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tv   Made in Germany  Deutsche Welle  June 1, 2023 8:30am-9:01am CEST

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you're responsible construction projects and neglecting environmental policies. why is more, more land being paved over focus on europe? in 60 minutes on a t w, we've got some hot tips for your bucket list. magic corner check hot spot for food. and some great culture of the board has to w travels off, we go the decides against climate change is a complicated one. everyone agrees we need to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels,
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but cigarette had to do so often for folks. he's just the base take electric cars, they're a key part of the green or future, but they're bob freeze require miss them to be minds itself a controversial practice. more on us in a moment. but 1st a look at what else we have coming up. the power and pitfalls of using biofuel as an energy source. a whole new perspective why investors are passing big on augmentative reality. and high one in the nation entrepreneur used to failure to power or conduct. i'm kate ferguson. welcome to maids. the transport industry causes almost a 5th of the world, c o. 2 emissions seconds only to the energy sector. no wonder then that interest in electric mobility is growing so fast. but here's the catch electric car batteries run on a lithium on right now. the world doesn't have enough of it to me is ever increasing
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demands. that scarcity has led to a dramatic rise in lithium prices, as well as a growing interest in new mining projects. and our next report will take you to the us state of nevada, where indigenous people are fighting back against plans to transform their homeland into unless the mind this is silver peak in nevada, home through the only major operational lease you mine into us owned and operated by album out a specialty chemical company and global lithium producer, silver peak is a so called brain mind. lithium is drawn and extracted from brian that is in the ground water. the ground water is pumped into a network of $22.00 pon, spending 21 square miles. the hot nevada sun evaporates the water and other liquids over the course of 18 to 24 months left over list young boy white goals as they
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call it. right now, we're really focused on doubling our production. so, you know, we want to get up to, you know, between a purchase of $8000.00 metric times an annual production, $8000.00 metric tons per year. soon. sounds like a lot. it is not welcome to the 2nd pass, just about 50 miles from nevada as another in border with oregon sector past is supposed to be the future side of a mess. opened. pick mine and process facility spending at least $8000.00 acres for $7300.00 heck, capacitors, believe to hold the largest lithium deposit in the united states. and to be one of the largest in the world. not only do we need this projects for national security purposes, but we need it for the environment. so we're, we're committed to doing it right. we're committed to working with all the parties,
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lithium americans, the company that wants to mind. second pass is invested millions in the project. it has the backing of the federal bureau of land management or b l m. and it's in possession of all necessary state permits to begin mining full if you need to move forward with preparing for construction. preparing is for us on, on board our work force is going to take about a 1000 people to build this project is a big, big bug. just take a pass or p model in the language of indigenous by you is not only the traditional homeland, but it's also sacred ground for the indigenous nations of the what she show by you . and to show me that creates a bit of a problem for lithium america and for the bureau of land management. one of the tax proposals for my project is the reno sparks. indian mission. it is head of the
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tribes cultural research program. she guides us to a tribal historic preservation that habitat is going to be destroyed for electric vehicles, evans stripe, and at least one other or part of a lawsuit against the b l. m. that ames stuffing the project to take a pass completely. that the people know that mining doesn't also just bring jobs, but it also brings annihilation to homelands and will, will annihilate indigenous peoples way of life. unless you mind it's such a pass will have a direct impact on the fort mcdermott, shoshone pa, you tried that. it's just 35 miles away. the drive just signed a so called benefits agreement with lithium america. the company will build several community buildings and pay for educational and job training measures. exchange. they do not and will not produce the project, despite having significant reservations and problems with it made it was i've
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always been considered stewards of, of, you know, of mother earth. you know that this is, this is borrowed, you know, we're borrowing it for the time that we're here. and so there's a special connection to the land. we may not see it today or tomorrow, 510 years ago in the lines. see what suffix connect me. i don't want to push my elders and their beliefs and then the traditional part of it that also don't want to ignore my younger generation. that says ok, we want to improve the, the, my lifestyle. we want to be able to take advantage of some of the benefits that are being offered. they're also non indigenous people who have concerns about lives. you mining as tech a past due venture? ed bartow, is also a party in the last we, i've enormous concerns about the, the water table. there's pretty extensive vegetation here and 80 vegetation that grows up chest ties. so if the water drops, this will turn into barren desert. seem america says their mind will draw even less
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smarter than what is currently allocated for farming and ranching at the past. the company also claims to have refined to at least the mining extraction process using the latest available technology to guarantee minimal environmental impact. but from ex wilbert member of the deep green resistance, environmental group, some brand as radical, the idea of mining affect it past is fundamentally wrong. no matter what the company is telling us that this is going to solve global warming, blowing up a mountain and isn't green and blowing up a sacred site isn't right. there's nothing more to check a pass or pc. my hock is where different world views collide. a court decision about the pending lawsuit against the mining project is expected to be issued
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the . now while the debate, lithium mining rages on in nevada, elsewhere the search for clean energy sources continues. one place you may not have thought of looking is in your organic, been boss is biofuel, as environmentally friendly as it's science. the coal risk has been investigating of the nan appeals not shelves and other leftover food which can actually power the device. you're watching this on it's called bio mass energy and left overs aren't the only source would plants even mon, newer can be used to generate electricity or heat. were surrounded by bio mass which creates numerous opportunities. and unlike cool,
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this source of power can be re grown companies and governments around the world are ramping up investments. but at the moment, only around 4 percent of agricultural space is used for bio mass energy crops. how much potential does bio mass energy offer? let's start with how our trash becomes treasure. organic material 1st has to be converted into energy. leftover food crop waste ormond newer. it's collected from restaurants or homes, and then put into a processing plant to sort out other materials like plastic. the next step, the bio reactor, it's where a bacteria eat up the waste in a so called night jester, which is sealed off from oxygen. this process is called anaerobic digestion. the organic waste is prevented over several weeks at
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a temperature of about $55.00 degrees celsius. bio gas is produced containing large quantities of methane, a powerful source for generating electricity and heat once it's been fed into the gas created. and it can also be used to power natural gas vehicles. the less go for biome asked, can then be used as compost for farming. for example, taking the whole process circular, bio gas plants like this exist all over the world. about 20000 in europe alone. to estimate state bio messing could cover up to 40 percent of the use gas demand. but the middle of the century, the us has just $2200.00 in thailand, malaysia and indonesia combined only have about the same bio gas plants produced only a quarter of the c o. 2 emissions that coal plants emit bio mass energy has one
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large advantage over solar and wind in that it's on demand. so you don't care if the wind's blowing sunshiny all sounds good so far. but there is a catch biome method can lead from these facilities. and then has a bigger effect on global warming than c o. 2 bio gas facilities are also only sustainable as long as waste is used rather than specially ground crops. or what else can we use bio mass for fuel. ready to run cars, trucks or even planes, an innovative flight last year, save 20 metric tons of c. o. 2 emissions jet fuel was mixed with the use cooking oil for the route from paris to montreal. another biofuel is biotech dental implants such as corn or sugarcane, or fermented and distilled bio as an all can replace 10 to 20 percent of the
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gasoline used to power a vehicle and then there is bio diesel. it's made by combining animal fats or vegetable oils like rapes, seed, or solely with alcohol. as with capital, the bio diesel has been added to normal diesel fuel biofuels are used at gas stations worldwide. but according to the international energy agency, they only account for 3 percent of transport, fuel demand. the problem with biofuels is that crops have to be specially grown, and that steel spanks from food crops, or even depletes forest and biodiversity. like west palm, while trees and indonesia, sugarcane and brazil, and rate seed in germany. a study in germany found that using biofuels can help save 9200000 tons of the countries annual c o 2 emissions. but 16400000 tons could
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be stored if natural vegetation were allowed to return on crump fields. instead. the simplest means of generating bio mass. energy is our most ancient way. burning it like would leaks or waste governments around the world are even using it as part of their carbon neutral strategies. and by on mass, we need good old trees. a as one times over the past decade, the demand for them as an energy source have steadily risen. the west is the biggest ex porter with a market share of 62 percent. they're usually made from wood residents, like some of the store would chips. usually, because the think tanks and engineers have gathered evidence that shows that natural forest inhabitants in eastern europe and north america are being destroyed
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to state the growing appetite form when talents through illegal logging. the policy makers in the u. s. e u and u. k. have classified woody bio mass as of renewable, allowing governments to subsidize the production and burning of wood pallets. many countries don't have to report emissions from wood fired power plants, because trees are seen as a renewable resource. producers are just required to reforest areas so that the c o 2 released while burning pellets is reabsorbed. now in the united states, depending on what state you're in, you plan to, to for treating for everyone. you cut down the plant to, to, for new or existing little tiny pine trees for searches
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like kelly suggest that the immediate impact of substituting would for coal is an increase in atmospheric c o. 2. a studies found that depending on the type of forest it could take up to 10 years until nearly planted trees absorb the same amount of carbon sucked up by the ones that were cut down folder trees, store more carbon. so there are certain for us that are even more critical to climate change than others. unfortunately, these are some of the for us being loud down for bio mass energy. one study suggests that replanted forest with fast growing tree species absorb less c o 2, the natural forest carpet neutrality cannot be achieved by burning wouldn't big power plants like this one and the u. k. trees are spending money. they should be spending on true renewables like wind and solar, on this energy source. that's not going to get us where we need to be planted.
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most forms of biomass look at 1st glance to be better than they are or printing, want to replace coal is not a solution because even if the wood comes from sustainable forestry or is would waste it's still produced, emissions would waste can however, be digested by bacteria at a bio gas facility and organic products like that for non appeal power in your phone can help manage waste cycles. that does make sense, but today, bio mass energy covers only a small part of our won't line demand. it can work in combination with other renewables, but it's not scalable to be our main energy source, not even in the future. imagine exploring a ship rack or viewing an apartment. oh, without leaving the comfort of your home. well, according to some tech enthusiast,
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all it takes is the right pair of glasses. the global market for augmented on virtual reality is on a major path towards growth. in 2021, it was worth just under 26000000000 euros. a number that's expected to rise almost 10 fold in the next 5 years tech. so it's like mass uh microsoft and alphabet are all in on the game. but smaller star shops like big full in southern germany, are also hoping to revolutionize the way we see the real world meets the virtual world. the promise of adventure, reality, logical evolution of the internet. it's a huge future market and the bottle dry and for digital giants. one government starts up stunts confidently. i'm at the freight. we're going to be big calls rule in southern germany. a young start up with lots of money and 3 funders
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with big plans. it's important to, to so called hollow decks, they connect to colleagues in a virtual room. it's clear that the green part that change has in for red trackers up there and can recognize the glasses in the room. and then when i move, the software corrects the picture of it. it creates the illusion that the other person is right there with me in the same room. it works because the glasses send a signal to the eye that mirrors what's on the screen above. i think we have to try filming through the glasses, the people that are most of it. okay. but it's not easy. and the 3 d effect gets lost in the virtual meeting. but the people feel like they're sitting across from each other. yeah, it's easy, but i'm turning my head towards the end to talk to him without me having to say, hey boss, i'm talking to now. and i was naturally by paying attention and reading body language. this is,
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this is the system we 1st developed in the garage to try out different applications . that's why we could build it so cheaply. good. but now we have the funding and we can shrink everything and shrink cameras. that's the reason sensors that locate someone in the room. in short, everything you might find in a smartphone and more parked into a period of lightweight glasses that fit everyone. but how it's come to him. a lot of things are involved display, there's display there and we have the whole human factor to wait on various measurement as the break. this is a big issue was because we're looking through the glass and providing and being polite and came from things i think we mentioned reality is one of the most complicated things you can build right now. and con, i haven't put a rocking in space yet, but i bet it's easier houses. i thought it will make glasses that everyone will want. the big digital players are investing billions in the bustle for the markets . the future i need to present funding on players have been audited for
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a long time like microsoft and logic. leap is made don't meant to be onto glasses for business applications to go on. the big hope is upload mentioned we hunted glasses so far they've always been somebody for next year. so that with a name, there are other companies like and real to that have already built the 1st consumer ready glasses onto the market off market. some kind of a, our glasses replace smartphones in the long run. and so with the change of perspective, you can see more content is the same time, which is by the blessing on a qu, us, just like we today, smartphones. i'm showing everything i want to save the time, some things that don't interest me, and i'm not going to be in and even think of an issue with these classes. they're not too worried about the international competition and calls route, which is only offered a limited field of vision into the boils down to a technical problem. both then and now they thought they had the problem solved a few times. they threw a lot of money added,
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then they realized afterwards that they still couldn't get the fields and vision on the form factors that you'll need so that you don't look stupid wearing it, and you get this immersive feeling. we're doing something completely new. what we're doing, i'm not going to say well, the technology worked, the german ministry of education and research thinks it will. they are allocating 26000000 euros to support what they call an individual. we know it's time for a functioning prototype. this tool can help, it doesn't come up, i don't own that. it's a camera down to record data and compute and avatar for us. it generates an image of the user as they really are for the other people they're communicating with. so gonna be on for the onboard. we're working on getting everything into these little glass. i'm just into the i mix. that's what all of the setup is for here to, to make it all disappear afterwards. tired and not the lights, the specialist and engineers who work full time for gigs. so the old man for the
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phone does hope that will change soon. the glasses will be launched in 2 to 3 years under expect it to conquer, nothing less than the world or is expensive. you either do it big or you shouldn't do it at all. small a are doesn't work. so yes, we're going to be a big player. now, if you've ever dreamed of stars in your own business, you'll certainly be interested in our next story from indonesia. right after graduating from university, whom i hop sorry, began selling shoes online. business was going well for a while until a tough transition in her personal life caused her fortunes to change. but that didn't stop him up from getting right back on her face. and when i say, oh, i feel like them to step up and say the truth the
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right to do it is something you do for see i came straight to my family business that has a conventional traditional store, which is, you know, they sell everything including shoes, i was just want to do something on my own make myself independent. do something that i really liked when i was in university, i so huge market already. they like everyone is sort of setting online. so i, well, why not? i start something online interest, you know, so something that i can say my name is love. i am the founder of the hugh local brand name. i'm ozetta. i'm from indonesia and i'm also writing a book called in my own cheese straight after i get married and start a business about you later i have
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a baby. her name is i'm is out. by the way. after 7 years, i had a divorce, which came and play huge part of my life because at the moment it was really in the dark and you know what happened to entrepreneurs when they have personal struggle, everything from both. and that's why um, in 2019, we decided that we have to close amazon in terms of bankruptcy. from that moment on, i realize that it is crucial for entrepreneurs to be able to read numbers of their own business so that they can make analyzes, according to the facts and data of many of the interaction that happened in my life happened to social media. i had nothing to tell, reduce the business, so i thought why not just post it?
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as it is, surprisingly, i found so many of other entrepreneurs who are not able to even read their own personal financial statement, let alone having financial fit after um, you know, experiencing failures. i felt strongly that having the courage to leave us your cells, as i call it, in your own shoes, is very important because that is the only way that you can be the best question of yourself. not. you know what other people expect you to be or to do, and that is the only way that you can give meaningful impact for other people. and so i think it's all set in front of yourself and that cottage to in your own shoes and firing stuff. and that brings us to the end of this edition of made. thank you so much for watching. remember, you can always re watch the reports from today's show online at c,
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w dot com. you can also find more business stories on the details in use youtube channel until next time for me on the team. it's goodbye. take the
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or the their fields flooded their homes, buried in like people in northern italy are struggling with the aftermath of recent despair is now mixed with anger at the authorities for green lighting,
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you're responsible construction projects and neglecting environmental policies. why is more and more land being paved over focus on europe? in 30 minutes on dw, the conflict with tim sebastian, 7, almost 5 months of virtual style made on the battlefields of ukraine. and yet, europe and america clear the key of to get to the fight to craft along range weapon systems. most folks are going to be seen from roughly i guess this shall be show president video to encounter so conflict 19 minutes left on the one small step back to you. one giant leap for exploiting the ocean
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floor. cutting edge technology is unlocking the potential of deep sea mining. so the vehicle's been designed to pick up nodules and leave as much settlement behind as possible. but this time, a research team will study the possible risk 1st to to minimize that we have an opportunity just to get it right before we even start. we have a whole new industry that will perceive only when regulations of people complain. environmental activists are skeptical. is this true nature conservation for only green washing? after all, there are billions to be made. our to push document tree deep sea greed starts to date on d, w. the
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. this is the w news coming to line from berlin. a deadly arrow tax on the ukrainian capital. at least 3 people had been killed. one of them about the child in the latest strikes by russian forces. also coming up a clear message of support for to you from the head of nature. hold on, let's agree that.


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