tv DW News Deutsche Welle July 10, 2023 9:00pm-9:31pm CEST
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the the, the, the we news long from berlin turkeys leaders says he'll pay the way for sweden to join nato. if members of the military lines open the doors for turkey to join the european union. president of arrow on surprise page comes as nato leaders gather for their annual summit with the war. and you bring top of the agenda also coming up
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a month into his counter offensive. ukraine's army is struggling to recapture territory from russia. we'll look at why it's proving so difficult and slow and steady wins the race offering you the final results from the world smell and racing championships and watched the movie mollusks power across the finish line. the article fairly welcome to the program. turkey has tabled a new condition for sweden's path to nato accession, as leaders gather in vilnius for the military lines. as annual cement workers, president renter type aired on, says his country could agree to swedish membership. if nato countries were also members of the european union, open the way to the you for to which president early on was welcomed by nato
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secretary general and stilton berg. as he met with swedish prime minister or kissed us on the to day some, it comes as nato kind of nato carries out the biggest revamp of its defense plans. in decades, william stone burg responded to turkey's new demands by reminding the gathered press that sweden had already met turkey's demands by support to turkey. as i'm patients to become a member of the european union. at the same time, we need to remember that will to be agreed and madrid was a specific list of conditions. so that's a street and has to meet to be a full member over the lines and student has met these to conditions. we don't have any sort do we don't have any guarantees. but of course now we have the momentum of the summit with the need to share we, we used to comment them to ensure as much progress us as possible. let's take a closer look with christine bertha. and this is the managing director for the
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german marshall for north based in washington dc. good to see you here on the w. what do you think president erred on is hoping to achieve with his latest demand? she is trying to get the greatest possible gain for turkey from the relationship that has in nato and also with european allies. we have seen the importance of the holding out on sweden in advance of this entire of the summit in this entire year. because this has been an election year for president and on an air the one has been re elected. so being a strong man and flexing his muscles on foreign affairs is both his calling card anyway on foreign policy. and also something that perhaps has resonated well with the turkish population. and so now go look into this summit, receive very much the same kind of style that until they say yes until turkey signs off on sweden's membership suite and turkey is in a position to require
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a task of its allies to make concessions, to put turkey in the best possible positions, some of called as a way of holding nato hostage in order to gain a particular domestic benefits. but it is a car that is typically it frequently paid by president erewhon. and the yes often comes at a surprise moment. so we've also heard that the secretary general stonebridge does not think that all is lost, even despite this new demand and get it's not a demand for the you to immediately joined. but to seriously put that on the table and pay the way for this. so is there some kind of diplomatic wiggle room? how does the pasturing actually reflect serious decisions to be made? i think there are lots of questions because the important tier for attention for power, for getting maximum benefits and for the potential of a surprise of sweeping the gas. oh is there? that is why it is so important for these countries to come together and really new
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. yes, to really hash this out face to face. and so we'll see where we are a few to. yeah, i do want to dig into one of the questions that you raised there. how much rigor room does need to have, can anything happen in vilnius to changed her case position on this as well? it's not a nato question. essentially. he's come to one shop to ask to purchase a good another. and yet there is significant overlap between the member states of nato and the european union. and sweden has until and now use the european union as its major for and for foreign affairs. and for, for its international voice. and so it's not going to be an answer that's going to happen at the knack table. it's not going to happen at the national, at the north atlanta counsels, you know, all the way in because of course, the united states or canada, there's no sick and the bulk of the members also know, stay on the process. but perhaps this opens the door for various bilateral
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conversations between significant e u. member states, all e u member states and president air the one here. and he is going to need to have more conversations again or more than he would have had before. he brought the saw that this request or this, the surprise announcement did not go down well with the e. u members of nato. i think that is something that we have to that we have to remind our viewers of here. the chancellor of germany said that, you know, this is not as it's, as you just put it, this is not the right scenario, the right platform to raise this issue because a membership for turkey has been stalled for some time. and the real matter in hand here is ukraine's nato aspirations of their top of the agenda. presidents the landscape says that someone must confirm ukraine as a de facto nato member. is that a realistic expectation? your opinion, which is going to be much closer to begin member by the time the summit is over,
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but not a member yet. so the question is, how far down that path can you crate and get during the summit? there are a number of a, the needle member states pearlman's have signed the letter really pushing for this . the for an affair is committees have maybe in counter point to a more conservative approach by various governments. there is a reluctance to maybe continue to go ahead the skis to create more vulnerabilities for nato on the one hand. on the other hand, there is tremendous outpouring of support in particular from the relatively more vulnerable eastern explain countries for ukraine's membership. the idea being that if you create is left outside of nato, if there is a grey's own between nato and russia, that russ is going to act on that if there is no raise that own, maybe the question also stops. alright. that was christine present from the german marshal fund. thank you so much and wait for your time. thank you. yes,
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presidential biden has also arrived at the nato summit fund before heading to lithuanian, his dont over in london for meetings and downing street, and then with king charles is meeting with british prime minister receives through an act was overshadowed by washington's decision to supply ukraine with cluster bombs, which are widely band, including buying the u. k. this length of semester by means that the relationship between the 2 countries remains quote, rock solid. ukraine claims our russian attack on a residential area of town and separation. you has killed 5 people in hospitalized at least 10 others local. you creating governors that'd be attack, hit your monetary in a distribution point near the front line, killing 3 women and a man. the crane shared pictures of the destruction, which it said was caused by a russian guided blind volume, then struck a school where residents were collecting aid. a saw denies deliberately targeting civilians a more than
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a month since ukraine launched is highly anticipated counter offensive. but progress has been slow, your brains army is confronting a host of obstacles that have wanted its advance, including better prepared russian troops and large mine fields. ukraine launched at spring offensive in june after months of anticipation. but so far gains have been modest. even president below them here is a lensky, has acknowledged that the counter offensive has been slower than many had hoped to move. everything is easy. there are some difficulties because 1st of all, along his mind that we'd like to be making bigger gains. that's smaller than what we want. is case. a look at ukraine's geography helps to explain why. for months the front line has been largely unchanged. it's thought ukrainian forces would try to push through russian lines in the south and east. one of the areas that has seen
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heavy fighting is around the southern town of or a cave. as satellite imagery show, the land is mostly patchwork fields and those fields are flat. huh. which poses specific risks for ukrainian forces trying to retake the land? it means having to cross open fields which have been heavily mind and which are exposed to a fire from the air, as well as from russian troops hiding behind the tree lines. and beyond those open fields, ukrainians are encountering elaborate manmade trench defenses that the russian forces had months to build. the defenders also had time to put up so called dragon's teeth to stop tanks. then there's the learning curve of in military experts, a russia has picked up from its mistakes earlier in the war and as adjusted its tactics to the conditions on the battlefield. still, analysts say ukraine's counter offensive is capable of making progress despite the
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unforgiving terrain. but it will take time mark can see it is a retired us marine colonel and the senior advisor at the center for strategic and international studies. welcome back to the w that you've been quoted calling you cranes advances a bit disappointing. what did you expect to see and how does it compare to the reality on the ground? i think many people in the hope that by this time the offensive they would have broken through the russian defenses and got into the open spaces beyond had a chance to use all the armor and armored vehicles that they've received from nato . and the united states. that clearly hasn't happened. now they are still moving forward so they have not in military terms culminated. they have not run out of steam, but the hope it been that they would be further along than they are. and we've heard that from both ukrainian officials and us officials. it was clear always that this wasn't going to be a walk in the park where the west expectations maybe not realistic. i think some of
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the expectations were not realistic. i heard many people speculating about trying to retake crimea, for example, would you require getting to the coast and then jumping over a body of water that clearly out of reach at this point for the last couple of months, a boat for the counter offensive. you start officials trying to tamp down these expectations general milli, for example, i said that you know, it was going to be a tough fight and was going to take some, some time. so wasn't everybody, i think we had expanded expectations, but there was a sense out there that, you know, maybe it is kind of offensive with bring victory or something close to it. yeah. what's there? kids in the ukrainian defense ministry has reactive to concerns about the counter offensive is going to slowly. let's take a quick look at a video of the ministry put out on twitter and then continue talking the,
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with their kids in the message here to you. this is very abstract. we are out here doing the funding for ukraine and we know very well what we're doing. so my question to you is kind of ukrainian troops afford to continue their offense of the way they started, or do they need to change? their strategy may be hard to say at this point, they're probing for a week just they just need to break through in one spot. and that's still possible that they're attacking on, along a number of places on the front line. so they still have some combat powered
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reserve. i think they're gonna keep this up for some time. the video makes a couple of very important points. and of course it's very clever. yeah, this just takes time and that the koreans know what they're doing. now. one of the challenges they create is have, is that the demands of this kind of an attack your of 4 to 5 complex targeting troops requires a lot of skill a, requires coordinating combined arms and not all ukrainian units of receive the kind of training that they would need to really be skillful what that so they're really being challenged on their training if results continue to all underwhelmed though, could that lead to ukraine? some porter is growing more and more and patient or well, unfortunately, i think we see that now there have been a lot of complaints about a forever war that this will might go on for a long period of time consuming resources and cause of casualties. there's long
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been what you might call a peace party in both the united states in europe, that would prefer to go see agents. the problem with negotiations is that there's no overlap between the 2 sides. because agents within this, in effect, be in places fire and a partial victory for put me as someone who knows what combat is like with that kind of pressure do more harm than good on the battlefield. there are no short cuts and this is going to be a long war. the ukrainians are determined to liberate all of their country. i think they're going to cheap added. if this kind of offensive is disappointing, i think that they will regroup, retrain, re equip and try again. let's look at the other side. then the wagner mutiny the chaos and mosque out and put in looking weaker than ever at this point. how have all of these things affected? what happens on the battlefield?
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well, unfortunately, so far they have not affected the battlefield. they've had tremendous political importance. of course, the turmoil in moscow and what the relationship is between putting in for goshen, but on the battlefield. i don't think that there's any effect. wagner had already pulled out of the front lines was already in its training. teams are reorganizing. so there wasn't this whole that all of a sudden opened up. and as far as we can tell, the average rushing a unit on the front light is not uh, reduce the, you know, it's, it's effectiveness or combat power. so unfortunately on the front line, things continue as before, as retired us marine colonel mark can see and thank you so much for your analysis. thanks for having me on the show. so sound, take a brief look at some of the other stories making headlines today. as well as
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parliament is said to hold a 1st vote on a bill that would limit the supreme court's power and give the government a greater se in the appointment of judges. the reform proposals of sparked months of mass protest critics. and the legislation in might the corruption and abuses of power. look more prominent and rainy and wrapper has been sentenced to 6 years in prison, for voicing support for last year's protests against the regime to marcia lee could have been sentenced to death under the charges brought against him. hundreds of people died and thousands were arrested. after the death of a woman in police custody last september spark mass protest is becca sons, president shelf cards, murphy, your, you has won a 3rd term and an election described by international observers as lacking genuine competition. raising your yeah. 187 percent of the vote, a recent constitutional reform allowed him to run again and extended a presidential term to 7 years. he was lawmakers are calling for an investigation
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into prime a popular energy drink, arguing that it's high levels of caffeine are dangerous for its target market of children. the drink is backed by youtube, stars logan, paul and k. s i and has become an obsession among their followers. then you in security council is to vote shortly on extending the delivery of humanitarian a to serious rebel health. ne, 4000000 people live in in the province many or forced to flee their homes and zeroes 12 years civil war and now live in camps. the delivery of 8 increased significantly following the devastating earthquake and february that ravaged the region. those 8 deliveries are now in danger of stopping unless the security council agrees to extend the mandate. in february, he lost his home. his house collapsed during the earth quick, but things could be worse. his family survived without harm. and now the 10 of them lived in attend non his wife and their 8 children. they get groceries once in
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a while from agencies. one the given them, well they bring us water and health where they can. sometimes we even get $150.00 cash. so far we've gone to health. we have been able to survive. oh, why she had the, we visit attempt camp in the, in the province. hundreds of thousands of syrians live here, even though it's been 5 months since the earthquake, they are still waiting for their city to be rebuilt. money is almost always in short supply, but one thing is going well. an 8 organization associated with turkey is building them new sanitary facilities. we're on the brink of a mass of humanitarian catastrophe. a war has been raging for 12 years, and the people suffering from the earthquake are the same ones that lead to war. their needs are immense. i mean, this is on here, but as a, as the people living in the area surrounding it live, are cut off from the rest of syria. is luminous, rebels controlled the region. humanitarian aid comes almost exclusively from turkey
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. but the un resolution allowing a to be delivered over the bubble. her a border crossing is running out. we do need to extend this resolution. it's all my advocates, we need a time to implement the management program. their faith will be decided on monday by the security council. it depends on the veto power of russia. a close ally of the syrian president, bashar assad, odd non shocker, and his family are waiting along with other survivors across the shattered corner of syria. and now to some other news embrace, 6 people have been killed and one wounded and an attack at a kindergarten in china. as long dung, providence. officials say the victims include a teacher to parents and 3 children, police and the city of the on joan have arrested. a man suspected of being the attacker, sea ice levels in the entire tank reached record lows in june. the says the you,
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as weather agency, according to the world media were logical organization, ice levels out the south pole were 17 percent below the average. since records began last month was the hottest june on record in the fall. and this is the 10s of thousands of people are leaving so long as the country struggles to recover from its worst economic crisis. in decades, government figures suggest them 122000 people left and the 1st 5 months of this year. that's the same number that left the country in all of 2021. soaring inflation is driving millions into poverty. lentils and rice is all this couple can afford, and they often have to skip meals through long cubs. chronic economic crisis has hit them hard for diet account and make them put right on these over the last year . the situation has become more difficult would the monday night last year we had money, but no goods. now there are goods,
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we don't have money money here to see the price of goods has increased significantly compared to last year. you're going to got rid of that ross family lives in a working class area of colombo. the city life has become an affordable. the government has removed subsidies and utilities doubling the water and electricity bills. put it on the home is also them due to leaks from the water line. but municipal authorities have no funds left to fix it. yet, the couple of the biggest building is expensive. medicines that are has chronic as plants and public hospitals used to provide free medicines, but the government program has now been suppressed. now the think that out of an inhaler, it costs around $2500.00 rupees. so i didn't buy him one because we don't have enough money to punch it up in it. we used to get medicines for free, not because now they chose to buy it from the pharmacy. only small amount of
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medicines are available for free loss. due inflation, lack of basic necessities, i'm crippling international debt to good nationwide protest. the former president go to biology book so was forced to flee the country he has since we're doing done to type security, but things have worse. and in the meantime, for ordinarily people, roger punctual success load, i'm going to become a single, is hoping to get the economy back on track with an i am a bailout bought $2900000000.00 the program and pulls us tough measures increase taxes, removal of subsidies all in all mobility for citizens. if you have combating the 2020 to a peer me, at least as of availability of us and shows was like, for any electricity, mcmillion park leave, you look at the public, the numbers. it has
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a we have added 4000000 new people below the policy i, the government officials are spinning the hopes on the i m f program. and she long cause crisis into 2 full years. the defending champion, never telco, it's continued his march through the wimbledon, drawn with a force at win over poland to bear in horror cash on monday, after winning the 1st $0.02 on sunday evening. the $23.00 time grand slam champion returned to the court on monday and dropped the 3rd steps before booking his ticket to the quarter, final joking, which has no $132.00 consecutive matches at the all england club and is a hot favorites to win the world's most prestigious tennis tournament for the 5th time in a row. and also on monday, mera and grandma's fairytale, wimbledon debut, came to an end. after the 16 year old russian was beaten by madison keys from the
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us. under him i looked on course to become the youngest player to reach the quarter finals since 1997 when she led by a set and for one. but keith, who was currently ranked number 18 in the world, tightened up on her errors and celebrated a heart fond come back when to advance to the next round. if you're one of those people who feels the world is just moving too fast, this might be the spectator sport for you. more than $200.00 racers slugged it out of the annual world snail racing championships. that took place in a small village in eastern england and quite obviously was no need for a photo finish. it's the growing prius nile racing. the column in norfolk england has hosted the snail racing well championship since the sixty's. it's a full stop to some races, but once snail slid it into the slime night early on,
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blink and she was miss and number 14, leaving the other races, locking it out for 2nd place. it's no, it's a tight trace and there's no need for us. no, no replay, as the might seamless slides across the finish line. 7 minutes 24 seconds when an easy didn't break any rank. hold on like okay, let's see. and how old are you? oh, good. try. good try though. no. 2 history, the victory leaving coach last the last for was very, very happy. we have been looking off the old dime, the heat have we we've given up. it's a full time hosses felice to keep home over the for her rice and haven't way. and you're very happy on yours. at 4 years old. this tiny tray now has plenty of time
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to come out of her shell in time to the next world championships. you're up to date coming up. next global us looks at the japanese military and it's struggle to attract new recruits. we'll have more news coming up at the top of the hour. and in the meantime, you're looking for the latest headlines you can head to our website that is d w dot com and make sure to also follow us on social media. you can find us under at dw news um, come fairly from all of us here in the newsroom. thank you so much for your company . the
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recruit. what we want is the students by, by a free man is confident bursting with creativity. needs to design is and cultural icons african lifestyle and comics as diverse and exciting as the content in itself is pretty much on d, w. and that's i love and that's really i've loved her since the beginning because of her character because of her courage and how she
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thinks most reading. so today, wise mother annoyed for nearly 4 decades. she's for the piece for me, for brace of freedoms in your home, then they run in spite of love buried, cries all our children should not inherit science from us. the an income if you look into the nice, just thoughts, july 29th on d. w. the city of citizens on the 6, so in china, from parents adjusting the internet, the sterilization on the in the usa more or more man taking responsibility for contraception.
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