tv Arts Unveiled Deutsche Welle June 17, 2023 7:02am-7:30am CEST
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dot com, the berlin, 1942, massive brun stagen stand god, it's a center of power. it says you right, chancery we are talking here cause a balance of most important factors of the 3rd, right. during world war 2 dispatches disappear without a trace for decades, until they turn not on the black market. to advise this but this, i know that in those circles there was talk of up to 8000000 euros for both sculptures. when a major rage issues on site started in the early hours of may, the 20th a story of germany cost speech for nazi's, the saw the, the associate army and lots of cash. and then i got the call. we have
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the horses, the, the late 19 thirty's, german, auto st. joseph tour at work and his studio painstakingly the model to launch the life style ends in clay, if you have them cost in problems, 3 tons of the stuff. the commission for the sculptures was for none of us in the future at all, feet long people wanted, the stallions need him and his new rock chancellor being buildings the central power. during the darkest use of german history the these policies were placed on the need. hipaa's office, so they kept the most prominent place in the 3rd right. oh, it was very important for the nazis as a propaganda tool. i know this is a sudden ideology can be interpreted as of the have this extraordinary masculinity
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. ok? they estallion size. the neck is extremely large and powerful of the muscle is completely exaggerated. the whole thing speaks to certain power divided also with the horses. dogs are even line codes. animals play the major role for the nazis, especially the hitler and his commander in chief at the gym and air force and forestry him and gooding. they used animals for propaganda, either to make themselves appear home hostage or to demonstrate that power has with the horses at the rock chancery in berlin. the same place a decades like shop buildings vill home strauser. the streets of the city center is now lined with plain pre fabricated buildings. under the nazis, this area was a prestigious excess of power for the beak ministry buildings and location of hitler's birthday march. and if he's new rock chancery. today
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a child care center and playground. we hit once made his monstrous plans. it was all so he is the to your wrist of scope shows if his ideal german soldiers find artist honor breakup on the private god and side tour next to woking horses as they came to be known who horses lodging for life resources. so everything is very symbolic. in 1939, germany started the 2nd world war 6 years later, the lin playing ruins pitiless 1000. you rise was this is chancellor re reduced to rubble. the fear committed suicide in his bunk. it is to bronze horses were destroyed, along with the city also,
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it seemed for decades until one day, heedless horses returned back to the home city of the name of how and where had they been between the disappearance and reappearance. lie of a 70 years of check, a german history and a crime story. a very german crime story. everything came together, you know, a mystery. the hand of the characters. uh, people with nazi sympathies. the moment that got the 1st picture of the color picture of the horses when i started to realize them still might exist. at that moment, i hardly could brief. i knew if we are going to recover the hosses, it will be the best story of my life. you know amsterdam. this is where a key figure of this crime story lives in works. the legendary detective who wants recovered a picasso with millions and oscar wilde's missing ring. i took brand is
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what is known without exchanges. i had to colleagues at the time and sometimes we have quite some evidence that we are being followed. we have to deal with people former staci agents and neo nazis, people with a lot of money. and sometimes we have discussed this and we were quite certain that we were dealing with. it may be dangerous people, a good 600 kilometers away at the end stage office of criminal investigation. germany's top on club was also hearing them is that it was whole since had resurfaced. chief inspector renee, a launch was already known for bringing down germany's most bryce in the art for jeff. now the inspector was fascinated by the case. he list missing horses
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down months in november. it started back in november 2013. when an elderly lady contacted us to and she reported that you've been made an offer to buy the horses by 2 o'clock for an amount in the millions and then you went in the top pick out interested when the lady also gave us a recent photograph, a color photograph, photo showing the hoarse cultures pop open on the roof. theaters clicked on the offices in that caught my attention for convict the fashion show to get this horses in front of the plastic couldn't dictate as a numerous bronze sculpture suddenly appeared on the underground market. on sale some millions of view rose renee, a launch and onto a branch 6 off in search of the statues. that was the horses even the real deal. the immediate conclusion is that the sculptures must be a frank brand to assume,
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like everyone else that hit the school since had burned in the firestorm at the end of the war. i salt and most people felt that the horses had been destroyed during the battle of believe we thought they, they must have been for generation out now. so many forgeries and everything. an odd but also especially in, in world war 2 off. but then brian made a discovery in the last known for the just the dictation weeks before his death. hitler, once again for the last time least the raft generally looks at his last hold is. and then i realize it was taken in the cause and of the rest and see where the house is. 2 feet, but the window hosses, there was a god of hipaa stem. so in 1945, the horses weren't even in the room like chance or a soon i found out now these must be the we losses. and then i started to realize if these are the real offices, i called about
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a story about the brand and the launch discovered that hitler did bring his horses to safety as early as 1943 before the start of the bombing rates of the building. he had been removed from the chancery. the nazis wanted to protect the so called area, not like the works of use of tor x. and on a break up is what glorified strength and power. not. undoubtedly as loud as the 2 main characters hit, law encoding, even their competitors. they still let you know everybody knew of their store of and they did love out of cost. they did all need all the special off. they didn't like model, not while jimmy was losing world war 2, the horses would no longer in the chancery. but where were they? and how could sculptures of that size and significance simply disappear. they've
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had the houses where brought to the town of fleets and comforting books for the protection along with other works of od from berlin. and especially from the nice chance that we saw it to the plan was to establish a kind of artist colony for nazi out and read some kind of kind of like a head is meant of that as well as this culture workshops, which was very large. and the works of all remove them or to protect them points back. i was glad i don't think so. should we drive to rates in a small town in the old or brook region noticed land. it was here that the nazis feels a gigantic artist calling in the early forty's. the plan was to supply the entire gym and roy with nazi od lynn new room book, munich, the choice of read. so it was no coincidence on a breast to another. repeat was favorite artist slip to his mind. the house has
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since been demolished, but his studio remains today. scope to use angle hot looks here presented here. he good boy, and this is the studio and it was built during the war for on know bank of america . and it was finished in 1943 coats each tragic of on the old pop crowns bridges. bob house and even his crew still here. it seems like an ideal price to hide. the horses bought a new hot has his own idea of where they would get warranty for the key. for the horses were definitely not here on the estate carpet and they were workshops into leads and the horses were probably there. lashania stop. she might to rise right to and tour at competed for hitting this fine. so it seems unlikely breck who would have had to exclusives on his est pots of the old facts and
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workshops and bleats, and a still standing. hitler's stallions must have been stored here at some point. but where exactly remains a mystery? in april 1945, the soviet army crushed the result order reaching rates. and what did the rate army do with nazi ok? and specifically use of torrents bron stands fail a lot of an asset questions in this case. it's a black hole. how it ended up the of the land. with so many unanswered questions, we go to see someone who knows a lot about the red army. the museum building calls is dedicated to germany in the soviet union in world war 2 states of mind for the soviet troops and it was and how much ok, did the soviet army loot?
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it was in this house, the gemini surrender in the presence of the allies was signed on the 8th of may 1945. the 2nd world war ended right here at this table. what does that mean for the red army? olive was investing students, the top of everybody knew that this was the last stage of the that's what they've been told us gets they expected that if they survived this, i'd be then they had survived the war. and now we know is that there was an order that members of the red army were allowed to send parcels home for the generals. it was probably the whole railway cars and bonds done with on there may have been art in them. kind of couldn't stop by give reasons on. was the orders from style and himself to steal. ok. let's get guns. could see which one likes phone i'm from right from the start, a word trophy commissions to examine specific painting, sculptures and so on. dustin in august on sunday, and then they were taken away as quickly as possible. pick up tons of what you told
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me. is it possible that's what happened in the sense that it was the communist. so it'd be me who organize the transport and fest if he had. let's not see horses. that's exactly what seems to have happened unknown to the detectives. in the 1980s, photos had emerged of soviet soldiers standing in front of him. was horses soldiers from the barracks and eva spelled just north of the land. one of the largest soviet army bases in east germany, an east german underground office called flats, and also secretly filled the tour at most is in the app as well. the barracks. the host is hard to believe. we're on an electric field. the image is shaped and blood but clearly recognizable the statues from the new rock chancellor rate now and so he attends where else to eva's founder on the hunt for eye witness accounts. and we made
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a man who since he sold the horses here hands, mine are full of men of abe as well. that was one of the few who was allowed to enter the tightly got admitted to base i think just, you know, somebody of on the 1st time i was weird, i was not very surprised by these huge figure standing there. i thought, well, they're probably depicting some of the typical is darwin, this tear really got back like all you scheduled for decades. the whole so stood here. but then one day they disappeared again without a trace. the soviet command said it was for charity. i just go through the the, when the big earthquake hit all my odd tackle. they were taken away and melted down as aide for the earthquake victims were not in the am i lot of the command as words were a lie. the truth was very different. these good twins and sculptures then disappeared
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in 1989 under very mysterious circumstances. come. and once again, the story takes that incredible ton. and one series says that this man played a key role. alexander shall go to the club ski, colonel of east jeremy's notorious secret place, the stones, his task to procure a foreign count, see from east germany by any means possible. including selling nazi on to waste gym and collect is it's believed that this might be how hitler force has made it across the inner german border. i don't because it was clear that this was not actually lead to, he had them secretly sold a part or, and then that's the pods edits to lead to ops transports. and that's how they smuggle them across the, in a german border, as well as horses sold into pieces and then hidden in the warehouse somewhere in west germany, for decades. in the seventy's and eighty's,
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the market was dominated by the russians understands the. because after the war, the russians had confiscated those levels now to you out. and in the seventy's and eighty's, they need a tough currency. so they started a trade secretly to sell these confiscated nazi out to collect as in the west. sometimes the analyses, all bodies can you imagine coming is selling secretly, nazi off to old nazi's. so it was a very big market and it still is a big markets. i think we're talking about tens or hundreds of millions not see sculptures from the new rock chance right now in the hands of not us and susie's but exactly whose hands and will remain a mystery until 2013. when they re surfaced on the secret of market, now the hunt was in full swing in berlin, chief inspector,
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a launch filled meters of shop space with evidence includes sofa that were leading no way he meant to move on. now, in the investigation was pretty much stalled. after several months of intensive research also failed. the sales offers didn't lead us to a good idea of this. one of the practice was that we still didn't know who had the sculptures when investigations died down for a bit of a. but things started moving again in like 2014 people indecent side of things with different and asked in with all to a brand, suddenly had a lead, a dubious ok dealer code named stephen said he could help. brandon by the horses, stephen seemed to know exactly who had the brand, showed up to the appointment with the hidden camera on his jacket. the detective said he had a witch client from the us who wanted the horses and that he was just the middleman meeting and a restaurant brand. convinced steve, and that his client was serious. but who wants to see could sell
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the never since america if you can, they just they left the restroom to smoke. both sides were cautious, but the deal seemed to be going through the whole list of difficult because it was still on korea who had the horses but 3 suspects imagined at once. the 3 persons which we focused on and i discovered that some of them had relations to strange people. people who have a big name and a neo nazi circles like lawyers and other people also to
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a group called steely hills, which is a neo nazi group. i always suspected that some of these money might have gone to the wrong people branch suspected that the fil a head ties to put to do if it's a supporter of the stream is group still a feel for all silent help known as the nazi princess booth. it's was the door of assess lead to heinrich him low. but if it's marsh looked at the money to support nazis, a neo nazis facing prosecution. with that suspicion from trouble to building in 2015, becoming a launch is most important with this. try when there was at night i was building it was dark. sometimes i forget something in a long chance. remember, well, think think again. so it was sitting there and i was given my testimony of fleet voltage time because he needed that as a witness to make these these rates. and then we questioned arthur brand here
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in berlin in may 2015 for the month. that was very important testimony funded because for the 1st time she was able to describe to us in detail the people he'd been in contact with. what he'd perhaps already seen last night from the z and, and what he thought about this case, he has a but he's in finding the most and from all of those things, and 3 persons of interest emerged for us and speech people. we thought we might have the horses become, would have come from the store, the shed. it's a fitness and in the morning of may, 20 of 2015 show down 200 police launched right on the 3 suspects. one of those rates took place and bought the con in the south of germany. the search was finally on, but they were no horses inside the what's the worst day of my life, the worst day. i could not be there because i was the main witness. and i got more,
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i'm on the sitting in, in my chair, in the netherlands and i thought, oh my god, i have to go with hiding. this is the biggest mistake of all that. then. okay, the and then i saying are we has the hot shit. las horses from the new rice chance 3 were finally found in a warehouse inside the con, in south west germany. in the position of a respected businessman, identified as ryan and w, the statues recovered 70 is off to, they went missing, were immediately confiscated. all the panic went away and there was standing there, you know, somewhere hidden on an industrial area fall. the she is the wall street journal called the to the most interesting finding decades the recovered to hitler forces made headlines around the world.
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the vacuum violin. 2022 the she found out she said hill. the launch is through nice ones building most of the alps. the voss complex on the edge of building is with the horses were broken and put on display for the 1st time. as part of the unveiled exhibition the traces of the history remained visible. a decision was made know to restore them. said the host is a cabinet in story. it really has traces of history all over it unless you wanted to proceed to the photo and logically, you can start with the bullet holes,
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which were probably made around april of $45.00 to about june, 45 uh for me to place this order, say i do need some assignments done for this comes i need is possible that the bullet holes were made fun weeds and most on the fire. but it is also possible that soviet soldiers deliberately shot at them again later goodbye. so then the other marks on the horse, i hear what it was welded back together after the collector had them smiled across the image um and bought it. and then we assemble to kinds of moving that someone can give you that to them down to me and to the next smaller than that were made of the abrasion marks from the read about st. lucie, which you can actually see because i, when the police transported them, they was stretched to the vehicle with wrecked bells and bottles has crush night ones and the law says, raise the question. what should be done with nazi on the back office with
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the question of where the such a thing as toxic art is a big discussion and i'm glad it's being this comes out. i don't want to give a conclusive answer because i think it's the discussion that's so important. i think society has to deal with the controversial monuments being seen in public, not only in exams, but in the case of the houses. i do think it was right that they are in a protected space where people can decide if they want to see them or not. and where they cons, have the effect that was originally intended use without the or of power the whole suspense a right at one in the exhibition. the also in the case might a suspend. now see, so they'll see this host to will be unpacked and present it to the public. the
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and so in this very gym and tale of hit, this whole says just a 10 columbus a b line from the new rock chancery. with a once students confident symbols of the dictatorship that was soon to crumble and the detectives. renee a launch is investigating a spectacular new case trailing more on criminals to a grand wrote a book about the case that's being translated into 15 languages and he's still working, searching for missing out. and the final chapter, a hollywood studio has secured the rights to the material, the thriller about the horses, the choice of the way through the 20th century german history. one day we will very likely see the stallions again, this time on the big screen. ok, that's inseparably linked to a murderous audiology the
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talk about the issues that pop out to you. this is where the 7 percent next on d w they cherish them pans take care of them. and of course they also drive them. vintage cars in india as part of the community. the obsession. or is it only a key shape? we visit the car fanatics to find out read for 60 minutes on dw guardians of truth. my name is junk and and i have paid almost every price of being enjoying this in the country like to tease. taking on the powers that be the risk. every
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