. but of course the animals will still be slaughtered. as if been the least, i'm not the kind of person who says that i can't eat them now the, i see them them getting is actually just the all to say once you see they have a good life to. no, there's always lots to do, raising livestock is an important part of the farms income in addition to around $300.00 pigs. there are also 40 cows, but the farmer has no plans to increase his livestock van to feler finer. on sco, frugal garden in germany, we keep too many pigs and poultry does. he had c r m. did we produce more mate than we can consume? and that's not good for anyone i'm a lot. so he decided to take a different path in 1989 vill home a guy farm was the 1st in germany to adopt stricter animal welfare rules. these
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include free, roaming for livestock all year round the use of straw and plenty of space in the stalls. unlike industrial agriculture, i wasn't unclear of star fin restore. we have to move towards more regional farming and regional marketing, where we produce for the needs of our population and under conditions that are approved to ecological and sustainable india coalition in our how they thinned. the work continues for the 2 women. next they have to collect eggs from the chicken coop. the farm has more than 1200, hence, february, i've never collected eggs like this. this is oh, it's warm, it's really fresh. is it farming that needs to change or something else? name is minus the act. i think the problem is over consumption, the constant unnecessary demand from consumers, say that if we could just reduce bads,
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then there'd be no problem there. then people would just be satisfied with what's available empathy versus heat. so both consumers and farmers need to change, but how much change is realistic? the 2 women raised the issue during the coffee break as m is cancel, work not to completely turn that the clock only that people joining forces to work together. again, one would have was a sharing system exactly. lanchen the olive moor heading, how you can think of all sorts of things, including new farms or small farms that are managed sensibly by several generations or a farm with a baker butcher or handicraft business. in these, unlike in our market economy, the decisive factor is always whether something's profitable, whether the prospects for making money are so good that there are courageous people who do it, will help
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a guy has that courage and has invested in new mobile outbuildings for his chickens returning on to them that i phone and we're actually getting 3 of these in title. they cost a lot of money. so of course it's not something you do when you're 60, but our son said he's more interested in poultry for van. so the future of the farm is looking secure and the sustainability concept of the past 30 years is said to continue eggs and meets are 2 sources of protein. another excellent source is c food. but once again, it seems endorsed. proficient has cost more ham than goods. not only is specie loss are huge problem. stalks are also brindley at an alarming rate. the good news is that fishes are increasingly discover in ways of farming seafood. more south tentatively here is.
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