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tv   Wild Isles  Deutsche Welle  May 29, 2023 11:15am-12:01pm CEST

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and we suppose by and sides waiting, that will just make a titles. it was time to potty together unix. now the and that's is the traditional setting. and the women's and men's team celebrate. and then we can victory is on the town hall balcony for the women and it was a 5th german championship for the main. it was number 33 next to about documentary looks at pollutions tried to britain's natural beauty. i've been present in berlin, milwaukee. oops. next down with christy mode one, i'll be back tomorrow by the, i sorry, 6 times to please come and see more people than ever on the move worldwide in search of a friend of mine. and one is very, very difficult to find out about time on store in. so my
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grands the, the alternate useful life the as far as we know is the only and have a to find it, you know, universe. but that's, i'm fast that you have life. it supports is on the threat the since the 1970s. we have diminished of a 60 percent of all wild life a not to have a time the
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the goals and one and 7 species now facing extinction. and many others in decline. the time has come to we address that finding the today, the united kingdom is one of the most nature to places. countries on our planet now is not the time to spend as individuals and communities of paving the way towards the price. and each of the now is a time across these, like the a james fuck
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staves throughout. on an apple fund in 9, no shops here. the desire to investigate sustainable speed reduction met him to return to his funding rates. but this time it was at quick culture. so when people ask me what i do, i usually say i gray things in water. when a local muscle phone came up for sound and cool, james found himself at the cutting edge of sustainable foaming people talk about sustainable. it seems a bit of a kind of both words and, and kind of trying to get behind what, what the sustainable mean and for me it's, it's how do you produce this pricing that we will need, have a from that you can increase the size of it you know, kind of, let's scale it so that you can produce more and more, but without having a negative effect on the environment. muscle funding has been around the u. k. shows the hundreds of years. and although it is
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a traditional new impact form of funding is not scalable. there are problems with the traditional method of funding, selfish psych muscles and, and an waste has been growing on a river bed or a coastal area or a few type. you weren't going to be reading some close to point source as a pollution that's always going to happen. you call and it's kind of 100 percent guarantee, the purity of the water in certain areas of the case. however, one thing you can say is, as soon as you start to go a mile 2345 miles of the off the coast, the water becomes more and more fuel. so you're growing your products. interesting . and barn james farms, the muscles using a technology developed in the sealant called the loan line and drop a system wild muscle seed is collected out at sea, the ground and cultivation rights suspended from an uncovered line.
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those muscles then grow every period of time. there's a bit of husbandry, so hot way through the season, what we'll do is we'll pull them out when they get to a set size. the muscles upgraded and put back out on to the right. and by degradable organic cotton's ok. but they are left to grow into hoff this time, 18 months states the muscles filter the whoosh around the absorbing particles of plankton an aggie is food. recent research into these muscle farms found that they can have a positive impact on the surrounding environment. one of the utah universities on the south coast is looked into what happens on denise these phones and they find that actually brings in most patients of fish and muscles. so act as a source of a shelter, but also its food. and you find that actually you bring in more diversity another
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kind of criteria that i use and sustainability is if we pulled that fall apart, what would happen to the environment and i think the on. so that's been proven the if you pull that file not within 3 years, you can go back to that site back to the c bed back to the gary that it was in, and they would be no effect. you know, you would really struggle to tell that i've been a found that as well as cleaning the surrounding muscles. or is this the quest a coffin into the shelves, giving this rich natural protein source, one of the lowest calvin footprints of any green food, the to wake from pollution? these muscles quite quickly. and also a much larger than the bed cre encounter puts a lot of the time. if you look at them from under water, they'll just be open in the what's called and said and constantly. and sometimes they get so that the, actually, when we pull them out the, what's the trying close the cost? i mean, that's a, that's a great example of just a, you know, really kind of
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a sufficient animal that is, but it's really fading very well as the global population increases. james believes that ok, with farming has the potential to offer sustainable solutions to the pressure is facing food produces there's definitely world wide appreciation that we're on island with fish in it and it definitely will be taking up the right culture. it's just, they're just that simple. there is technology now that wasn't here 5 years ago, which allows us to pretty much grow any shellfish open fish on land. james thinks that we could even see traditional livestock found this branching out and everything that own nice aqua phones in the future. it's not as long as they pay before that baby signs. now, maybe it's just another product tonight. yeah, they do shape and they do times and they do tropical shrimp. you know, we'll be looking back in 20 years thinking of course that's, that's the way we're going to do it on that particular form of cells to the local restaurants as he does with his lime at the moment. that is, i think,
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to be to time and where we go with this kind of new technology, the urban environments may even become home to ocean funds and then not too distant future allowing us to cease to recover and replenish the and in some cities, new ways of reducing food already being successfully put into practice in the most unlikely places stop helps businesses like london based growing underground of tour and inspiration from other cities around the world. like rubbing feet by 6 feet in disused underground spaces with no, not to daylight. or by using low energy l. e. d lighting and hydroponic techniques,
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which required no soil. this type of agriculture is unaffected by weather, or seasonal changes. these comp and negative phones already growing produced over year round, using 100 percent, renewable energy, 70 percent less water. in far less space than traditional at the field farming these fresh micro greens, a grand pesticide, free, and 90 times more nutritious than that for the grand counts of pumps and only take 2 weeks to gray. vacated beneath the bustling city. this phone can deliver to local businesses in homes within 4 hours of being picked, unpacked by adopting these secular ways of thinking,
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the world can reconsider how wasted energy can be repurposed. heat waste from buildings like skyscrapers could be harnessed to heat their own funds, making cities a prime location for food production. as 80 percent of all food will be consumed in cities by 2050 implementing these new oven. falling techniques could enable who funds to re well the land of time to make sure and when non does left free of human disturbance, wild life will find this way back. or even if i need for a few months of the the, the wild life trust schema islands in wales is now a protected area. and it's spring time every year. it is traveling some very special ocean visitors to choose the atlantic huffman.
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after spending many months and see the breeding season brings the machine the it's a highly synchronized event. the some 450000 puffins returning to the case to which is you opting in to this momentous occasion? the like many beds, their ability to find their way back to the same site. each time remains a mystery to forming foss. clift to come these along with many other species. government is a fantastic haven for ground. nesting that the
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puff and start to freeze at around 5 years old can live up to the age of 20. the record age one schema is a staggering $38.00. the puffins pair up the full coming on and, and often makes a nice a of the closing path may be seen rubbing, that'd beaks together and is spinning on like many beds. puffins built underground. nesting bars with a female would lay a single egg. those parents, thank you. baby egg. when the puzzling is food feeding gigi's or shed
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some deals of a staple diet and with the check needing up to 8 feeds a day. it's non stop for the puzzling parents. the puffins. amazing. the child swim is moving at great speed and the time they can dive to adapt to 60 me says the it's sadly puffins of the coming of funding who species worldwide and all their
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numbers have on sky my are increasing elsewhere. cedar rapids decline as tough in a highly susceptible to address changes in climate. the, with the u. k. being home to 10 percent of the wealth, puffing population, addressing the issues of climate change is sizes to give these 10 inch one does a fighting chance. at the end of july, the checks on schema will be ready to leave the next century duty and for the parents. and after weeks of being hidden in the safety of the bar, fledglings will leave the nest under the cover of darkness. to avoid any predators
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without mom or dad. the entire company will leave the island at the same time as a winter in the agencies. and with the best of luck, that'll be back again next year, the preserving our existing via devise ecosystems. there's online on it, see is just as essential as reintroducing new ones up to the u. k is already home to many natural wonders and it's within our power to keep it that way. the on the i live out in scotland howard would spend much of his youth free diving the like with horses,
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the timing to be just freedom. the i always feel when i'm diving. i'm exploring. there's no other feeling like been free again there. did you get your diet where the sun is open, the visible is great, and you're looking at the water and you just do not want to get out of the water the. it's just different just i started driving as a teacher and well, i would seems 19 seventies and that's why i didn't really appreciate that was just that was know those things are the see buried all the crowds or see reads on the fish. what wasn't known was change 15 years, literally species that we can use to start disappeared,
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the pretty slowly. this was just 2 or 3 years the we didn't realize we made a major change in fisheries legislation. so our sees were being denuded. we can wait months and months, you're on here and, and his divers. we could see that through the late 19 inches and local people going out fishing, angling strong, sketching. so a few macro. it didn't seem like any way to do anything. how it took the mazda into his own hands with close friend, and i've already done mcneese face. that's how the community of our and see trust known as coast in 1995 with the name of investing the decline in orange marine
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habitat slow. my speed is no different from any other be or any other seals in scotland. what's special events? it is the for 2025 years. the community working with coast of empowered ourselves to persuade it as many people that we can, that we need to really protect the various issues with the people cuz they're not dyers are not lacking or willing to want to think about protection of something if they can't see it, but this underwater well, it is unique. i'm while i'm more clients and the animals can draw kaluan julie hydro, each sort of carlos and prizes july was strange,
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20 years ago and she said she understood that cv, but actually these are animals. you can get some species that will land and attach themselves to title areas on the tie. it brings their food to them, it goes back and forth. so i can't think online that doesn't really happen. we don't of animals to the same spot. so it takes you quite a while to get your gauge around a complete differences between address jo, environment and the marine of to 13 years of campaigning. now i'm last day became the fast community lead marine resolve of its kind in scotland. and since 2008, an area of 2.67 square kilometers, has been protected as a know take saying an area when no extraction of life will
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resources is permitted we are now seeing that we will have more to take those in the next 10 years it really is great. let's you know, we try to get the proof. is this the proof that this benefits communities vision and the thing is uh much, much better than i would ever expected? no. my thing is, these are things from university researches and the estimates is the scallops within the dates of seed, an area 40 times as big. so their eggs and spot seeds in huge area of the 50 spectrum. and it's very similar. phillips, this the, the general species abundance within the marine protected area increased by
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80 percent in less than 4 years. it goes to show that you take away the most disruptive and sustainable form sufficient. dragging away at the same page. the environment bounces back, actually bounces back pretty fast. you know, you've started see things within 3 to 5 years. and within a attain use. you know, you started seeking real recovery but you're not going to see that recovery and yet, and until you actually put these things in place, and we need to put in place as soon as possible and stop the delays. the something in the, in the big picture climate change pictures via diversity recovery. we have all the
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solutions. every solution is the. but it's only the law of whole peace policy makers leaders. it's not actually for the science we need to start looking after the environment, especially for me, the marine environment for the sake of our kids. so the next generation getting people in the water. these 3, i mean i'm going to see more divers, see the idea of the open water swimmers spelt the me and say, i split this when i was going along the, so the more you get people you'll see in the morning get people looking. the more people interested and the more they appreciate to us and then more than likely to pertain what was going with can use to
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start introducing. we have to move an estimate because the more resilient the really environment is. the more kelsey is. the more the reveal to cool with the changes in climate change, which is going to come and like to the we've got to make the marine environment and our environment much more resilient noon for individuals wants to do something. there is always things you can do whether it's beasley to fix, whether it's doing smoke goes, but building that together in a group. initially a group and then a community means you're much stronger. it's the community angle that actually makes the difference. cost has slight just a small and a full network of communities around. so what we're looking for is communities
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with the voice being legitimate states of this in this seems to jump through a couple of charts that if it's a public, drastic, we all have a right to ever seen it. and it's up to government to manage it. so not only meet you, but especially for our kids the future can be bright, but it's people power that will make a difference the how it's passion. protecting the local marine environment and inspiring people pallet let to him being awarded the prestigious goldman prize in 2050 every year. the prize on his 6 individuals from around the world. it brought about positive environmental change across for each level. with the help and support the local communities the well,
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i mean it's me was, i didn't this incredible what i'm actually, you know, these people were bound in reinforce, they were both in governments. i mean, i mean it's up to incredible sort of things they would do. nobody was actually so right in my life, the worse these people look strange seriously. include including so many. okay. so this one is the windows was shot. it was a little less than was you. i mean very well so you know, we haven't seen a comparison to people have been shown, kills for just trying to protect the planet
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to control the way to go. but i was wondering why she just started mixed out some of the over the well, the people are making a difference highlighting the flight of habits out last night on lands and in the oceans. initially i want it to be like some amazing scientist who was going to save the well, but my everything soon disappeared when i read thanks, i was just an i e u and it was never a mail it to going to happen. we can work out ways of winning
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your little bottles if you launch and getting these ideas and these views across. so rich, it's chuck smith, his lifelong passion for the natural world is built into focus through the lens of a camera. the reason i thought taking 5 classes because i was not intimately involved of jane the science and i was doing all of this research and dive and, and seeing these things. i just want to show people i used to get so excited to take flowers and you know, i can show people what we're seeing down in the richards. this is his family on the shetland aisles and archipelago and the northern aisles of scotland. ultimately we have a tiny walk in the middle of the atlantic. it's a beautiful place, it's wild and look at it's on the same lot to, to, to southern greenland, to share clips and rocky, and that makes shetland home to some of the largest c bed companies. in the u. k. including thousands of cabinets.
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the bicycle rock phase makes an idea nesting site and office them safety practices because they've also provide them with a constant opt off to which helps them to take off and land quite gracefully. considering the size, the northern gown, it is the largest for to see that it can way up to 3 and a half kilograms. they're incredibly beautiful with a yellow heads and they're leaving around the i and got like the big the like the albatross. these got it and how can this a mate for life the day we tend to the same breeding company? yeah, of to you. and each time the perry night,
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they greet one another with the rich realistic, phil clacking the, the female with any like one ag tops is of to $5.00 and $6.00. we responsibilities for the young off spring shed. when one parent goes fishing. the other remains of god is in this the oceans a huge. so now at the way i was a mac pulling it so the mains of to travel, sometimes hundreds of kilometers to go on, find the shelves and macro put the baby down. it could occur when that would be left alone to a very pace start like dinosaur, which really in many ways they go through several moats. food is fluffy, white stuff, into the salt black water proof presents if you like for
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b. now it c for the next 3 months, parents will feed the giga of rich, fully diet. for god you take macro and hiring because we have been waiting for the be well managed scottish prologic officially. that means that is friendship so . so down in the population here, one shetland is rising today the probably one of the see that space is which is obviously increasing in population number you have on here and not mainly because of the really good food supply and with nest inside the full day. these beds will fly great distances and thoughts and shows and fish. over time. they have learned to follow fishing vessels, taking advantage of any disgusting bike spots, anything that isn't impacted by some form of human activity.
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the more thing that to me is like the fish in the fish in line, the plastic in the ocean. what you see cool, open the nest and so on. got it so built in the sun, the sheer cliff face using the natural materials around them. or too often dep for you from the sea, like right. net some plastic. find their way into the next sometimes to devastating effect. i would almost guarantee you would not be able to find a gun. it's messed anywhere in the u. k. which doesn't have a bad plastic and and if you think about it from the most important thing, we'll see it slightly ideal to effect an estimate to me. obviously because of the
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tons of the tiny little box. because this is quite fine. 5 is and that gets caught me onto the bob and then the conch at a, off the out from a side is often used to be down. it's hanging from the nest where they can't get it off and they've tried to fly off and then they fall and, and the just talking that and then yeah, that's not a lot. you can do that just in a timely basis. the and that's really negative and it's fairly soft because that's a total human induced impact and not really, you know, we could stop if we didn't show plastic in the ocean and we didn't the slides. next thing, none of that would happen. it's not high on the big issue this because the gun it's a doing very well. however, i deal with one of the actually the, the dangers of plastics and sees it's been well highlighted in recent years that
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impact so marine lives there, absorption into the food chain. still being researched, richard thinks we have digressed from the biggest issue facing out ever since today . actually the biggest issue flossing, interest by diverse to us, is over fishing, trolling and actually destroying seep at how the task. but you pull the toilet across the seat belt of info to put life. you just wipe out and that's gone. not see what we should all be pushing for is dealing with the by diversity lost by from long dining all ocean because we'd actually help us there with some of the climate issues. so all goes hand in hand, but mainly the big issues is by diversity loss and that's when we should be trying to deal with 1st. and the prostate should come 2nd in my eyes,
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the weather on land or in the sea. the diverse ecosystem is more resilient. i'm more likely to bounce back from mine made natural disturbances. thankfully, the well managed, which is around the shipment dials still retain many bio defense hotspots. it is amazing what's going on down that an old interaction between all the different animals as a king dies and for children, which she spends many hours staffing marine life including the incredible agenda. see, do you think got it. the
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things i always find 1st night, you can see how they impact the . it's amazing to me any you know your thoughts. and again, it may be fully neat looking at the wings for fact. and if there's things to say and you literally hit, it seems less and less and you look at that the full head and you realize that it's actually about to take the impact them special last next, on the eyes and around the cheeks. initiatives a fuse. see will, to given and this is not she, sometimes it's amazing to assume demand the of
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the get the ability to fish in a pack of up to a 1000 daybreak. the stuff is like a streamlined to p day, the reach and speeds up to 60 miles. the one thing that pray home, they use both that wind and the web to feed to the news on the water, the soon it will be time to the duke is to home that i view schools for now, the main concern is how to get off sickness
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up to 3 months, full time care, it's time for them to grab it and then put that fall rich die. it has made some grow very big very quickly and they are not yet able to fly. so when they get to a sort of a leap of faith of the class, the device is controlled. there is no guarantee of a safe sounding. sadly if it's something that jenny ends before, it's even the con and there was others ready to take advantage of them. alternately, once they leave that face 7 to the m c. and they've got to work it out for themselves. sometimes they just go a spot onto the surface and then they swim out sea,
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flightless for the next 2 weeks. they are at the mercy of the sea to like news, enough of the fact that they're able to take off and they can start so a flying man like to know how to down to, to if you like. and then they can start into fish. it's really interesting it can you wonder how does the game know how to die? payments of never showed any what you know, you don't dive into see from so to me is 60 miles an hour and you'll get like a lot. okay. that go then the or is it just in you that you're just like and you go the other things get taught to feel like in a way i was i teach that, you know, to feed altis. i teach that young how to dive and so on. and teach them, but there's none of that we see, but which it is always chosen to live in volume and rugged
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places. and like many people today, he recognizes the importance of nature. can play in positive mental health to the will to be a stressful place where you will and are you get called in what you get cool things, lots of different things that can be quite stressful. and the minute you step out the door full, that stress just sort of disappeared. she got these fantastic news. minimum wildlife is e mail, says walk around and send me over just this is getting off any more except on the phone. and honestly, it's, you know, everything you've ever been bothering me last night because of the window cuz you send me with this, but to pull all around the, i guess a token just over here. and it was amazing because at the end of it all, the kids were desperate to tell me a little about their experiences in nature. it is literally all around here. you know, even like wherever i live here, you know,
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in the morning. so kinda failed its full kelly's lot rings. so there is a massive connection to the natural well, in shipping. and i'm fine. most people can shout and have some sort of connection to one way or another. it's almost impossible not to i think the because we why old. and we felt the see all around is in ship but, you know, even of offices in the noise. it's everywhere. the killer wells can flow a call, but you know, you suddenly get so several 100 people really. miss roland was watching the guy say some things which are really good at engaging people. and i think so cetaceans and
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things like killing wells are really good for fortunately, i think with the way the population size i flow below, which comes from and i wish the full loss of 1000 did so, you know and see what the seats actually really does. look like, you know, maybe i'll be surprised and humidity will it come together and, and it will change. but you know, if you just have to go out and join nature be, i'll try the best you can to the, to show impact as much as possible. and try individually to do your fit the we have the power to heal on that to well. and to bring back some of the models
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that once famed be shown the with that how we can we shape and restore balance to our ecosystem in ways these wild aisles have messed for so many years the we have an opportunity to pass on the most sustainable bio defense and wild of trying to to future generations. can these few? yes, fight to success. stories pays the way the price of future life and the any time in town. as the voice of change begins, and every one of
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the the a swimming mirror to combat and water pollution in gonna 2 days, protests of choice. swimming to the molten river for 450 kilometers, accompanied by scientists. will her demonstration be a successful one?
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eco for 30 minutes on dw marriage is forever, the horse is forbidden pains some believe done what god has joined together. no man should ever tear apart. even if that man and bandages family long ago. so far, all major reforms have failed with something and the signs mindset is changing for us. 90 minutes on the d. w. the hot tips for your bucket list, the magic corner chat,
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hot spot. and some great culture of the board has to double your travel off we go, the, the this is the, the, the news live from the little red chip tie of the one wins a nother to him as president of cherokee or the one promises to tackle persistent inflation is defeated, rival save. this was the most, i'm say election and he is also on the program the residents race push out as russia steps.


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