tv DW News Deutsche Welle June 22, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm CEST
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the, the state of the news line from berlin in the us prime minister and visit the u. s. president, buying roles out the red carpet for him to run from low to on his 1st state, visit the spine, concerns about his human rights record. also coming to search for the missing some more support, enters a crucial phase rescue teams up there and for its as the vessel passes. the
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critical point when air is due to run out for those on board plots that are national leaders meeting in paris call for the reform of global financial institutions. they say change is needed to help 4 countries deal with climate change of poverty. the article fairly, it's good to have with us. and the, and prime minister in the render money is due to address congress several hours from now during the 2nd day of a state visit to the united states. u. s. presidential line welcome modi to the white house where he will also attend a state dinner to leaders are expected to announce the number of defense in trade agreements. us is courting moody as an allied against china, the spine concerns over his government, human rights record. it's the
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more on this word to invite the billing as cheap international editor richard walker. so why is the us at this point in time seeking a closer partnership with india? yeah, well i think we can kind of like and pointed to countries that are almost like the center of all of this on the one hand, china, and on the other hand, russia and china isn't close. the biggest rival, the, the united states has faced in decades now becoming a very, very major pilot in east asia. and becoming arrival to, to the united states kind of network of the friends and allies in asia. and the us has close defense alliances with japan, with australia, with the philippines, a with, with many countries in the region. it doesn't have that with india. india has been a country that has traditionally not wanting to go into a live susie. it was wanted to kind of stand on his own 2 feet and particularly it
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has had a pretty difficult relationship during many periods in the past with the united states. but the us is now going really all in on trying to get closer to india, trying detroit closer to, to have another very important friend in asia, in, in this effort to stand up against china. we're also going by our team double. you corresponded in washington as stuff on the assignments. someone can you walk us through what we're expecting on this day. i stein short a loss and heart fast. um and uh the reason for that richard just pointed out, but what's gonna happen is that as we, after we had this welcome ceremony just a few minutes ago now the president a bite and present of tonight's states and from mr. marty will go and well talk in private and try to work on a few issues and a few topics they want to talk about. this is going to be followed then by a press conference. and this is the news behind the news because we were all
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expecting a co were many, many in journalists or journalist from india that mr. marty would not agree to a press conference at 2 questions from joe list because he normally doesn't take once. however, there will be press conference with the president biden, and pragmatist, i'm already den missed of already will address the joint congress mean senators and representatives of the house will be altogether. and you will address congress at around 4 pm local time in the late afternoon. and after that, it is a all out state dinner for p. m ody to honor him. and in the big event here at the white house, they build a tent in the on the on the long. but normally the marine won, the helicopter would transport the president to air into air force base lance and, and takes off from there will be a huge tent and there will be the state dinner tonight. me, richard, let's talk
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a bit more about this press conference because this is highly unusual. yeah, i mean, this is, i mean, to step on said to me, this is really, this is unprecedented. the rental body doesn't do press conferences yet, so he will talk um, and the price is expected to listen. and i think this, this, that's an important process. and i mean, this has consequences because it's the last day of new venture emoji was here in berlin. and so he came to the press with laptops with his job and can't but i'm and the german i caved on that occasion to the demand that that'd be no questions and there were no questions um and just earlier this week, um, well, ive schultz played host a, his chinese counts bought the new chinese premier leach and again, no question. so that president that was set last year by moody, i'm coming to belen and not taking questions was kind of follow through again this week invalid. so the fact that moody has agreed to take questions that are, i think will know that that will at least kind of give all the countries around the
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world. and body shows up that less of an excuse to caves to that, to mon and say what you took questions with 5 and why wouldn't you take questions with me? very interesting. reading housing facing from india. yeah. what was it? and this is like multiple media coverage, and so you would expect. and i think one interesting tip it was one of indian correspondence based in washington is saying that 60 indian journalists are traveling with a uh, with moody. this time is huge onto rush. we just for comparison on a, one of our soldiers biggest trips recently to go to china late last year. i was on that trip and i think that was like 10 or 15, just slip slip 4 times, 5 times the size of the, of that delegation. so uh, so a lot of interest and a lot of, of course just the images of seeing moody that with the most powerful man in the world, a symbol of india is rise as a major power as well. yeah. it's different. what kinds of agreements can we expect to come out of this visit? so that's the butter. on the bread, it is a,
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a meeting which will garner and, and produce a lot of agreements. what are the most important is i guess one in the interest of india as well as the united states as the g e. general electric will provide you with india, a jet engines for the, for indian fighter jets. and that's a big one. there will be agreements for more and better cooperation in the areas of technology, a i, a micro technology, semi conduct, a health technology, and so on. you name is the most important, of course, from us. first thing is not so much that the u. s. shares every value within the font interest, and that is as richard earlier pointed out, all the costs off and the gains china. this is why india and the u. s. we roll out a bunch of agreements of closer cooperation and collaboration because they kind of
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need each other for geostrategic and national security purposes in the end of a specific. and now, is it all going to be sweet talk, or can we expect fighting to dig into the topics where they're precisely don't agree, like, you know india's relationship with russia and india as a human rights record? yes, i would say i would say yes, this will be on the table and this will be discussed because, you know, president biden ran actually on this agenda, that he will be the one president who addresses human rights violations or a discrimination of minorities, religious minorities, ethnic minorities, is that right that dropped president biden has a long standing very deep and friend relationship personal relations with prime minister more do they know each other really for a long time as president biden was vice president and met mr. moody. then when moti
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met the president, president obama and so on. so it is definitely expected to end on, on background and conversations with whitehouse administration officials. it was always said by them that those who are uncomfortable topics in diplomatic lingo will be still talked about. and this is press free freedom of press in india, not as strong record and discrimination of religious minorities ethnicities. is that or is that right? this is all the things the us or the president real we were told address um he will not shy away from this button. will this 10 put in or put a dent into the bigger picture into what the us and india need from each other? no. so on simon's in washington and the, the international editor richard walker can speaking to you about me while a search for a missing beep see submersible in the north atlantic is now
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a critical stage or affairs that the oxygen supply on board will be exhausted. find this point, the tightened vessel disappeared on sunday, off the canadian coast while on a diet to the site of the titanic shipwreck. there are 5 people on board, including the head of the company that designed and operates the stuff international such teams in a race against time. pope said, being raised off to undergo to sounds were picked up on so no equipment but so far it's not being possible to pinpoint the vessels location. what's mode. the 5 crew on board, left with only 9 to 6 hours was of oxygen and spike uh, the 1st day it was expected to have run out. this is still a search and rescue operation. you know, the estimates of when the option runs out and more importantly, bust me, that carbon dioxide takes over because that they've lost the power to the. so then comes outside. scrubbers are also styling so that there are
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a lot of things working against the people who signed the semester. so, but i think and i hope has to keep going. the area being searched is twice the size of the us state of connecticut, in voltage as deep as 4000 to meet as the equipment that's been mobilized for this is, is the finest in the world the most capable in the world. we have to hold on hope, which is time takes by that hope of finding the tighten soon is foss running out. it's a huge area that they're having to search. if we have a few months to do this, the outcome will be optimistic. we've only got a few hours, and this is the big problem. oh, i can now speak about all of this to butch hendrick. he is the founder and president of live guard systems, a company that provides training for maritime rescue operations. enjoys me now from kingston in the state of new york, if to see mister hendrick now, according to experts,
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the oxygen in the submarine should have run out already. how much hope is there to find these 5 people in life? and i think that we still have hope and due the fact that there was never attached performed with the oxygen system at depth. so it may have run out in 80 hours, but it's very possible that it has a 120 hours. so these 96 is a mathematical number that they did building the machine, the submersible not approve in fact. okay, so what are the chances of finding the submersible at the stage of the rescue operation? finding it due to the number of people that are there, the demand power, it, it's working now have deep working submersible for r o. b 's looking for it. i think it's very high potential that we can find that submersible in the next 24 hours. but the search area is huge,
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isn't that it's twice the size of the state of connecticut and water is as deep as 4000 meters. why is that, and how much does that complicate the mission? well, obviously, with that kind of research area, it's huge. one of the problems with the sizes research area is looking at the courage. everything. if papers check project effected, this immersive will may have been mid water just generally, not sinking, not rising, just floating in the middle at 10000 feet, 9000 feet. the courage within a matter of 24 hours can take it a few 100 miles. so when you start looking at several days in the search area, continue to get larger because of what the clients are doing. but the main concentration is still is right next to the type tannic rec, believing that this cock or it's on the bottom in that general area. yeah. finding
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the submersible is just the 1st step. how could it be brought back to the surface once it's located? once it's located, they have to be able to discover how to get if it is car or truck there they have to get that out from there. it shouldn't take very much lift to bring it back up. it's just a process of how to get it out. of whatever situation it again, once it starts to rise, it'll come to the surface, but it has to begin to rise. and that's going to take a couple of hours. if it was free right now, it's still going to take a good hour and a half before it can hit the surface. yeah, and your company provides training for maritime rescue operations from your perspective, how safe are such under water journeys? if you were in a military made unit or a, you should burst of all that was made with all the safe stops that you could
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possibly have good, reasonably safe. i think there's a lot of pieces here that were not set up properly for us to have emergency procedures as but time drug founder and president of life guard systems. thank you so much for your take. thank you for having me. look now at some other stories making headlines around the world today. cooking gas has caused a massive explosion at a restaurant in the north western chinese city of inch. one police say 31. people have been killed and several others injured. last happened as people were gathering on the eve of a long holiday weekend. so the mascot for us has rejected a fresh appeal by us journalist evan gross commits against his ongoing detention. the wall street journal reporter was arrested in march on charges of spying, but no date has. he had been set for his trial, and us says he's being wrongfully detained and is demanding his immediate release.
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hundreds of warners gathered in the city as a murder and ne serial for the funeral of 2 kurdish officials and their driver. the 3 had been killed by a turkish drones drank on tuesday, was the latest incident and a series of turkish strikes target, encourage officials and finders in north eastern syria. russia says ukrainian missiles have struck a bridge linking the curse on region with crimea. the bridge is used find the russian military to move between dependents a lot in parts of southern ukraine under its control. russian officials say the bridge is damaged, but that there are no casualties of the solution. your claims prime minister says he's confident in his country will receive the $6500000000.00. it means this year for as rapid reconstruction program. that is, assume i was speaking at a conference in london were international donors have plenty billions more and non
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military aid to help rebuild ukraine. and we down corruption. he says recovering from russia's invasion and then be the largest reconstruction project in europe since the 2nd world war. indeed, a way of corresponding biggest mos was at the conference. she caught up with german development ministers when the actual said, who says even though the war is ongoing, the work of reconstruction has to start now or ministers, or thank you very much for coming onto the show. so why is this important? why is this conference important? that tool is conference up, it's about recovery and the crane, it is important to coordinate the donors coordinate all the people who are involved because it to start, it's now you need now in the house is for the people who are in ukraine. we need power. we need to watch or for old ones, some coordinating that and the better way of that is in the core of this conference . this is a conference that focuses also on businesses. so how can businesses actually be
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persuaded to invest in the country? well, that's still the war raging. you know, a lot of business states in ukraine and they are still working there a mile. it is. uh, the task here to be, to get more businesses on boards because it is attractive to invest in ukraine. ukraine is in the, in the future part of the european market. so the ones who are investing now, all the 1st tool could be part of that know the bigger market. so that is also good for the companies. but they need the right framework. they need to ride conditions on that as of what the ukranian software says. they fight against corruption. they are very successful and that they give security and the framework some of that this of what business need the which is government has set itself the task to actually help with woo insurance. so this is something that they wanted to flash out in the course of the conference. do you see any evidence that that has been progress?
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might that? yes, that is an interesting think that does this cost to you. we have such a guarantees for the german companies. so if they invest and ukraine, they got help from the truman government on the display. really very successful. so that could be an example for others to do that and in the same way. and that is what is discussed here on this conference. so this is the german government that basically guarantees for investments. yes, the german government guarantees for investment german companies invest in ukraine . they've got how about this? what helps to, to take the risk because it is still risky to invest and in a war. but it is needed because the people are there, the, there is a market. they need all the basics, things that, that people need and that they need the daily life. and that is also interesting for, for german companies. do you think that russia will eventually pay for the reconstruction,
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the new crime they need to pay for that? after the war? all they have to pay what date for what they destroyed that this is the, the international law. and we, we need to do that in with the international law, but that they need to pay that this office. is it realistic though? i don't, i'm not really sure, but we need to do everything to, to get that because they destroyed such a lot of things. they, they this doing all the infrastructure. they destroyed the houses that they need also to pay for that. and that needs to be part of the negotiations about and ending the war. a 2 day conference is under way in paris to reshape the global financial system at the end of helping to come back. both poverty and climate change, french president and money, and my client open the summit with dozens of other world leaders gather repair. the paris talks will be focusing on how the international community can support
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developing countries with climate finance, particularly by using high debts that are linked to high interest rates. are you and secretary general antonio terrace is at the summit and calling for a serious reform. it says, it won't be easy, but i have no illusions. this is a question of power and political will. and change will not happen overnight. but as we work for the deep reforms that i need is we can take urgent section today to meet the urgent needs of developing and emerging economies. so my business colleagues stay and variously has more on the summit. steven, this is being called a watershed moment. why is the phone for it and the necessary, hey nicole, i mean, i guess is not gonna be water should moment till something happens. right? right now there's a lot of emissions on the table. generally, it is recognized, but it is necessary to have this conversation because for one, many countries around the world right now are groaning under the mass of weight of
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the debt that they've accrued over the past years. and 1st and foremost, we're talking about the pen demik. many countries had to borrow just to be able to provide the support that their citizens needed that their residence needed. and now they arrive at a time in which they're supposed to give out more money for climate change mitigation while they're already starting to suffer the consequences of climate change. think of pakistan for example, last year and those massive floods that happen a lot of extra to the point of climate change because of that. so this question about how poor countries can finance preventing climate change while also trying to keep their people in a poverty. essentially, this is, this has been a thorn in the side of climate change activism and the general fight against climate change for years. how can they, how can they manage to do that? well, also supporting their own their own projects. how can they afford that? especially when they're essentially not responsible for the emissions of the created climate change in the 1st place. so it's about fairness and urgency on the
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one hand, but it's also about very frank political realities. on the other hand, there is no overarching body to get to dictate who does what all these countries have to agree. this is an attempt to get something going. it's ambitious, it's emphasis. it's an attempt. what put an outcome, look like, what needs to change, what institutions will be affected? how would they be effective? well, we know that there are, among the more ambitious proposals there are some that we hear from a com, for example, for things like global taxation of carbon emissions, a global taxation on shipping costs, for example, emission producing shipping. we know that there's for po of those 4 swapping debts with promises to set aside certain natural areas, provide diversity and for climate protection, things like that. some of these, these ideas range from very ambitious and unlikely to maybe that's something that could happen. and then there are more concrete proposals that have to do with a multi national vendor such as the world bank that i am putting more money out
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there, putting more resources out there. and perhaps changing the terms of those loans as well. they're not going to give money, there are some grants. but in general, these nations behind these multi national vendor, they're not just gonna pour money into these countries. can they change the, the terms of the loan to make it more favorable? that's what's being pushed out. and while these cases and some of these goals are, are again, very radical, very ambitious, others are more ballistic. and i think, for example, we've already seen the world bank is taking up this idea of postponing debt service for countries that have suffered natural disasters. in that case, pakistan, for example, we've seen that the, i'm f as put more money towards, especially for rolling, right? so kind of currency reserved, but it can loan to nations. as of that money is there in some sense that it can happen. other ideas may be able to, to him vicious the, someone per se, kept mandate. anything, anything coming out of there is probably not going to be binding. so what are the chances that we're actually going to see action again, it's great that this is under discussion. we know that major multinational lenders, like the world bank, had been pushing for years and that is a problem. that is the problem. that is a problem doesn't probably seen that. we've seen countries like zambia go under. we
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century lock of, for example, default is what i mean. and we've seen the consequences in countries luxury loc of what a default looks like. so the world knows how significant this can be, and there are ripple effects down the line. so something can be achieved when we're talking to these multi national lenders and something probably will be achieved probably are the offices of the g 20 for example, or maybe the g 7. these are major country groups that can make stuff happen because the u. s. as in paul, china is often involved in some of these groups as well. so when they work together to make things happen, then things can happen. but when they're at loggerheads, we with each other. for example, the us in china looking to trade dispute there look at the domestic policy in the us right now with the $370000000000.00 going towards climate manufacturing desire a program. great to get more electric cars on the road, right? only if they're produced in the us. and so actually, our emissions would be reduced faster if china was included in there. but the priority is domestic manufacturing. and that's where the rubber hits the road is you're always having to sell to wait domestic audience. we've seen trump, we know what his priorities are. he knows how to sell to domestic audience. it's
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very skeptical about these things. and that's ultimately what the success of these kinds of summit ride on is whether it can be sold back home for a domestic audience. that's much more interested in fighting trade worth of china, for example, or rightly for maybe reconstructing ukraine, things like that. all of these are competing. yeah, i was steven variously, thank you so much for breaking down. this is very interesting. and from we had a discussion filled summit. and here's a reminder, over top sir, is today as president alignment as well as on the indian prime minister in the runs remote into the white house at the start of his state visit to the west. modi, of being courted as an ally against china, despite concerns over his government human rights record, including the treatment of religious minority as continues of intensifying their search for the missing some more symbol, caring for us to view the rank of the titanic. the muscle is now past the 96 hour mark when breathable air is due to run out for those on board. wanting to bring
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news coming up next on the the way news asia child labor remains a problem and pack is done. what will it take to stamp it out? and the village and volley finds a common language that help desk people interact with their communities and eliza channel and that anymore after a short break, make sure to stay true for that. i'm fairly sure from myself and the rest of the news team. thank you so much for your company. the
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