tv REV Deutsche Welle July 1, 2023 8:30am-9:01am CEST
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for the nation, for basically middle class and police away 7 months before russia attacked ukraine . a field team documents, daily life of the town. how are the people who are dealing with the growing tension? they change their world frame hold on. we are with, you know, when i me insight starts july 8th on dw, we speed on highways, we drift off road. we drive in style and we serve on buses. everything on 4 wheels now on the,
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is this the sound of the german auto body? maybe if you're just visiting about for many local sperling down the highway at top speed is normal. germany could cut millions of tons of c o 2 a year with a speed limit. so why doesn't the self proclaimed green power tickets put off the gas in germany, the debate around the speed limit is polarized a slight majority. once one of the opposition is loud, speak, finish off. it doesn't make sense to drive 200 kilometers per hour just to have some fun or feel superior to other people. that's the thing we should keep it as it is. we are restricted everywhere on what i and also about the power and the gas prices that on high enough to make people drive to the west bogo. why do we build cars with more than 50 horse power? we can only drive a 100 kilometers per hour and assign them. the discussion often doesn't revolve
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around facts. it's a kind of an now, so to say, in motion of the phase. gotcha t o wrote a book about mobility in germany. costs people one to stuck to be free, to have that free will of drive the way that really fast. germany has more than 13000 kilometers of autobahn, famously well maintained and toll free for commerce. most countries have speed limits to improve road safety or conserve fuel. you can drive as fast as you want and 70 percent of german highways. opponents of a speed limit argue that there are fewer road tests per kilometer on the autobahn than in countries like france or italy. but experts like the german road safety council say it would become even safer with a limit. in recent years, the discussion has shifted to the climate. the one thing all studies agree on is
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that a speed limit on highways with lower emissions. but how much? according to a study by the german environment agency, the country could cut up to $6700000.00 tons of c o 2 per year, but the speed limit of $120.00 that's about as much as low emission countries like rolanda and eritrea pollute and a here another study commissions by the car friendly f d p party puts the reduction at just 1100000. so just how substantial is a cut of one to 6000000 tons of c o 2 for a top polluter like germany. the opponents of a bunch of ways, speed lead me to argue that the emission reductions wouldn't be 3 via transport research or julio, multi old, they just choose that the nominator that would make it appear ridiculous, ridiculously small. but i think if you, if you choose a, the, the, the right, the nominator, the reduction would be substantial. there's a gap to mean how much german transports should be a meeting,
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according to the federal climate protection act, and how much it actually is. in 2022, the sector went over it c o 2 emissions target by 9000000 tons. a speed limit could reduce that significantly if we take the german environment agencies estimates. even if we go with the ftp estimates, a limit would still have an effect. it's such a low line hanging fluid in terms of no easy way to have other benefits in terms of safety and reducing road death. and he's already exists in, in pretty much any other country in the woods. but for some germans, that's a big ask. they see driving fast as an expression of their freedom and cars as part of their culture and some awesome job and see it as a kind of d n a. i think it's that it's sorry to say with, i don't know if that hitler promised a motorized germany in the 1930s, a venture he said would create jobs and dr. technological development,
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the nazis network of highways. one of the world's 1st had no speed limits that is until resources started running low during world war 2. and autobahn drivers had to stick to a limit of 80 kilometers per hour to conserve gas. after the war, freedom became crucial to many germans. germany was only destroyed where there was no hope whether was paper wow, yeah, coming back from the fronts and the car was a kind of freedom side. the dream of owning a car became more and more feasible. as the industry started booming, making cars became the answer to rebuilding the economy and driving them fast became a symbol of the new freedom. so west germany got rid of a nazi speed limit in 1952 and went east germany dissolved during reunification and 1990. it's autobahn speed limits. went with it for decades.
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anytime anyone messed with the right to drive fast, they were met with outreach from some germans. perhaps because with so many cars and great roads driving fast might be one of the easiest ways to find a slice of freedom. it's become a bit of a selling point abroad tourist even come to germany to drive as fast as possible. but if other people also find driving fast, so fund wise germany, one of the only countries that still allows it it's not just down to history but also the influence of the powerful german car industry. the line between politicians and the car lobby has long been blurring. so you'll see this kind of what in germany, because i did to effect the step out of politics and they've got to go to the industry or to the lobby organizations. these close ties became apparent when
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germany's previous transport minister met with industry representatives 80 times in 4 years for meeting with environmental groups only once. and the new government continues to get privileged access. its last mobility summit was almost exclusively stacked with car industry reps. it's no surprise then that the government has pushed for the interests of the industry, like limiting vehicle emissions caps and expanding highways. the car lobby has an actively campaigned against eliminating the speed limit. but some political parties oppose any change. as does most of the industry, we're not the general widget speed limits on or seen on ships as a spokesman for a german car industry interest group. the needs and situations adapted to speech
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recognition. the automotive industry association visa says signs could display a speed limit when bad weather or traffic conditions require it. they say a strict limit would have minimal effects on the climate or road safety. they side studies saying a limit could cost german society more than a 1000000000 years because of how much time people would lose that. they drove slower and how much less they would earn as a result. but this paper from the journal for ecological economics says a speed limit could save hundreds of millions a year because benefits like paying less for fuel damages from accidents and the effects of climate change outweigh the costs. a speed limit would cost. the recent attempts to implement the speed limit had been blocked in parliament by the car finley f t p party. the. instead, some opponents point to alternatives for cutting emissions. like going electric.
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many car makers are becoming more open to this ship. seeing that the e u has banned the sale of new gas and diesel cars from 2035 and germany is slowly incentivizing people to go electric. but not everyone can afford to get rid of their gas powered car or wants to. the country also needs to improve public transport in rural areas and revamp an outdated rail system. but those solutions take time. environmental researchers say a speed limit would have an effect sooner. in my opinion, if the gym and government funds even bring the tubs to do that, then i, i wonder what one it can do to to reduce parts permissions. i think we need to have like bet, uh statues. uh, simba its uh, bad dreams as driving fast an owning account for, for some this would feel like an attack on their culture or freedom,
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but it would bring germany in line with most countries in the world. the 4 major thing is that on the, on the smell of one entire of my fluids on the transferred control in how to cause signs. how to cause slides is an amazing feeling that is like a symphony of sounds on like movements on my new of, of i well n j, bash or to of nigeria is rising motor. sports highland, the boots are based, petro heads called themselves the drift. hunters and competitively over steering, flashy, 6 up right? the right and tightly place obstacles is the name of their game. when i said 15, how is it in uh at icloud. com does a normal. okay, i will let the dog zoo uh the engine was
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a 4 cylinder boss. the loans do what were into the truck we did. i told the guy that i want to just see what his life not just saying is not for you. just stick to cut ops and com. what is the case when i was like bro, i just threw like a mid for this stuff. i don't know how to do it, but i want to do it is now is just an industry. i've seen who is iris and by the police. they don't see people. i see if they're just feeling in the cause of a no, it's not a buff windshield. they call it needs to game da mentor. yeah. but it's more to support. i want us to take this game to the next level. i don't want to do almost 350. i want us to take it to the professional we. let's take this movement of motor sports somewhere. to stop the law pumping. the brakes well in j batch took a different approach. the, the stain on the public fluids is a new got everywhere in the world. so we just strictly avoid drip down the roads. however, we're yukon and we hold the event ends in like rented space is we go to the right channel, is that the police or would safety v i o. all of those um organizations,
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atari, to use, the go to as each and every child to make sure that that event is functioned on that event is like fully need go safety wise, location wise, noise wise, we use our social media icons like the it started around 3, to take talk to spread out of use on the invite people to come over for events. it hasn't taken long for a growing subculture of new recruits to begin taking cars. competitors are scored on their control of the vehicle. this diagnostic flourishes and hype pools, they can get their car can tightly place obstacles without hitting the button. is it cheap? is actually an expensive sport. when i started, i almost believe they gave him cause when a normal person gets like, let me, let me, let me put it in dollars. when you do want to know more president gets a $100.00, just thinking of buying is be a phone or gets in getting shed. if i should get a 100 dollar 19 dollars,
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we need to make a $10.00 for me because i'm always thinking of upgrading the kind of how to make the cop off or beautiful, how to make the cost on all costs. one of the biggest expenses is higher row is born here. all of us are all by waiting for the welcome british on you're going to like 10 tires or 15 fun of that a competition and you have 2 inputs in your funds. you're just clinging the cod doing some borne out some groups called so you'll find the best they can. i realize i space is a watching you while you i just and gives a, makes you happy to products. you see them smiley and you see them getting excited like you see the joy on the edge and i didn't pump in them so of cause it's going to transfer onto our cars. i getting up there. all the skills are definitely opened yet, so i don't have any doubt or anything that we is at cities be able to represent names . yeah. and activities. sure. something for you on the international students as
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the smoke clears, it's time for our well and a bash to get their rigs ready for another ride of the, to my right enjoy. and in this that goes to name next to the army. there is a pilot part. i've never, never, ever had it towards the one in the, in the, this is the story of her beloved, 660. if you had 1100 elegant firestone from grandfather to sun to them fun. and it's close $900000.00 artist. they stay in india, mainland kilometers. everybody did it from my father
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the it's been a because send the family right from inception the the to the used car. so you don't have to worry about things not working because not used for the long period of the 1100 elegans plum proportions and smells like light on the front june. that's the nickname duplicator, which translates the pig in from indian languages. it's a significant guy. they've got a generation of indians marching indoors or the delivery of chicago. everything used to be about or anything will 5 years in 2 feet. so basically would mean using the car right from the start. there were a lot of pressure on me. how about brittany for years back sicily aid, why you're using something with god that more than god. but i'm not going to say
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that you're like, even when we were small and dad used to driver, so it automatically or they've been really, really me down any of this down anyways. so i said bring you have system is i've been machine play, didn't go to the see that a good by the decision of mine, a lot of people, i think that guy, somebody people defend people assume that the wild card is the apple of friends. i that doesn't stop them from treating it like a regular will cause they quad. so the car is having clock 900000 kilometers and to 1991 up to which they stopped keeping track you down about to see my electric only there we maintain a long time. this is a made in march 1974. we didn't get anywhere on the day,
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doesn't require any. pretty sure they've been said before, i think on a trip. if i decide to go to boy, i just pulled it up from printed up. and right, well if i have to go to about on your auto renew it, i do boarded up from printed up and will be just phyllis. 9 like you want me to is our pilot. i've never, never, ever had it stored home and they've had some memory to be done using it tonight. when the luggage schedule came loose on a road trip. when people used to 7 fleet street, one person sitting this very year, right. a 10 year course. i mean,
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friend from the live site or the last 4 to my number, they have also been george epps with slightly heavier experiences, like on a downhill stretch between them. by and go up just before i'm really got started. i was like, i don't want it, but i said because the independent disposing and i didn't am. i think we have no brakes on engine breaking one gear. so 3 times in my downshifting wasn't very slow, very slow because we have nobody so we switched or so i was sitting there one hand on the order and the other day to go jump off. so i will use the key as the motor
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single one and on the end and at least then the latest piet, simplicity proved to be a boon and i'll probably finish the phone or on the issue with then read those lines or one big. so then we continue with you. i don't think you can bring the cost of it. but it's, it's very simple it's, it's really logical in order to have. so it's b, m o 868. for simplicity that's been key and converting the 5 this on your average betral heads. after all, it's the con, which below and drive i did this guy, i think he went to keep this 10 minutes, this very god that helps them holding them mechanical skills. i have done a lot of things sitting on this in my for the days and then that something absolutely unique idea having done is i had in this guy didn't go through. if i did
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write that thing, no clutch. and it was all done by fabricating things here in the roadside uh, workshop seamlessly. and there was a whole complete system i put up. but then look at the law is doing the law or any conversion. so it was an experiment after that in some one out of the they have been doing most prominent experiments. now this is what we've been feared in those days use in week i renewed airprint there for the car was in the air conditioners, right? visits in africa. so i got this one from a duty or if i feel that i am not getting the credit, and i just remove this in the d d, i have a full life site that wasn't connecting to this. now this is really,
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it is what i show it to. nobody realizes that for you, it means something like this. well, that heavy duty is who's who might be able to deal with. so is the, yeah, it's $1100.00. once the most popular, called an indian streets, now it's a hot spark machine that's joined with lots of affordable classics so much so that a classic meet an elderly gentleman preferred showing as jen from this piet, over the rolls royce, the plates of those guys. first of all, we didn't see many of them, but there was a good cause to look at and suddenly you're going to see them and then you see one on i want to show my grandson, but these are the kinds vigilant. since the don't do you good, include 6 because people often find it hard to understand why this is the one they
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chose to dave to call me on this day. we were thinking that why is this coming into it isn't important that the card you mean stock really isn't ready to suppose that they put it in. but the good thing is that a human being should need. it is important to preserve because caddick to the media and that's not stuck in the government doesn't change. so they do work with the college in black as in very early on this thing. and it's important that the
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economy, it's the exact thing mechanical standards. we see this how it started really impressive for the 66 year old machine with 900000 kilometers on the road and it's made of bed tanks from below is a fee or something to me or somebody me enjoy. i mean we really use it. don't use it, i mean, i'd be more speed a parking ticket for that doesn't mean because the portfolio that's be because you don't write the user totally abuse. and the kind the good hands of the 2nd and 3rd generation owners from how those the hopes that perhaps a 4th generation who in the might some did drive this, betty car. somebody said that the next one. okay. the in fee that the generation
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has been long. yes. a god as the new. so we quoted that. but if there was a 4th generation, unfortunately, that's that close to then plus meaning what i mean, i don't know. but the, the store to have people come up for generation. no, not these p at 1100, still occupied the spot in terms hot pipe right in the in kenya. but todd to surfing is a growing trend. as fully loaded many bus taxi's or my touch is kareen down nairobi as bustling streets . my talk to surface perform acrobatics while hanging on or out of the moving
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vehicles. one of them because i am the ot earns $1.00 per trip and loves the adrenalin. the what i do is not risky at all because i've done it for a long time and i'm used to it through just like muscle. that's where i practice makes perfect. when i stuff with my 2 is a truck 2 or 3 passengers every now and then. while it may make great social media content, some kenyans are concerned they try to impress people, but they say that again too much or someone candidate for me. there are many traffic accidents in kenya and the road network is still developing, but top to surfing adds to the already troubling statistics. a detailed sonya, one bed rails of the call waiting movie might lead to catastrophic den does not only to themselves, but also that would use us. it's also an extra expense on that. we would use a cd,
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a spin on to need to be put in place for such kind of people as long as serving remains legal, majority and his comrades in arms. we'll take the risk for the financial rewards hold you on my part to come across the different forms of income. i mean, i'm a, i mean, customer, me like what to do. so when i go to charge him, he's fair. he tells you what you do is attractive, as there's some cash on the side. on up to me all color. we'll have more enticing mobility stories next time on wrap the
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an interdisciplinary method is being applied to study done in the last 30 minutes a w. democracy takes back sort of control of the essentials. the digitalization offers europeans, many opportunities. but there are risks to consider as well. the future is being determines now. europe revealed parts for in our series. in 75 minutes on d, w. interest, the global economy, our portfolio, g w business b. here's a closer look out the project. to analyze the flight for market dominance
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with dw business beyond. evelyn charmaya, welcome to my pod cast. last matters that i invite celebrities, influenza, append experts to talk about all playing loved data and get today. nothing less the stuff. all these things in more and the new season of the fuck. com. make sure it's a tune in wherever you get your thoughts costs enjoying the conversation. because you know it's last matter the or the
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. this is dw news lie from berlin, a 4th night of writing in france, as the president, struggles to respond to escalating unrest after the fatal shooting of a teenager emanuel and that call condemns to violence and deploy as more police report of the protests. also coming up the netherlands is coming to terms with its slave.
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