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tv   DW News Asia  Deutsche Welle  May 23, 2023 3:15pm-3:31pm CEST

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going up next indeed, nobody news asia, the indian leda and there under moody addresses thousands from the day as for in the sydney and the double governor of a famous statue in hong kong, tons of kids in the, in that and will coming up next in dw, use asia with their strategy. remember, you can get more international news headlines on our website, w, w dot com. and on facebook and twitter as well. my colleagues feel gale will be here at the top of the hour with you next news around. and then you can sneak in and thanks for watching and have a lovely day the nurse to us that's why we listen to their stories. reporter every weekend dw dw store on picks on the
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inside every day the room. i used to work for free time, like because we can take the different w call in the world, unpack pops up on your info is and all the input your w stores. now on to the videos coming up today, names of all the receives an indian welcome in australia said to me, there is in the country on an official visit. i need to address the laws gathering of the direst flora and send me new such events with violence and ties and with the prime ministers fucking down at the back home and start to hate to provide majoring
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now x in in been in the print out of fame start to in home phone's wants, immortalized the gentleman squared massacre, but also the seizure by police a replica has all been set off here in germany. the i british kind of, you're welcome to the the news. a sure glad you could join us. indian prime minister, and that is a multi has address thousands of members of the does for a, at an event and see me know the is an unofficial visit to australia. prime minister anthony oliver in easy was by most of these side as the letter attended, an event posted by an indian dies hold on to the eventful australia welcomes movie photos. assuming a ton of the indian meta addressing the dies flora during southern visits.
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and he is a bates of what he said to him ega. i mean to, he has to crowd my the out the i made a promise to you. when i came to us drill yeah, in 2014 the awful period that you will not have to wait for any indian prime minister price for 28 years. the so here now in sydney is i have come back again. i do a gentleman of the more context is doctor, the step records from the australian strategic policy institute in kember, dr. paul gosh, and the names of all these visiting australia. but how do events like today's
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contribution to ties between the 2 countries be like the highlight, the growing so people to people links between the 2 countries and especially in australia, the indian dies for us. now the largest, growing dice for a group, it's almost close to a 1000000, which is a sizable part of the australian population. so the, the, the, the rock star, welcome that prominence. remove the has received is largely reflective of the fact that there is not a very, very massive indian presence that has, you know, the, the migration is also increase in the earliest or 2000 tens of late 2000 pounds. so the migration pattern is quite young, so they're still very connected to their motherland as of course. so there's a, there's a very strong sort of competitors and the people, the people things. but also there's a growing defense in economic and security and strategic essentially relationship between the country that has really sort of been developed in the last 5 years, almost. but is it more than just be able to paper links because do events like
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these, for instance, also have names are movie among the elected to back home. absolutely, because they're in the multi foreign policy has been largely produced for a domestic audience. and you know, as, as they're the more, the heads into the election years of 2024. there is a strong need for him to show that he's very popular in the international front and during the event and sydney highlights how, you know, he needs to show his some growing popularity. and really how we split in the, on the map essentially. and, and, and really i think the focus is very much on also harnessing the, the sort of the skills, the funds and the influence that, that, you know, harnessing and dice for a such as, you know, the ones in india are the ones in australia. it really helps him sort of pushes campaign out of state or apartment. his time today has been a z is also and this event he's, he in fact also endorsing prime minister multi,
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i think not so much endorsing, but really sort of, you know, it's a 2 level game, right? so on, on one level, it's an international game that, you know, as you know, the caught somebody that was supposed to be holding, the sidney got cancelled because by that and couldn't make it. so you know, a movie was the last man standing essentially of the people who came in to support him. so it's a way of you know, alban easy to show that, you know, the indian australia really formed the thrust of the quad as it were. and, and really sort of, you know, the to, to salutes to solidify the australia india relations. but i think on a, on a domestic level, albany, these all the time to rule the indian dice for a, as you know, they're a big part of the australian population. so they make a sizable voting blog. so i think there's a tools that have international and domestic level um, strategic involvement of permanence, albany z here as well. and you spoke about the coordinating and the cord meeting
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that was cancelled because the present button did not show up, could not make it. and the quote has been criticized for being essentially an antique china grouping. speaking of india, australia tires. is it fair to say that the combined with him is of china is driving bilateral ties a it's, it's one of the factors. it's not the only factor. i think it must also be mentioned that india is now the fastest growing economy within the g 20 economies. right? when the original, the 1st came to australia, which was and 20, well, and as a permanent survey is 2014. when he just sort of, you know, uh, come into power and he was not that so comfortable in the world state but, but, you know, 9 years later india has changed its position. it's, it's, you know, such a strong economy and the fact that australian india are now trying to really solidify their full free trade agreement. there is that sort of economic aspect of it. but yes, underlying it all, there is the strategic element off off or rising china in the neighborhood and what
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that means to balance that and how to spell surely in india. so coming together to arrange that sort of a balance of power in the region as it were. how much of a concern is a criticism that the rather more of his government hasn't been? uh, well, let's say kind of to minorities and critics. in india, it does that figure a total in the bilateral ties between both countries. very much so, but i think given how hard it's been to get the australian, the relationship going once more of the strictly inside the places is that, you know, a call leaving out india publicly doesn't really do much effective, curtails from the relationships. so a lot of these criticisms and complaints are done, interpersonal, and sort of, you know, behind closed doors and, and, you know, the dice for in, in australia is also quite rich and multicultural, right? it's not just handles are coming to is fixed as muslims, as christian,
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so. so the politics troubles with them. so it has been said over your protest against permits from will be when he's visiting here so. so there has to be that has to be taken of the context of, of really sort of, you know, the, the, the new ones with which prime minister movie is, is seen in australia to relieve it there. thank you so much for joining us today at dr. the step akash. thank you so much. the auto selective as to i don't believe them haven't acted. a replica of the iconic pillar of shame stature. that commemorates the victims of china's chinaman. square massacre that's out to hong kong. police sees the original on the back of the of this month for more than 2 decades. the 8th, me to hi, phillip james took me a phone call and find to the of the university of hong kong campus for the chinese territory. has since eliminated all the memories of domestic, that the university dismantled the sculpture in 2021 and sold it spaces on university property on police said the seas or more big golden exhibit on the
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property in connection with us. a version case i'm here, i didn't blame the sculptures. create uh described its details to the terminal. this is about uh 5065 is that it kind of a quote on the with this with the shape of the item. uh so this 55 is uh they are or something of that. some of that for getting save and jeremy nothing more is samuel true founder and president of the us based campaign for hong kong. mr. 2 is also the 1st part of the citizen to be charged under hong kong, national security law. mr. true welcome. i'd like to ask here of the outset. how does evicting this statute in berlin? help pro democracy protest as or for democracy voices in hong kong. slow as you know, the original sculpture was removed from hong kong in december of 2021 after it was
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standing there for 24 plus years us they way of commemorating public the only place on chinese soil where it was allow and permitted since this removal reckoning it to you in berlin and across different cities around the world is to actually counter this campaign of state enclosed need. that's trying, this government is trying so hard to do disappear, had all across the world to try to eradicate and to eliminate any memory and the mention of june 4th. and so this is a very significant and berlin, it's a unique place. why is building unique? well the, the statue right now is actually just a few feet from a piece as a remnant from the berlin wall that once divided this country. there's only a few kilometers away from them. memorial for the holocaust and those who died during the war war 2. and i think that part of the significance that hong kong now
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represent the same kind of touch point where there's this battle and this a competition between authoritarian regimes and a democratic global alliance. and hong kong is one of those places that i think berlin used to be. and i think that part of us bringing this statute to portland is to not only look back into the past, but the say that we have to look forward because the threat to democracy we maintenance is this trip that you think the german government that is centered should in berlin recognizes and hence supports pro democracy or voices in uncle. i think it's increasingly so in particular, after the invasion by russia to ukraine, you are a little over a year ago because i think that for a long time, we have become complacent. not only within our society, but particularly with be a belie input and says of us or 10 resumes like russia, like you, ron,
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and the p r c. and i think that we're seeing now much more awareness last year when there was a debate about the sales of the terminal and the humber poured. i would argue that even a couple years ago that would not have meet the needs. but the fact that there were debates and that this past week did the 37 countries came together to name specifically china as a threat. i think that's a significant change and shift in the way the german government is looking at china some 250 people have noticed that across hong kong, under the national to go to know. do you think this week at 1st? i think that what has happened in hong kong doesn't happen very swiftly, and that's happening in the barrier systematic way. and i think that you will see more and more cracked out. and i think that, that what's mix this sculpture be here in berlin important because the number of those 200 plus people have been arrested and put in jail precisely because they attended the visual that has happened for almost 30 years without disruption until
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this past year. but now, hong kong can no longer surfaced that conscience, that reminder. and so it's up to the rest of the world to serve in that role. now we'll have to leave it there, but thank you so much for coming. in samuel drew from the campaign for hong kong, and that's it for today, there's more news and updates on our website back tomorrow at the same time. so you then the eco in the radio station is making focus of the weight is pollution and climate change. it's estimating so that india, the radio station is trying to help using information and then for 3 minutes to
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save the coast, dw, these places in europe are smashing the record step into a little bit venture. it's the treasure map for modern globetrotters. discover some of us record breaking site on google back to and now also we book form the how do i come on? so i've got the body annual watching equal india, and we have again today is episode with fish fisheries and fishermen.


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