tv Afrimaxx Deutsche Welle June 17, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm CEST
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to send a message, johnny vixon from lee goes to turn the oscar. why do so many risk everything for the european dream. in 60 minutes on d w. these places in europe are smashed. the record stepped into an old adventure. it's the treasure map for modern globetrotters, discover some of us record breaking site on google back to and now also in book form the today with visiting the studio of renown south african artist line estimates. pub gallery post workshop. it is where he conceptualize is and produces his captivating painting, sculptures and multi media works. but 1st, elizabeth, if i, you know, what do shows us how she was those words into fabulous signature in nigeria.
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we find out how ice cream has changed the life of 10 to my cold from. so let's so when we hear how it d, j. know me from the connect to sleep. the i think is bringing african beats to don's love is i'm finally sat down baby, and you're watching f remax the and that's, that's who was the landlord country in southern africa that captivates. so if it's montane is landscape and cultural heritage that friends camp, well no, no merchants as an urban k, thank brand, infusing a blend of tradition and modernity, and see their designs, retaining their heritage. of
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this fashion. collective is taking control of their cultural heritage by designing modern speech where, while reclaiming ownership of culture items like the traditional positive blank how can we call them bust with 2 blankets when they're not made in this beautiful mountains up in the so to we have to be able to own the narrative from design to production to the raw material use cases, as well as the economic opportunities that comes with it. but a couple of by 5 k beautiful blanket flowers is a term that is often been used in reference to us. so to the humble blanket made his transition from fed covering to fashion item. when king refresher 1st received one as a gift from the 1st petition missionaries who settled in the country that was then also to them. the popular sufficient fabric was 1st printed and exported from germany, but no, no use to. so tool is
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a sort of an umbrella to him for the us. but another mentioned is a platform that we want to use to communicate. stories from this was told by so to these we, i, we are doing using i through the medium affection we have said the if i have been to expand incoming industry in this one, but we can see the same about the fishing industry, especially little kind of participation, so we identified that as a flight that needs to be tablets initially canon and then i, me and his partner set up a huge factory from where they manage the entire production chain. 5 and 2017. they realize they need a drastic change. that's when we started developing a model that can with something sort of a mix of a lean in jail model. and this is totally based on our
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track does not involve cultural valves. we haven't mando quote. let's see. this is more like a crowd funding that people come to get uh, aid quintillion towards a task and accomplish it together. a centralization of their production has meant that to and then and then he was able to focus on styling and logistics was spinning skills and giving opportunities to a greater number of smaller local artisans to practice. we took the same model and said ok, now is we one to develop. for instance, a blanket. it is someone who specializes in design at tech side and printing the someone who's a profess neither in graphic design where we develop the patterns. there's someone who is a professional in the some to give us. so we take this 3 professionals and put
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them together to develop a blanket. we can think for a me, use a explain plans to use and we can see where do could you please put no, no pin to mean they might be called over or less for me. i think for them they've been putting the brain designs. we bring that typically costs to us of printed, we produce many different types of governments. we would collect their breath as, pardon us. i don't know, i'm too close. but i think we're good that we can move them this help us at law. do you know those guys, the good 17 that they needed today? we can move them at the proof to my work suite means if we said 10 blankets would be set of 20 blankets, each one of these professionals is able to benefit from that. in that we, i mean,
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these know lead me to what we can do who is out there telling us what the stories these we do through some of the products that we develop. we have for instance, or something like this. this is a scuff. we call it a legacy is off months old. so as a profit, rain may come, i would say also a fight. so we said she was able to weigh many crowns. so when we send you this product, which is a scuff that goes along with the story, as more africans, acosta does for engage in issues around their identity. the efforts of created by to them and i need towards free appropriating their culture is going to have an indelible mark on future generations. african fishing is making the protests in our culture. and that's something that cannot be corporate. and of
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course there's, there's been a lot of appropriation of our cultural identities. but these are some of the things that can only be told by africans now that african st fashion at its best, lot of places, a highly acclaimed south african office whose work explorers and catches the instance of individual ality and diversity through his paintings and the sculptures he expose the human condition, 3 fold provided kink and visually striking works of odds. and joining me now is the man himself lacking though i know it's such a pleasure to be had no growing up. what's old, who was an influence for you to pursue on? and how did you end up becoming primarily as comp. so why and i grew up with my father being a sculptor. so obviously that's something that was very influential trying up in the studio and just being in that environment. i think some spine me are lots and you know, one thing they turned out and i ended up doing and as
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a multi disciplinary onset, how thing do you decide where the project needs to become a painting or sculpture? well, that's an old gaming process that i follow and usually it, because it's a painting that becomes the sculpture or vice versa. but in thinking the end in the day, it's become quite evident to me that by have of that as i've overlap quite a bit, you know, and, and the paintings seem to become cold phones, codes seem to become and painfully in the, in the paints of a y applied and you've got such a beautiful space. what, when seems to designing it. i worked with an architect to a time and send who was the architects in and, and, and put together the whole idea of the design. and um, you know, it's, it's part of a heritage sites and he end up being a heritage architect. so it's, it's all worked very well as kevin, what sustainable features do you have within the structure? all the trees that for all the blue gum trees that removed john,
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that's been on the building side for re purpose them and used in the building the stays and became kind of like part of the main elements of woods inside the building. um, you know, you truly do have such incredibly beautiful pieces and conway to catch up with you again later. thank you. elizabeth if i in our to from nigeria is causing a nice for herself in the tradition in the male dominated industry of woodwork, demonstrating her skill, create 70 and determination to make it in the field that was once off limits. what does he take the deal with elizabeth define who knows best. the nature of life business is mailed to me, says doctor neville walters a month and that as being quite difficult says shipper. me so. and so my number to call me because i have to do this man. most of my stuff contracted at the time
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after the old man. so there's always the need to don't forget where se elizabeth has carved and useful his so literally hers was not an easy task put away worth while. i thought that was waltz and precise me over the surface or even say, i stuff it into an all conventional wait. i had a dream where i saw myself in the me. so what i'm asking the font on the drain. i saw the opportunity on southern business. once i started, i actually got no knowledge of what i can lend everything as i gain more experience in the field. so, so far it says not just in the business aspect for me is being for the business. and also the physical assets, because i also indulge myself in and we are, we have a life ed slott buttons from a client who brought this over to the walk show for us to al savage's. so we're
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trying to see this world can be brought back. our life isn't going to go express on culture, on fridays from 9 and days bucks at 12 central. however, one of the major challenges i just go to is that of source. and i use ad i saw them locally. nigeria. all this was from different specialties of 3. this is important for me. mongol slot. so here we have the wine rock doesn't care. were owned by the ations fontes. yeah. my reception this is need of well not. so yes, i have a chair made up from my old guns. it's a rocking chair. the most likely use 5 elderly people. so i looked encourage furniture pieces for the old one. my i have selling ice m b life edge dining tables
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because yeah, mostly so after every one dining table, frankly, i have 3 prominence and i also have so contract says south south point home on when needed. i prize my pieces on the mountains as far as i present. so with sofa being in this business, edings, the 3 is now and everyone seen that as being both informed me as, as being invested back into the business. so being able to purchase sofa women in business and that sometimes to call a suspicion, but at least the best for winter, so that the old sequels once a month and do a little bit to elizabeth. he's not given up any time. so i am actually a most attacks that i delegates as you see. so each member of my theme 3 have the
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same time we have the treatment time. the drain time also have for adoption time, where we have the grinding some paper in the machine, processed my advice for young women. as far as the voice mail to me that feels like mine would be that they should be busy and they should be very ad walking. i remember when i started at i would that leads back, the boy just kept pushing when i had no customer on the 1st lions, i had a peeved way for me because the enabled me she'll keep my time in the designs, but the big lives into the eyes and she's in production line. elizabeth is lots of information for women, inspirational for anyone who is the term and they get
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a 19 year. ready what in furniture with the payment intact? elizabeth is such an inspiration as thinking about women vinyl. what's an incredible representation of the female phone? thank you. you have described find houston by optic relationship between paintings and sculptures. do you mind delving deeper into that? is i think i come from kind of like this cultural background, but ended up going more into printing. so i think to me that 3, as i mentioned on the form is always something in the back of my head. well printing. and then when i returned back to sculpture, i think a lot of that painting influence went into my scopes really. so i think the way i applied certain things, they were like, i started making things that looked like brush strokes and then using that to actually scope with and you know, vice versa. now you've already spoken about some of your influences, but what the influenza is, do you have in terms of autism in your work?
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i think i've been in chronic eclectic mix of people that influence me, you know, from the class, the cold renaissance period to, you know, people that are very contemporary at the moment. i think i tend to type the bits and pieces that inspire me. so, you know, i feel like i've started printing chemist on me and looking at something that's perfectly fine, same time. so i think, you know, a lot of different things. definitely evidence within your space. and finally, where else can we find some of your works and exhibitions, while on foot categories and sound that became road read in cape town and canonsburg? and then, you know, i'm, was activity i was the saw, the make show be in belgium at cube gallery. well, thank you so much line or for having me. thank you so much for being an ice cream years cream. even the president of south africa screams for his ice cream. meantime the, the ice cream man straight out of the way till he wants to take his left for this
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phrase and desert to the world. this is the stuff, the dreams all made of wood. the $350.00 ran social relief of distress turned on the cooper who started so weak to cranberry, an ice cream, all of that is employed full people. the the creamery has even reach. the is of south africa's presidents run the pulls up so in the president spoke about as far as can pot. uh it was crazy. it was under the old. it felt like a dream. you know? what started as a snap by d. o. well, same thing. the wave has turned into a crowd to use those ice cream. paula not only attracts the neighborhood sweet tooth, but continues to be a high point social media professionally. i'm a fashion designer. i didn't really wanted to fashion. i was confused. it didn't have
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a mentor, but my mother said i need to go into fashion. so i just went in and made rooks. after that, i stumbled across a talk receipt. and i for the end of with it's because it was much less i work then session. and i presumed, let's talk with the professional photographer. it didn't proceed as pride to joe when he had to look for alternative to you. been photography due to the law in orders in 2020, during the lockdown. $5423.00, and see that there was no work for software feet because we were focusing more on events and the noise defense. so noise is no work. so i had to try and find an alternative. i thought said the ice cream parlor using the $350.00 to the end, at least crohn's issued by the government's shooting that covered pandemic.
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or even like i thought the ice cream parlor is because i really know ice cream and people who know me, you know, that's the low food, me 40. and i didn't really think about it sits in terms of finding a business. it is almost like an experiment, so i was just trying it out. the people who helped me in the as cream potter as my family man by the, by the system. i am a product and enabled. working together with people close to the makes things easier because they're able to understand the vision of the ice cream bought up so they're proud of have kind of side of the business. she wasn't working man a for those at school i was a school. so the 1st business actually to krist from where we way to where we are now. these are kind of the business is all the data afraid? yeah. as come to me is excitement as come to me. it's fun. as come to me is found
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the has come to me is friendship. so how ice cream kind of became. so pop, you know, as social media, when i was shooting, i'd created relationships with the influence of suicide. and then pre teens and what one of the people that we met bazemore heidi and what though it's that the time is the problem was approaching 1000000 photos really had to create a relationship with him. lots of images of the ice cream to him. she liked it, came through the posted images of our as cream. then after that, we just knew i felt like anything is possible. so in, you know that, that i, people then when you leave in the vision just for grades that's well, it's happening. it's working for reason why people run to take good images of the
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ice cream. it's an experience. it's not really liked, very good ice cream. you just have an ice cream, but the ones who share that experience with their friends and obviously you in the shade potential for new customers. it does it good. really good if say in terms of when it's hot, like into it never and it's good. i don't know anyone who doesn't like, i mean it's definitely it's a 5 star rating. at least has almost inside of it. that makes it a lot beds. and i haven't seen an ice cream like that. i think that there isn't an ice cream parlor in africa. that's his ice cream. that's we sort of, if they can notice this movie and how it's created, it's almost like a mazda piece,
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a, when our customers receive our ice cream, they don't immediately to the image is office and in the choice of course, i think it's important to have a place take this in my community to actually start by showing people who is the in the township that's it's possible to create something auto for life in our ice cream pie to does a place. way we bring people to care though, where they, it's friends with that family. so many see ice cream as a desert for tunnel. and these time that you have proven that it is so much more ice cream now. and so wait till it's something that dreams, memories and successes are made with. it just shows here that with a little creativity and determination, anything is possible. now imagine starting an african music,
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collective in berlin and in so doing, overcoming the challenges of being a woman and a male dominates a, d, j, and m c world. well the know me is doing exactly that and rocking the global stage as a leading effort beats the jane the night. julian, astro beats, and golden canoe or the newest south african house trucks. the 1st quartz back celebrates african rhythms. the jays, naomi, and mr. wallace are the main club acts tonight. as part of the sleek to last week music collective nathan hosting, afro parties in germany for 10 years. to the left of the job, i have to have it in the last 10 years after beats and definitely become a must in every club at every event which the end of of a month, whether it's south african um, a piano. so if i have to pay to cali, don't below anything. google is up at alice.
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the news love music from africa has galvanized the club scene when wallace and know me launched their 1st berlin club series ro here. they also wanted to create a safe space for people of color, vicky when we went out back then there was a kind of quote of what they'd say, i mean we already have 10 percent flags that's enough for today. and so lots of things like that. do are too many turks, too many arabs in order to get it to him. we just wanted an evening where it didn't matter. it's 99 percent of black and star 99 percent church within spots. and the main thing is to celebrate and loved this sound. okay, i'll talk to dan, it's good on the evening, solid guns. okay. sexual orientation, gender, age, or origin from the stars. these haven't mattered at their parties. what counts is shared passion for new african music. and it's contagious. freaky
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last week are now a fixture on the berlin club scene, and also play the really big electronic events with their own sound system. forming and african music. collective in berlin is one thing. holding your own as a woman in a male dominated d, j and m. c. c is something else, but no, me is now one of the few internationally recognized afro beats the janes on twins. this, it was really, really tough. at 1st the guys didn't take me seriously at all because they wouldn't even say hello at the vendors when someone booked me and i showed up, they were like a woman and tech no way kind of nice. but when they saw what i could do, they welcomes may not be so kind in the last 10 years. they've taken me seriously. thank god have to have seen you either have them. and instead of asking them good side dice, free to last week has also been producing its own arrows sound for several years.
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they promote new talents on their label, and nobody is happy to support them with video shooting tips. okay, how often does, what do you shake do more with your hands do more. oh okay. yeah. more like math. i'm it. i know they're also bringing the berlin afro vibes back to africa. you live on the field, but we want to bring this app provide everywhere with a there are still too few people enjoying it and on. and i think it's also a good way to break down barriers some of also between nation us to bonuses. mean there's nothing better than connecting people through music picture. another 5 suit thing was a good idea to have been along with the internationally booming arrow beats freaked to last week are also spreading the word about other types of modern african music. a bonus, not only for the berlin club scene,
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you decide what really matters to you. in 15 minutes on d w, i'm sorry to bother you and i changed my mind because somebody told us i was very dangerous today he is a successful direct and send a message. johnny takes him from legal to the oscar. why do so many risk everything for the european dream? in 30 minutes on d, w, the information provide the opinions they want to express. w on
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be our guest at frankfurt and lod, cd managed by frank bought the best as dw news live from valid thousands killed in an attack on the school. in uganda. the government's blames when at times linked to these lumnick states and says it's bless you in the government. also ahead african lead us push for peace doing anything we have not important in st. petersburg.
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