tv REV Deutsche Welle May 7, 2023 6:30am-7:01am CEST
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starting a new and processing the past. nazis are low as low as other people. the ongoing struggle for rent and brands and against denial, in the land of the perpetrators. in 30 minutes on d. w. we are all set and we're watching closely. we all seem to bring you the story behind the news. we're all about unbiased information. all 3 months. done the today own read how to take off with the new. i always tell me i want to go global and how brisbin wants to change. right now for the,
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the safety i ways you 6 purely electric chinese car in the style of an s u, v co pay. and there are quite a lot of fees on the market right now. so we will check out how it can perform compared to its competitors. welcome to ref. highway. this is a relatively new brand founded in 2017. the 1st cars were sold in china in 2019 the same year. the company came to europe. this is the highlight in the interior to me, it's somewhat looks like a lever in the plane that you would push forward for the plane to take off the highways. you 6 is powered by 160 kilowatt electric engine that way will make
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the dash from 0 to 100 kilometers. now in 7 seconds, the top speed is kept at 160 kilometers an hour, which is more than enough if you ask me, of course, it's nothing compared to test or maybe mercedes models, but it's still okay. with the 63 kilowatt hour battery, i always claims arrange off a little more than 400 kilometers according to w l t p. and even though you won't be able to reach this in every day driving, we achieved around 310 kilometers on the single chart. and that is absolutely okay for every day you a thing that is not exactly very good in the ways you 6 is the charging speed of the max is 90 kilowatts and that way it will take around the. busy 85 minutes to go from
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20 to 80 percent. so 60 percent of charging and that is not exactly past, especially if you plan to use that card for long distance trips regularly compared to the 1st i ways models the you 5, the manufacturer has simplified the charging procedure. as a result, the charging flap is no longer located under the left front headlights, but as usual on the fender, the, the battery pack is provided by c a t l. the biggest manufacturer of battery cells in china. the other brands using their cells. i'm a b, m w, how you and a mercedes benz and dw the somebody that likes to listen to out and music in his car. i really appreciate that
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the highways you 6 has a standard high quality sound system by mag that very well, no manufacturer, at least in germany. so i'd say let's take it out. how it performs the oh yeah, very nice. i like it. good kids used to that in my car as well. the man, let's talk about the interior for a 2nd. it is very tidy and it all looks pretty good. high quality, there are some nice features here. the steering wheel, the color of car. busy this base, it's not exactly what i would choose from my car, but it looks quite okay. here you have what looks like brushed aluminum,
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but instead it's plastic. the reason for that is there is the lightning behind it. you can choose between a lot of colors. you can do this via the touch screen right here. talking about the touch screen, it is quite big. it has everything you need this input payment system, apple carplay, android. although you can connect your call with blue to there's digital radio, you can use it to operate the automatic parking off the car, 360 degree camera. you can open it up by here as well. and the only thing i don't really like is the fact that the climate control is also done by a touch screen. you have that in the lot of all the costs nowadays, but i'm not a friend of that. i prefer some knobs or buttons down here. but sometimes it's just like that smartphones can be charged wirelessly or with
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a regular cable. this is the highlight in the interior to me, it's somewhat looks like a lever in the plane that you would push forward for the plane to take off. but unlike you would think this is not pushed forward or backward, but instead it's a turning off. can turn it down and then you will be into d for dr mode. you will also get an update feedback the on the display and also uh, the illuminated right here at the side. you will find the pete to put the car into a parking and then have it stands safely. it's definitely something i haven't seen in any of the car. so nice idea by always the back seat is where they use 6. has one of its cost string. there is so much space and yeah, the seat is still arranged like i have been sitting in the front and there is so
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much space back here. and despite the co pay type roofline, there is still a lot of head room left. you have this nice panoramic glass roof that will give you a nice view of the sky. of course, it's tended that way you won't be cooked by the sun. the visually, the seats feel quite good. if you have some cub hold us right here, you have a little space right here where you can put snacks. for example, the only thing i would wish for is some foldable table to put a smartphone or a tablet on it. because as this someone feels like a lounge where you can sit while the driver is driving you, you could use a table where you can watch movies or series or whatever you like. but apart from
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that very nice interior, i like it, the general driving impression in the u. 6 is quite these and that is high and then the interior, the suspension is quite good, especially if you consider the price of the car. of course, it's not all of your partial level, but it's still absolutely okay. due to safety regulations, electric cost me to admit a sound when they drive so all then 30 kilometers an hour and the u. 6 is no different in that aspect. and once you get to that speed limit around 3032 kilometers, now the cost of switching between having this noise and not having this noise. and if you get over it, i know this limit because it, the car doesn't have it because it doesn't have it. there is no like smooth going over from having the sound to not having it. it simply starts and stops randomly.
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and that is a little disturbing if you drive like 35303530. it distracts a little bit. and then also from time to time, it will remind you that you're driving a little too fast, which is the sound you hear right now. the most is most other cause nowadays they use 6 feet to different drive mode. you can choose them by a button to the steering wheel. that way you will go from nama, into ico, into sports, and finally into paddle and paddle. and just as the name suggests, is for one pedal driving and if you drive while looking carefully ahead of you, you can drive the car with just your right foot lifted off. so the idea that car breaks site, the lifted off completely, the car breaks or all of us drawn. the only thing is if you actually need to stop
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the car completely, then you need to apply the brakes because the car will not completely stop on its own. a small disadvantage they use 6 has is of course, due to the crew pay type roofline. the window at the rear is very small. but for parking and so on, you have a $360.00 degree camera so that shouldn't be a problem. the car can transport up to $1260.00 leaders of cargo $200.00 leaders less then for example, the audi q for sports packet, each on the as usual with chinese manufacturer as you get a lot of value for your money. the i wish you 6 doesn't only look good. it also features a lot of space and the materials in the interior off high quality. the entry level price around $47600.00 with us in germany. and that is the only version you get. so
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it's fully equipped, there is no more you can wish for, and that's where you can also live with the fact that the range is a little smaller than that of the competitors. the high ways you 6 is a richly equipped car with a unique design at an acceptable price. unfortunately, the battery is a little short on energy and will also take a little longer than usual to charge. definitely a thing. i ways can target with the next generation or even earlier, with improvements to the current version, the chinese electric calls and making a slash on the market worldwide. what does the ceo william lee think read has an exclusive interview. what is the hottest tools coming they pay for that? so this is the auto show. there are more than 100 new car models to move on to 70
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percent of them are new energy vehicles, which is a significant change show me and tell me your thoughts again. so that's a good class. i believe this shows that the transition from gasoline power doors to electric vehicles to me has become the consensus to me when you go whole assignment . the we look at the chinese market, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles spigot further increased in march. this year. i am going to let's this are passing one 3rd of them and reaching 34.2 percent. i cut down wind from down a good time this. oh, is it big improvement compared to last year i got a new dependent on the a handful of chinese electric vehicle manufacturer was able to achieve profitability. what's about in me as possible in the mass market? the competition is fierce. see the price range of $102.00 over 200000 b one. the competition is very intense because gasoline vehicles are losing market share and they need to change the situation. as for electric and new energy
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vehicles, their production capacity is already increased and they also need more market share here. so there's no down, i'm going to a competition is very intense us. and let's say that the premium segments, us, the situation is relatively better than the premium in the 2nd minimum. what kind of home near lucy is more than 100000. do you on for every ca sold? how long can neo withstand these? let's say a $10.00 revenue has been increasing, but so as our investment last year was an exception, as verizon raw material prices costs our profit to drop and disrupted our business with them. but we're glad that the price of william has recently decreased considerably. gross and cut off the guy. and we believe that from the 2nd quarter of this year, our profit margin will rebound significantly. and then go to that for you. so we, you stick to your goal, it's becoming profitable by the end of this year. and we still hope that in the 4th quarter of this year, our core business, the neo branch,
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can reach the breakeven point in china. this remains our goal. the challenges are huge due to the great uncertainties in the market, but this continues to be our aim for the so william lee also announced the development of a more compact electric. com for the european markets. the after decades of car century planning, bruce been, australia is upgrading. it's public transport. it's putting a new kind of trackless tram on the road and tunneling, a new train line under the river. will it convince people to finally get out of their cars and categories been fixed? it's transit in time for the olympic games. the i am obsessed with public transport. it is essential to cleaning and greening cities.
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everywhere i go, i take trains, buses, tramps, and fairies to get to know a city and it's people. i'm looking for ideas that other locations can copy and mistakes that they should avoid. welcome to brisbin, also is increasingly known by its indigenous name, me engines. it's a sub tropical city with close to 3000000 residents across its extended region. if you haven't heard much about the city yet, you will soon. because in 2032, it will host the olympic and power olympic games and it's public transport system will be vital to getting people to it. stadiums. but today, the city is dominated by cars. governments have invested usually in a network of underground highways, but comparatively little in other forms of transit the result experts now right brisbin as one of the worst cities in australia for public transport. while it's roads keep getting busy at the place is becoming pretty low. they get the right to
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jason's getting worse and worse drivers can waste around 60 hours these here in take out the traffic according to the royal automobile club of queensland, pay tower on some right. some, some of the ways we do have congestion and some of that is changing. we have strong population gross annual rehab total enterprise construction activity grades of bruce veneers, the fastest growing region you destroy, the population is expected to double by 2015 and all those new residents are bringing more vehicles. even car drive is a colleague of better boston train systems. if you're a buddy taurus, the best way of getting your congestion is to have the person who would have been in the context. you might have choice to use public transport. paul, to ride the bus is brisbin, gets around 79 percent of journeys are made in private vehicles and only 10 percent
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by public transport. the vast majority of public transport journeys, 68 percent a made by bus about one stood by train and a small number by fairy brisbin once had a substantial tram network which carried more passengers than old modes of public transport due today. but during the 19 sixty's car craze, and after a big fire at a depot, the trams were scrapped. these remaining trucks are simply historical or today brisbin, it's public transport system runs mostly on buses. as a fleet of like a 1200 bosses both standard and biotech you later also known as vending your phenomena. but the vast majority run on the diesel and gas on the a handful are electric. some scenic routes run across the iconic story bridge with panoramic views of the city skyline. now my favorite thing about the buses is the
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politeness of those passages listen to how they strike the driver when they're disembarking. the pos system received a major upgrade about 2 decades ago when the city built a rapid bus transit for adults with separated high speed bostwick transport expert stays the bus waste. one thing brisbin got right brisbin my system works just fine . if you leave on one of these pipes the bus white station, but forever else in the city, need a lot of patience. some routes run early every half hour or every hour. makes it really hard to plan a journey. the heavy train system is a radio network with several lines, bringing passengers from across the region into brisbin city center trains carry about a 3rd of all public transport users. but that's only around 3 percent total joining . there are 10 lines including one to the airport. some lines offer fantastic to
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use, like a regional trains running north, which cost right below the volt tenant cord, of the magazine gloss, house and mountains. but most people don't live near a train station. there's no circle, wind connecting the out of district, and many services run infrequently according to public transport advocates robust dow that leave some passengers feeling thirsty. the round network is characterized by low frequency, particularly as you move out of the in a cool. now that makes it very difficult to use, particularly whether it's connected to by low frequency pass surfaces and connections becoming not me. and it's not unusual, but they left the white house and they are now you've got a guy in a local club has a day a while you're waiting for the try to train network is constrained. 5 buffle neck added score. this rail bridge is the only trained connection over the
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brisbin river, but the same natural barrier is put to use for fairies. there are several waterborne room traversing the river, connecting to parks, museums, and universities. the big chasm miranda called for the cat to little boats. i called to the cat fairies only carry around 3 percent of public transport passengers, but they're very popular, especially with visits. this is my favorite form of public transport in prison to ferry. you get to see all the important sites on the river. and many of the services are free for the paid city cat services sitting works just like on buses and trains to tag on and off with a tough, tough transit cost for any credit cards. then just enjoy the ride
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a bus upgrades are coming north least because brisbin has been named post the city of the 2032 olympic and power olympic games. the main ceremonies will be held at an expanded stadium at will and gab up just across the river. from the city center to reach the stadium and resolve that problem that a single bridge bottleneck work is underway. on the new cross river rail lines to massive boring machines have dug twins, 5.9 kilometers tunnels. now for new stations of being fitted out and are expected to open up to 2025. but i couldn't wait that long to have a look across the river rail team. letting me take a tour of the under construction will and got a station. the engineers here took lessons from other major tunneling projects around the world.
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one of the things we've had here in prison is we find entirely in wrong some of the other projects around the world, whether we're in hong kong or maybe in london, they've had to deal with fly in and and in terms of ground support. yes, it's hard to hold up to apply that it is to talk about how that rock which has a natural tendency to hold other loadings from across raleigh london. it's probably one of the more advanced mode and technological under umbrellas. and so we have learning the lessons around platforms trained on integration signaling systems and building those lessons across the river. out a new european trained control system will allow trains to run at higher frequencies. some site as rail tunnel should have been built decades ago. but like a train, it's better late than never where it's been has another fascinating transport
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development in the what they're calling it, the metro. so most contentious thing about the metro is its name. it isn't an underground train line or subway these electric vehicles. still quite a switch company has looked like a tramp bus. they run on rubber wheels. some cold is a type of trackless trend. other say, it's a glorified bus. whatever they're called vehicles will run down. prisons existing bus way at peak frequencies of 5 minutes. so why didn't brisbin just filled the tram? now system itself has the benefit that you for structure. so i, we have, i extensive boss must y system which is dedicated purely for the use of the public transport bus operations. if the infrastructure is there and can be repaired at best, it's a far more cost effective solution to reintroduce a rubber type vehicle with its charging system, then it is to introduce a lot rouse system. the next step up in the, in the public transport capacity,
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high rock duty, the metro's battery electric vehicles can carry around 170 pass engines. that's about as many as an articulated or bendy box. light rail can handle around $300.00 passengers, power train and light rail was considered here, but the bus was still needs to accommodate regular buses. so full conversion to steel trucks wasn't possible. the trend fans may be disappointed. more cities around the world, a likely to select this kind of system due to its low cost and flexibility transport advocate robin dow sees it as a hospitalization d. things. brisbin needs a real metro. now this visual metro appliances i said on the temporary thing and market, so it's not going to work for that long. the market is up to the olympics, maybe not. but it really start thinking about some serious trial capacity in the,
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in the core prison. and they told me, waco himself was, he thinks brisbin could triple its current public transport journey share of 10 percent with a single integrated transit authority, more rapid services, and better costs connections to the train stations. i think we can get to 3040 percent if we do what we need to do, right, i'm gonna have to do it. we can keep using cost in the why that would be using to allow that size to happen. we've got to get the public transport network rush, right, which gets back to having a proper authority. doing the things that are assigned to mental franklin connected accessible. it's simple is that with as low frequency buses and distant train stations, you can really understand why people infringement prefer to get around by car. the upgrades coming in tons of the olympics like the track was tram and the underground
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train line will help visit his get around without a problem. but residents will be hoping that those kind of expansion re projects work and which again, transport in brisbin mean engine is accelerating decades into slower lane. other cities trying to transition away from cars can learn from its experiments and with the olympics and paralympics on the way the world will be watching to see if there is but can get it to the public transport back on track to name some more about home the abilities changing the world next time on risk the
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a new and processing the past. nazis are those other people, the ongoing struggle for remembrance and against denial in the land of the perpetrators coming up on the w. and she is celebrating her 10 year anniversary this year. a lot of stuff, the founder of a luxury, parisian label called goshen, meaning less and the 1st style mix is discrete. elegans, with noble materials and timeless cuts. on d, w. the one is main kinds, oldest ambitions to be within reach. what is it
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really is possible to reverse the researchers and scientists all over the world are in a race against time. they are peers and rivalry with one daring goals to help smart nature. the boy likes watching it on youtube. dw documentary, the use of speech and our planet, the most of them are long when humans came along that the great mass extinction began an amazing, done to exist on the coast of the british aisles.
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the calling to preserve this habitat the the story, the wire starts and the 19 dw, the business dw news, and these are on top stories. britton's king charles, the 3rd on his wife, queen camilla had been crowned at westminster abbey in london in the ceremonies steeped in rachel charles took the oath in front of more than.
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