tv The Day Deutsche Welle May 5, 2023 4:02am-4:31am CEST
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then you can get more news on our website at dw dot com. the 24 hours ago russia accused ukraine with no evidence of sending drones to attack the kremlin and to kill president bolton. today, russia accused the united states, again with no evidence of ordering ukraine to launch that attack. both keep in washington have denied any involvement of why don't be approved and may not have been the target of a drone, but he is the target of the international criminal court charged with war crimes. and if the world needed a reminder and got one today from ukraine's president sobinski and bring golf and berlin, this is the day the course. we want to see the friends here
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in the hey illegal morse, kennels go unpunished. impunity and cubic feet builders the door to address man women children are being cowardly rate. torture there should be adverse possibility for these try also coming up the business of sarah good. see in columbia. it's not regulated, it's not expensive, and it's not illegal. some lawmakers want to change their a lawyer. no, no, boy, the government cannot to regulate a practice that violates human rights. and this will practice is a practice that has opened the doors to a band and entering the danger defense. so smith sequel to trafficking children's
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news here, listening to our viewers watching on tv as in the united states and to all of you around the world. welcome. we begin today with ukraine's presidential lensky doubling down, denying that his country had anything to do with the kremlin explosion, late on tuesday night. now, at the same time, zalinski is pointing the finger back at booting and highlighting the indictment against them issued by the international criminal court. who isn't, is accused of war crimes in ukraine today. zalinski reminded the world that this is an accusation that is backed up by evidence and a legal system that is ready to act. impunity is a key that opens the door to address. and if you look at any war, any, and a war of aggression in the history and they all have one thing in common, the perpetrators of the war didn't believe they would have to stand to officer for
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what the deed, they must tend to answer for war however, brings war must receive judgment, as well as the lift gate is calling on europe to help ukraine get just isn't it's war with russia. the european union might also be helping he blues, the domestic battle to successfully transform into a truly democratic nation. that's the opinion of 3 ukranian lawyers who have just published an article in the online news outlet politic a. they say, in negotiations with ukrainian authorities, the block has already backed down from some of its previous public physicians. and it might be ready to compromise even further. they go on to say it will also make it evident to the ukrainian government that the block can be manipulated and that the european union will consequently lose any leverage over other reforms related
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to the countries. european integration. there had been questions over the rule of law in ukraine for many years. the u. s. was pushing for reform, but since the invasion, the lawyers argue that brussels has taken the pressure off of t t my 1st guess to night is mcculler xander called through co wrote that article for politico. he is founder and share of the does your foundation that the civic organization promoting the rule of law and reforms in ukraine's legal and justice system. mr. is in our cause, it's good to have you with us this evening inside you. great. and you say that there is much to do much to be done when it comes to the rule of law. you served several years as a judge yourself in the country. can you describe for our viewers the situation there now? is you see it? i yes. hello, thank you for having me. and of course, it's
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a very important topic for us because the realize the condition on which you work in unit has built and in which the westland civilization is built, which we desperately want to be a part of. and in many ways are, but unfortunately we still have challenges and rule of law, especially when it comes to the political dependence and corruption side as you do . judy sherry, we're trying to tackle this now and we are, i must say, partly successful. ready. but there's issues such as the constitutional board where this still a lot of political pressure is exhorted on the judges. and it is a very crucial moment now where we have to decide how we do this, how we select our, our judges of the constitutional board. and coincidentally, this is the number one priority for out of 7 for you brings you integration. and depending on how it turns out, this will define how the constitutional for the crate and rule of law and the whole
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country. it actually looks like in the next decades, you say that there are people in the ukranian government who oppose judicial reform . i mean, who are they and what, what's their beef with reform? why are they against as well, while we was, let's get one thing clear where absolutely you 100 percent behind president valencia, and he's the f for do a contribution aggression be reformed the country. and what whilst he is, he's busy with the evidence that that goes on with the war and the international relations and the army and, and, and the more context there are still people inside. he's administration that do not know any other way of all managing the country other than manual. and unfortunately these people are still look into the, into how to manipulate on how to gain full control over the constitutional board.
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where they already have that there are some of the people inside who are very politically dependent and there's a re 5 vacant system, the court. that's a field that will give them the majority of the court for the next age or 90 years . which of course would be and do concentration of power as which is especially i say dangerous during times of war and post war situation. and of course this, but it's something that should be avoided. and the worst case that the cameras happen here is that we get a system in which the of the petitions, those and power can inject their own people in the constitutional court bobs. there's these can be deemed as a reform assumption that is very much needed to your branch. you integration that will result in no use aggression of course. but because the, you will not want a country with all the really more and a force for your brain. it would mean that will be pretty much stuck in the lean bolt with all the rule of law and with all the integration and have
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a maybe want to worry about not having one of the beast, which of course, for the grants doesn't mean of the big 3 and by and lawmakers, they, they have to take, they have to know this, they have to understand what you're saying. i'm wondering, or are you talking about improving jurisprudence here in your country, or is this more about changing the mindset in a lot of your lot in the minds of your lawmakers as well? it's both, it's, it's changing the practice actually it's what are we looking to and what we're looking forward is the decision of the jump decision is all the the, the judges. and that, of course comes both from the practice and them and the mindset that never thing box i have to disagree with, with people who say, well, we have to 1st have to change the minds of the mindset, changes through the practice. and that is built by the judges, what have to be by the constitution, and by just common sense of high integrity and professional these. and that's essentially what we're looking into and we're ready helpless people in the country
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hall, very highly trained who are of high integrity, but unfortunately was due to not have the system in place that would select them from the, the black or out from all the, all those who apply to different competitions, and that's why we absolutely have to have the system that selects the best of the best, especially in a situation where, you know, they're still many people manufacturing people who still don't want to control key judicial institutions. yeah. you speak there, the will to power is as strong as ever. more or no more. mcculla is in a cough. we appreciate your time and your insights tonight. thank you. thank you very much. thanks for having me. well, what was that explosion over the kremlin? laid on tuesday night, a brushing volkswagen and attacked by rogue russian actors. or was it a stride carried out by ukraine? russia has accused us of masterminding, a drone attacking of ordering ukraine to carry it out. most of our claims that it
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was an attempt to assassinate president vladimir putin. it initially believed ukraine after these video images emerged on telegram, but now it says decisions on such attacks are made in washington, not keep the crate is denied any involvement suggesting the alleged attack was staged by russia of the us has also denied responsibility calling the accusations from russia lodge, the white house has refused to be drawn into speculation about the incident with your baseline of access. i mean, have you been able to authenticate any of these videos? are you able to confirm that there was a place where we're still trying to ascertain exactly what happened here and do the best we can and we're going to be humble about this jeremy there it may be that will never fully understand exactly what happened on my next guest is already good
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for long as she is a defense expert at the european council on foreign relations. and she has researched extensively on the impact of drones and artificial intelligence in warfare. are we going to have you back on the program? the kremlin is now claiming that the attack was masterminded by the united states. the white house is rejected that right out saying it's a lie. do you see any credible evidence that this could have been planned in washington? that seems very far fetched in mind. you know, i mean, obviously at this point you have limited information. we've seen these videos, there's only so much candidate use from it. but just specifically speaking, it seems absurd to me that the us is trying to this last name. but i mean, whole janet is doing so with your trust me didn't know where where any was and i didn't either not fix those material to make it any damage should have the problem
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then, i mean, obviously, you know, i can't do anything from wow, spending, but it, it doesn't seem to think, you know, the convincing as a theory. and so if it doesn't look like an attack or an assassination attempt, what does it look like? and we, what we are dealing with here is if we, if we believe anything that is coming out of the kremlin, is the fact that a drone was able to fly into mosse scale air space and was able to get right to a building in the middle of mos scale. i mean, what does it tell us about most scales, air defense systems. yeah, that's a and ask you the question. so it seems like a morrison all the time. it'll just be that wherever luminous attack didn't succeed in what we're actually trying to do with the possible. but just from what we know and where it is and that, and it didn't seem like it was really is serious. but you also devices with out
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that the boxes that road just my one to, you know, the red square and the, there was a bit from the, and that's not as great or russian here. the incident, implausible, to be honest, because not quite as simple as 1 may say. you need to just texted you need to shoot it down, is possible, but as best this is not, is not a good look and just kind of the final note on there. so on the 9th of may right, coming up, there's the de rashid victory rate on the red squared holiday. and there was actually a price out of that hoffman union as us dollars for any you premium that you a, the manufacturer who manages to fly to the red square. so. so maybe this was the 1st past. i have no idea, but you can see that there is a lot of simple there. and what about there being any connection to what we, we've seen this week in moscow with the ukrainian military, launching it's counter offensive against russian forces in eastern ukraine. i mean,
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do you see any connection or, or are you expecting that counter offensive to start imminently? and yeah, everyone is waiting for the car as of right, because we, we don't know when that's gonna happen where it's gonna happen, how it's gonna look like when we know that it will happen. and that's basically the situation. yes, of course, this can be part of this. um, it may be as involved as try to try to stabilize the protein or the russian population or russian problem. then it's possible it could send a message out, you know, know where it said we can bridge moscow. i, again, i, i don't think it's the most likely thing. it's not a military target. the front of the printing congress pass is going to be a military as a, so i don't think it's name, but it might be in get you a pencil is, is coming or so we believe. let me ask before we run out of time or the possibility of, of what we saw over the kremlin on the tuesday night, wednesday morning. what about it? rogue russian forces being responsible for that?
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yes, of course. i mean, it could be wrong. russian boys, we can be rough grain invoices. so what so kind of a sabotaged fly by individual. that seems to use live, the more likely because the drone didn't look particularly big. so it seems we're not going to be that it didn't miles away from your brain, but was started somewhere more close by. i'm interested to be either by giving you brand force. but as the we, we don't notice of the suspect nation, but it is a possibility as a possible slack. fresh. yeah. lots of questions. lots of unanswered questions in this case, or the confront good with the european council on foreign relations. we appreciate your time and your valuable insights tonight. thank you. it went out to the business of sara, guessing it is indeed a business, a multi $1000000.00 business. and that is one of the most controversial topics when
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it comes to reproduction. only a few countries have legalized seriously in columbia, it is neither legal nor strictly forbid. sara gifts can be found online or via clinics or agencies that specialize in matching. sarah gets with would be parents. now that could all be history. if some columbia lawmakers get their way a, when alter sound pictures of life at 6 months, and the face of the baby that to daniella, already a month of free will soon give birth to as well. but this time she won't keep it. she's a surrogate in columbia's capital approval time for a couple in the united states. not everyone in the family knows that she is doing this, which is why she wants to remain anonymous. okay, do i, i want this whole thing is a person as we almost the end it comes with a mutual payment mutual help on one hand, the babies that will be on the other hand,
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they are helping us to with money or not. and women who do this can then decide to open a business. for example, once i, before i started this, i had been unemployed since dependent and came up on the me. so when i learnt about this opportunity, i told myself it would be great also because i could be with my children at home. you will, your study in gaza at the end of the pregnancy daniella will earn just full size and ears. and total columbia is a bog and compared to the u. s. so europe with segregates get pay tens of thousands and commercial therapies. he's not forbidden, it's a market that is frightening in a legal void after previous attempts. columbia is again discussing a bill that would regulate the practice. surrogacy would only be possible as an ultrasonic act, with no extra pay and foreigners who make up the majority of customers would be part human rights lawyer body. i could just, you know, the title says that does not go far enough. she wants to depend entirely a lawyer. no, no, boy, the government cannot to regulate
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a practice that violates human rights. this will not practice as a practice that has opened the doors to a band and entering the danger defense looseness, but i feel as a trafficking children's news here left means explore that seems to sexual exploitation. you have to take accounts of that important at the point and to carry a child for others. women also have to go through hormonal treatments without knowing how their bodies will react. dw, had arranged in interview with the ministry of justice, which is proposing to new little they cancelled on short notice to by the constitutional court to take action. and congressmen like alejandro a couple se regulating surrogacy is to start, even if he too would prefer a bad one. where does it make this work without you start regulating surrogacy? anything through medical facilities, if you need to tell us whose child it is,
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vicki, the c, this is done. most of it already have control over that. so i get, you get the most complicated, but it will not be easy any more to take that child unless it of fall out of the columbia and the columbia seem as if it is not your child. may you call us both of us. google and prison, and then, and find doctors that could be the level of those who break the rules of subsidies . surrogate mothers like daniella supports new rules, but also wanted to decide for themselves what's best known. she feels safe and is happy to help a couple in the us. and maybe she can soon open a shopping offer of the european central bank has announced yet another interest rate, high game that timing inflation in the 20 countries that use the euro. it's the summit consecutive increase, and the bank is one there still more to comp. annual inflation was at 7 percent across the road zone in march. the c b has been hiking rates ever since july of
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last year. the decision to raise rates, but more slowly follows a similar move by the us federal reserve. and i'm joined now by one of germany's leading economists. veronica grim. she sits on the german government advisory council of economists. these graham, it's good to have you on the program. inflation has persisted and yet energy prices, they have fallen considerably. what is fueling inflation now? yeah, inflation is persisting how long installation is still uh has risen again in a pro, but particularly call inflation is very positive assistance. and this is youtube raising wages. uh, the recent negotiations have a way just significantly and also the energy prices are passed
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on to the consumers only slowly in some countries in some countries. this happened quite fast as in spain, but not the countries like. and so many of this happens by and by and it's still feeding into inflation. so economy is to say that if corporate profits were either turned into more wages, for example, or if you were to take them out of the equation, that inflation would be back at normative levels. what do you say? as i find the narrative of ross, it's riven inflation, not so plausible of profits are high in some industry. but this is due to the fact that the mind has a strongly come back off to the crisis and we have still supply bottlenecks. so inflation is written by the mismatch of gusts supply and strong you mind. but there's no reason why this should initiate
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a kind of spiral or something. so i think we have to be careful of because previous interventions in the markets has reduced investments already and we need investments in order to be covered of fully in terms of supply. and if companies for see marketing dimensions, they would invest even less in the future. all they don't have to have the risk. so i think we have to be very careful with these narrative. so i'd have to be very sure what is going on and look into the data, but i don't see a good huge evidence for you. and so you wouldn't agree when, when people say corporate, greed is really why prices at the grocery store are high corporate greed is why interest rates and climbed, making it almost prohibitively expensive for people to buy a new home. i think it is much to lead to be pinot down in the data because firms will have experience cost increases and they will pass it on
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to their customers. and we do not. we know when exactly this happens, and also there is, of course, a mess mismatch of supply and demand at the moment. so the mazda is quite prone in some markets, and supply is not coming back due to supply bottlenecks. for example, in the, in the energy sector are also due to supply chain bottlenecks that still have some impact on the economy. so it is very difficult to identify this and to really identify whether it's read or whether it's in the market reaction. so it would be very capital to, um, just judge this from uh, data that we see here in there, but cannot evaluate and sufficiently up to now miss grim you and your fellow economies on the advisory council. um its said that you expect inflation to fall in
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2024. where do you see price relief coming from me this past winter? we know it was very mild. the demand for energy was not as high as we feared. what happens if next winter is barely cold and demand for oil and natural gas skyrockets? or yeah, there is a significant risk that b c high energy prices, again in the next winter. this is true. i think we have to be prepared for this. and in particular, a safe and empty expend, uh, energy supply, as much as we can, this is something that politics should be after. at the same time. uh, we have been uh increasing energy prices which now decrease again decreased again. um, but we see that a visa, not reprises bill um, are passed on to customers. so we expect inflation to go down slowly. and i think
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it's very important that the central bank is continuing its strategy to increase interest rates. this will be much harder as time goes by and when and placing comes down again. but it is very important that a the c, b maintain the quite a bit lucky that it really find inflation until it is a medium time target. veronica grim with the german government advisory council of the economy is, is really we appreciate your time and your analysis tonight. thank you. thank you as well. today's almost done the conversation that continues online. you'll find us on twitter either as dw news, you can follow me on twitter and bring golf t v. and remember whatever happens between now and then, tomorrow is another day. see you then in the
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we've seen everyday life what european sphere and what they hope for this dw, as an active ingredients derived from nature pharmaceutical and chemical companies, use them to make a huge profits. patton's protect their research and innovation, but indigenous peoples have been using them for millennial and come away empty handed. those ancient wisdom have no value made in germany. in 60 minutes on the w, the
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brain updates because these are orchestra called, the brain continuously adapts itself. so we ask a few astute questions. we can control our thoughts, which makes us very power. kind of like a superpower. pushed about life. the universe. our series. 42. almost every thing. this week on the w, the, this is focus on europe. i'm lara. babel a nice to have you with us. turkey is preparing to hold elections for the parlor.
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