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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 26, 2023 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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and this one is derrick, go to health, smart nature, the more likes watching it on youtube. dw documentary, the this is the w news live from violin. a mutiny attempt fails in russia. but is the final acts in this trauma yet to play out. there is no wood on the whereabouts of thought and the group chief for goes in and now wise are on most of their asking have lot of nit fuson will read such as will sort of see all of that coming up on
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the program and election breakthrough for the fall rights in germany, the state policies candidate wins. it's 1st governing post at a district, coal in the east, the victory that could set the time for next year's local states, electric creek conservatively, the carrier permit to talk it's wednesday. the 2nd tub is pregnant itself to a huge election victory from this program. major institutional economic for the menus, gifts making. thank so much for joining us. a short lived result by russia's wagner group mustn't raise has left, must go seeking to restore. com and the kremlin looking to re a sub, let them into sins of pharmacy. western analysts say the failed mason a has further expose the weaknesses of the russian president to the many questions
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remain about how the dramatic events, well informed persons next steps and what they could mean for the war. a new trade in your cellphone zone is now little sign of the city's brush, with an o russian rebellion. these time trucks among the own, even volumes is of the many wagner fighters who rolled into town until control here . so the fuck is common to city today. no more fighters here with white vandals yesterday there were plenty of them here. and people in my opinion, supported them, bringing them food, water, and cigarettes. it all ended perfectly well. thank god, it was a minimal casualties. i think good job. i believe this was the right thing to do
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from sit this man to suddenly whole book and as much to most go is still a points of much speculation. you have any precaution left for us still for an a flurry of handshakes. and she is like south today, apparently agreeing to spend down his private time youth ministries at the tools with an old friends. the criminal in late revealing the terms of the deal struck with the butler, russian leader. an agreement was reached. wagner will return to the candles. no one will prosecute them, considering their merits on the front line. you have always had respect for their heroic acts on the front line. and we will always maintain this respect. you asked me what will happen with regards you in a criminal case against and will be closed and he will go to colors.
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did most many security measures put in place to count through any pocket of a soul within the capsule remain. although you'd be hard pressed to know it's, but behind the walls of the kremlin, it may take some time. yeah, to the president booted, to get the last few days. and the biggest domestic sweat so far to his leadership since taking power. and those events in moscow are being watched closely by russia's rivals on sunday, us secretary of state times and the blinking set the vault, and that rebellion had exposed cracks in the kremlin. now what we see is the rush of having to defend moscow is capital against mercenaries of his own making. so in and of itself, that's extraordinary. and in so doing, we've also seen rise to the surface, profound questions about the very premises for this russian regression gets ukraine,
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that promotion surface very publicly, as well as a direct challenge to, to put into authority. so i think we've seen more cracks, the merge in the, the russian facade, it is too soon to tell exactly where they go and, and when they get there. but certainly we, we have all sorts of new questions that put and is going to have to address in the weeks and months ahead. the us secretary of state space and that we're going across straight to our correspondence. jennifer pica, who is in riga, lat via, that's what dw is. most of the bureau has been operating since it was closed down by russia. i get to see jenna. so now we've heard the us x ray of state, speaking of cracks in the kremlin approach and looking we could, does that sound right to you or is it more wishful thinking on the pod brushes rifles as well? there are 2 possible scenarios on what the situation does with anatomy of 40 something, especially the west that it shows pushing sweetness assigned that he's losing
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control on internal affairs in russia. but you could actually also compared to the attempted guitar in turkey on purchase, president ad want in 2000 after which adelanto march even stronger. so the other possibility would be that protein could also emerge even stronger from that. at the moment he is like a wounded animal and he's also not known for his, for given nature when it comes to people threatening his power like but he goes into it. and also he hates to look weak in front of russians and especially in front of the west. and the broker deal with valor was, well, it just makes them look that week. so in the long run, this could also mean a more severe and even more oppressive to the for russia. all right, we're supposed to go to wait to see what happens. but in terms of, um, if gainey per goes and do we actually know where he is? right now, well kremlin spoke personally, we picked the school now on saturday that the deal was struck between bella russo.
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look, i strangled, letting me put you and p. gordon. and according to the school that goes and will go to a neighboring bell rooms, which has supported russia invasion, also pre charges against him of mounting an armed rebellion would also be dropped. but so far that has been no reports about pre gordon writing. they're also quite surprising is that neither 14 north, the boy's and who regularly sends out audio and video updates on telegram has been heard from. so it is still, i'm know if he arrived in bell or rose, or if he even will be able to make it safely there. okay. and perhaps more crucially, what is good? i happened to the the, the mass and raise the wagner. muskgray group. i mean, is russia going to be able to wage it's war on ukraine without the support as well? many questions remain an answer when it comes to the future of the vaudeville group . one of them is whether people would be joining an exile by his troops and what role he and his army might happen beller was,
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even though the russian government also said it would not prosecute wagner fighters who took part in the revolt when you're putting in his government are not known to be very forgiving when it comes to the situation that puts the grip on power in jeopardy. so there could be a wave of prosecutions coming once the situation has settled down a little bit. but on the other hand, to warn you, crane is not going as planned for russia. and the war machinery is in desperate need of manpower. so the lack of success in ukraine so far could also lead to no prosecution or dismantling off the barbara group as they are still crucial for the war and ukraine. also those soldiers who did not showing the result could be offered contracts by the defense and industry. all right, jennifer, thanks so much. that's the w 's. jennifer partner reporting from rica it's now germany's fall rights alternative for germany. policy has claimed its fuss senior position in local government and a f. t candidates has been elected to the post of district administrator in the
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town of zona book in the eastern states of touring you out in that state. the f. d is actually under surveillance by germany's domestic intelligence agency for political extremism. and one of its leaders is being investigated for allegedly, using not seats like the a, if these victorians on the bug mugs another political breakthrough for the far right ponti. cuz some of the, the district of son of eric has made history of the, of the has now made. it's marked as a mainstream party on the district level here in syringe, here, and also in germany unbecoming among those celebrating will be on hook, i think ahead of the fifty's most extreme wing and policy leader t. no cro. paula, it's not this good side. so this shows that taking an interest in the citizens like robots that someone did during his campaign lock is what counts. also, because politics is for the citizens and nobody else who didn't feel like i would
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need infinity. my, i'm well the, it was a local election the a if the campaign focused on national issues like migration, the control vesee of phasing out oil and gas, home heating and the economy. and it seems to have one of the voters was and something has to change in whatever direction. and so it was a no show like screwed out. i have nothing against foreigners, but it's just too much evolves to dispute. the previous district administrator you can cup a last, despite being fact by all the establishment policies across the political spectrum . so this is like unfortunately, unlike the past, this election wasn't about the candidates just about the parties. they represented . and the unspeakable politics of the governing coalition. in berlin, thank you. just like a little thing and don't to written j is one of the states of the former communist east germany,
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the state premier poto remo says many in the east of dissatisfied non voice, and i believe it's called of humans. we have to revive the spirit of german unity, so the east germans feel included. instead of making them feel they're being laughed at or talked about what it was even located. but all this election victory want to give the a f d much power to over a whole political policy. it's run vacations of being felt, fault the young on the back. so all right, let's take a look now some of the, of the headlines making news around the world. the accounting is underway and watch them all that are off the presidential unparliamentary elections mode by the exclusion of several candidates. and the cracked down on the press frustration with pelvis save with crime and corruption dominated dates as concerns was no play, a front runner among the 22 presidential candidates original. so now look in f as built into key l g b t key to this set, unless 100 people were arrested while attempting to hold
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a pride. mulch and assembled the city's governor band, the monks and security forces blocked on the streets of stone. the procession technician authorities have repeatedly expressed hostility towards the community and thousands of animals and that human companions took part in a march against animal abuse and in mexico, se, se, university study estimates the 7 out of 10 pets and mexico on mistreated bill to give animals more legal protections has stored in the senate to greece now, and it's conservative. prime minister korea close to let's talk is, has one another for you to in the office. now his new democracy policy secured a clear majority in the 2nd election in just 5 weeks. the 1st round failed to deliver a clear when this time the new democracy, one additional seats in parliament along 5, several fall right? nationalist policies back in the office for another 4 years
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was over half the seats and parliament can react to submit. so talkies conservatives will now be able to form a single party government. it's a mighty victory for the prime minister, who had asked voters to give his new democracy party more time to fix greece's economy and modernize its ailing health care system. when all these are the public, yes, i am aware that expectations are high, and that is why i will always seek a broad consensus must have the same yes. for the greek people have given us a clear majority. so the reforms will go ahead quickly as this is what the people to monday and i will honor them to fully me. so star, get out for the opposition. the results for doubly disappointing alexis to process and his left a series, a party finished and 2nd place with fewer votes than expected and watched in alarm
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as before. right. made gains, you still most, what zip level the election result is mainly negative. the society of the land for democracy will get up the, the damage and civil 3 fall right policies in parliament, one of which has practical connection and success combined with the majority of mr . thomas is right here is a negative development of the lead me, i have maybe gets it looks a bit when one of those parties, the spartans, was backed by alias custody doris. the jailed former spokesman of the new nazi golden dawn party. he was a vocal supporter of the spartans on social media from behind bars and the critic of the conservative new democracy party and its leader. and me to talk is one more challenge for greece and the 3 elected prime minister. all right, i'm gonna bring you back to berlin now and the special olympic well games have wrapped up with a ceremony at the brandon bug. get, you know,
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6000 act rates with intellectual disabilities competed in 26 of us. 330000 spectators attended and more than a 1000000000 watched online, some politicians on now hoping that successful event link our gym need to page to host the 25th and 6th summer olympics. and that's what we have time for shifts, living in the digital age is up next, looking at the potential k of a global internet outage. i'm glad it keeps mccain. and thank you so much for watching the motor sports scoring. we say they're about never giving up sports like everyone.


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