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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 6, 2023 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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and i didn't know what has the best of now i know the never ending story of asbestos starts june 21st on d w. the . this is the the, the news coming to you live from or with it back your way. sions are underway in southern ukraine. after the destruction of a major to ukraine and russia, accused each other of blowing up the car, kafka dam as water level search down river, thousands of people could be effective. this comes as ukraine says, it's conducting offensive operations around the city of bucking fluids and russia.
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claims that swore to another large scale attack. we'll take a look at the ongoing information and in the final game of the german football season and stuff got beef pembert to secure their legal status and the relegation. play highlights of that. coming up, the hello and terry martin, thanks for joining us. ukraine and russia are accusing each other, blowing up a major damn, and hydro electric power plant in a russian controlled part of ukraine. widespread flooding is expected videos show water searching through a collapse wall with the nova car kafka them in southern ukraine. ukraine's military accused russia of blowing up the damn while russian officials and state media but and do crating. the dam reservoir supplies water for drinking agriculture
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and for cooling the nearby as operation nuclear power plant, local authorities have urged residents to a village is down stream to evacuate the river level. there's already rising in the city of cas on our correspondence. sonya father is following the story for us in cuba. i asked her about the extent of the damage to the down when terry new queen states on hide the hydro power company which, which operates this of hydro electric plant. it's come out and said that, you know, the, the explosion of the engine room has cost destruction of the stem. it's also said that the facility is beyond repair of the incident. the cost of sparked huge alarm here. presidents uminski is set to coordinate the emergency meeting office national security and defense council to discuss this. he's also, you don't, he's caught blame russia for this. he's called it an act of terrorism by russia. we
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have to remember that this, this particular couple of, of them lives directly on the front flight in the salt. and it has been the point of tension could be 12 to war that have been bridges of the roads noted that have been targeted by author to refile by both sides increased months. what does this mean? sonya for people living down stream from the damn, and those dependents on the recivore behind it, a chevy authorities here, i've really worried all for the catastrophic flooding now in, in thousands of thousands of villages located further down stream. um then also what about um uh the, the city of canceling the strategically both and city, the governor. they have already ordered the recreation of residents, low line areas. they've been ordered to, you know, get out with documents, drinking water as possible, and food. we've received some images in social media of looking communities and kids on with the streets already filling up with water and some private homes and basements completely under water. sonya stay with us because this comes as ukraine
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says, it's portions of launched offensive actions on parts of the front line and for russia occupied territory. the scale of the operations is secret, that, of course, is just out to you once it has ukraine notes attacks and several areas in the east of the country. on monday, they are remaining tight lips on the scale of the pounds for a long way to counter offensive against russia. this video released for ukrainian forces. so as the flight team has intensified in the mood, which has long been at the epicenter of the ongoing conflict. ukrainian president load him is lensky. praise the advances of his troops bucking wants to get an apo heading to back moved. well, don't worry, as we see how hysterically brush it reacts to any action. we take the old positions, we take, the enemy knows that ukraine will win when they see it when they feel it. thanks to your strikes, maria's particularly in net region of the thank you for that chuckle is upset most
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go release the own drain footage of ukrainian tanks. launching and attacking the don't net screeching russian officials said earlier on tuesday, so they had to say it's another large scale offensive inflicting huge losses on ukrainian troops. so they, what else are you creating and officials saying about the latest developments in the war, have they acknowledge that their long awaited counter offensive is now underway? i will tell you this, hopefully not using the word console offensive. we've been hearing from ukraine's deputy defense, but it's still hung on monday or she describe it as a series of small scale, almost offensive east of the country, especially it on booking, which she described as the central office to the teens. she said the you created troops have made advances there on the outskirts and so can villages. we're shooting off heavy onto the fire and fighting in those locations. rochelle schools
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has been kind of claiming that as it's repairable for full. so it's difficult to get a clear picture of what is actually happening on the ground vailable information coming from that you created with a tree. what we do know, of course, is that up there is a new search and military activity across, you know, multiple points across the front lines which specs overall, you know, hundreds of miles insults to both east. we also know, of course, that russia, russian troops of on to go on, you know, oh, excuse me. you created groups of undergoing months of training. they are better prepared. they are equipped with, you know, uh wisdom, a bottle tanks and armored vehicles. and lucille now seeing that what was seeing, playing all to the east, could be a free, closer to a slightly bigger bush. they said this is an attempt while you creating forces to kind of test engaged watches heavily fortified defenses. and try and see that any weaknesses they try and you know, test that position in spring. sonya, thank you very much for now. our correspondent sonya phonic, a n t. so what are the military implications of this damn
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breach? i put that question to frank language. a former british military intelligence officer. good morning terry. yes, the crating is wound about this back in november and one had one's doubts about it then, but clearly it's happened. it's conceivable that it happened through reckless negligence of the parts of the russians. it was over top to collapse, but it saves more likely the charges replacement was destroyed, still had no interest. so total the credits of doing this. it says the bunch of just to create to the russian. so mostly thought to just to address your question off that they, this will not provide a major obstruction in the event that i need you credit crossing. a potential assault with the kind of san reach. the front line is on the river and that it will not be flooded make you describe impossible. the only other river crossings. a faucet the north and does not relevant, i would suspect will accept the payment for this. and so there's been a lot of talk frank, of course about ukraine launching. it's much anticipated counter offensive. could
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this mean make that much more difficult if the ukrainians would consider themselves across the to the pro river in a cuss on up last then they certainly could. uh, but otherwise they want to pay to pay the defensive tools that seem to be football . they the pro, bring a tax, a sonya side, which seemed to be focused in the night sky. indeed as likely to the east of, of castle on, in uh, in sa, parisha. just probably gonna talk to them or because she said to, to, to test russian and defenses. one thing i would say about the talk of a down and then somebody touched on. this was one of the major objectives that the russians, it's ironic, really, for in the, in last year is operation. and the purpose was that she hinted to recover the water supply for the crime in. so it really is one of those it's, it's an act of desperation on the positive russians, no tons of ukrainians, but as an expression of, of russian military desperation. i'd say ok,
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so you're saying the russian stand to gain more from this militarily, but it will have implications for the water supply to crime here which it occupies . how. how worried should we be frank, about the impact of this, of blowing up this down on the separation of nuclear power plant. the power plant is on the reservoir behind the dam and relies on it for cooling. the initial post seemed to indicate that right now that age was no same and the date draws, oh they that the risk as assessed is that the, the most, it will diminish that the reservoir and um, essentially move it as i understand it, move it by a little bit farther away from the power station, but i would imagine that the, the station was designed to guides the possibility of a compromise of the time. one would hope so and run very close to this job was built in the, in the late fifty's along with the canals that i mentioned. frank, thank you very much for your analysis. that was military and almost prank language
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in oxford and u. k. thanks so much time, it was a pleasure to catch up on a few other stories making headlines around the world. today. at least 40 people have died and dozens are missing. following severe flooding in haiti, heavy rain and the weekend cause floods and land slides in dating thousands of homes and wiping out crops the world. food program has borne. this heavy faces, further disasters in the coming hurricane season. brazilian president louisa, not to let the silver has on veiled his government's plant and deforestation, and amazon by 2030 measures include strengthening law enforcement against environmental crimes. the plan follows the pledge made by the lose predecessor valuable scenario to end deforestation globally. germany's defense minister for as the story is in india on emission to strengthen ties and boost military exports. historians says germany wants to supply india with weapons to reduce india's reliance on russian arms. he was recently an engine easier,
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which was interested in german submarines and aircraft. european unions, highest court has ruled at poland. it's controversial. judicial reform violates easy law. european court of justice upheld of finding that parts of the reform undermine the independence and impartiality of police courts. holden has already been fine. hundreds of millions of heroes over the reform which was passed in 2019 this is the disciplinary chamber at the supreme court in poland. it can penalize judges up to and including dismissal if they make unwelcome decisions, including ruling the polish judgements violate a you law. the use top governing body found this was in violation of the you law. the european court of justice is decision made that official of the me a prospect of polish judges who have to apply a you low bang, most of the disciplinary chamber which can affect the status. and the exercise of
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the office may undermine the judicial independence. types by the ruling is the central judgement in a series of lawsuits brought by the e. c. j against poland. these began shortly after the current government of power in 2015. the european commission has also suspended billions of euro's in corona, virus relief funds. money that is still not been distributed to poland. the motive of devices uh if the government does not act on the verdict, it may result in the mechanism being put in place. and the direct consequence would be that the european commission was submitted motion to impose new penalties and pending the implementation of the verdict to commit to poland had already had to pay half a $1000000000.00 euros and fines before monday's verdict. football now and the battle for the final place and the bonus league next season has come to an end
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strip. got finished 3rd to last in the league, and head to face, 2nd division's side, hamburg, and a 2 leg playoff. in order to stay in the top flight and they did not disappoint winning the 2nd leg, 31 to secure a place in the bonus league. next these, the 10 virgins used to be the only founding book this week, a clump to have never been relegated until 5 years ago. that is, when the i'm thinkable happens and the fell to the 2nd division, the palmed up home fans knew that team at a steep hill to climb. again stood guides. and in the early going hamlets looked like a team on the mission. just 6 minutes in sunny kits or opened, the scoring in style stood good. keep up with no chance against his real kids. and so hamburg went into the break, needing to go to for us extra time and the home crowd was getting tense. then just 3 minutes after the restart stood, got made at one all, and so meo, left, unmarked,
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and he put the ball into the back of the net. now, the host needed 3 goals to reach extra time. and then hamburg shot themselves in the foot. 21 stood guards and now the hosting for gold. danielle or fernandez, failed to clear the ball at me or was there to mop up for a 2nd of the night after the gold temple splits on the page and the visitors even added as their goal in the very last minute of added time. see us putting the final nail in handbooks, coughing, and that's how it ended stood. guards live to play another season of top flood football. really built of, of the boys. it was a lot of pressure for weeks now, and a lot of pressure,
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especially before the relegation. game so or yeah, i'm really happy right now i feel a little bit empty because there was so much the intensity and pressure, but the, i'm really broad off of the most of the team members. on the other hand, smith's promotion yet again, and have to spend a 6 consecutive season in the lower tier. you're watching the w news of next. how architects are responding to climate change with new ideas. i'm terry martin. thanks for watching. the cream was like a stepping point, you know, 5 or 2 in so that warranty wants to finish your studies. now you have a safety for me to train. you can choose to go back or somewhere else. currently, more people than ever on the world wide in such a passion, life categories.


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