tv Eco Africa Deutsche Welle May 12, 2023 9:30pm-10:01pm CEST
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but i have to hold this way because i'm responsible for the future hall culture for the people of danger. they live for their mission. people nice to know what is happening, that the the courageous effort against corruption, the end to political crimes in our series guardians of truth watching on youtube dw documentary, the hello and welcome to it's kind of exciting. as a sort of equal off. we go focusing more on so let energy and 8 on top potential
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box on the english alone. i am to invite my cool present crease alums all the way from nature. yeah. a hi, sandra. nice to be with you. again. we have an exciting 12 to 6 minutes installed from africa, and 0 coming up on the show today will look at houses. they want to introduce you plus, i'll bring in the whole support for seals in europe. and keeping the road suite. although there's so much sun in africa, most of the solar pa plans off somewhere else like china. but us j pad or gemini, the potential and the offers and come to me is huge. but there are still a lot of major investments. will go to come a route to see an example of off solar energy, can transform lives and create jobs these days.
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17 fremont sewing machine homes all day long because she no longer relies on electricity from a diesel generator. the seamstress lives in the village of bonds, which isn't connected to the national greed. these new sewing machine is sold a pilot babble question and you them as it's changed my life, a little commuter mine, i can what much faster. so i don't lose customer right. i see that when a customer comes in, i can get the jump them very quickly. volusia unhappy. the sewing machine was the knitted, but the green youth association of gun, the ruin which teamed up with the company impala for the project, promoting green energy. there is a huge demand for energy in cumberland, but the supply is unreliable. in rural areas, over 60 percent of the villages are also read. but even in the city's power outages and nothing unusual cynthia, we know this,
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a lot of communities are off the grid, so that's why we decided to concentrate on provo areas. is it the amount that we're aware that they were frequent power outages and cities to ok? so, so we decided to, in the pilot projects, one is we would get the selling machines to people base and the cities and rouble areas around 40 of the sewing machine sets, what several 100 euros have been domestic mainly to young women. the sets include about 3 of the sort of pano which power was the sewing machine and freelance. is it, does it keep the law? it's a very innovative set. yeah, well this is the 1st time that something like this is being used and come a written and the 1st time to empower stalking this equipment. of course the steps need to be serviced and that poses some challenges to yet it is not. this obvious thing is done by impala, and the whole project is financed by a finish
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n g o. before the young women receive their sewing machines, they've given seems trust training and learn how to use the machines clements in bid. my is one of the trainers. this gave me the great opportunity for the young women is when the women we train, especially disadvantaged, the clothes without tech support. the training wouldn't help them much because that families wouldn't be able to afford a sewing machine. the trainings see the sort of pod sewing machines, make life much easier on it before that work, problems all the time. you've cut out your path to them, but then the machine wouldn't. what they do with this one sending is much easier. logistically, it's difficult to go through. the project was lost in february 2022 is to in the pilot for is but it's expected to continue. so the, the,
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the environmental great solar energy is good for the environment bills. but now we can see that it's also good for society. it's improves people's time to, to flipping, even if that's something 1st thing people think about. so there's on most of the cost on this. 17 bill, my would agree. she's proud to be a pony village. and fraud for new sewing machine, the they telling them it's really that bruce don't. so it looks really lovely. wow. shut that nice when i take it home, everyone at mice and then level 4 was like music. everyone comes for an awesome is how they can get one to move a safe little of law and then motion. if every household in come through not just one sort of public piece of equipment, the benefits would be considerable. the move that small the
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initiatives created romo those for others. the better. one example is a young woman from nigeria. everyone calls the the solar eclipse. this makes it a cool hero, not only gives workshop of solar boss fuels around several small businesses which out our associates. it is contagious. a gym. okay. i do full g isn't easily daunted. the 27 year old installs solar system like kids on the house and shut them, you know, will states and i do. yeah. she's an expert in solar energy. i'm the only woman on the team out of phase and you know what? i say it's difficult going through the claimant roof. put santano's on being like it's not the holidays, but the nice thing that i'm nice on. if you love what seems to be able to know so
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most of this literally patel into her boss and mentor is dumber than that actually known as the solar queen. she found it has selected company back in 2007, when only a few with bits and on renewable energy back then she had to convince a customers. that's a technology, as well as the expertise were reliable. way i've attempted to call me at least get the question, do you know what you're saying? can i speak with you? my judge? i will show you. you can ask somebody to pick up was choose, oh it is bad. you that made me once you actually do more than that actually it was determined to fight these kind of puts you to send a truck to move him into the sector. in 2017, she found that the ash the academy facilitates knowledge of what it was meant to be signed up for the courses we set down until the inquiry mobile made to apply for the training. and this was actually what, what,
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what about the select queen selection and the doctor's name? it's actually sometimes over a 100 percent collection. that's a scholarship for women, was the answer. she was able to recruit and use companies and the german development agency sponsors. so a queen scholarship windows between 19 and 29 years old and many have new previous experience. i was able to do to go to school my classics and also be able to speak english wisely. then you come up kind of blending without training as a class. do right? q is an expertise for you to be able to supposed to be successful. over the course of 3 months, the participants learn to install and maintain photovoltaic systems. at the end, they receive a certificate that tickets to a new job, we need to close the gap and even the display we need to close the gap in the technical space and we need to have highly skewed we met also of approaches in this
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goals. for example, mercy olivia and mary, i any of the company zoom? logitech mostly used to work in sales for the company. and maybe it was a makeup artist quite to leap. or is it new to me this 6 to for the was talking about did you know? and a was 2 inquiries detailed. this whole means to fill out a new installation. that'd be con. do what you mean? 2 days you're installing your soonest system for utility or your town. the hotels used to be connected to the public. tal great. then as far there's no, there's no possible flight. i know if they want to run this kind of business we have to of another. we've so power supply to the re i still in a 5 k v, a solar panel system so far around $250.00 women have completed the solar queen trina more than $9000.00 tough taking part in training courses on simulators on. so
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that technology, we need even more says that we know that the potential for full energy in nigeria is huge, but the switch to forcible take systems is difficult. not only because of money, but also due to a lack of skilled worker. nigeria, we have about 60 percent, of course we don't, we don't assist in it's and that 50 percent of the problem in the country. so we didn't want to see the problems kind of solved by one precedent. and that's why i definitely know that shelley is hoping for more women like to look at the quote. for former students takes women from the sooner clean program alone to work with. today, the quicken the kiosk in the bundle with the minnesota policy stay for the quote you, it's a routine assignment for her students. it's a milestone getting solar energy to light up. the darkness
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very is firing. now let's move on to an idea that is a set of old and beneficial for families and gotten this around a well. it's an ation irrigation by fluids from tanisha using play dogs to water plants. and it is important involved the behaviors, change, formless, use up to 80 percent of all your tests used in the country. then you irrigation system is simple on it's allows plans to try one less or 2. it is 6 weeks doing good, but the olive trees are hardy plants that do wetland average regions up to a point in the past. there used to be adequate rainfalls here in northern tunisia, but due to climate change it's become a lot dryer. is now farmer mohammad then east miles transports water to the
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orchards from a well that is far away water that's becoming increasingly scarce. so he's feeling old as clay pots that he's buried in the ground. the on glazed vessels have pours walls 10 are quite large. if the soil dries out the pots act as a reserve to keep the roots well supplied, the trees just get the right amount of one. to me this method is better than direct watering because when you pull water on to the ground, the water around the tree about correct and better still is ancient method. does the job using around 60 percent less water chemist in olive tree experts. you mind quick blanche is carrying out tests on trees here and then is miles orchard still school you pretty much you need to when the weather is humid or when it rains off by you know, go to sleep, sound to the vessels, look, look,
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and god bless you that's highest when it's dry and the trees the router do they have the roots connect so, but directly from the supply in the battery to call you as well. you bet. i feel the little out of the above till the last 10. there was another advantage. these trees produced around 20 percent more olives, despite the less water being used. the older method dispenses water much more efficiently. until about you, if you also doing your bit, tell us about 2 visits. all websites will send us a tweaks hash tags doing your base we share your stories. are staying on the topic of what to rhonda is actually experiencing once too much. what it can do must be grateful caused trees to for the straight houses and also the fields. and
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what is the most terrible more than a 100 dines in recent years? rhonda has witnessed a series of climates related hazards such as floods, landslide and drugs. the top left devastating effects, particularly on those we below adoptive capacity out reserves to climate change. a project in northern run to aims to help people to adopt to its consequences of climate change. coaxing a decent tavis after the soil is tough here and the mountain is to come. the district of north and rwanda. eugene dina manor and his wife worked from dawn to dusk field or on steep slopes. so when it rains the what the flush of the soil down into the valley. if things don't change the farm of physics family co faced, ave. since this is the sole source of income,
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they will need you to look at these bananas like cartoon that we used to harvest banana bunches, weighing over 50 kilos tonight. so looking at this one, you can see we have a problem and then a situation midwest by climate change. have you in for alternate thing with extreme dr. periods as rented in past the barren meaning they're no longer suitable for forming. i don't mind, it's difficult to find me in these mountain this areas with such excessive rainfall . it causes land, crops, and fields to be frequently washed away. not to mention the loss of life among local people. no, under these conditions, farmers cannot hope to produce harvests without a sustainable solution to all these problems. and how to, you know, you wouldn't it, this is where the green to can be. program comes in actually called cx, but it farms to show them how to respond to the changing weather conditions and how to protect the soil. it's hope the project will benefit to around half
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a 1000000 people across the 800 square kilometers that, that you come, the district covers. it has a budget of nearly 13000000 euros and it's funded by the u. n's green crime. it's fun. with no time to waste everyone pictures in to put the expert insights into practice, to the hunger not even end up with today. it increases our awareness of climate change and how to adapt funding, megabytes to it, to a mazda, which was how to restore our abandoned line, just to find a rose in during the rainy season. and how to so rain was if i ever, again, during the dry season. yeah, mazda to let, to get it. it's very useful. one key this, the build services on the stoves. this allows maureen full to seat into the soil and slows down the water flow into the valley. plus the terraces that easy to plants crops on always until the trolls also being created to slow
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down and the vet fast flowing run off water. that water can then be collected and stored in underground tanks to be used like athletic ation. did i have to put that off is, has the double and bucked, has inputted through this this we don't, it doesn't do a tire rotation in the side. contribute to the, to the productivity and also the 5th edition. pick a whole different sizes. so going with do to establish those benches. doses out on the terraces. the farm is also plants, additional trees. their roots will over time protect the soil from your ocean, while their leaves will provide shape during the dry season. but the salt stain mice for longer. mays, beans, and potatoes go far better,
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and the farmers can improve their yields. a look across the valley and beyond reveals the dividends of a green to can be project i would round up depleted slopes is gradually disappearing, replaced by lashed greenery and farm land. from rhonda to the coast of vanya, the salt, a new open country east, experiencing a boom in torres, and on the same time santas researching the country, so population which leave and kids find this thing exactly. the sales are in high day, they need a calm environment to keep best. see the pumps, while they're happy to us, is shrinking all the time. and now they find themselves on the and then just specialist would follow the research as to what the albany and coastline is still hoping to launch the untouched nature. these capes might be
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one of the last refuge is that the mediterranean monk sail. reset, chose that the color of the renaissance on national marine pock company. sure. there were very few seals left and centuries of fruits with hunting has made them extremely shy. so the reset chose, have installed camera drops in the caves to help some track down some of the few remaining specimens. you'll can you hear some kind of product wrapper uh, the cameras installed and the caves have helped us with our scientific observation and that's kind of the problem. and that was give me what i think we've counted as least 4 individuals so far mens 150 and then we can give you 2 were spot in in the bay of laura and a couple here in the western part of the cut of boot. don't pretend to load. i got this. got a good one. is me that some people to get our feet, but that's the lowest recordings of the monk sales was taken in january. they haven't been spoil if there's any wes. since once found all over the mediterranean, the species has now threatened with extinction. the reset to the gathering data to
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prevent that because they can already protect what they know. one reason for that decline is the extreme. is the fishing and these quotas? whole goal shit, hold on. seals feed mainly on fish, squiggly and show fisher thought it less fish means less food for them. but the best from apartment c from time. and that's a great threat to the seals is mass tourism. hotels have been springing on pull over the a drastic coast line, including albania is once peaceful marine areas are now overrun with water spots leaving less and less space for nature. the mediterranean sea itself has also changed its guessing, wilma more polluted. the reset, just want to provide evidence of the changes with data to initiate via conduct, monthly targeted monitoring, the sea water quality of 12 different sites because the coastal ecosystem has
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a direct impact on flora and fauna. and in that way on, threatened greenspace, jason montana visited the fast results confirmed this is climate change has already left its mark on the floor and phone of the marina area. the woman who was allowed invasive species from the tropics to infest the area brought in by the global shipping trade. native species have been disappearing as it becomes to boom, full them. this combination has upset the seas natural balance. she must whom i think can be kind of climate change directly or indirectly affects endangered species. it modifies the rhythm of their live cycle. it threatens fish stocks and disrupts marine ecosystems. of the mediterranean monk. c. o is one of the species affected by these changes and by global warming selection, if you might think goes to the full kind of sale of the 10s of thousands of mediterranean monk seals that once populated the area only around $350.00 or less to twice again, the sea levels need large protected areas along the mediterranean coastline where
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they can live. i'm just stopped. wow, great. now also a chinese fishy. that's so fine, repulsive and all those fine, cute and cuddly. no amount to your point of view. they deserve to be protected. i'm talking about totes in south africa. octave is the searching for to to night. we went alone on via quest to find the center of phoebe and on rainy nights like this, most creatures seek shelter. but here, near cape town, it's when toads make their way from gardens the bodies of what to, to bring the genies has at this best y, suzy, to cool, co funded the organization towed. not she and other volunteers spend the night after night patrolling the doc rhodes to make sure the toads gets across safely.
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this is a waste and lifted as an endangered species is also a flagship spaces for the by the versity in the area that we live in. and you only find this creature in cape town in the whole wide world. so that's why it's so special. the word go, so it makes for some incredible contact with these apparently trusting creatures. the volunteers use an app to record data on the toes, 6 size and the direction they're heading dynamos. then release near the ponds where they breed icon. make a difference with all of the things that go around in the world and all of the animals that die and the extent. but i can make a difference in my own backyard about an animal that is going extinct. analyzing data from multiple sources, keep tons of mental education trust designated several sides for the construction of told tunnels, underground passage rays that keep them fijians safe from traffic. so we've 9
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phone number of years, that's the road mortality use of wisdom. if, if there's a one of the biggest uh, impacts, cuz on, on the populations and the pilot projects, it was based on width and in europe. and the intention is to channel tides through the tunnel as to the other side. and it's already in the last couple of days, we've had a tides moving through many of the toads reading ponds scott, to, to out suburban areas. even. that's why it towed not co founder fish pilots. in far days, once locals to be aware of the animals like mine and then cause it just one of the threat cause they faced around swimming pools and family pets. that also has a desk. as we approach towed season, we'd like to do public relations events to educate the public as to the migration that's happening on the noses during winter. and it helps people to really have a sympathy and the kind of intimacy for those animal frogs onto memos. so we really
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do have to encourage people to identify with the frogs as if they are and for them to conserve them in the, in the gardens. and in this up, it's around 40 percent of the worlds. and phoebe and species are threatened with extinction. even though it's a global issue. the volunteers from toads not determined to do their bit locally. they hope their interventions and education programs would at least keep the west ends up. it towed alive and well. oh i thought we'd like, oh, so quick be likely save time flies when you a housing center. i hope you've had it amazing episode and i hope it has been very informative for you. and you've picked quite a number of ideas he in there on how to resolve the environment out of goals. it's been amazing costing the show we've you keys. hopefully i'll see you all next week
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the ground a reporting from across all the french stuff from outside to you. even 19 minutes on dw, the use of species populate our planet. most of them are here long before human escape that the mass extinction began and the diversity of sanctions. for additional miles, the ended, they are going to preserve this habitat. the
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wild dials start to main 19 d, w for brain updates. it's magic is the kind of magic because this, the orchestra called the brain continuously announcing cells. so we ask a few astute questions. are we smarter, east warns, or us causes monster waves. hope your full on your thoughts wherever we can control our thoughts, which makes us very power games we have to learn a lot. and we do that through play. questions about life,
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the universe. kind of like a super power to our series. 40 to answer. almost every thing this week on dw, the, this is data we news line from berlin, a temporary reprieve for iran con, focus on the former prime minister is granted 2 weeks fail in one corruption case. and the court rules can't be rear, arrested. in other cases against him also on the program us and bassett or to south africa accuses.
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