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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 16, 2023 4:00pm-4:16pm CEST

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the courageous effort against corruption, the ends of political crimes. in our series guardians of truth watching on youtube dw documentary, the this is a w use line from the russian launch is massive strikes on key if the training and capitals targeted by attacks, which officials say what exceptionally intense and complex also on the program form of the w executive confessors, his role in the diesel gate scandal. the missing guilds means pull out the c e o,
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who put stop, let, could avoid prison time. and it's been described as one of the biggest off, high 7 fucking history not to find gang. so is it going to jail for stealing flies? less 18th century jewels from a german using the i'm sure. okay, welcome to the program. a rush it as launched open nights as strikes on key that you find in officials of described as exceptionally intense head of keys. military administration says the investment tax use drove cruise missiles and probably ballistic miss styles. the crime, steve military commander said, defense systems destroyed all the russian miss miss styles and keep asked. bass. debrief fell across several of the capitals districts causing a fire in one non residential building. recent days have seen a flurry of russian ass strikes of the corresponding to next come the is
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in katie. welcome nick, toughest through what sounds like a another difficult night, but we will work in about 3 in the morning local time by and we'll make tea bang. and it went on with incredible density and kind of intensity for about 1015 minutes, and then it was over. so normally when these attacks happen today, kind of drawn out over maybe an hour or 2 with bangs every 101520 minutes. but this was a mess. attack i'm seen, attempt to trying to overwhelm ukraine's and defenses by sending a lot of different weaponry. at the same time, i felt like it was on a movie set. it was so bright in my apartment, despite having a cut and disclosed it was just extraordinary allows you had the sound of pulling debris sounded like last buckles being thrown out of the window and the windows were shaking. and then basically as quickly as it began, it was over. so this was definitely very different to the normal experience here and to you have and you have people in social media trying to look out what was
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going on, trying to talk to friends, relatives and other thoughts, city. and it feels like most people seem to have had a very similar experience and you know, over 101520 kilometers the kind of side of the city. sort of see lots of different things happening at the same time. and what of the damage that's been done? we're here, the russian defense ministry saying it's destroyed. caves, us built that portrait of defense system. no one's taking that claim very seriously here. the although it is all commenting on it. and it certainly, if you post records that need to go by, then the rest of the authorities always came to claim when the vendor really stuck up the same was the case with those. hi mazda broke it out to their systems that the u. s. lawrence, that really changed situation. the front lines, the russians have claimed to have destroyed those high mazda, many times over, to have stored more than actually wherever delivered. maybe they hits a kind of full style get. we know that the ukrainians use blow up versions of western weapon systems, try and lowering those russian missiles, get them to waste that expensive weapon systems on you know,
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what is very cheap you, i think for, for now there is a real sense of success here in ukraine, but even ballistic missiles that are all very much more difficult to instep that they are now seemingly no longer a threat. and i think there's a lot of kind of head scratching and will scopes, they thought that those tinge out as hyper psych massage would be the last thing that would get through whatever the case whatever you have received. and that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. or you are, the leaders are in iceland for a meeting of the council of europe to discuss that ukraine just explained to us a briefly what the council is. and what keith hopes to get from this meeting of the, the council of europe is one of the organizations set up in your post the 2nd world war to promote human rights sort of lower democracy. it doesn't have a huge budget to isn't that active apart from that you're being called for the human rights. but now it's having a summit for the 1st time in about 20 years. and it includes countries in europe that are not inside the use. you have the u. k that you have turkey,
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you have the ukraine and lots of other neighboring countries in this part of the world. and they are going to talk about a registry of damage done to ukraine since about basically having one central place where people who have lost businesses of times out of that kind of material damage to pick dylan. viruses will, can put that claims in one place. those can be adjudicated and then often will potentially reparations can be imposed on russia. russian property abroad can be confiscated, to pay for those reparations. so this is kind of the 1st step to what kind of more formal process, lots people here and ukraine, hoping that this will make it possible to actually start confiscating rushes assets for this so far, i've only been frozen about making it coming into all despite those attacks on the cake of ukraine's ministry says it is making progress in the bottom of the east and the safety of backboard. the deputy defense may as assess the training forces have reclaimed about 20 scott square kilometers of territory around the state of recent days. i think's been raising in the area for
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months. pregnant forces say that pushing back russian troops on the northern and southern outskirts. but the trains that grip inside back what keeps getting slim ukrainian troops paying a high price for the efforts to liberate the flash points. 50 of buck moved. the soldier took a direct hit from a move to show. he says he's helm, it saves his life. on monday, the troops top commander said they've made that 1st significant advances. despite having your resources and personnel, the net enemies, rushes defense ministry, acknowledged ukraine's attempts to capture territories around buck moved, but denied they had been successful. this year to the north and south, and the enemy made major attempts to break through. our troops defends us up with the father. we repelled all attacks by units of ukraine's armed forces. with no
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break, there was no defense has occurred. oh, i don't have a ticket worth buck me, which is the scene of the long distance, the assist fighting of the will controlling it is strategic for both sides. moscow sees best moot as a stepping stone to attacking all the cities. he says, keeping up his defense is buying time for me. at 32 could pass for a major counter offensive to retake russian occupied territory at the forefront of russia's bust. me defensive is the private bod. nami itself. the major law says, and it's lead to you have guinea pretty gordon has persistently accused most go of failing to properly supply his army with munitions. now a new scandal is brewing. on monday, the washington post came back back in january, for the ocean, offered to betray rushing through positions to ukrainian intelligence in return for
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ukraine. pulling back its troops in buck moved the post side to the us intelligence league, and added that pretty golden sofa, had been rebuffed by ukraine, which did not trust him. a good while, pray goes and has dismissed the allegations as soon as he denies talking to any ukrainian intelligence officials and kremlin spokesman dmitri pet schools has a so called the report a hoax. activity. the inside thing on the russian side is intense. bought to whatever the trees, it seems, neither russia nor ukraine kind of for to concede bus moved. and so the brutal fight for the city continues. here in german, if the former c e. o of comic an audi has admitted his pos and the diesel guide scandal that brought the parent company v w. we put stadler has confessed to allowing the vehicles equipped with manipulating software to remain on the market even after he learned the scam. until now,
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he's always denied wrong to it was the biggest scandal in germany's automotive history. diesel gate in 2015 folks bog, and it's brands including audi, revealed that millions of tests on diesel color emissions had been manipulated. technicians reached engines through software to make them appear less polluting during tests that they were on the road. now for my audi c, e o who put stop law has made a confession about his role in the scandal. the top executive has been on trial and munich since 2020 on charges of fraud and false advertising. he'll now pay a fine of 1100000 euros in exchange for us suspended prison sentence of up to 2 years. out e and polish a manager involve gun hops, pleaded guilty last month. according to his confession, he planned the actual installation of the legal software to rick emissions readings . us as one of the most spectacular heis involved in german history. in november
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2019 the spoken to the green vault museum in the city of tristan and made off with 21 pieces of precious jewelry. i'll use it more than a 100000000. your oh, so that was part of a collection dating as far back as the 17th century. of course has find 5 men guilty. the ruling and dress, then came 3 and a half years after the audacious heist. 5 men will be serving prison sentences ranging from 4 years and 4 months to 6 years. and 3 months, 6 defendant was acquitted. a dispute, least at the clog as the best. so meanest. and i don't concern, does it least one of these remains that lodge outdoors disputed off on me, investigate those other 2 maintenance voltage. proof is at least 6 people who were involved in the highest pat minutes and 6 as the one in the time they found. it
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remains unclear whether the group received help from other individuals in the early hours of november 25th of 2019. the men broke into the royal palace museum through a window they prepared earlier on a visit. during opening hours. wielding an axe, they smashed the display case and seized jewel encrusted treasures worth more than 100000000 euros. the suspects were later arrested in berlin rates. all of the members of the remo clan, an extended family tied to organized crime. their trial opened in january 2022. and december investigator secured most of the looted treasure, including a diamond is 3 and a half plesk. and an 18th century metal from poland. order of the white eagle, a plea bargain, followed. the defendants were promised lighter sentences after they helped secure the lutes, return, legal experts, call it a legitimate deal. stop us to visualize that rides, rides,
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and appropriate to make such an arrangement as a cause. i opened the debates and each individual case with you, under the plea bargain, 3 defendants will be released from custody until they begin their sentences to look at. so most doors making a news around the world. south african president sit around and pose us as russia and ukraine have agreed to receive a peace mission from 6 african nations. announcement comes of the us accused south africa of supply weapons to moscow. i presume rum supposedly and stacy's country is neutral and denies pricing. russia is even believe coordinator in me in law says at least $400.00 people were killed by sight, tons, bulk of which the country on sunday i'm enough in the ballot. christian and set aside to instruct the porridge parts of the country which it already been effected by domestic conflict. an economic hardship said most of those killed like ranges these 5 people have died in the fight in the hospital, in the news, even capital weddings,
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dozens board is still missing the hospital vision. fortunately, housing temporary and long term residents, including elderly people, cause the 5 not when i jerry and share a set, a new world record for non stop cooking. after preparing meals more than a 100 hours crowds in lagos, gather to watch at hilda bakshi. cook a range of local and international dishes from the 1st day of last week. so it's a monday just mass, the previous record of 87 hours and 45 minutes at binding interests in 2090 are counting the final seconds to be a $100.00. mark. huge crowds gather to shift to the best see, break the world record for the longest time, st. cooking, the nigerian chef prepared meals non stop for ever for day straight. a huge accomplishment for herself and her country. have to be good to me for my business and for my brand, and generally just for my me. so just coming from a very, very,
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very modest background. i just knew that, okay, i need to do something that is basically out of the ordinary. so hold myself on the map support nigeria on the map to put young africa women on the map. support has come outside the events center in lagos, to cheer. on the 27 year old cook and to some of the many dishes, she prepared a mix of local in for and food, including jello rice and pasta. we need to know with these no big records you got we got everyone will be talking about the nigeria and for very, very long time. i feel very proud. and it's, it's a pleasure to be as a witness. the whole thing that there's a sign,
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the suit thinking is the correct cool to said it will review the evidence before it can confirmed by the to be the new record holder still with the even nigeria is taught politicians expressing the congratulations she has definitely secured, took place as a local hero. it's all right, coming up next on the w. europe in india. get together to tube trade and technology . chris. cobit has the details and you know, business updates in just a moment. i'll be back at the top of the power of the day the every jenny is far less surprising. we've gone all out to give you some.


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