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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  June 16, 2023 4:30am-5:01am CEST

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to, to be within reason what do you see it really is possible to reverse the researchers and scientists all over the world. for a no race against time. they are peers and rivals with one daring goals to help smart nature. the more likes watching it on youtube. dw documentary, the hello and welcome to focus on europe is good to have you with us, the destruction of the noble cough. got them and you bring south early this month is being seen of yet another war, crime, industrials,
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water games. you create the water in the flooded area. so slowly this evening, but rebuilding the infrastructure and removing the debris may take months. more over the collapse of the crucial dom has sparked, feels of an ecological catastrophe. it is estimated that around 1000000 people who will have no access to fresh water. this situation is particularly concerning for the older population and people with disabilities to now for the people in the affected area. this is yet another disaster in a deadly lot populations on both sides of the nature of all facing the consequences . since this area is on the front lines of the conflict, there is an added danger of mine and explosive contamination as well. but even in the midst of this adversity, there are stories that have a happy and like the rest you of maxine and his family who worked dropped in a flooded house in peace time in the time of normalcy.
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this might know it had been the very best ice cream mattea, and maxine had ever tasted the 2 children and their mother are at home and hassle and for months they hid from the russian occupiers. and there weekend cottage on an island. they couldn't return to harris on the river in between. had become the front line 24 hours earlier, marshall maxime and their mother were trapped in the flood on the russian occupied side of the river. they were hungry and thirsty, then a drowned spotted them. that's maxime in the sky. light surrounded by flood waters . what have you got it done for chance? we took a towel and waved is the signal. we're here we're here. on the it stopped and hung about 3 meters above the city, gets on the news. it looks to look 10, flew away, swimming, 15 minutes later, flew back,
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looked for 3 minutes and flew off again on the cheek. we didn't know if it was russian or one of ours was nash. the drones had always been his rent. they fired on people. the children knew that all too well, but now this drowned dropped a bottle of water for them on the bottle was a message. hang on, don't panic, evaluation is coming, signed santa, a santa is the code name for this ukrainian soldier. so he controlled the drone. normally he would have been dropping grenades, then he spotted the kids, not the thought, the squad, and he talked to fly as a warranted because of the car instead of the strong wind, it's of silver. there's nobody is pretty complicated to stabilize the drive to way you can hit the window. the squad is the one i was most afraid of the drones because i thought they cheated us that blocked the russians weren't far away. and the the children and their mother were rescued. now they're back in harris on and
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staying with friends. only about 20 percent of headphones population remain. it's like a ghost town. how is the city now for children? when there was a meet the ship? it's very hard for them to grow up in conditions like these younger which he had to break off. santa grew up in house on himself, a few 100 meters from the water from the front line. we made up with me saw you are tour and kayla. what do you do when you hear explosions? the we throw our selves on the ground and plug arrears. not long ago, one hit that building there. we were lying on the floor. so you always listen. yes, of course. natalia, it's 11. the other 2 or 12 me telling you tells us health of children to pass on
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our living. and you pretty, we snob, here's the living here is strange that you live in a quiet. you're afraid to go to sleep because you don't know if you'll wake up again, but i'll stop. you're afraid to stumble on a rock because you don't know what's under inputs going. it might be a minor stress. now there's some saying that the, there are lots of them here on the playground. some law school of small go and you can say is not you never know when something's going to hit and you have no time that the ground can lead somebody. you'll be sitting on the swaying, most good thoughts and then when they start shooting, you have no time to jump off the swain and change your mind. that's how we live the whole time and fear that you have the grown ups changed the modem. yeah. people have gotten yeah, how to say it. better coverage for children, because they know what we're going part of the future. buying more death and destruction. the thailand is friends. try to be kids in the midst of it. and in
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hassle ins, empty streets, soaking, maxime and marshall. when maxine meant, his family were caught on the island among the russian forces, their mother promised over and over. once we get back to hassle and i'll get you some ice cream the very 1st day. now they're back in harris on their very 1st day. i to what is the definition of a family? italy is having to deal with this question lately, but i'm going to start georgia mental needs right wing government is making it difficult for same sex couples to read recognize as spends. melanie had already pledged to a full so long to see an adoption by gig or pose in her election, camping, christiano. and george, you are outraged by this, the living room, but the twin daughters and now what it for their family. it's time for pride in run and preparations around the way she never and the manual it and dads
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christiano in georgia. there's been a family for 8 years now and for 8 years that visited the parade together. make sure a t shirts are in christiano in georgia. it has been a couple for 20 years. after much deliberation, they became parents in 2014, thanks to a sergeant mazda in the us. the legal recognition of such families is complicated and easily. only the biological father, in this case christiana has parental rights at 1st. the need us to like to play the only way for the other parent to become a special right is to apply to adopt the child and when did you need on it? but that takes a long time and it's expensive at the beginning to look over the stores of they went through the process and georgia is now officially the father of the children too. but it wasn't easy for him before. he made it easy as one of the ones that
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took the children to the doctor to be vaccinated and refused to give them the vaccination because i wasn't the biological father. well, did it according to the law. i didn't have parental rights when i see adoption and gone through yet. so the state considered to be a stranger at disclosure at this time. so this situation has was and since prime minister, georgia maloney and her 5 right potty brothers eventually came to power. previously subsidies allowed the names of 2 mothers or 2 fathers to be entered on birth certificates. but, but a lot of these new interior minister has banned this practice. so this is parade is all the more important for the family we want to show the world, we're not that different to other families or to fathers with 2 children. that's 3 already tried is important because right now we, many families are in trouble. we need to show us how would there be close to them
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and there's another danger to the l g b t q plus community. and instantly, who's parliament is debating a law that would prevent rainbows, families from being created in the 1st place. there's already a ban on sorry to say you need to lee, but finding sorry gets abroad may soon be banned as well as maloney's allied carolyn of aki introduced to bill for general, a lot of them when i bought the dog. because he is a deviant practice. i bought these women are turned into slaves. objects that can be bought. ok, we found it's delivery of the 3rd millenniums for better. for me, let me see, i'm a little more than it's working to own equity anyways. that's why we want to extend the criminal liability comfortable. so even though to go abroad are punished as soon as they return to italy mix that outlets the we will not give up. we will always fight for the rights of our children. the president of the rainbow
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family's association says the government is just trying to stir up sentiment against same sex couples in an interview just before she became prime minister, georgia maloney said that rainbow families should not be considered families at all . if someone is gay, they have to live with the consequences and forgo having children. she's telling us not to become parents and doing everything she can to deny us the option, the. now there's a culture will going on a need to meet about what a family is and what it should look like. christiano and joe joe, don't want to hide that proud of that family. and they're happy to talk about it publicly with the media. the kids loved the parade, it's like a big party for them and they're still young and sure they don't understand everything yet. but they've noticed some people saying we're not a family at all and not a noise them. so they say we are
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a family the and recent whole show that a majority of italians degree but still the conservative nationalist coalition wants to push the ad to search see more through this summer. and it has the majority in parliament. the culture was either what family means is far from either the to do. do you think the consumption of oil and gas and moving in the direction of renewables is a challenge that most european countries are facing right now. but people in iceland and now than europe don't have to face those problem. they live on the largest walk on the island in the world. there's no doubt of geo, at home, of the heat here. and hot water isn't abundance for almost like 2 to are off and omens also benefit from this not to do the treasurer. the tomato farmer has got his supply of hot water right on his doorstep. the years itself is see
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thing around, can you to run our minds, greenhouses. geothermal, heat fuels, hot springs, just a few steps away for a fee. iceland acc, farmers can tap into this volcanic islands, natural energy resources. we are getting out of this phase about 68 elite this 7th of a 90 degrees. talked about the for the greenhouse is for the for the houses for the summer house is a farm funeral, a network of pipes carry the hot water through connect to his greenhouses, maintaining a constant mild temperature for his tomatoes. the tomato farmer also draws upon natural sources to aggregate the plants. what kind of water we are giving to the product is a key think because tomatoes on 92 percent of water. so i believe you need to give the pump, the good quality water to get that good quality to tomatoes on an ice on to they have really much good. finally to calls was coming from all mounting so i can walk
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through my planted the same good. what does that we are drinking in our house? us? canada is quite proud of his ecological greenhouse. he even gets the power for the grow lights from renewable energy sources. a moment more international guests are coming to look around his greenhouse and learn from his presentations. healthy icelanders utilize their energy resources and they can sample the prod, use and the farms own restaurant surrounded by the tomato plants. his neighbor, just a few 100 meters farther on, grew strawberries. geothermal heat can be harnessed to create optimal conditions for them to grow year round home feats or a guest with years operation to is all natural. we have lost the spring concept or no time because we are using a like a few different dish on the plant to to a kid if it will be some tests fresh fruits and vegetables on an island with long
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cold dark winter's comes at a cost. but the strawberry farmers hoping that in future, even more will be grown in iceland screen houses. they don't know, or people are reading to buy ours jeanette stihl and big ones because they are more expensive for it. you're always talking about the house and, and to how good the iceland used to produce and what your moves are. the important parties in the stores is still cheaper if not for the relatively low cost, geothermal energy, fruit and vegetable farming here would not be profitable. icelanders have long known the value of their hot springs and gone answers, but they didn't always know what to do with them. people didn't like it much because they both just like open the automotive put the all go into it on the diet . so it was not that good, a good place, but then not on 1925 or 6. the farm was try to decide to catch the water. that's
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why they built the concrete door. and that's why that's how they can the coconut, how they can use that water. ready. even if iceland, geothermal energy seems inexpensive and inexhaustible. experts warn against taking too much hot water from the springs. there fed mainly by ground water and it could take decades to fill up again. the thought of living in europe in cities sounds like a dream for many, especially a city about a so popular that everyone wants to visited at least once in a lifetime. but for those who actually live there like as a being who we met and i'm so them the popularity of a city has turned out to be a nightmare. millions of students come to answer them every year, but the tourism has become such a problem in the city. that special sign boards have been put up to ensure that students do not drink and disturb the local population,
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especially at night. so them isn't alone. many major europe in cities are having to deal with this problem and answer them seems to have found some solutions, but not to everyone's liking. it's 10 p. m, on a friday night in amsterdam, the red light district, the epping, once to speak to anybody misbehaving. she's a local and she can't stay on the masses of tourists anymore. this isn't a normal weekends night, and the later escapes you more noise. she comes across a group of tours blocking the entrance to a building to please find a place for us to see. she wants fewer tourists, less night life, more calm and more rules in the red light district. it's to me the percent off. i'm so that makes the most beautiful part of the city and it's, it's, it's
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a disney land flips in the ceiling with making the we men behind windows and drug stores. so we kind of, we can't stand it of the city is already introduced some measures to get excessive party tourism under control. it's launched a campaign targeting british people in particular, asking them to stay away. it's also said bars and brothels have to close earlier and band the smoking of cannabis and the red light district. what the tourist say was you said you mentioned buzzing . yeah. it's a drought and i bet you can't even open the windows because it's too loud and smells of way across us. so for me, it's not a big deal, but i think it's for most people, when you is, what if you're young and come to answer them, it's not good if they close, early on. so let me know if there are still a few shelves where you can smell like it's fine. it's hard to miss the signs in
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the district. it's clear, the city is trying to calm things down. but for those who make a living from night life, it's getting harder. this sex worker wants to remain anonymous. she says it's a problem that brought those are closing 3 hours earlier than before putting aside from full golf. it's going signed that's with new with me, the nation photo from english. we've lost a large part of our income, is stuffs to compensate, yet there are more girls going out on the street to find customers. it'll be, i'm bringing them home of the, make it really dangerous. are supposed to file it by awful a, to a few years ago, a sex worker was so badly beaten, not by me. solve that. she's still in a coma. at least, she says brothels are safer. and it is too busy on fridays and saturdays, but that mass tourism is not only a problem for amsterdam. and these bands will only help certain locals. the math basically is from the users were introduced so that residents can sleep in that are
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the slats. but we know that because of them were people who are just carrying out their work legally. all are in more danger. can they still sleep so? well, you don't know, select slapped. what might more sustainable measures against mass tourism. look like the freak nevada is the nightmare of amsterdam. he represents different night lights, communities and mediates with residents he thinks the city has chosen the wrong path by introducing small bands and to shying away from obvious measures that are necessary space. people to get to the market, the industry, that's why we have to specifically tackle the tourism industry and things like cheap flights or 5 of that would make sense to the environment to anecdotal. then we wouldn't have to hack away answer them traditions and legacy, or like liberal kind of as policies and effects working from sky. so expect them back to the busy friday night else being used to be a member of the council. so many people know are here, and her opinions, the,
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the public costs. all of this kind of curious as to why she's interrupted by women who says she has a bar here. so you don't complain because you make your business and you make your living this out and then that's why you don't that's why you don't complain because you don't on the plate, your eating of residents against local business people, the conflicts can even get personal. what else, evenings conclusion from this towards me and maybe the others as well is growing by the i'm to printers. um i can see it as a complement because it's we are a said what it's about 9 am so damn expects over 18000000 tours this
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year. a nightmare for some, a gold mine for others. for the city a dilemma. one that's not likely to be solved any time soon. and no one loves effectively on an empty stomach, but in germany, some children attend school without having eaten breakfast. the good news is that the senior citizens in the country have joined hands to change that these 3 ladies in germany, wrist and operating a smile on the face of those children every morning by making sure that they stopped the day with a good me. martina, monica, and calendar are up at the crack of dawn for them. the school day starts at 6. they need to get to work in plenty of time before the children arrive because they're making breakfast, fold them. it is very rewarding, in what way?
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because they see the gratitude in the children's audience when they leave. and then they'll say that it was a nice breakfast and look at you in such a way. it's really touching they are just 3 of the many volunteers who work for the port side. the association that was set up 15 years ago to give breakfast to children who come to school in an empty stomach, which is detrimental to their learning. they have shocked that the mind has gone up from you to. yeah. are you coming into moments of love, you desktops, some of them sometimes we feel like and dropping the bucket once sticks at august. by the way, things are going is a bit scary and just on the so because we can actually launch in as many schools as wouldn't be necessary considering the demand. all we have the food is served as a buffet. and children are encouraged to try as much as possible because they might not know. so it's in foods. they're also taught how to use
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a knife and fork if need be. and to put the right amounts on that plate. here you are, enjoy they to mark which one would you like strawberry? the volunteers play an important role in the skate on social got it sounds get to us when we bought this little boy at the moment who has a difficult background? he's a tiny little thing, but we've seen that development and the way he likes coming to us and began to delta the 1st. we have to show him everything them his bread, the bread for him, for me on. and so it does, but he does it himself. now if that's progress, woodside is active in over 300 schools in germany, helping about 14000 children stop the day with a healthy breakfast. children who otherwise would be hungry in cloths. poor woodside has been helping out at the special educational needs school in today's, in, for almost 3 years now. price bus. it's fun and everything's good. by monday,
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you have more energy for the day. talk, minimum homage much my mom seems to be here for breakfast. sometimes because there's more here than we have at home, like drink cucumber and brass walk. what's that quote me. yeah. it's like we can chat here with friends and eat together, you know, healthy breakfast to help children learn best. so it's a proven fact. it's something the principal has noticed to of the kinds of ideas and we have a number of children with psychological issues that show a fetish pride and something we really notice is that a good start of the day and makes all the different switch. these include an offer on the one hand, having a full belly button on the other top and that the children arrive in their own time . can the lessons are calmer with more concentration, the best, the quinta, the children learn better. i take the 912 best of them in the beginning about 30 children came to breakfast every morning. now that number has doubled
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a trend seen in schools across germany. and the children like the breakfast help is more than anything because they're so nice to us. because they give us the food we so we don't have to go to class henry the boat side association is funded mainly by donations from a discount store. only a few german states give financial support, but it needs more help is like my teen monica and gillian. to still they want to stay on as long as possible and stop it. it's a good way to start the day. it's not too much work, not exhausting. and i just lovely seeing the gratitude and the children's on is that it's the best way to start your day stop and can come them. because all i say to my husband and i made 51 children, happy again today. and that makes us both happy to win, you know, to feed. and when the children have happily made their way to class,
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the 3 women go home to their own breakfast. and at least to the day, but a wholesome one. around 2000 senior citizens doing those good deed and lots of schools across the country. that's it for this week. we'll be back next week until then. good bye. take care. the
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5:00 am
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