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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 6, 2023 10:00am-10:31am CEST

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the the, this is the, the news coming to you live from berlin. a major diamond russian occupied ukraine has been blowing up, causing widespread flooding. ukraine and russia choose each other of destroying the car, covert them in the south country. speculations are underway. this comes as ukraine says, it's conducting offensive operations around the city of buffalo and russia claims
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to towards a number of large scale attacks. we'll take a look at the ongoing information plus the russian paramilitary groups fighting against pruitt. and the one way is to destroy the dictator. we cannot convince him to still feel that we're still the converse of opponent with forces d. w here is from a former politician. now part of the volunteer core bottling russian forces. and germany looks to boost the security ties and the end of the pacific defense minister boy is the story, is known india as part of a 4 day tour, hoping to counter russia's growing influence in the region. the hello and terry martin, thanks for joining us. ukraine and russia are accusing each other of blowing up
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a major damn, and hydro electric power plant and a rushing control part of ukraine. widespread flooding has been reported. videos show water surging through the collapse wall at the nova kickoff, cut them in southern ukraine. local authorities have urged residents, a village is down stream to evacuate. ukraine's military accused russia of blowing up the down while russian officials and state media planes, ukraine. the dram reservoir supplies water for drinking agriculture and for cooling, the nearby separation nuclear power plant. but let's go straight over to our correspondence. sonya father caught in t of sonya. what more can you tell us about the destruction of that down when terry, ukraine's state on hydro, hydro power company which, which operates this of hydro electric plant. it's come out and said that, you know, the, that's an explosion of the engine room has cost of destruction of the stem. it's
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also said that the facility is beyond repair of the incident. of course, the spot huge alarm here. presidents uminski is set to coordinate the emergency meeting, office national security and defense counsel to discuss this. he's also, you don't, she's quite blamed rochelle for this. he's called it an act of terrorism by russia . we have to remember that this, this particular couple of, of them lives directly on the front flight in the salt. and it has been the point of tension could be 12th, the war that it been bridges and roads noted that have been targeted by up to the re file of by both sides in recent months. which is main. sonya for people living down stream from the dam and those dependents on the recivore behind it. i want to be a part easier. i've really worried all for the catastrophic flooding now in dozens of thousands of villages located further down stream. um then also what about of the, the city of canceling that the strategically for the city of the governor, they have already ordered evacuation of residents,
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low line areas. they've been order to people get out with documents, drinking water, forcible and food. we've received some images in social media of certain communities and keeps on with the streets already filling up with water and some private homes and basements uh, completely under water. sonya stay with us because uh this comes as ukraine says, its forces have launched offensive actions on parts of the front line and russia occupied territory. the scale of the operations is secret, that, of course, is just how kia once it has ukraine notes attacks and several areas in the east of the country. on monday, they are remaining tight lips on the scale of the pounds for a long way to counter offensive against russia. this video released for ukrainian forces, shows that fighting has intensified in the mood, which has long been at the epicenter of the ongoing conflict. ukrainian presidents loved him, is lensky praise the advances of his troops. buchan once,
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getting off no heading to buy mood. well, don't worry as we see how hysterically brush it reacts to any action, we take the old positions. we take, the enemy knows that ukraine will when they see it, when they feel it. thanks to your strikes, maria's particularly in net region of the thank you for that. jack was upset most go release the own during footage of ukrainian tanks, launching and attacking the don't that screeching russian officials said earlier on tuesday. so they had to say it's another large scale offensive inflicting huge losses on ukrainian troops. so they, what else are you creating and officials saying about the latest developments in the war, have they acknowledge that their long awaited counter offensive is now underway? i will tell you this, hopefully not using the word console offensive. we've been hearing from ukraine's deputy defense, but it's still hung on monday or she describe it as
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a series of small scale, almost offensive east of the country, especially it on booking, which she described as the central office to the teens. she said that you created to have made advances there on the outskirts and so can villages. we're shooting off heavy onto the fire and fighting in those locations. rochelle schools has been kind of claiming that as it's repairable for full. so it's difficult to get a clear picture of what is actually happening on the ground vailable information coming from that you created with a tree. what we do know, of course, is that up there is a new search and military activity across, you know, multiple points across the front lines which specs overall, you know, hundreds of miles from thoughts to both east. we also know, of course, that russia, russian troops of on to go on, you know, oh, excuse me. you created tubes of undergoing months of training. they are better prepared. they are equipped with, you know, uh, withstood me about some tanks and armored vehicles. um lucille now seeing that we're seeing, playing all to the east could be a free, closer to a slightly bigger bush. they say this is an attempt while you creating forces to
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kind of test engaged rushes heavily fortified defenses. and try and see that any weaknesses they try and you know, test that position in spring. sonya, thank you very much for now. our correspondent sonya founded in key until recently the war was largely confined to ukrainian territory, but it now appears to be spilling over into russia's southern belgrade region. incursions. there appear to be the work of russian militias fighting against poor teams regime. so unclear how much control cube has over those groups. if any dw spoke to a former russian politician who now represents the freedom of russia, legion militia, one of the russian paramilitary groups, fighting against russia, started by service with the russian munition. members, the taking on the kremlin fights is from the russian volunteer. cool claim in this video that they now control the village of nevada, tablo shanta,
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in russia's belgrade region. another group, the freedom of russia legion told dw, they were attacking the russian city of shit, back in a nearby. now and so few surely we are totally on our own so, so we are not a guided by ukrainian military is able to provide the information that don't supply the to ration. we use the weapon stuff with a q, with our soul. so during the us fights, the freedom of russia legion says this trend video shows that members moving through russian town, attacking russian territory is a sensitive topic for ukraine. and it's back cuz europe in the us have been slow to supply ukraine with offensive military equipment for fear of it being used on russian soil. but the militia says the, it's weapons that come from you crazy and stores, at least not directly of all the equipment. so serious equipment that those
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guys are using. they will work for your it's during the fight, you know, new cranium territory. even of the american equipment was previously lost by ukrainian forces and then they was repaid by our, our troops. and the thing that we take during fighting with rushes, they speak with the units. they stay with the regiments that's uh, that's the. so that's why they have for all the different pieces. but let me clear or just say this was something that's was rushed on me, the coupon. sold the banks out of my vehicle. so now we try because i'm bmt is the, uh, the all that are russian state tv shows the off the mouth of the attacks, the freedom of russia legions sides. they want to build a new government and what they called liberated territory. but for now, they want to take control of this area and face a fight to keep it. we think that the time for
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a long violent protest is over. and when would you know which i'm astonished at the completing of their on ukraine in february of last year when to you started the doing? yeah. you know, some people when he's taught for destroying another country, he eliminate this over the years. now there is only one way is to destroy the dictates, or we cannot convince him to stop. he will never stop to come to stop only with force, but it's not clear how far these grapes will go and that battle against the kremlin as well. the united states, of course, is gearing up for presidential election next year, and there are fears that a polarizing election will further inflame the culture wars raging in the us. this week the department of homeland security warned of arise in right wing terrorism. the potential targets including the l g b, t q community as well as racial and ethnic minorities. while the debate over gun
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controls remains deadlocked in washington, one organization says the best protection for vulnerable groups has to give them guns as well. that we use a mean as a caught up with them. a rob roy's nose has guns inside and out. this is where the revolver that 9 millimeter, pretty standard. $45.00 eastern fee for the he's a certified hand gun instructor. but not what you might call a typical one. he isn't a police officer, he's not in the military. and he doesn't vote republican. he's a member of the socialist rifle association. and he knows his politics may be a bit out of place here at this rural shooting range in maryland. when he talks about the training he offers. he lowers his voice. so for what we're doing, the target group is to provide a safe space for trans queer people of color and other marginalized groups to get this training. no teaching today, just target practice with fellow s
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r a member eric to keep in form in the parking lot of prejudice is confirmed. a bumper sticker with an anti translator rabbit. i want to make sure that like the very 1st back against this kind of like trans people have a right to live. the socialist rifle association was formed in 2017 and now claims several 1000 members. a handful of the marilyn's chapters members have come out to this monthly picnic. they say they're nothing like a right wing militia. the one thing they do have in common is the belief that done this will make them safer. so i bought my um, i bought my 1st gun was a shot gun 10 days after january 6th. i was terrified that you know, there's going to be like an armed militia at the grocery store and like my child is non binary. they hear me say they them or whatever, and you know,
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so they just just total like i, you know, this essence of paranoia. so i was raised to it and i sort of recently came out as trans both of those aspects. my identities put me as like a higher risk for political violence. when you hear about it so much it feels like, sooner or later it will get to you. and you don't want to be in a position where you don't see it. perhaps surprisingly, there aren't any weapons at the picnic, but there are turn. it gets in wound packing. after the barbecue, rob teaches a 1st aid course called stop the bleed. stop right there. look for blood on your hands. there are no illusions here that carrying a firearm makes you completely invincible. pressure in the us and overwhelming majority of those who lean left politically support, stricter gun laws and are less than half as likely to own firearms as those who
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mean right. but at this public outreach event in a park in washington dc, the socialist rifle association finds an audience for its message that there is an arms race in this country, whether you like it or not. and the right wing is winning by a long shot or the following visits to singapore in indonesia, germany's defense minister is now in india. and boris, the story is in delhi, as part of a 7 day visit to the region. he wants to strengthen ties with what he calls reliable partners in the, in the pacific. he says, this cooperation is key to global peace and stability. germany support of india's defense capacity will be part of the discussions in an attempt to reduce india's reliance on russian supplied with the w as cheap political correspondent nina houses. as travelling with the german defense minister and sent us this assessment of his visit from delhi, a gemini, seize india as a reliable pot. now also for the next couple of years and once the strings and
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cooperation and that includes the area of military cooperation. now india is of course the world's biggest importance and boars. the story is the new german defense minister says that germany has to play a more active role in the in the pacific. so he's hinted at a discussion that is being held in berlin at the moment about potentially changing germany as export policy rules that are quite strict. because he argues that is putting off countries like india when it comes to choosing weapons suppliers. no, i have the opportunity to discuss this issue with the german defense minister into concert before coming here. and he told me that it is nothing. germany's interest for india to be so dependent on russian supplies. let's hear what he had to say. well, when i, when i, when i will arrive at and then yeah, i will be accompanied by a representative of the german companies,
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defense industry companies. and i want to send a signal with that we are, we are willing to support our populace already live apartments like indonesia like india. and that include, for example, the way the way of the possibility of delivering a simpler region for example. so we'll talk about that without losing out of photos, the sensibility of delivering weapons all over the world. we have to find a balance between delivering weapons on the ones on the one hand to our populace to our live with pipeline. and on the other hand, to control and to, to, to limit delivering of weapons all over the world. because we don't need really so much weapons anymore into what we should not have too much weapons. and you can watch need is full interview with the german defense minister on the the, the news youtube channel. the european union, highest court has ruled that poland is controversial. judicial reform violates
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e. you law, european court of justice upheld of finding that the parts of the reform undermined the independence and impartiality of pull these courts. lynch has already been fined hundreds of millions of heroes over the reform which was passed in 2019. this is the disciplinary chamber at the supreme court in poland. it can penalize judges up to and including dismissal if they make unwelcome decisions, including ruling the polish judgements violate a you law. the use top governing body found this was in violation of the you law. the european court of justice is decision made that official of the me a prospect of polish judges who have to apply a you little bang, most of the disciplinary chamber which can affect the status and the exercise of the office may undermine the judicial independence. these types by
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the ruling is the central judgement in a series of lawsuits brought by the e. c. j against poland. these began shortly after the current government of power in 2015. the european commission has also suspended billions of bureaus in corona virus relief funds. money that is still not been distributed to poland, the advisor, if the government does not act on the verdict, it may result in the mechanism being put in place. and the direct consequence would be that the european commission was submitted motion to impose new penalties and pending the implementation of the verdict. the commission poland had already had to pay half a 1000000000 euros and fines before monday's verdict. and this is carried out by dw has pounds that the thirst for cheap clothing from bangladesh is depleting ground water levels in the country. producing clothes requires huge quantities of water,
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which many firms are sourcing from the ground water. the practice has severely depleted water levels over a decade with serious impact on the environment, and farmers for farmer opportunity model on the ground water. here is a precious resource for his fields. peter live on it to title with a dry months rendered as nosing but every year he says it is becoming harder and harder to reach the i'm like you didn't, what was the why this was happening? the somebody asked the mechanics and he told us we would you like pipe to reach the part of the ground? i'd say by the that's our increased our costs. i've gotten over that. and as a result, we have to spend $2.00 to $3.00 times as much money to irrigate the field when a dispute is over. take a look at that address almost like more low, have seen ground water level steadily drop over the last 3 decades on the know what
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is to blame of the factories like this one, the bomb. the dish is the 2nd biggest closing exporter in the world. and fluids manufacturing is a water intensive, business washing and dying. one kilogram of them can take 250 liters of water. that adds up. the country is domlyn factory, the middle consumer whopping $1500000000000.00 a water every year. that is enough water to meet the needs of talk us 20000000 residents for 10 months. and that is proof, dw, analyze joan, water level as new forward areas where most of these factories are located. it found that drawing water level is dropped sharply over to daniel beasley. this golf shows how much deeper one has to dig to find water don't mean by dom and brand new
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fracturing. and these are your jobs has increased nearly full ford in other areas right? there are no factories the gallon water levels have remain the same or even improved . it may still be wholesome factory. it's like this one have introduce new technologies that reduce the amount of water. it'd be still septa. i've installed some water in the system and it says we still need 20 the water for each kilogram of tech. so now we only use one liter bought this new technology is costly and not every volunteer is willing to invest, especially right orders from brands and customers keep scrolling. and i know the believe this is a difficult change to make one and match the time that the global shift is needed in how sex plaza manufacturer to see pressure down. what it does is ships. but many farmers who live in the areas around these factories desperately waiting on
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according to the united nations, roughly a 3rd of the food produce globally is lost or wasted every year. a south african company is all emission to limit the amount of food going to landfills. they're employing an ancient process from east asia to enrich the soil while recycling food waste in rolling the model out to schools, businesses and households across the country. lunchtime is that event equitorial and calvin college has the kids go back to class kitchen work, cuz the cleaning up the mess they left behind the previously the leftover food would go into the trash adding to the 10000000 tons of food by size for to generate every year, but then came passed away by optic and to bear kashi an ancient process originating in east asia, the convent. so panic, massa into soil nutrients,
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recreating composts, which we also use back into the, into the school in terms of loans and kindergarten. because she differs some traditional combusting in the tooth cemented rather than di, composed, prepared and claim it and pay so quality and cuts through twice to send to landfill . it's also a foster process, more hard junior income posting. and it really says, no greenhouse gas emissions to us, it is important we, we, we feel that it's part of the education that we need to teach young ones. and secondly of us, the, like i said, the social responsibility, the result is a nutrient rich composites in which some thousands gardens can survive. bringing because she to south africa was the brainchild and ask for about to go to gavin having his company services more than 300 clients across the country. and now he
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hopes to expand the venture. so here you go. so this is the finished product. what was in trouble, we all have to do, but reduce your personal impact and our business impact on the environment. back at some tobin the school hopes to set an example by recycling, it's left a message and helping put the lid on the food vice problem. once and so, so as far as now in the bottle for the final place and the bonus league next season has come to an end stood god finished the 3rd, the last in the league, and had to pay 2nd division side hamburger to league play off in order to stay in the top flight and they did not disappoint winning the 2nd leg. 3, want to secure a place independently. the next season. a temporary used to be the only founding buddhist, like a clump to have never been relegated until 5 years ago. that is, when the unthinkable happens and that fell to the 2nd division. the palmed up home
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fans knew that team at a steep hill to climb, again stood guides. and in the early going hamlets looked like a team on the mission. just 6 minutes in sunny kit to open, the scoring in style stood good. keep up with no chance against his rockets and so hamburg went into the break, needing to go to force extra time and the home crowd was getting tense. then just 3 minutes after the restart stood gods made it one all, and so meo, left, unmarked, and he put the ball into the back of the net. now, the host needed 3 goals to reach extra time. and then hamburg shot themselves in the foot. 21 stood guards and now the hosting for golds. danielle or fernandez failed to clear the ball and media was there to mop up for a 2nd of the nights after the gold temple splits on the page.
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and the visitors even added as their goal in the very last minute of added time. see us putting the final nail in handbooks, coughing. and that's how it ended. stuttgart lift to play another season of top flight football. really built of, of the boys. it was a lot of pressure for weeks now a lot of pressure, especially before the relegation game. so or yeah, i'm really happy. right now i feel a little bit empty because there was so much the intensity and pressure, but the, i'm really broad off of the, of the, of the team members. on the other hand, smith's promotion yet again, and have to spend a 6 consecutive season in the lower tier.
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just reminder, the top story we're following for you here on dw news. keith and moscow are accusing each other and blowing up a major dub and hydro electric power plants and a russian controlled part of southern ukraine. video show walker surging through a collapse wall at the nova. cut costco down. evacuations are now underway. along the rogue river. you're watching dw news from berlin, coming up. the x is the co africa for the look at the students in south africa trying to catch computers. i'm terry mark, thanks for watching. the
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the, the co africa. they are hot commodities, beach and pansies are being illegally treated as carpets and cleaning up our knowledge or national park are set up. they want to raise awareness of the issue
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with a wide range of projects to protect, to pansy, africa next on dw, or when the house by the sea becomes the house in the sea. when rising ocean levels, trucking coastline building a lot of building deal to waterfront is a very electrostatic climate change requires new thinking is living on water, the future. floating cities close up in 45 minutes on dw, the, as you become pretty kind a told me about
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sugars, airlines between your societies, computers and governments that go crazy for your data. we explain how these technologies work. so that's how they can also watch it. now the hello and welcome to a new edition of eco africa. i'm chris, a lens joining you from august 8th nigeria. today we'll be looking at everything.


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