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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 12, 2023 10:00am-10:31am CEST

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the 60 degrees and explore fascinating world heritage sites dw world heritage 360. now the, this is dw news live from berlin. they to leaders welcome ukraine to their summit, but not their alliance. presidents. lensky is asking nato for a guarantee of security after they refuse to set a clear timeline for ukraine's membership. then will bring you the latest from the summit in vilnius. also coming up the united states ripped by extreme weather
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president, fight and declares a state of emergency in parts of the northeast. as 2 months of rain falls in 2 days and the mexican stand off, law officials held hostage by an alleged drug. gang are released on harm, doubts remain about the ability of the local government to maintain order the . i'm sarah kelly. welcome to the program. natal leaders are holding the 2nd day of their annual summit in vilnius lithuania where they are meeting with below to hear . so lensky, the ukrainian president, is asking the military alliance to give his country more weapons and security guarantees, as it continues to fight against russia's invasion. so lensky had hoped to win a firm commitment for nato membership. but while leaders agreed to ease you,
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prince passed, they refused to set a firm time table. we are ahead of today's meetings. the landscapes sent out set out 3 priorities, but he wanted to hear from nato members. there feel swan is a weapon, packages, new web them packages for supporting our army on the battlefield. and that is one, the 2nd i think, the invitation to need to, and a we want to be on the same page with everybody with all their understanding and for today what we, what we, what we hear and understand that we will have this invitation when security measures will allow, yeah, so i want to discuss with our partners all this things and the sold will will speak today and fight for these is security guarantees for ukraine on the way
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to a to thanks so much and from world spring and bound to regard who's joining us now from vilnius bank, i mean that was a pretty diplomatically worded statement from the landscape. ultimately, what he was looking for here was a timeline for ukraine to either get an invitation to join nato or for actual membership. it doesn't look like he's getting either why it was after his initial disappointment, the visit into the president of ukraine toned down his reservation little bit. when he arrived at the summit venue, he's saying he was still pushed for an invitation to gain membership of nato. but of course, he has to accept that nato says no at this point in time because it would be too risky and to dangers from a to, to take. and ukraine right now, because russia is attacking ukraine. it's a country in the middle of a war. and the native would then be obliged actually to help ukraine military to
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send its own troops on the arctic or 5 of the major 3 d and the all native states, including of course you as president joe biden say disability not to happen, even not to be drawn into the law, so will you create a has to wait? was a succession next the until after the ball. and then it gets complicated also because this was a no pledge of nature to take any you create immediately after this voice stops. and sealants, you know, once to achieve at least this and legally negotiations about the timing and the time that will go on. and especially to nate to ukraine cancer that is convening today. and in discounts. they also talk about mood, 30 support of cause. and this you cute security there. sure. and says that the g 7 countries will issue today, the leading western industrial come to say we want to buttress to sustain ukraine's efforts to fide russia and how that can play out. i us, the german,
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40 minutes, the not even a big book and she said it's not so much about military support and small about infrastructure, rebuilding ukraine and supplies for you. okay. to keep the state running a search found triggered in vilnius. thank you. so how is all of this being received in keith? well, i put that to our correspondence there. nick connelly there is real disappointment in see if i think of the kind of consensus is that the west and particularly germany the us. so basically, once again, not have the confidence not have the courage to draw a line in the sense for the russians. that is the view seen from key of people here . think that giving you claim that kind of perspective would actually make things safer. that it would make it clear the rest of that the west is committed to finding the long run. and there is no room for russia to expand its influence here . and you claim that this ambiguous,
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in keeping things up and actually encourages russian aggression gifts, letting me put you in hope that he might still wait it out. and if and you, us, some instruction comes in or other crises in europe, distract attention that he will then be able to achieve more on the ground on the battlefield. here in ukraine, there is the present of a volume zalesky from other political figures. he has some people to criticize the fact that he was quite so open in his criticism on, on social media that he was quite so emotional. they say that he didn't do enough in terms of reform inside the country that he gave countries who were looking for a reason to say no to ukraine, a substance. and they were able to now, instead of the membership at some time, say okay, we can expect you to carry out some reforms and when the conditions and whatever those conditions are they haven't been said, then we'll let you in. so has any criticism inside the country, but the over arching kind of feeling is one of disappointment and of uh, yeah, a sense of history repeating itself to of, to $220.00 or 8. that last big nature summit, when your brain was basically black details, not now that things are just happening wherever again you as president joe biden,
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you printing president, reload him as a lensky expected to meet today in vilnius. what are you currently ins expecting there? i think this is going to be about weapons and more weapons right now ukraine is in an offensive all across the south and east. we have that recent decision by the white house to green light, the delivery of cluster munitions that is crucial because basically conventional munitions are running very, very low in the us and also in europe. so basically the question of cluster munitions or not? so i think there's going to be more of a push from zalinski for those f $165.00 digits. ukrainian troops tell you, time and time again that they all basically unprotected. they don't have the support and that is costing you for in your lives. but i think there's also a real fear here that the white has increasingly scared of russia being date stabilized by its lack of success here on the battlefield. but actually they're more concerned about submitting the teaching and he's reading folding rather than about making sure that the ukraine succeeds and re gains with searching settings, going to be pushing. so let's get to remind the white house that you crane is the
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us is allowed to factor out here, and actually that is a priority rather than making sure that the purchase stays in place and kind of chaos in russia is avoided. so i think that is kind of the real hope and i don't know how much we're going to find out in public, but certainly there is a real big hope that this is going to be the crucial meeting of the summit. connolly and keith, thank you. and here are some other worlds had lives. japan has denounced the latest long range missile fire by north korea, japanese chief cabinet secretary, who will come to much sooner. oh, said the piano gangs repeated. launching a ballistic missiles is a threat to japan safety. on wednesday, north korea conducted a missile test with its longest ever flight time. russia has blocked efforts by the un security council to extend humanitarian aid to syria's rebel held north western areas. the resolution would have secured much needed deliveries for another 9 months to a region ravaged by
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a mass of earthquake in february. a russian counter proposal to extend aid for 6 months also failed, and was only backed by china. a resilient authorities have rescued for migrant sound hiding in the vendor of a ship from nigeria. the still ways were discovered after 13 days and the police say they are healthy to spite hiding in a section of the ship that is often under water. now the northern hemisphere, summer has brought extreme weather to many countries in the united states has not been exempt. president joe biden has declared a state of emergency as some of the northeast region see their worst flooding in nearly a century. this is not life, not covered by 2 months of rain in just 2 days. several communities like this, including the stage capital on pele moon, by the relentless deluge. more than 30 state varied so close as the war to spread.
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this railroad even had the ground swept away from underneath it. a video shot by the mont state police shows flood waters pulling over dam on the opposite queen she river. another walked away, the connecticut river swollen to 4 meters above its usual level for up levels. now as the past act of how can i read in 2011 marine had about 12 hour duration of rain. and then it was of sun came up, everyone went out, we were able to assess the damage. everything was receding, and we went back towards the recovery phase. this is different. we've had like 48 hours of study range, of the same intent spring that we saw during irene to 4 times. the amount of rain respond as it performed more than 100 rescue sofa with other teams being floating
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in from further afield. police urged people to stay at home unless they have a risk, in which case they were told to evacuate. that have been, thankfully no reported casualties thus far. and while the writings have now combed its services, yes. and as a reminder, that's how wells is changing fast. the local officials are struggling to maintain their authority and mexico southern state of good at all. 13 law enforcement workers were taken hostage while trying to quell violent protests that the government claims were staged by drug gangs, with the sole purpose of attacking police. while the hostages have now been released on harmed questions remain about the rising influence of organized crime. in the region demonstrates is blocked this highway 2 i can pull. can we mexico for 2 days on the pretext of protesting against the slow pace and throw twigs in the area up to $5000.00,
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clashed with police and force them to retreat several times. rights has come indeed an ahmed vehicle, which they used to ram the gates of a local government building. the classes culminated india duction of 13 security and government tennis and they'll be 2 weeks towards the release of to arrest the gang leaders saddles. i lost my niece, i sent this symbol we demonstrate as gab, it's due to me on to the release of to people who belong to a criminal organization known as lost uh deals, the oldest squirrels. that'd be the government says the protest stage by the laws are deals, drugs going which controls, villages in the area. officials say some people might have been forced to take a pause. the president who owns a false promises made by drug scans,
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bookcase on that, but i don't to let yourselves be manipulated a group of because it is a common practice of some criminal groups and they create that support space. so she, at that point the 13 hostages were eventually released on terms that are not entirely clear, but the incident does illustrate to degree of the criminal gang success or much of public life in mexico, the, to the wimbledon tennis tournament. now we're novak joke of age tide. roger federer is record slam of 46 men's grand slam semi finals with his victory over andre. whoop, that's on tuesday. the defending champion lost the 1st set of bounce back when the next 3. the victory moves joke of it, closer to a 5th consecutive championship at wimbledon. only feder and beyond park have ever
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done that joke of which will now face younique's center in the semi finals. and given his record in london, he likes his chances against the italian. i don't want to sound arrogant, but of course i do consider myself favorites, you know, scheme and judging with the, with the, the results that i had in the, in my career here and previous for occasions of wimbledon that i, one, you know, and reaching another semi final, so i do consume in my fits, so favorite guest and the way more than women singles, ukrainian wildcard alina spit. the lena has advanced to the semi finals with a shock when it goes for time grand slam. when you got sponsor, let's see on tech. excuse me. so the lena struggled early in the contests, but she managed to battle back to win the 1st set 75 over the world. number one's the on tech. the printing ended her opponents 14 match winning straight by taking the 3rd set. 62 in wildlife park
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in north western china. zookeeper is our helping animals be the heat as the region suffers through a heat wave. on hot days. these 2 giant pan does get a special treat. the fruit potter comes served on ice blocks. after devouring the fruits, the bears, how the big chunks of ice to cool off hippos also get a treat of watermelon. you're up to date on the date up. you do thank you so much for watching the i sorry, so one on 6 times to increase the power into the more people than ever on the move worldwide in such an one. great timing is very hard to say very difficult,
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john to find out about time on storing info my grands the good afternoon. well, is there a train to school for you from here? yes, 5, 26 am only in the morning. yes, we're on the cusp of the fastest, deepest, most consequential transformation of transport. this is every bit as transformative as when the, the car replace the whole piece of the piece 3rd runway would distinctively generate an additional $3000000.00 tons of c. o. 2 is absolute madness to do that and tons of climb across the some of the news i'm 50 years from now. self driving trucks will be the know it's all i won't be around to see to download the
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room. we send roads crews cross the european landscape like arteries. we use them to commute to travel in to transport goods. nearly every aspect of our lives depends on that. the a drug, antic mobility infrastructure has been created in europe. but as a result were now faced with serious problems. fuel prices are exploding. cities are clogged with traffic. while in the countryside, whole regions are cut off the traffic and transport cause the highest c o 2 emissions in europe. while other sectors are slowly reducing emissions, the ecological footprint of the transport sector is growing
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the at the beginning of the crew and a virus pandemic, we had a brief glimpse of what it looks like when the world standstill. traffic came to a halt and we got a brief respite from pressing questions. like, how can we make transport cleaner? can this clean transport be accessible to all the? because today we all depend on transportation. the europeans love to travel. nowhere. our suitcases packed more often than they are in europe. above all, we love to fly low cost airlines are particularly
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popular. they dominate the market and make flying cheaper and more flexible. the. these are all flights in europe on july 16th, 2017. twice as many as in 1996 after a short depth due to the pen demik, the curve is now rising again. in 2033, it's estimated. the number of passengers will have doubled once more. the air transport is responsible for 14 percent of all transport emissions, but the true cost of flying to the beach is much higher than the price of the plane ticket. more and more young people want to see this change, like here in vienna. seeing is, say,
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outline is very difficult to the top nice if looking, so the airline industry is assigned to green motion plans to continue to grow the content. others are supposed to reduce the nation elsewhere and technology to transformation some way to find the future. and we need a reduction now so, and that can only be achieved through a reduction in a truck. i mean, a tap singer is co founder of this, the ground did network. she's been fighting the expansion of the end is airport for years. they also come from, do you have access in the airport currently has to run way semester and this is wanted to expand for a very long time on expansion plans or announce to 1990 a some sizing. and that has been resistance from the region ever since the time to the course. and recently using the climate issue has become increasingly serious. i mean, we've arrived in the climate crisis and the airport still wants to take over an additional $660.00 heck to split this 3rd runway. a climate damaging wants to
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project fits with the fed runway would effectively generate an additional $3000000.00 tons of c o. 2. it is absolute. mad not to do that in times of climate across us. yeah. say one that says we have sites 660 heck j as of austria's most valuable agricultural land from being used for climate damaging aerial process. that is really good. we have rained in the growth mania, but the boxes is not the one that comes on it is kind of, it cannot be an international airline ticket is turned off at a lower rate than food. this has to stop. the transport is a complex issue. one that effects to solve decades ago,
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we here in europe decided to outsource the production of many consumer goods and basic necessities rather than produce them ourselves. what this meant for transport was clear. we would be more and more of it. take a high quality german e bike, for example. it's made of over a 1000 individual parts that are produced in all different regions of the world. the raw materials for the batteries come from south america or australia. the batteries are manufactured in china. some of the electronic parts in germany. the engine is assembled and hungry and then shipped back to germany. the german tires are made in indonesia, the japanese brake disks are made in malaysia. the rim tape is made in vietnam, and the brake components are assembled in malaysia or china and then installed in germany. the chain is made in japan, the fork and tie want the through axle is also produced there,
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but then assembled into the wheel in portugal, along with the rims and spokes before being delivered to germany. only if all of these parts are delivered on time can the bike be completed? almost all of these goods are shipped from asia to europe by ship. first they pass through the suez canal, then they cross the mediterranean. the destination is usually a northern your being poured rotterdam on to where bore hum board. for example, the shipping is responsible for at least 3 percent of global c o 2 emissions and is coming under increasing scrutiny. while the hermit causes the climate is clear, shipping is subject to exceptions. this is true for air transport as well. neither is covered by either the parents climate agreement or the emissions trading scheme . most goods are deliberate, according to be just in time system. in other words,
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they are produced only when needed in order to avoid storage time. only when transport runs absolutely smoothly can the european economy function depend demik and to warn you. crane have shown us how interwoven and fragile the supply and production processes are. and how help us we are when they're interrupted. shipping is followed by the next important link in the transportation chain. trucks the even coal. this is a truck driver. he loves his jobs. his home is in bulgaria, bar and above that goes to enable it over to installed. so it was my grandmother to
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go dressed to solve her brother gold rest. his soul was also a truck driver 25 or 30 years ago when he gives an altima. she want, when he came home, he was pulled off children, something like that. we would 246 a grandkids. he always had a whole bag of candy for us. like one time wherever you put me in the truck, sent me on his lock them out and that was the whole this customer moved from the noise. i wants to be a truck driver too. i forgot my dream. could someone how to do the drawing thing is whole. i know some 6200000 trucks drive europe's roads. huge number and like even color, most of the drivers come from eastern europe, was really just a little of their own in east and european truck drivers in western europe. this is mainly for financial resistance for them. so good wages, different homeless, me. if you're in 1000 euro,
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have you in 2000 euro. so that's already a big difference. it's want you to the money to the where are you calling you back? iraq? yes. great. so is a quiet the i don't understand the name of the neighbor, neighbor romania, no book area. sophia, close to close div. yes. mazda law. in friends, they still diesel from me. but also while i was sleeping in
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front in front as a real problem of some come i don't think i'm going to go to them. hold on, hold on, hold on. yes. above us, our city. yeah, this part of the load is going to mercy. this part to get the village of consolidated targeting or robust bushland, germany, bloomberg, and it's done. and then back to iraq. just to remind you quite a lot. i have, i have the, the law has strict rules for laurie driver as they are supposed to return to their home country every 4 weeks for example. but although the laws are supposed to help, the drivers work healthier and have more free time, there is resistance, eastern european drivers fear these rules will restrict their ability to work, rendering them uncompetitive.
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the 75 percent of freight transport in europe is handled by trucks. no wonder road transport is so damaging to the climate in 2019 and accounted for 26 percent of all c o 2 emissions in the u. while total c o 2 emissions have fallen. those generated by road transport him actually present over at the same period the
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if you're wants to become climate neutral vehicles of the future will have to be emission free truck manufacturers are working hard on alternatives to the diesel engine. another goal isn't always have a warrant for the one of the major technical challenges. the truck sees the question of how we can implement c o 2 free transport for freight traffic on the roads and cut them the outdoors. these are powerful vehicles. their engines have a load of power and they need it. and finally, they drive many kilometers a year. last month, they need high payloads and a lot of flexibility mode. and we showed that these features will remain very important for future vehicles as well. with my team and i are interested in developments in the arena, refusal know, in particular, alternative fuels that could possibly be considered as energy sources powering
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trucks. finally, coming at the moment, we're looking at hydrogen falls, but there is definitely on the candidate that interest us to see um there are definitely environmentally friendly or alternatives to the trunk. never the less, only one year a p and country has consistently chosen alternatives. switzerland in 1994, the swiss population decided to introduce a higher tax on petrol and to use the revenue to finance real transport. 7 via has shown side long i'm i can please super lyrics most kind of we have been thinking for a long time about what we could do about this move to a project coming into a violation gong. and then we discovered that the consultants have the same problem and phone, and of course the visa and the image may as we feel that more and more traffic was coming to college, more and more projects were coming home.


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