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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  June 8, 2023 4:02am-4:31am CEST

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dot com the do you know who's in the running for the republican presidential nomination? frankly, it's becoming harder and harder to keep up with a growing number of candidates throwing their hats into the ring. the latest additions to the crowded field farmer, new jersey governor, chris christy, and former vice president mike pens. but do any of the, one of the candidates have what it takes to challenge him? they all have different strategies and their attempt to deep around the front runner. but if the past is anything to go by, a splintered opposition will only make it easier for trump to get the nomination on nicole fairly chamberlain and this is the day the
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we need mag, i make america great. again, that's what we want. we've had 3 disappointing election cycles in a row, and that's not gonna cut it. this time rob to sanctimony is that is paul numbers are dropping like a rock. we got to leave the baggage in the negative any behind today, before god. and by saying, i'm announcing, i'm running for president of the united states, and it's time for a new generational leader. and we need to dispense with the culture of losing that's infected, the republican party. we don't when this time, countries and really big trouble. also on the day after snowballing sexual assault allegations surrounding german rock band. and i'm stein, the city of munich composes restrictions on the groups concerts there in order to protect women. kinda off the sol, probably won't be any after show. well, to have the sun. well, definitely be a security space to secure it's a safe time with an awareness to the winning who believe the problem not take
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situation on the mine and sending up opening login. welcome to the show. the race take on us president joe biden has been getting more crowded this week with more and more republicans announcing their running for their parties. nomination, former new jersey governor, chris christy, and former vice president mike pens are 2 of the latest big names to enter the race . but 1st and the republican candidate will likely have to get passed. donald trump wants his old job back into polls. say, is the clear favorite at this point. trump, however, is facing mounting legal problems which could interfere with his campaign. and then there is florida or governor rhonda santa is a rising star among us conservative warner rezoning, re election victory last year. and who has remained in the headlines for his controversial policies for attacking progressives, and for picking
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a fight with disney, the santas has already been campaign in iowa and new hampshire. the 1st states to vote and next year's primary season told prospective voters that america is in decline and promise that he would be the one to turn things around. and i can now speak about this growing field of contenders, to dw, as washington bureau team and his full good to see you in a. so the republican field seems to be growing by the day quite literally. which candidates do you think san a chance of actually being trumped for the nomination? the right, the colors here, just as despite the fact that former president trump is looking like the runaway candidate, a ride, know that has installed really a number of viable republican candidates to run against. and there is former vice president mike parents who just announced that he's running. he might have some say a chance was then there is the floors,
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are going to run to send to those whom you just mentioned. he's number 2 as for now, and then there is a south carolina senator tim scott to i would say be really have to watch closely. so talking about the political stance. they're also, it's pretty far on the right. they're all looking to steal. some of the mag our motors magar, as we call it, standing for make america great. again, this is kind of the constituency of a former president. trump, having said all beds there can so much happened until the convention in august and the republican party finds the normally it's normally nights. it's a candidate and us politics. this is really your lifetime away and off to all the phones on this also 7 to 7 years old and as an incumbent candidate, he lost it only the lights on the side. also both the house and the senate. so that really does raise the question whether eastern is able to bring elections. you know,
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i don't know if you agree, but the one who stands out at this point to me is chris christie. because so far he's the only one to run on an explicit anti trump anti macro platform. will that help him get ahead this it might help him, but so you know, chris. christy also like is responsible for some huge failures. there is a big scandal about building bridges, which is hanging over him. so i think it would be making more sense to what's wrong to send as closely as possible. number 2, when it comes closer to the convention, been the republican policy finally is a nominating. it's candidate, we'll take a closer look at randa sanders in a 2nd, but i do want to get into this before we do so. this growing field of challengers were already in the double digits. now donald trump benefit from
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a similar scenario in 2016. so how risky is it to split the anti trump boat? yeah, that is a very good point. uh, nicole. uh, there were some hold from the more moderate republican constituency. the not so many candidates would join the field because the tom has more or less these 30 percent secured and the rest is as you just said, split between the other candidates. but what we probably will see, they will drop out uh over the costs of the next months and gift kind of their, what would they already gain their support? they're already gained to then the then candidate which is still in the field. but yes, definitely. the more people are fighting against from the better it is for him. all right, time to talk about ronda sanders. a lot of media attention has been focused on the
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florida governor. what more can you tell us about him? now here's an interesting thing or, you know, per your, prior to this govern ship uh, run defense is, was relatively unknown. he's a congressman from northern florida, born in jacksonville. and he really became successful with the help and political support of donald trump, and he is no challenge and challenging. he was elected to run the state of florida and since he entered the office, you really made a national brand by diving head 1st into this cultural wars. he's a pushing against as a b t q plus right. it's his uh, booking, sorry, he's banning books. he's changing school curriculums and he's also fighting with us with the journalists who tried to challenge his political agenda this all this made some kind of a darling among the mega voters. therefore,
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we actually just went to florida to see what he already changed there during his tenure and what it would mean if he would make america florida. and this is what we brought from this a teacher post of these empty shops on twitter or to draw attention to the situation in florida's school libraries. under the leadership of, from the census, florida, his pass laws making it easier to ben books and restrict lessons on race and racism as well as classroom discussions about gender identity and sexual orientation such as video. because i wanted to put a visualization to what was happening, went outside and posted it, and i came back to with over a 1000000 views in that 1st day. nothing happened to brian covey until 2 weeks later, when rhonda census was asking about the video and half of that video, that was a fake narrative that was not true. this is trying to create some narrative as if that they hadn't even put the books out yet. to begin with,
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so there's no need for all of that. and then all of a sudden, after the governor was asked specifically about my video, it was called a fake narrative and i lost my job. this one i'm on the book spent is need. so this one is, is a kids book and it's just talking about there's a world of this and that somebody comes out and says they're both. and they said no, you're neither. so the bulk of the story is about being and neither in trying to fit it fit and there's nothing explicit in there it's, it can be related both to kids on multiple different levels. we want to know how parents feel about the new law and go to one of the biggest book stores in town are scared that they don't want to get on the wrong side of the law. so it's having a chilling effect on so many of the teachers, libraries are there. they're just taking all the books away. they don't wanna get in trouble. they don't wanna lose their job. i might move out of state um from my son's sake, so that he can receive an education this on par with the rest of the world to the best as a member of florida as you'd be too cute community. she's also part of the conservative
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national movement moms for liberty whose members are known to be involved and removing books from school libraries. florida has a major pool for it because other states are watching parents have voices, have rights, have entire man. i've brought the book, gender queer inside this book, or images of a young lady giving oral sex to another young lady. and i had some blurred the seeing that this specific book is recommended for readers of 15 and older issue with g r. it has 3 kids, so their wife does, she helps parents and throughout the country are 5 complaints nation and get books spend from school. i parents know that they're capable. sometimes it's a bit difficult being a conservative gay person, you know? because people don't think it exists, but just let kids because since launching this presidential bidding laid me rhonda census has been touring the country outlining his plans to teach people to in as
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president. i recognize that the local mind virus represents a war on the truth. so we will wage a war on the woke. we will fight the work in education, we will fight the work in the corporation. another topic on desantis agenda. limitation of transfer is just signed into law bill. banning puberty blockers for transgender youth. we meet the 11 year old m c m c was born biologic email, but it's much happier living as a girl. i was really sad before i transitioned and like i knew something was like different about me. so when my parents, like finally decided to like, take me to like a toy store at o is just go to the girl aisle and i just always feel so much more happy seen the pink and all those beautiful colors. and i like, i knew i was different and i knew like in my brain my heart,
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i'm go all the people arguing and taking away my rights is just not ok for kids like me. and i get really scared to just walk out of my home because i know like there's going to be that one person that's always going to be like scammed on me thinking like i'm a monster or something or not to prevent her body from developing into an adult male body, she will need to take so called puberty blocker, so much to get them in that's going to be tough in florida because they've made it nearly impossible to get medication. um, but she has support of the doctors, but the doctors hands are tied down with medications. so will be forced to have to go out of state to get her medicine. dempsey and her family will be among because the president biden's upcoming event to celebrate pride. what would you tell them
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to do what you're doing and please flight harder for my rights and other kids like me like yeah, it's like them. so you currently have the full support of the president of the united states. however, that could change often. next year's presidential elections. when a brave and cool little girl, you got to meet there and if whether it be the don't say gay law or the ban on transition related care from liars, why is it that rhonda sandra seems to be targeting the l g b t q community. so, you know, you called one has to understand the meaning uh, the support of the evan jellico. a constituency is crucial for any republican who wants to win the nomination and later the white house. so therefore, the other be cheap, chilled the plus community will become an easy target for the party and especially going also transcripts, who just are the weakest and, and the most uh, wearable. but he called essentials is by far not only targeting members of the gbc
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to community um, but the bill to be signed into law schools are allowed to bend classics like the blue sky or from black or white or toni morrison, for example. i'm sure many of our viewers are familiar with this model. so p as in why is advanced because it deals with racism of textbooks about the holocaust of the black lives matter as movement are rejected as they are seen as disturbing. and to know would probably voice in the most thoughtful, coming back from over top of reporting trip is really the fear of teachers losing their job. and therefore, they are not using material which could be controversial and clean out the books us and the school libraries. and that means that not only important parts of the history won't be taught, but also the chips like them. so you won't be a just got to know a little bit who do not have the support as she has won't find books and material in school,
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which could have them on that challenging journey. and maybe i can share this with all of us. nicole a, there is a longer version of my interview with them see and her parents, jamie and dennis on our dw, uh youtube channel, and make sure to check that out. um, we don't have much time. unfortunately. i'd love to keep this going a little longer. but i don't want to let you go without asking you this. why is what's happening in florida being watched so closely? why is this so decisive for the past the country might take, as well as the best, the mom for liberty assessment, ascentis himself wrote in his book last year, the conservative movement in the these florida as a then we have to leave it to the 44 year old governor, he knows how to govern. he does get things done. he's signed many, many built into law which are extreme compared to other states and people watch it how far he gets beside. and i think it is actually fair to say,
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even if he doesn't make it, his policy will stay with us here in the united states. the w. washington bureau chief in his pull. thank you so much for your printing. it's a lawsuit that could transform the entire crypto market. the us securities and exchange commission is suing the crypto currency platform, coin base for allegedly bypassing regulation is the 2nd chapter of a major crack down on the industry. after the fcc soon defines the world's largest crypto currency exchange on monday of this week, the us securities regulators as calling basis failure to register properly has deprived investors of protective measures including safeguards against conflict of interest and record keeping requirements. the largest crypto platform in the us had $110000000.00 users and around $80000000000.00 and assets at the end
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of 2022. no wonder authorities want to bring some regulation into all of that. and for more on the crypto crackdown, we can now speak to the w reporter, michelle stockman, michelle. it starts with the basics who are coined base and buying and what do they do? in the simplest terms, these are crypto currency exchange platforms. so let's say you want to trade crystal currency, you would get your currency whether that's dollars or pounds or zeros. you can log in to these exchanges, exchange your yeah, currency for production, so you do some trading. hopefully you get ahead of gain a little bit. and then you can re exchange it for yeah, currency which you would take, and then you can transfer into your traditional bank account. and both these platforms say that they have a trading volume of billions of dollars worth of christmas currency daily. and why
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is the fcc assuming these training platforms and why now as well? let's take a look at each of these companies separately. first of all, finance, as he said, this is the world's largest crypto currency trading platform. the fcc a to use is it of orchestrating a web deception to enrich the corporate officers and to see if people that use the platform of the fcc has charged finance with 13 charges. what really stood out to me is that you have to see a fuses finance of taking customer funds, commingling them with revenue from the company without informing the customers. and then taking these funds and funneling them into other separate corporate entities in the report. yes, and the said one of these companies was used to purchase a yeah. so it's accusing buying into of getting rich and, and doing it in a way that's very risky to his customers. finance has responded and said that they
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tried to settle with the fcc, but the fcc refuses and they see this as a misguided effort by the fcc to bring them from regulation. and they're going to fight vigorously. and if we look at queen base, which is us, is largest trading platform. the fcc says it after the legally, by not registering as a brokerage and has decided to litigate. and a queen base has pushed back and said, you know, if you want to bring regulation into the market, it should be by legislation and not litigation. mm hm. all right, so now that this is all up in the air, how is this crack down going to reshape the crypto industry as well? it's, it's going to be interesting to see this really started happening in 2021, when very densely became the head of the fcc. and he's a big crypto skeptic. and there had been efforts by crypto companies to go to washington to lobby politicians,
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to have some stay on the us regulatory environment. but there had been some major scandals. there was a class of act yes. which was a competitor of finance. back in november 2022 and so there's really a bad taste in the mouth of a lot of politicians and the public to about the way to quincy is operating. a lot of people have been victimized by scans. there's been fraud, even money laundering in the crypto crises here. so with the us now looking under the leadership of very densely to really crack down on this year, a lot of these exchanges probably are looking to leave us and not operate here. in fact, quin base has just opened an office in bermuda because they want to be able to have international customers and allow a trade that are high risk, high reward. they're not really allowed in the united states. so likely what we're going to see is kind of a reading for us now. yeah,
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i mean to re shuffle the delay or and for themselves document. thank you so much. i because it doesn't say that it's a very delicate and serious issue that has to be handled very carefully. so i understand that there are lots of accusations out there. i don't know if they're true or time, and i think till it has the right not to speak about it. but i think the victims have the right to speak out. if all this is true, they should get help been also in the future that women should be helped. who were you just heard was a fan of german hard rock band. and i'm stein ahead of a concert and unix today commenting on a story that has sent shock waves through the music industry, sex drugs and rock and roll has long been part of the legend surrounding famous musicians. but the recently surfaced allegations involving and i'm starting have little to do with the romanticized image of rock super stars. an increasing amount of claims of sexual misconduct have emerged over the past week. most of them
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involving lead singer to linda month. german media is reporting that the band is looking into the allegations made by several women. female fans say women were recruited to a sex with linda. one of the bands shows, so i'm not spoken out to alleged. they were drugs and sexually assaulted. no charges have you had been filed in connection with the allegations developing story, but let's get more with david levitz from dw culture. david, how did all of this start as well? i'm gonna call it appears actually that there been rumors for quite some time now about till the end of month sleeping with young women who were intoxicated or assaulting women. these are rumors that appear to have been in circles close to the band, but it made news late last month when a woman here to attend to doesn't understand concert. in lithuania, went to police. she said that she had blacked out after the concert. she believed that she had been spiked with a date,
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rape drug. she also spoke about how as she says she was recruited to go backstage and came into a situation where it turned into mind pressured her to have sex and that she but he became very angry when she refused. now that of course caught the attention of german media who, who put their reporters on it. and many other women have since made similar claims . all right, so by now about a dozen or a, a little over a dozen women have said that they were recruited based on their age, young age and looks to go back stage with the mom and party with him, or potentially have sex with him. a 2 of them say that they had interactions with him, sexual interactions with him that were non consensual to say that they believe that they received date, rape drugs. and one of them has said that she woke up from a days to find him assaulting her, essentially that he was on top of her. now,
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more and more allegations are coming out just this week. a youtube are posted a video here in germany, describing how she says she was recruited to go backstage to an after party and she wound up being taken into a room full of she says, young women who appeared to be intoxicated. she said no one was checking the women's age and she said she was told that this was the pre selection of girls that turned into mind might want to sleep with. at which point she says that she left me a serious, very serious allegations. how as the band reacted as well, the bands have put out a statement saying that they have not done anything wrong. they say that they reject all kinds of molestation. they also say that they have launched their own investigation into the allegations and uh they are of course reacting, also to, to fans who are selling their tickets in,
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in droves. it appears they've also, the band has also stuff that they fired. the woman they described is turned into mines assistant, who is the woman who's a wedge to have been doing most of this recruitment and many mountain point towards the structural problems in the music business that this has long been a known practice in the entire industry. briefly, if you can, could this be the birth of musics need to well, i think that it is the beginning of a conversation in society about what's been known as grouping culture. certainly and, and if you know, there are no official investigations yet, but there is sort of a reckoning with whether drugs, sex, and rock and roll fans. and their idols. a really mix together were, or whether with bad should have been declared wrong from the beginning. really decades ago, they told me your culture is david levitz. thank you. always great speaking to as our time, but make sure to stay informed. stay engaged, and stay in touch and join us again tomorrow. thank you so much for being with
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the to own or not to well, what about us sharing economy? it's a change in thinking is changing the
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economy to create something new the economics magazine made in german next on d w. a special edition of complex zone with 10 sebastian, this is a border crossing point from moldova into ukraine, severest fight, the con moment between ukraine and russia is roughly a 100 kilometers away. the big question dominates here is where most of the proteins next target complex. in 60 minutes, d, w, the, i think i'm a criminal pretty client. i already told
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me about sugars paralyzed between your societies, computers and governments that go crazy for your data. explain how these technologies work. so that's how they can also watch it. now the, every thing is getting more expensive 1st our energy bill sword then food prices.


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