tv DW News Deutsche Welle June 8, 2023 6:00pm-6:31pm CEST
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the, the in our series guardian's of truth. watch now on youtube dw documentary the, this is the w news life from the bull findings breaks out in southern ukraine. key that uses most go of shelving has on when people are being evacuated from flooding caused by the destruction of the health, cut them a knife attacking the french town, lead 6 people, the injured forth of young children, the suspect the syrian refugee was arrested at the same performing europe's asylum,
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system ministers have another go with reaching a deal to better control migration to the block, and standing with the band fans of germany's hunch time attending the middle groups, concepts, and music despite and accusations of sexual assault against franklin, till the end of the i bade visible and welcome. there are fresh reports coming in that the loan wasted counter offensive. a few claims against the russian invasion has begun. these reports denied by ukraine as far as creating an official se most go has begun showing the city of hassle on way of residents being evacuated from flooding caused by the destruction of hope to get them. at least 9 people. the reported to would be wounded by the shelling earlier presidents the landscape visited the region
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a spring in reading the wrong defense analyst from kings college london. let me start by asking you the question. the media's been asking over and over again the past months about these reports of the counter offensive. haven't been launched by keith. right, so the counter offensive has been in the media for so long, and it has created an immense pressure on the political leadership and key of and in turn, the political leadership creates pressure on the middle of free to contact with congress offensive because after supplying so much military equipment to ukraine. western allies want to see something for that. and the situation hasn't been ideal for the bringing forces to, to push for the counter offensive. so now what we're seeing and this is what in the high level, the lock goal, the strategy of files and the cost,
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namely um battle recognizance by you creating forces to see where a russian defense is. are there a week is because the russians had enough time to build up actual defenses along the entire of front line in order to prevent any potential losses of territory after their experience with them and leave mon, so for the ukrainians. it's now very difficult to determine the spot, especially as it's being discussed everywhere and the potential directions. and to basically maintains a surprise initiative in terms of where to begin the contra offensive. and i don't think that we will be seeing a huge spectacular battle. instead, we will see different attacks in different directions as we have seen in the past weeks, but nobody in ukraine will be labeling anything as to avoid the potential misunderstanding, especially if those battled recognizance attempts do not lead to an increased
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attack and breaking through the russian lines of defense. let's talk a bit about the dam breach. that's cause the immense flooding. russia, it says it could work and it's favor militarily. can we expect that to be true as well? it is difficult because both sides would have some benefits from the dam explosion . and then october 20. 22 was a have a r ukrainian molded for intelligence crew carrillo. but donald has discussed the possibility of the russians the exploding to them. and he said that it would be silly for the russians to do that, because that would force or forces to retreat back to premier, to plot the eastern bank or for some which is under the control of the russians. so it would create the humanitarian catastrophe as a dead, am possibly distracting the russian forces and also washing ways of defenses
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that the russians build along the need for river, including mine fields. so from this perspective, the russians wouldn't benefit that much. given the fact that the ukrainian forces, as well done of south himself wouldn't be slowed down that much, only by 2 weeks approximately. and we have seen ukrainian forces blowing up the air pin them in to safety of so the risk of possibilities that this could benefit ukrainians more by disorienting, the russians they, there have been attacks in belgrade region to try to kind of divert the attention of the russian troops and now with this down, that's a kind of potential possibility of what could have happened, but we will probably never know or any of our own. thank you very much for bringing us your analysis. thank you. i as ever the russian prospective let's go
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to detail we use and we show when in riga she's been reporting out or had been reporting out of most go until russian of our he shut down now bureau, the ukraine, as we mentioned before, is denying the launch of this counter offensive, as russia responded to the reports. well, unfortunately has actually been talking about a large scale offensive from the ukranian side, essentially all week. so for several days now, we've heard various reports from the russian for an excuse me, the defense ministry. of course, i'm talking about victories on the russian side and kind of beating back a ukrainian offensive. so today we heard a statement from the defense minister himself that gave showing who said that russian forces had beaten back ukrainian offensive for separate times when the ukrainians tried to get through russian defences. and he said that uh,
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the ukranian side had seen big losses, including uh, 30 tags and almost a 1000 soldiers killed. of course we don't know whether that's true. we can check that information. um we also saw today and a video actually of the defense industry, kind of inspecting equipment, military equipment, tags, rows and rows of tanks and use munition to, to check that they're ready for battle. so kind of trying to send a strong visual signal as well that russia is really ready for whatever ukraine is throwing at it. and that perhaps also those um can consistent rumors that we've been hearing about munitions shortages that those are off. what do we know about evacuation if it's in the occupied areas of hassle? and so we know that the kremlin spokesperson and also local efficient officials in that occupied area have been complaining about showing from the ukrainian side on of actuation efforts. we've also heard similar
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accusations from the ukranian side that russia is apparently selling people trying to be evacuated and also the, the actual rescuers when it comes to the actual situation in the russian occupied areas. um, it seems to be pretty bad. so essentially, um on the left eastern bank of the new pro river that's lower lying. so that means that it's been harder hit by flooding. more water has reached that area and the ukrainian local position. politicians said that 68 percent of the flooding was actually in the russian occupied area. and when it comes to the evacuation efforts, the information that we've been getting is, is kind of patchy. so russian independent media yesterday we're reporting that some local residents in the russian controlled, occupied areas of catch on or waiting for 2 days for evacuate or is to come with very little food and water, some of them kind of on their rooms in their attics. because the water had been
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rising, and now we are hearing from the russian emergency ministry that evacuation efforts there are ongoing. today, they reported that several groups of emergency workers are working on the scene with a kind of suction to get rid of the water. and also with, with the boats to help people out. so hopefully for the locals, there are things maybe looking up, but the situation seems to be pretty bad. you know, he's emily, show and read. good. thank you. so the southeast of france with 4 children and 2 adults have been injured in a 9th attack. it happened in the alpine town of on see, on thursday morning police of arrest that the suspect that attack of syria national with refugee status. they say the children and both were just taught lives full age between 2 months and 3 years. 2 of them and one adults are in a life threatening condition. fridge presidency amount. well, my call has called the attack and active absolute kind of what is his power space
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journalist vivian waltz with more details on the incident. it was the latest we just heard from the french of payment of status, the barn just a little while ago saying that as far as anybody can tell, this was not motivated by terrorism. and that was very, very important. so i think a message to send to the country because of course, francis being the target of a lot of tara techs and recent years, and particularly nice attacks. so as far as we know, the motivation store means some mystery deny attack of the suspect is night. the tucker was, is a 31 year old man. his non custody is a syrian refugee has asylum in sweden. bus appears to move to france in recent months. and in fact,
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had applied to essentially transfer his refugee status defronzo that was denied because of course, under the rules he has free travel within the 27 e u countries. um, but uh, he effectively has status in sweden. remarkably, the early reports this he in fact is the father to a small child himself also uh in that age bracket i believe. um, do we know uh then what the motive could be behind the attack. if its not there is at the moment it's really and the question whether she has some kind of mental issue. there was really for a little indication about what the motive might be. there was one with the said said that he shouted in the name of jesus christ when he was launching his
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attack. any kite with him, a christian? probably not quite sure what that means. but effectively the christian prayer book and has the cross around his neck. he gained asylum in sweden as a christian sir in a, at a time. if you remember at the start of the serene world with it was and in the number of people leaving syria for europe. and she was mom, one of the waves of refugees and bolts from parents. but the latest there on that knife attack in on see the books, interior ministers and meeting and luxembourg to trying to overcome long standing differences of a migration member states. the results of how asylum seekers should be distributed across the southern countries have demanded more support from the eastern and northern neighbors. it's how the talks could lead to
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a breakthrough of years of debate and disagreements have left your ups migration and asylum policy o. c. more than a 1000 people have dr. undergoing missing trying to reach the continent this year. last and which many called a broken system. european union rules say people must claim asylum in the country where they 1st arrive. and that's left, some governments demanding change. over time, we have seen in erosion of trust, where for instance, southern member states have felt that they have not been able to receive the support that they need. as right wing parties as populous parties have gained majorities and several member states. there has been a shift towards the right and therefore also more restrictive immigration policies . southern coast to e. u. countries like italy, spain and greece received the most regular arrivals in the block with boats often traveling from tunisia,
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morocco and turkey. a past attempt at forcing states further afield to take in some of those migrants failed due to opposition from hungry, poland, and many others. no brussels latest compromised upon with the low countries to opt out welcoming more migrants. if they contribute to the costs of hosting or deporting people elsewhere. this is also in the tables a proposal to create separate tracks for those seeking protection. and if it costs done, numbers, request submitted by people from places considered safer, such as albania or pocket stone would be directed through a different screening system at the border. so authorities can more easily send people back. critics say europe is trying to barricade itself from asylum seekers on shook responsibility, but the official behinds upon hoops, countries will finally come together. if we agree on a common approach to manage migration any you may but restricted way together. we
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would all be with this because we would be able to manage migration together in an orderly way and, and that is a no, ma'am mistake can do it alone. brussels says bridging this political divide will help save lives. but some fear the reforms will fall short as people continue to risk their lives to reach these shores. it's foiled, ocean date, waste events taking place to highlight the importance of the seas and marine life. that includes karl reeves on the frank from rising temperatures and sea water. but on a small island of columbia, the blue indigo, the foundation, is trying to turn the tide. it's developing a unique way of going small carl fragments under the sink to create new rates of correspondence. nicole lease went to the island of sun and face in the caribbean. new home under construction biologist, maria fit, and then the maya is drilling holes. but one of the most fascinating creatures in
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the ocean carls for now they're still small, but they could grow into a new re few in the waters of sun under this island. it is a team effort involving locals, scientists, and dining schools. a window, but i need to do this morning for us. it is really important to focus in the coral restoration and health threes. we live on an island in the middle of the ocean, and our economy almost entirely depends on coral reeves fan. and the impact that humans have on the ocean at the moment is too big and too negative. we want our impact on our ecosystem to be positive, so we need that to you because the impact of thing, no, no way that was he's the youngest because these things carl's vital and helping to protect the coast lines from erosion and boosting, find diversity. but they are in serious trouble worldwide in columbia alone, 60 percent of them are damaged or under threats. of particular concern is stony
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carl tissue loss disease that started spreading last year. so am i paying 3 both at the existing closely, it kills them in 2 or 3 months or and a matter of things get the ball. so we are very worried because the disease is already here. the light did most of the policy and what are we doing against the field go william packed into my onyx. it's mexico and hydrate. now last, what do you need to bite in the us and use the help of governments or foundations to know a, by whole way. and that will yet know all from that ceilings an expensive and difficult underwater treatment is available, paid for by donations. but sadie says that it is vital that the government now invests in the program as they do with color restoration, part of colombia and vicious plan to restore $200.00 heck to us of reese. here in san andreas fisherman, i don't know how to send the biggest also has an interest in that business plan.
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he to helps transplant calls into the reef, just opposite the small beach restaurant that he runs. that is part of for me. and that is what going to help us get some fish um, particularly the, the hoses, protect or beach also. 2 decades ago he needed only 2 hours to get enough fish in one go. now with the risk degrading, it can take up to a day. but the rodriguez has hope now because of the new carls. we put them there for as a i like in 3 weeks when we went back there, there was growing, i was like surprised. i couldn't believe it when i heard about it 1st time. i couldn't believe it was unbelievable. it will take time for the small corals to grow into the truck reeves and with the pressure on the ecosystem. not all of them
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might make it the team on some numbers are aware of that. but every, if it counts just safety ecosystem and the ocean on the doorstep to i spoke to david a bureau, co chair of the i, u. c. and spc survival commission, carl specialist group. i asked him to what extent re growing carl brakes can counter the effects of climate change in our oceans. so thank you for having me. i wrote you a question is right. it's not going to be enough to rates and the type of car rates . i mean, every f accounts, particularly local levels and where you have communities and stakeholders involved in the re system. but to enable that, what to really count, we'd have to change the big picture drivers. so that's climate change principally and over consumption. so we need to turn those around in order to give the refresh duration assets, the best chance they can have. otherwise, voices say, the most cars will be extinguished by the end of the century. what hope is there
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considering how fragile rapes, i mean, it can just be one or 2 degrees difference and uh, and suddenly they've gone well, yeah, so we're already, it's, we're seeing huge impacts on car rates and we're only at $1.00 degrees warming, even $1.00, we estimate is too much and 2 degrees is far too much. we lose most car res, functioning rates, but many spaces will still be present in small numbers. but we really need to count every 10th of a degree now makes a difference for car rates, we have to minimize warming every time to the degree accounts. how far our officials getting when we hear something like the u. n. high seas treaty being adopted. a few months ago and how important miles time was that for example, for allergens well, all of these treaties the high seas treaty is very important for, but that controls life and the opener, sion in the highest seats, carissa role within national territories. and so the convention on biological
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diversity to global by diversity framework degreed in december is critical for car rates alongside other agreements around fisheries pollution in climate change as well, and type of what else is needed. just lastly, as well, its commitment by all is the consumption of financial system and economic model and just promotes grows and we need to really reign that end because car rates and artic summer sea ice. these are the systems that are showing us that we're exceeding the boundaries of our planet. and we really need to draw back and understand how to be more sustainable and giving us space for spaces and old people as well to have enough to, to live a comfortable and dignified life as well. david of the, from the i you see, and thank you very much for being on the w need. essentially, the german metal band and stein has begun to, to europe, into a, with a series of concepts and munich off the show upon heats, have been cancelled as the band faces. accusations of sexual assault against frontman to linda. bon minivans is still coming out for the shows despite the
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obligations others say their feelings have changed. crumbs time always attracts muscle crowds. the and for now, most i just focusing on the music. one bodies to be don't know, i'm personally noonish isn't guy myself. they just accusations, it's nothing more delicate. i spelled with mr. i don't think the end of them has anything to do with the 3 drugs ordering. but some formal funds came out to protest . it's one of the so it was now that we hear all about what's going on with that man. i think it's good, but the women and towing ramstein a debt to me anyway, from the cutting door has been crowded and controlled lucy allegations that'd be made about what's happened behind the scenes. that previous console is between the bands lead singer and his funds. the most recent came from kyler, strikes a gentleman youtube who says she went to an off the show party, but she was expected to have sex within a month or so i'm obviously,
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it's not the same kind of push. she doesn't take prostitutes because it's a power game. she only takes young goes what impressionable, awesome crumble under the pressure and who don't dare to say no. english po, 9 ceasar from stain steam says it has some legal advice and are looking into the accusations. every german media reporting that the band has distance itself from a woman who allegedly recruited young women the latest one to look quite different from previous ones. painful and that was said to be on site. and there was no so called rule 0, which gives selected, finds the john to stand directly in front of the stage, the funds and critics of waiting for an explanation from linda mont and drums 9 inside to see the band is still deciding how to proceed. julia so that is at the beginning of the big stadium where another understand concept takes place tonight. last night was the 1st concept, has the band made any adjustments to the shop?
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while we've heard from people that were at the show yesterday that one of the bands most famous songs that they play at almost every concert that is named after slang for female genitalia was not played at the concert last night, which was quite unusual. and during the song, normally the bands and actually the lead singer and in the month brings out a peanuts shaped foam cannon that also didn't happen, possibly given the circumstances. but what we know is that the city of new nick, where the concerts are taking place, has prohibited this. now, infamous ro 0, which is a guarantees to some fan selected by the band to go right in front of the stage. and then to access the after parties and the city has also band parties in the back stage for these concerts. so we've also seen the band introduce an awareness team
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that is supposed to help people to find the safe space within the concerts and to help when they see behaviors that are, that are not right to linda bon has issued a statement, i believe, who is lawyers about the accusations, what's it, what does it say? it is quite a tough statement coming from his lawyers. today they say that they have seen these accusations circulating, especially on social media. and they say that these allegations are absolutely not true. and they say that they will actually seek to, uh, go ahead with legal action against the individuals that are going ahead with these accusations. and we have seen them in the previous days, the band post a statement on instagram saying that they are taking the matter very seriously, but such a strong statement coming from didn't demand we hadn't seen quite yet. okay. taking
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seriously. but julie, of the big question that a lot of people are asking, where is the official investigation? well, we know that one of the women who came for were the one who actually started this wave of women coming forward with their experiences. she took part in their 1st concert of this tour in this when you and she spoke to the police there she had an interview with them and police is now looking into the matter and we'll see whether they will open an official investigation. but as far as we know here in german, you know, official investigation has started. a reported lee as i'm sign, have started their own internal investigation to look into whether parts of the crew and the team have gone ahead with some improper behavior. you've had a problem, julia said deli, at that time comes that immediate credit if she's going to be attending the concert or not. but that's up to you, julia pick know it
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a reminder of our top stories for you. you probably need a visual say most go has begun showing the city of hassle on way of residents being evacuated from funding caused by the destruction of a major dam earlier this week. at least 9 people that reported to i think stay with us here on dw use, asia is up next on data as well. then i'll have more world news for you next down on the,
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tire can is 34 years. i was a metal i didn't know now i know the never ending story of asbestos starts june 21st on d w. the basically the news aisha coming up to date of the groups was an ethnic violence in india. as ne communities in money pulled amik themselves off to definitely crashes display 35000 people. this concerns to offer an increase in built in separate as a can the situation be controlled.
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