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tv   Conflict Zone  Deutsche Welle  June 22, 2023 5:30am-6:01am CEST

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ration and resource extraction, new space, the next 2nd nomic frontier on dw would or sports all of our scoring. we say they were about never giving up sports flies every weekend on d w. the american secretary of state, anthony lincoln, was finally engaging in a long delayed effort to hold the slide in us china relations. the main speaking point is still tie one with the chinese determined to be unified and wanting the west to stay out of the cool interest. my guess inside pay is the tie when each foreign minister, joseph luke, is the item living on borrowed time. we know that we have the ability to deal with
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the chinese invasion as china has stepped up in spelling, cuz rhetoric and it's on forces have made no secret of their invasion plans by line . see that so how much help so, so i want to expect from washington and from europe. hasn't been promised to nuclear umbrella. what lessons is government drawing from the will in you? chris has 51 really done only good to avoid of conflict with it's john jones as well. welcome to the complex of thank you. thank you very much, dan. just 2 months ago, the chinese military completed 3 days of coming back exercises of taiwan. and they told the world as forces were not ready to fight resolutely to smash any form of taiwan independence. are you living on borrowed time? yes, we are leaving under the chinese community to rate it all tied up for
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a couple of years. and the exercise that you mentioned has been quite intense. uh, actually, and with the old setting, the chinese military exercises all these years. and the one in april this year was probably pretty intense in comparison to other exercises, especially the involved, any aircraft carrier, to the ease of tie one. and we had being that the was the issue, not just a tie. one is still, but with other like by the populace. is there any scenario that you can envisage in which taiwan with 23000000 people? when's a war with a country of one point? 4000000000 of the same question as being asking uh to tie one for quite a few years. uh, actually were trying to prepare ourselves for the possible conflict. uh, for example, we need to strengthen our traditional military capabilities and we also need to
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strengthen our symmetric capabilities and in fighting a modern war. symmetric welfare is probably more important than the traditional for example, in the world in ukraine. many people predicted that the russians will be able to take over the ukraine within a couple of weeks, but it didn't happen like that. uh, the great news were being able to find all holding the russian military f a. and i think their determination, their preparedness for the signature warfare or the international support i'm making difference in that is that lessons that we have learned. and we are trying to strengthen our contents capabilities. and the people determination for self depends, is stronger than before. and time one is also receiving more international support than before. and therefore, we know that we have the ability to deal with the chinese invasion. you do, you think realistic, tell you hotel, military preparations or any kind of deterrent to china?
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you said chinese leaders will think twice before they decide to use force against taiwan. i know mazda whether it's 2025 or 2027. as you're already looking at possible dates for an invasion, taiwan simply needs to get ready. why isn't taiwan ready now? you have plenty of warning, the china is determined peacefully or force or play to re unite you with the people's republic as they put it. why? why onto ready? now, if you look at a model of war, uh we don't just look at the side of the aggressor, their military capabilities and the equipment they f. if you only look at the other side, you might feel that the china has the overall mean power over tie one in taiwan, it stands no chance. but if you have a chance to look at ty, once defense capabilities, i don't think that the war can happening in that easy way for china to take tie one
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over easy. we have, but lots of events, missiles in our military stores or are determined to defend ourselves. and i think the people also determined to preserve the freedom and sovereignty that we have in there for putting all these factors together. you won't be easy, we're trying to launch a war against taiwan and take tie one over very quickly. and other than tie was preparedness, other major countries. they are also off deploying their military forces or pasturing to, to turn the chinese from launching a war against tie one. if you look at the us military pauses a nearby. and also the fact that japan has been bullying is military budget for the next 5 years. and to prepare for possible come to majors against the chinese aggression in this part of the world. i think the chinese would have to worry if they start the war against taiwan. it's, it's, it's one thing for both sides to stage military exercises. but if the worst happens,
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and war breaks out, do you believe any of a country will fight alongside you? this is a hypothetical question and we always say, i owe a lot and you said the brakes. uh no hypothetical. uh, yes. uh, if war breaks out uh the one who bears the responsibility for chi wants defense will be tie one itself and we are determined to defend ourselves. there's no doubt about it. but for all the countries, i think the most important thing is for them to show their determination to deter the war problem happening. i think the war is going to mean disaster for a lot of countries. economically. half of the container ships of the world is saving through the power, straight area, and 90 percent of the most advanced computer chips or send me comes out. the chips are produced in taiwan and therefore it, there's going to be
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a destruction to the supply chain. it will be a major impact upon the rest of the world economically. and i think many of the international leaders understand now, india tried to deter from detroit war from happening. and with this kinds of effort, i think the war is not an affordable, and it's not a minute at this moment. this wasn't quite the question that i asked you on basically looking to see whether you have any cost on assurances that any of a country will fight with you in the event of a chinese invasion. yes, that is the thought. oh yes, on that is a very good question actually i, we are trying to tell the world that the defending tie one is all on one responsibilities. so the answer is no. you do not have any cost on insurances, but any one will fight with you. that is not the way we look at it. there might be countries that might be people who want to provide taiwan would support the support
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like i do. and i'd say it's has been providing to you great. give us, the emulations was to uh, fight the integration. but the fighting yourself in taiwan is all, are we supposed little t v us has been very clear about what it might or might not do to help you. which may be, of course, down to a strategic ambiguity, but it could also mean that they haven't yet decided what they're going to do if you are attacked, which do you think it is. in fact, tie one and united states have been not engaging in very close consultation and communication with each other to think about the future scenarios in the same time to prepare, tie, one of the best way off i, one can get prepared. for example, the kinds of weapons tie one would need and the strategies how would need and the kinds of trainings time, what would need and united states has been providing these kinds of resources or training and preparation to what taiwan and these kinds of efforts are being highly
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appreciated and the us decision of whether you will get involved in the war or not . it's the call of the president of the united states. but for tie one, it's our responsibility to defend taiwan. are you telling me you simply don't have any idea of what the us would do in the event of an invasion of taiwan? well, as i say, you know, we engage in very close communications with you and i'd say is, and the question is not up to me for the answer a. and i hope that kind one in the united states will continue to engage closely with each other. in the preparation process, mr. well, on may the 22nd, according to type a news you confirmed that being discussions with the us about whether time one would be included under the us nuclear umbrella like some other countries in the region. what was the outcome of those talks that we engage in the all kinds of
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conversations with the united states and for any content of that nature, i'm not able to give any details off other discussions problems then on this topic of whether the us would in to do in the nuclear umbrella. well, thank you very much for the racing that question for the 2nd time, but the for any of the re, uh, any of the content of the discussions of that nature. i would not be able to come from at. ready point, and you con, confirm even though these discussions did take place, i should not be comfortable in the that, that there's all kinds of cooperation going on communication going on in between time when the major countries and in order for these cooperation is to stay in good place i should not disclose any of the conversations. mister will. how do you understand president biden's woods? in september last year, he was asked if he was willing to get involved militarily to defend taiwan. and he replied, yes,
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that's the commitment we made. do you interpret that as providing you with defensive weapons under the taiwan relations act, or engaging in direct military confrontation with china? well, our understanding is that the commitment is based on the power relations that the united states as being reaffirming is commitment to type one security by providing taiwan with sufficient amount of defensive articles. what kind of one's self depends. and if you look at the title relations that it also has to be linked stipulates that the united states would need to maintain sufficient capacity to repel any restore to the military threats or corps and in this region. so united states commitment to tie one all to the region has being a rather obvious and the us officials come in on that is a rock solid, a according to the us all peoples. and we don't allow that. united states has been
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providing power was weapons and in addition to the providing all the weapons, they also what you can gauge in service and the training of how to use the weapons . and because of these activities, kyle wants the past relations with the united states, helping us significantly improving in the last few years. as you know, us secretary of state times and they bring 10, has just me meeting with chinese leaders farm and as the can gang warm to america, not to challenge paging over the stages of taiwan. the taiwan issue, he said, is the core of china is cool, interests, the biggest in china, us relations, and the most prominent risk. what do you take away from that, that i take away from that is said, the chinese thread against taiwan is clear. and it's obvious, and it is something philosophy takes seriously, but at the same time, as i understand it, secretary blinking also stated very clearly that the united states oppose any unity
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that will change of state as cool. that means the will that he stays opposing any use of force by the chinese side against taiwan. and in fact, this is not the only country, not the only one leader that is being saying that are in the g 7 summit or in the us summit or in the other. uh, some important, some is uh the leaders always reaffirm the importance of use instability in the highest rate. and they also oppose any human data with change of status quote in this part of the world and somebody even the post the use of force. and lately, there's also a new language coming out of europe. they're saying that the piece instability of the power straight is an integral part of the global security and prosperity. and with all of this, i'm sure the international caution against the chinese use support or teen to an ex tie one is sufficient and we hope the international community can continue to pay
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attention to the chinese motivation. they'll be using force against high one. so you have strong woods from the international community. strong was from the west or enough to to, to china. there were plenty of strong woods directed by the may i put in before he invited you crate on the wall was a head any way. so it was a strong was maybe a slight to develop to diplomacy, a slightly exaggerated in diplomacy these days that is available. cool. very good question. in fact, other than strong wars, we have also seen countries taking concrete actions in the showing that they have the result of the pieces to build the over this region of united states to pain u. k, canada, etc. they have all be engaging in the very periodic uh, freedom of mitigation operations in these area. and many of those uh, service shipped sale through the pipe was straight. and these kinds of actions are
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just the extremes in packing up their stores. and i believe that all those countries that i mentioned have a stake in the piece disability over the power straight area. and they are taking concrete actions to back up their records. do you not worry that by seeking washington's help, your not caught up in the rock bottom relationship between the us and china and the badging may be about to wrap it up pressure on you, some k to send a signal to washington. i guess the question is on to endanger, becoming a poor to be played by both sides. that is also a question. ask frequently in taiwan. in fact, some people here in taiwan argue that the world conflict is between the united states and china. and therefore, taiwan should thoughts the bullets from these 2 giants and we use stay neutral. but i think the real situation doesn't happen that way. the real situation is that high one has been pressing by china. and the united states is trying to provide support
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to taiwan. so these are the 2 constants and we are leading under these 2 constants in their port. a very important thing is what i want to continue to consolidate is uh, a relations with the united states on the one hand and trying to prevent war from happening on the other hand. and in our relations with china, i can show you that the current government has been recognized international the for being responsible player. we want to uh, maintain the piece disability in this area by maintaining the state is cool. it is all believe that the state is close to the best interest of all parties concerned. and i think this is also the position held by the united states, canada, u. k, and major european countries. and we will continued all of these path to prevent china from thinking that they can take, tie one over quickly and tie one will not serve as a provider. but at the same time,
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we will not budge to the chinese pressure. you talked about asking europe for support, and you said in prob last week in order for taiwan to stay strong and resilience and have the courage to continue the policy of maintaining the stages, quote. we do need support from european friends that the coverage that you spoke about is a waiting list of what i think the people here in tie was. feel that the support coming from europe coming from multimedia rick are coming from japan and australia and that kind of support make tie one people feel that we, i'm not a little even facing the military course, even from the chinese side. you tell me exactly his moral support is that you are talking about moral support, more support. i think the more support is very strong. and if you look at the language is coupled with some of the concrete actions that i mentioned before. i
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think the people feel very confident that the international support is going to come to tie one and impact it's coming to the high one, especially with the big room that have all the companionship is saving through what content of ships are saving through the taiwan strait and the 90 percent of the most of bins, sidney comes out the trips up producing tie one i'm sure the international community will come to the realization that they will be have to if the war is not stopped in other than that, we are also seeing many other countries taking more actions? do you think the west has been tough enough on china or you have in the past, the peer to blame europe in the us for not resisting home comes new security law and the trashing of human rights and civil liberties. but that came with that. what could the west of done about hong kong and what happened with the chinese introduce that? well, hong kong is that true tragedy. it happened right before our eyes got the national
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security law was impose on this place of where people used to enjoy freedom and openness and all of a sudden all those freedom as being taken away by the chinese government. and we did not see this as an isolated case. we also saw that even 2014 over crime, yet in the west and reaction to russia in 2014 was not strong enough. and i believe that it has a direct or indirect implication for the war to take place in ukraine and in use asia. if we are not able to take up country actions against the chinese way of doing things over hong kong. i'm sure the chinese will be encouraged to do more in the other parts of the world in this is especially in this region. if you look at the chinese actions in the east try to see that has already gotten in japan during those. and if you look at the south, china sea is more of a west point, then the power street. and therefore,
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i think the international community needs to look at the chinese expansion as an or is imposition of both towards here in the csm, on this part of the world in a more serious way. and we need to take concrete actions intending china that no, they cannot expand their invoices in this part of the world at the cost of democracy's. it uses that to prevail in this crisis. with china. unity is our only path forward. but in this featured march, your own president acknowledge serious political divisions among your people. she told the hudson institute the taiwan was split and hadn't so far decided whether it wanted a relationship with china or prefer to be on its own. there isn't much time for me to i want to make up his mind on that issue. is that why if you look at the public opinion surveys here in taiwan, actually we see a consensus. the consensus here in taiwan is that we don't want to be ruled by
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china. the consensus here in taiwan is that we don't want to accept one country to says the model and putting tie one as a part of china or taiwan to sick and hong kong. the consensus here in taiwan is that we want to maintain the status. quote, the state of school, the taiwan is that per one people is running taiwan itself. the taiwan is the freedom is a free and democratic country. so maintaining the state as cool. it's already a consensus here in taiwan. so if you are passing the consensus, the way you say um, why is your partner you haven't hemorrhaging support in the way it is? you did very badly, and the last is local elections. you 195 out of 21 seats according to polling by the time when he's public opinion foundation. more than half a voters would not support either your party or the other major parties of crime in time in the presidential elections on the next. yeah, people are clearly decisions with you and your major opposition. that's down to
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affect your leadership, isn't that to? uh, no, i disagree. uh when we do the public opinion surveys. uh, we try to find out what the people here think uh for your information. there's a public opinion survey conducted by similar organizations here in taiwan, asking people what they feel the most successful area of public policy. important relations happened to be the most successful and indeed was a foreign countries are trying to included. i think we have adopted it right policy to maintain the state of school on the one hand and to try and maintain peace and stability in this area and to reach out to more countries. so that's how one has more backing from the international community. i think this is the right approach and this is their approach supported by the public. and of course time one is that democracy, people feel free to think that the one political party is better than another. and we need to allow the people to come sooner,
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who is the best or which political party is the best for the country's future. and right now, even though there's that debate there, so it's different kinds of supporting. but it's the natural way of expressing here in taiwan. and if you look at the polls, it's a high consistency in some of the candidate seem to be in the forefront against others. and the kind of a tendency seem to be a very consistent, very brief agreements, the why not try a little harder to talk to china. you'll presidents have said she's open to dialogue with badging without pre conditions. but even people in your own pocket, the democratic progressive pos you don't think you've tried hard enough. a founding member hong g chang said, recently, we have such a solid taiwan identity now we should be confident enough to engage in some exchanges. so why don't you engage like performing timeframes to uh, we had scribes. uh,
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but the situation is that china has been imposing conditions on ty, one the conditions, the conditions of being rebuilt by a she didn't being on january 2nd, 2019. and with that kind of conditions, i don't think any sensible dieter in tie one would or should accept those pre conditions. those pre conditions we crude the pay once you accept the self as part of the p r. c. i want you to accept one country to us as a model. i want you to accept nothing but unification with china. and these is something that the people here in tie one, not one to accept and therefore even wait, that came t is back into power. i just don't think that they can or they should accept those preconditions. once we upset those preconditions, i want becomes another home called in. by that time it will be too late for us to limit if china imposes another initial security law. i'll tie one. so if one does
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come with you hand on hot, be able to say that you did everything possible to prevent it. we are trying, tries very hard. on the one hand, our approach is to maintain the status call and trying to keep the peace instability over the taiwan strait and have an open institute to invite the chinese for negotiations. and on the other hand, we also strengthening our defense capabilities to prevent china from thinking that they can take, tie one over easily. and at the same time, we are engaging with the international community so that they can support, tie one more and they can help strength and tie was defense capability. say with the old is we are trying to deter war from happening and it's not just high one we have like, by the populace. they understand the cost for the world if the war is to break out . and we all wind what we can to prevent war from happening. what is the woo joseph
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low, thank you very much for being on conflict. so thank you. well, thank you very much mr. sebastian. the,
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