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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 11, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the data we use life from sunday nights, our latest assembled in phil this for a summit on your client's presence, the landscape is expected to attend the lines. the secretary general says he's confident that the allies will united around division for him, cried to become
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a man. but after a year of negotiations, a process opened up for sweden to join the allies. this race launch nationwide that protested as the israel's parliament advance is appealed. limits think the power sufficient print course both as far as the widespread demonstrations in recent months across the country as fields along running political crisis the forces so straight to the nice. so somebody in the village is the secretary general, jens. she's both in the men's to bring ukraine closer to nate. the are 1st and you know, theater systems program for your brain to enable the transition from so with arrow to nate, to stand this training and doctrines to help rebuild the ukraine, security and defense sector and to corporate, critical needs like fuel, the mind, me,
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equipment and medical supplies 2nd and you need to ukraine council for them for crisis consultations and decision making. way we will meet as equals another forward or to having the inaugural meeting of the counsel tomorrow with preston. so then ski 3rd, we reaffirmed that ukraine wrote become a member of nato and agreed to remove the requirements for the membership function time. this will change your crane some membership pos from a 2 step process to one step process. we also made clear that we will issue an invitation for ukraine to join. they don't when all of us agree on the conditions argument. this is a strong package for ukraine, undeclared, paul,
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towards its membership in nato allies also approved the most comprehensive defense funds since the end of the cold war. these are designed to count that the 2 main fits with face restaurant and terrorism. under our new plans, nato, and so have 300000 troops of hire this including substantial air unable power robust the titans of defense are quite a sort of bust industrial base. so these are some doors to new defense production extra time. this will accelerate joint procurement, bruce instead of the ability to generate investment and production capacity us to do all this. we need to invest more in defense relate just estimates, show that defense expenditure by unit p and allies and kind of a will increase by 8.3 percent in
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2023. this is the biggest increase in decades. since 2014, they will have you invested on extra 4 funds and then $50000000000.00 us dollars in defense at 11 allies. not each or exceed the 2 percent benchmark. and we expect this number will rise substantially next year. today, allies are made on the julian commitment to invest at least 2 percent of gross domestic product annually in defense, and to do more urgency to meet their commitments. natalee. there's also just trying not, john, let us know our of the, sorry, we should continue to engage. but did things increasing assertiveness affects our security. china is increasing the chinese in challenging the rules based in special order, refusing to bump them restaurants of war against the graeme. fit me for wrong and cutting out substantial admitted to,
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to build up sinus new term organization is unprecedented in speed and scale. i'm being cut it out with no transparency o has agreed to continue working together to protect against trying those of course, to behaviors and tomorrow we will meet the lead this australia, japan. you see like a south korea, as well as the you to be in the union because we are stronger and safer when we stand together. without them, are they to take a few questions? smith's dealt with the washington posts, then in the middle. yeah. hi, thanks for taking my question. michael burned down from the washington post presence west key, of course, issue to tweet in the middle of your talks that criticize the language that you've just agreed to on ukraine's past towards membership. i was wondering what
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your thought was when you saw what he was saying about what nato was agreeing to and what your message would be for ukrainians. who are disappointed by this language thinks well, well, the allies have agreed today is a strong united. i'm positive message to ukraine, about enduring a support, but also a pulse of the message message on the pulse forward for membership. and this includes this package of practical supports to enable full interoperability between ukraine and unfortunately, nathan forces this stablish mental, the night through ukraine council. and then uh, the decision to remove the requirements for membership action plan, which actually means that instead of 2 steps to become a member, they will allow me one step on the, on the we also it made it clear that the invitation will be issued when conditions are met and,
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and then we looked on that on top of that. so of course ours are also providing substantial military support because the most goods in paul's call is to ensure that ukraine prevails. because unless ukraine prevails, there's no membership, be sure to be discussed at all. and therefore welcomed the administered support that alex had provided to know for it. months actually starting back in 2014. and then since the full session ation interpret last year substantially and stepping up there to support, i'm just uh, over the last 2 days, allies have made substantial new announcements from a have announced has announced that they will deliver a long range cruise nissans. german interest announced the new package with the defense, an armed vehicles, and the us made you have to know the big announcement of
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a more immediate type of support. and many older allies have many different types of support including this that were sent to collection to provide training for f. 16, a 5 digits. so tripped together. this is a strong message which is sunset positive and united the message to the to go to the ukranian use agency. the fed roja method is congressional and you such as seals, you pain here. thank you for the floor question. just pull up. all my colleagues can we expect today a final committee can on ukraine and we can expect that tomorrow. and that could you please specify what kind of conditions you can still need default to you to initiate the accession procedure and to get in taishan. thank you. this is it,
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we have agreed to come in again, and they also agreed that package for ukraine that those agreed by the, the, there's on the refer to the main elements. now the practical support the political ties with the night to bring counsel fully interpret ability and the removal of the membership action plan. and then of course, also all of the different things that the allies are providing. but luckily including within, you know, since we have heard today and the last 2 days, and i have been in the tools contact and the regular contact and the dollars also being the contacts with the we'd ukrainian officials of discussed is also with the, with the present a certain skill and i look forward to to meet him tonight and then also to have the inaugural meeting of the natal ukraine council tomorrow. uh where
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uh i will set out to the package of the 3 elements. uh uh, bringing you cream uh closer to nathan this is uh a strong package. okay. uh reuters. over there. andrew, maybe you can uh, just ask you a question um 100 gray from reuters a secretary general to come back to put president. uh, so in case remarks, he said it would be a cert if the timeframe is not set neither for invitation nor for your trainings membership. how would you respond to that specific point and why have allies not say the time frame today as well? do you have agreed the is that
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a substantive package with many different elements that helps to move your painful so to nate to help them to move a towards natal membership? and this is part of a practical support on, for instance, instead operability and reforms defense sector reforms interoperability are and one of the conditions which are important for a membership. so that's a practical way of moving them and moving ukraine. it's also to to natal and then you're also some of the strong political message with the language on a membership entry with the, the language which is now in the community can on invitation. so there's going to be a stronger message from nathan at any time. both when it comes to political message on the policy forward for membership on the concrete support from nato allies administered support, but also the practical support on how to ensure full inter operability. so
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so, so and if you look at all the membership processes there, know, been the time lines for those processes they are conditions based has always been okay. we'll go to the gentleman here in the 2nd room. louder, and wanted me to validate from feeling instead, secretary general at the baltic sea becomes nato's e lunch. c. nato puts 300000 new troops on high readiness and what bus all these mean? 4 phone lines, countries like fema is tonia lots the only 280 on poland. and what is nato's may say it's to mr. fulton and russel, how historic is this moment talk to you? i. this is a story to that, to both filling on the so it will become a members of an 8 on seen on this all the, all the default member and we, the agreement a that to the president,
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the wrong on the problem is that it gets social and i was able to make it last night and so it was also become a full member of the lines. this is the story. it's important for the whole alliance. it's important for fema is important for, for sweden. but it is a also, in particular, important for the both decreasing because when you look at the map, you realize that for instance, this to the possibly, the ability to reinforce the baltic region is very much improved by the fact that and i'll have seen them on the screen so sweden, us as full members and definitely be effective and no defense spans in our exercises. you know, keep digit targets and everything else. we do ask them that lines, so it makes the whole alliance stronger on it makes especially the baltic region as safer. it sends the message that naples story is open. it sends the message that
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this will need to analyze to decides and document this and not for most go to the night southern nation, a nation. so southern drive to choose their own pulse. and this is, again, something we have demonstrated, not only in words, but those are in deeds by now allowing to new members. i'm sending a message to ukraine, which is stronger than any message in a tool that has ever sent before on membership for ukraine. and we have the gentleman over there in the 3rd row over the i have a feeling from the ukraine. i up mode as a general, i would ask you to clarify, be to on the conditions side of things that you cannot, at least a lot of them. it's probably not clear, but maybe you see how this conditions would be defined. agreed because i'm afraid
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that to, uh, it would be already set to i need to a has listed to membership action plan. i but have in the event and i was a membership action plan is and i was, i mean, which is condition. so it's like making a, it'd be the for a fake achievement. thank you. to know what the se, in the communicate is that your current has moved beyond the requirement for a membership back from con, just because ukraine has come much closer tonight. so i was actually attending the night to uh summit to invite us in 2008 as an which in prime interest and then remember, but it welded that discussion there. and of course the discussion now is totally different for many reasons. and nobody's because you okay, and it's under full fledged attack and by a wide restaurant, but also because to create has come so much closer to this lines over all these years because especially since 2014,
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when 8 dollars start to train and equip your credit on forces but even more so off the 20 of the february last day ukraine has demonstrated the capabilities scales on has been more and more integrated with the with natal. this is also a consequence of the equipment which a ne dollars are delivering the calls. for instance, when we deliver un enrolled on buckling things or advanced a defense systems. a consequential doc. there's also more info for ability, more natal standard stop trends. and the gradually more movement from the soviet era, doctrines, standards and equipments to enact, to just by the fact that a so much equipment is not deliberate. and of course, when you start to training with the on the training, apply this for a for 16. so it will even more add to this important interoperability,
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which has always been a requirement for a need to membership. so this is, this is, this is moving the ukraine closer to, to tonight's hunting, they, to a membership. and also reflecting the fact that nato has accomplished both say, well, we have, we have conditions parts in the, in the, in the, in article a ton of the tons of empty can treat to the washington treated. and then of course, at the end of the day, it has to be allies that to assess whether conditions are fully met or not. and that's exactly what all of them have to agree. and therefore we also refer to both the conditions. but those, the need for all of us are heat. that's the way we make decisions to make it to go . well, let's go here. i think you secretary general just to follow up on this important topic. i haven't in front of me the text from a 2008 from the crust, which we've all been reading and re reading over the past. week's anita welcomes ukraine's and george's, your atlantic aspirations membership, benito,
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we agreed today that these countries will become members of nato. so if you were explaining just to, um, you know, the, the average citizen in, in the alliance and then you crank people who are really keen to understand what was decided today. how would you explain the difference between the text that was agreed in blue crest in 2008 and this specific language? that was a great today. it's got several different says the woman important differences. that's a i think the next on the sort of is a bit further down. we say that the next step is membership extra time. and that's exactly what we remove today. and every some, it's a 2 sided pausing day. we have said the ukraine will become a member of the next step is membership actions on now we remove that. so that's extra turning. this process is always been 2 steps into one step. not actually move . so crank closer to membership and it's a significant difference from the 2008 language, which has been every to reiterate that a, to every song. so i'm,
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it seems 2008. and it has been also processed and they thought to make that decision because it was not a, it was a straightforward decision to, to, to make it. i'm glad that the allies agreed and it was the main element in my package. i launched it will slow in, in may up informing me thing. then it's all sorts of say questions. there were questions, all square that goes to move to false and the different i'm glad that since maze is thought to do this discussion over removing a macbook requirement that will allow us to have agreed to remove my requirements. so that's the difference. don't belong, difference. don't number 2 is, is that 3 not actually now have a program for how to help support your train leave close of the night. and that is that the, the, the input operability, the multi or program a but also the, the, the string thing or political ties and also reference to the 40 minutes of the roll will also in the text we agreed today will,
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it will come through with laboratory assess the progress. so this together with the fact that's the substantial delivery of all the equipment, the training, just by itself, most you're creating costs of demand met. membership is a big, big difference. there's one more difference about this that in 2008 ukraine was quite far from nato. what has happened since 2008 has as well they moved that much posters. swedish radio. it's ok. so that was very nice or secretary general against stalsen, but addressing the price after his press color during the during his press conference. this is on the day one of the day to day nato summit in valdez watching. that's it with us was i brussels up here, a chief alexandra fun. nominate a welcome. alexandra. let's start with and they, they are the main points of what you've heard. well, the main point is,
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of course, that now we know what's nato allies are willing to offer a to crane and the statement. and they are saying that they will extend an invitation to ukraine to become a member of the alliance. when allies agree and conditions are met. so this is the quite big statement and they are not saying that ukraine will become a member once the war is over. there are notes, setting a timeline here, and i think that this is going to be quite disappointing for the ukrainian government dad. so was hoping to have a timeline or a clear a membership perspective, but that is not what elyse were able to agree on today. and it wasn't very clear, was it, he was that the secretary general was asked to time and time again,
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and i was glad you was asked because i was mixing and thinking he sort of alluded to it, but it hasn't quite, i don't know. okay. the other report, as i keep asking him, so it's not just me, it doesn't appear that doesn't appear to be a clear path to ukraine. you. if you do this, if you do this, you do this, then you'll remember that that was not clear even though he was pressed on this he was press on that indeed with the reporters in the room trying to find out and asking him how this new statement is different from what the alliance of, from this ukraine doing their bucharest summit in 2008 when they already set at that today once or they promise ukraine will be a member of the alliance. but they stop short of telling when and how so step backwards for us to explain how this statement today is different and whether
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allies today are offering more to ukraine. and i would say that even, even though he tried to explain it, it is really difficult to understand. where is the defense? because this new statement is also very vague. and elyse still puts the sites not to allow your trained to become to become a member. so here's history, main point seems to me, but you've been helping ukraine to achieve full interoperability with. nice of forces said but, and the, the re, fav, remove the need for an action plan, and they've instituted based nato ukraine council. what is that expensive to do? well, this new need to create an account, so it's expected to upgrade the ukraine status with the alliance. they will be done able and the 1st meeting is going to take place tomorrow. they will be sitting at the table with old allies,
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they can race any issue they would like to speak about today will get access to more areas of corporation to more intelligence sharing which is important. but of course, it sounds a bit like a bureaucratic move, and i don't think that ukraine is very happy about that. as talking back also went on saying that, look, what do we want to do right now is to provide to quinn, would practical health with equipments, with the trainings, with money. and all of that is also being approved, key and bill and use. and individual allies have already nouns like friends, for instance, that they're going to deliver it new weapons to ukraine. but of course, what, what's important for kids is to, to have like a folder votes map to membership. and that is what's not happened here today. ok, thanks beth alexander,
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alexandra on in the list of the nato summit. let's go from that to the ukrainian capital care why we find corresponding to nick connelly. welcome nick. you were listening into against dalton bags that speech. what's your main takeaway back from the ukraine dispatch, as well as the real struggle to try and wrestle some positives. from that, he said, this doesn't work, said that the mentioned action plan was gone, but that they would now be conditions. you maybe hurt your credit engine. it's asking what's the difference between a name conditions and the membership action plan? the only thing he seemed to reply was basically that with a membership action plan, at least there was some kind of clearly defined conditions. and this space would just be down to individual member states to agree on not seeing grain joining. so this is definitely pretty far below any of the expectations that you have. and if you're listening to creating positions, especially people close to presence of us can go into this. and there's
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a real sense in ukraine that so basically the nice thing is the countries that we're most concerned about this have one out. and that is basically kind of the, the smallest common denominator. right? so this is being uh, under discussion since 2008. i'm how people, i mean, it is nathan membership, a big issue that i will this latest announcement with a 6. is this going to disappoint people only just been getting on with our lives of the i think before the 22nd of february of last year, nature was pretty abstract. it was something that was topped up but didn't seem to be as important as joining the you haven't got right to work and study across the concept. but i think for us as full scale and visual has made clear to ukrainians, but just being the kind of grace own between an aggressive kinda expensive russia and the west is not very good place to be in that email. if you can, maybe have a bad bet if this would still just to me and 4 times more that by population and end result is much more so than it's big in a but to the north. and most people who pay bruce, they may do on the kind of on the fence on now for the outspoken in saying that
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ukraine is the only way to guarantee security for this country. the future without it, even if you trade winds as well. now it's going to be basically less kind of hanging and a lot of people might choose to leave if they don't see a kind of perspective as a future ahead of time. so that's how they make conway in keys. it was a headline then nicer, actually saw against dolton back of signal support. so you claim your membership and the alive saying that an invitation would be issued when conditions are met. responding to criticism from the countries that president we said earlier that it was absurd. this country and been given
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