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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 12, 2023 9:00am-9:31am CEST

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the the, this is the w news, live from berlin, needle leaders welcome ukraine to their summit, but not their alliance. 8 o member say that ukraine 10 only joined when conditions are met with out setting a timeline. presidents the landscape is joining a 2nd day of meetings in vilnius. also coming up the united states ripped by
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extreme weather president fight it declares a state of emergency in parts of the northeast. as the 2 months of rain falls in 2 days. and we, wild in europe, lawmakers are voting on an in vicious plan to turn a huge tract of land at the forest in hopes of protecting the climate. but farmers are still trying to block it the sarah kelly. welcome to the program. nato leaders are holding their 2nd day of their annual summit in vilnius lithuania, where they are due to meet with a disappointed full load of mirrors, the landscape. the ukrainian president had hoped to secure a guarantee of joining the military alliance. but while leaders agreed to ease ukraine's path to membership, they refused to set a concrete timeline. nato's chief said that keith can only join when conditions are
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met. as the russian attacks rain driving on you crazy. the country's flag flies high over julius, the city, playing host nato leaders. ukrainian president zalinski came here with a clear message. he wants concrete commitments from the alliance. ukraine will make ne touchstone got nice. ukraine has long harbor done visions of joining nato. though leaders have agreed to remove some barriers to entry cubes, hopes of securing a timeline for accession has been dest. we'd reaffirmed that ukraine wrote the call a member of nato, and agreed to remove the requirements for the membership function. time. this will change your cranes membership pos from a 2 step process to one step process. as we also made clear
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that we will issue an invitation for ukraine to join, they don't when all us agree on the conditions are met. for months now, to nations has been haggling over when and how ukraine should be invited to join the alliance. they say it won't happen, follow the war rages because math could bring nature into direct conflict with russia. but some eastern european unbolted countries are calling for a clear or pos for to use. ukraine is using the equipment said that the allies are giving and the munitions. so it is already taking those boxes. so what more can we do in order to really go to that membership? germany and the united states have been more cautious keeping the focused on future security assurances drones this one, it's important for us from the outset that they have a secure 2 punches for ukraine that can be effective after piece that could include individual pledges to offer ukraine support in case of further attacks,
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but not to flight for the country. at least one. and i explained to the summit and we'll see tvs on fissions take flights. several nations including the other ones and denmark agreed to starts training, ukrainian pilots on western age fighter jets later this year and found trigger, it does now in vilnius for dates of use. so back, just walk us to why did allies decide not to give ukraine that timeline that it wanted to the gold post you create instead of the file way. because nato, it says that it is too risky to take in ukraine right now, because it's a country in war attacked by russia in the late denay, 2 lines would be obliged to stand by ukraine, immediately, maybe sent own their own troops to fight russian soldiers and the u. s. president joe biden made it abundantly clear that that is not acceptable for him. he says, his aim is to prevent that nato is drawn into that conflict and even said,
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even after the war, then we could only consider if your credit is then ripe and to gain membership. and this is, of course, disappointing for boatload immediacy lensky, the president of ukraine, who will attend the meeting today. he said yesterday, and addressing a cheering, cut out crowd to the public square that he has still some faith in doing they do. but he needs confidence his so does the mothers of children and ukraine need confidence and that ukraine, the some they get under the umbrella and of nay too. and but it was also clear before the, something already that that would not happen here. and videos. everybody made it clear and that is way too early to talk about ukraine actually and getting into nato. and so nato is also a little bit surprised about sealants because very in motion the reaction if you will. but the, for example,
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the german minister for defend said he can understand that the low dimension lensky is under enormous pressure as a leader of a more ton country. he has to get all the support he can, he can make possible, but still it's, it's a little bit difficult now. the, the relationship between ukraine and nato, they've been meet in a special concert today, kind of a diplomatic upgrade for ukraine. so with all that in mind, then bound, what can be expected of this? now we have to say, this is the 1st nato ukraine council meeting that you've been referring to. there is lensky is expected to join. what can we expect to come out of it? us but neighbors have and this guns, the ukraine and native a, meet i to i and talk on the same level, but they've been talking about membership. they've been talking about more support, move up and know munition more training for the ukranian army about f. 16 fighter
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jets and also new packages that the presented to you from germany, from the us, and also from other countries to boost the supplies for ukraine to make ukraine able to defend itself against russia and even to regain territory. because they do a secretary store, they also said if they, if you can't, does not survive this well, there is no meaning about talking about the membership because then that is not the question of membership in any more. if you train is not on the map anymore, tell us more about nato's plans, especially for the, the eastern flank more broadly bound to because i mean that, that's also been a hot topic, certainly. um, for those baltic states. yeah, the, the russian go against ukraine, of course, shifted the whole strategy of nato. now, nato is saying of, of 1st go with and now i'm a major taxes. how to, to defend our own territory again, and not of god is still not the rock in the pause. no,
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it's our own territory. so the troops will be shifted to the eastern fling that already 8 small, better groups in place. but this is not enough. there's a tooth, $4000.00 page defense plan. now it's, it's secret. but it says we have to be able to shift at least 300000 troops from the us, from western countries to the east, to defend against a russian, a possible russian threat past week or to with a view from vilnius. thank you so much. i and earlier we also got the view from key with data view correspondence, nick connelly. he tells us how all of this is going down among ukrainians. there is real disappointment in see if i think of the kind of consensus is that the west and particularly germany the us. so basically once again, not have the confidence not have the courage to draw a line in the sense for the russians. that is the view seen from key of people here
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think that given ukraine, that kind of perspective would actually make things safer. that it would make it clear to us and that the west is committed to finding the long run. and there is no room for russia to expand its influence here. and you claim that this ambiguous and keeping things up and actually encourages russian aggression gifts. letting me put you in hope that he might still wait it out. and if and you, us, the ministration comes in or other crises in your district, attention that he will then be able to achieve more on the ground on the battlefield. here in ukraine, there is the present of a volume zalesky from other political figures. he has some people to criticize the fact that he was quite so open in his criticism on, on social media that he was quite so emotional. they say that he didn't do enough in terms of reform inside the country that he gave countries who were looking for a reason to say no to ukraine, a substance. and they were able to now, instead of the membership at some time, say okay, we can expect you to carry out some reforms and when the conditions and whatever those conditions are they haven't been said, then we'll let you in. so that has the criticism inside the country, but the over arching kind of feeling is one of disappointment. and of, uh, yeah,
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a sense of history repeating itself to of, to $220.00 or 8. that last big nature summit, when you crane was basically like the told not now that things are just happening wherever again us president joe biden, ukrainian president reload america lensky expected to meet today in vilnius. what are you currently ins expecting there? i think this is going to be about weapons and more weapons right now ukraine is in an offensive all across the south and east. we have that recent decision by the white house to green light, which is every, all cluster munitions that is crucial because basically conventional munitions are running very, very low in the us and also in europe. so basically it was the question of cluster munitions or not. so i think there's going to be more of a push from zalinski for those of $165.00 digits. ukraine troops tell you, time and time again that they all basically unprotected. they don't have the support and that is costing you for in your lives. but i think there's also a real fear here that the white has increasingly scared of russia being date stabilized by its lack of success here on the battlefield. that actually they're
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more concerned about submitting the pension and he's reading folding rather than about making sure that the ukraine succeeds in re gains with searching settings. going to be pushing zalinski to remind the white house that you crane is the us is allowed to factor out here. and actually that is a priority rather than making sure that the purchase stays in place and kind of chaos in russia is avoided. so i think that is kind of the real hope and i don't know how much we're going to find out in public, but certainly there is a real big hope that this is going to be the crucial meeting of the summit. connolly and keith, thank you. and here's a check of some other headlines from around the world. japan has denounced the latest long range missile fired by north korea. japanese chief cabinet secretary here, we'll cut too much sooner, said that young games repeated launching a ballistic missiles is a threat to japan safety. on wednesday, north korea conducted a missile test with its longest ever. slight time. russia has blocked efforts by
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the un security council to extend humanitarian aid to syria's revel, help north western areas. the resolution would have secured much needed deliveries for another 9 months to a region ravaged by a massive 1st quick. in february, a russian counter proposal to extend aid for 6 months also failed, and was only backed by china to on tuesday, tens of thousands of as rarely as demonstrated in protest after parliament gave initial approval to a bill to reduce the power of the country's courts. prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose right wing coalition is behind the push to reign in the traditional system, which critics call an attack on the countries balance of power. an angry crowd greets arrivals at israel. it's been going on, airports purchased a suck to the streets, in response to a law that was scrapped the supreme court's rights to strike down government decisions they need to
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know if it's to stymie the court, is an attack on their basic rights for fighting for our independent traditional system and, and israel, we only have one check over, you know, and the checks and balances. we only had one check over our dish, or there are government, which is a traditional system in our supreme court. and what they're doing right now is trying to take it away exactly like in hungary and poland. and they won't allow it to happen. we don't want to be at the dictatorship protests to intel of east and other parts of the country. police responded with force arresting. dozens of people hang rentavision on the streets were reflected in parliament on monday when prime minister benjamin netanyahu was right when correlation passed, a bill in the 1st hearing will show will come up. you can even after the amendment
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to the court independence and civil rights, it is real, it will not be harmed in any way. and that's why the new bill is not the end of democracy, but a strengthening of democracy. and there's certainly no reason to disrupt the lives of millions of citizens in the shop. bishop call you him. should be known as the opposition disagrees and is about to keep fighting. the celtic things obviously will, will not happen if it passes the 1st reading. it will fall on the 2nd and 3rd readings . if it passes the 2nd and 3rd readings, it will fall on the high court. if it doesn't fall in the high court, this government of yours will fall by the voters because they look at you and say, these people are not only not working for us. they're eliminating is rarely unity because of petty motivations of crazy, corrupted and destructive people. with much 50 the vote has intensified, protest, staffing ongoing since the government 1st tables are traditional reform in january . now, unwilling to back down the protests of set to continue in
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mexico, southern state of good at the local officials are struggling to maintain their authority. 13 law enforcement workers were taken hostage while trying to quell violent protests that the government claims were staged by drug games. with the sole purpose of attacking police, while the hostages have now been released on harmed questions remain about the rising influence of organized crime. and the region demonstrates has blocked this highway 2 i can pull. can we mexico for 2 days, on the pretext of protesting against the slow pace and throw twigs in the area up to $5000.00, clashed with police and force them to retreat several times? rights has come indeed an a vehicle which they used to ram the gates of a local government building. the classes culminated in the abduction of
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13 security and government tests and those 2 weeks towards the release of to arrest the gang lead battles. i lost my niece, i sent this symbol we demonstrate as gab, it's to do mine. so the release of to people who belong to a criminal organization known as last deals the oldest squirrels. that'd be the government says the protest stage by the laws are deals, drugs going which controls, villages in the area. officials say some people might have been forced to take a pause. the president wound a false promises made by drunk scans, bookcase on that, but i don't to let yourselves be manipulated because it is a common practice of some criminal groups and they create a support base. so see at that point the 13 hostages were eventually released
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on terms that are not entirely clear, but the incident does illustrate to grip the criminal gang success or much of public life in mexico. the. the northern hemisphere. summer has brought extreme weather to many countries in the united states has not been exempt. president joe biden has declared a state of emergency some of the ne regency, their worst flooding in nearly a century. this is not life, not covered by 2 months of rain in just 2 days. several communities like this, including the state capital norm, probably a mood by the relentless deluge. more than 30 state varied so close as the war to spread. this railroad even had the ground swept away from underneath it. a video shot by vermont state police shows flood waters pulling over a diamond, the queen she river. another, walked away,
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the connecticut river slower and to 4 meters above its usual level. a lot levels now as a pos doctors, how can i read in 2011? marine? i had about a 12 hour duration of rain and then it was of sun came up, everyone went out, we were able to assess the damage. everything was receding and we went back towards the recovery phase. this is different. we've had like 48 hours of study range, of the same intent spring that we saw during irene to 4 times. the amount of rain responded as it performed more than 100 rescue sofa with other teams being floating in from further afield. police urged people to stay at home unless they have a risk, in which case they were told to evacuate. that have been, thankfully no reported casualties thus far. and while the writings have now combed
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its services, yes. and as a reminder, that's how wells is changing fast. europe is also seeing extreme weather this summer to combat the effects of climate change. the european parliament is today building on the so called nature restoration law. it aims to restore up to 20 percent of land and sea by 2030. it includes turning some farm land into for us. but many big scale farmers are mounting a challenge. say it's not a realistic goal. on venue means constance market, garden farm and east germany. the focus lies on healthy soil. here, fruit trees and various crops growth side by side. there's always one bed, one bath and the next path. and in between, always a little pathway and it's not a big plot of corn or what, whatever. you can imagine that you see uh, you know, what landscapes or it's some of this biodiversity that the european commission
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wants to gear towards on bigger farms as part of the bill to stop ecosystem collapse. it's proposal for the nature of restoration law plants to rehabilitate 20 percent of the blocks land and sea areas by 2030. and that includes agricultural lands which are often degraded. the bill would impose targets on its members states to re what people that's huge, carbon sinks that are sometimes drained for agricultural activities. it would also set goals to diversify. landscape futures promote sustainable soil use and increase pollinators. and farm land. birds front says he would welcome such targets, but he sees why would be hard for big farms to implement them. we've done a deal with all the law on our own, and it wasn't a challenge. and as i mentioned to do this 10 fold, one or another scale like it's, it's, it's, it's a job that doesn't give you right away something back here. it's largest farmer associations have protested the restoration law. they claim that it would reduce
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land for agricultural activity and threaten food supplies. but 6000 scientists to find an open letter at the climate change and the lots is by diversity or the real threats to food security. the german farmers association also says the bill relies on too many bands and doesn't offer enough support on coal parts. even a proof of coal, pets in nature conservation means relying going with them to major on incentives vi because we have a clinic restrictions that have to be compensated for. the european commission says that there are various funds to help farmers transition to more sustainable farming, and that it is crucial does happen. now. they use green policy to friends to them. and so set, the rejecting the commission proposal would put the blocks entire green agenda risk . according to him, there's simply no time to drop the new bill to restore ecosystems like these people is behind me for funds that would be
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a welcome change. if the area surrounding his farm were restored, this would help his crops grow even better. and with a here at the studio is the w. clement reporter at louise. i'll always of osborne for more on this on nature restoration. that's a big buzz word. of course, when it comes to the plan to your pain green deal. so what exactly are we talking about here? so they haven't been very specific about exactly what they wants to, but they're looking at like trying to improve habitats for bide west t like plants and animals bringing back the larger populations of these animals, particularly resisting the decline of pollinators like bees and insects. for example, they are looking at all foot protecting areas of up and green space and making sure no more disappears. i'm one of the most controversial parts of the law is then looking at requesting of pete loans and restoration of agricultural loans which pharmacy as a threat to the businesses and, and things. how about,
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i mean we saw in that report was a small farm. right? so what we're talking about sustainable agriculture, how can that work now on a large scale kind of work and you have a kind of work. i mean, obviously a lot of agriculture is based around mono cultures at the moment, which is very detrimental to soils. and spite diversity, but they're all methods like acro forestry, for example, that brings in trees and bushes into conventional foaming that can be beneficial for the foil. it's also good for decreasing habitats. so by diversity. there is also a requesting of wetlands, for example pete loans which are very important when it comes to absorbing carbon dioxide. now a lot of those loans have been trained to use for agriculture, but they can be put back into. so this what an different crops can be, you know, gotten from them. so read, for example, moss. i'm so pleased with the things that can be done. it just needs
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a lot more education for people to see how it can be developed in that way. and also government support in terms of financing. and let's talk a little bit more about the money of course. so, you know, there's a lot of talk about the economic costs of this law. talk with us a little bit more about the economic benefits of investing in nature restoration. so the european commission has actually put the sticker on it. they say for every euro that is invested in restoring land, a 8 to 38 years will come as over time. a lot of this has to do with what a quote, ecosystem services. so these are things that need to do for us that we don't even think about, you know, cleaning water cleaning. uh, for example, using our prefer street, as i mentioned before with trees and shrubs and farming can reduce the need for fertilizes. so this saves a lot of money and costs anyway. um does also be used, for example, we talked about pulling these as bees and insects having disappeared at the very important for pull anything across. this is a service that is basically done for free by trying to reintroduce strength and
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those populations of pollinators that can lead to a lot of that work being done without us having to pay for and talk with us a little bit more about the urgency, the urgency, especially with addressing this ecosystem degradation that we've been discussing. so, i mean the ecosystems in europe are under a huge amount of pressure. estimates could 80 percent of land in, in europe as being hugely degraded. this leads to problems it can, you know, throw some flooding has, has made this more difficult. this also means that the flooding, for example, which we are seeing more, more of it is more detrimental to the land. whereas, you know, having trees or shrubs and place could actually prevent some of the west aspects. so people threaten animal implant species. but this is something that we can do something about who is osborne? thank its
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to the windows in tennis tournament. now were novak joke of its tide, roger federer is a record of $46.00 men's glad grand slam semi finals with his victory over andre rube left. on tuesday, the defending champion lost the 1st set of bounced back to when the next 3, the victory moves brokovich closer to a 5th consecutive championship at wimbledon cetera and beyond. clark had ever done that joke of which will now face younique's center in the semi finals. i don't want to sound arrogant, but of course i do consider myself favorites. you know, judging with for the, with the, the results that i had in the end of my career here and previous for occasions of wimbledon that i, one you know, uh and, and reaching another semi final. so i do consume, in my state. so favorite guest or adding the women singles in wimbledon,
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ukrainian wildcard it will be no school to lena has advanced to the semi finals with a shock went against for time grand slam winner egos, fee on tech now pseudo. lima struggled early in the contest, but she managed to saddle back to win the 1st set 75 over the world. number one. see on tech that ukrainian ended her opponents 14 match winning streak by taking the 3rd set. 6 to up. next it is close up the documentary with a look at how the independence movement has divided catalonia and stay with us. the
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. 6 capital in independence society divided by a dream. the extreme right has a long history of exploiting the conflict and is redoubling its efforts the head of a general selections later this year. is spain that across the road
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closer the dw guy i can check off rather than before. you okay, mark okay, sounds good. transport is a greatest causes c, o, 2 emissions in europe and that requires urgent action. the future is being determined. now, europe revealed part 5 of our series, the 45 minutes on dw, the i love that i've loved her since the beginning because of her character because of
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her courage and how she thinks most rain. so today, wise mother annoyed for nearly 4 decades. she's for peace for me, for brace of freedoms in your home, then the run, in spite of bob barry's government, tries or children should not inherit science from us the an income. if you look into the nice stats, july 29th on t w, the castle. loony of his phone to the city of barcelona spectacular peer in these mountains and the beaches of the costa bravo. the region in northeast in spain is of vacation paradise.


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