tv In Good Shape Deutsche Welle July 21, 2023 3:30pm-3:45pm CEST
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to excellent tips to help you find in a couch potato, the dw, we've got some hot tips for your bucket list, the magic corner, check hot spot, and some great culture of the board us to boat w travels off, we go, the dogs thing can be so much fun. running is great to your body needs to move and there are lots of opportunities for it to do so. but the smoking, 10000 steps the day really help you start it. should you always train on the brink of what you can fit? it can do is backwards running a valid form of exercise. find out all that i'm more on this episode of the in good
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shape. welcome to the show, the what's the best way to get exercise, yoga, strength training. swimming out how much physical activity is really good for you should use and just to repeat the sun salutations. first 3 reps and the set or 15. and how long should you exercise? that all depends on what your goals are. trying to build strength then aim for only a few repetitions. building muscle requires more and building and tear and some particular takes consistent training. but does walking 10000 steps a day really have health benefits. the,
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some people track the number of steps they take every day. so 10000 in 10000 steps every day. it's certainly wouldn't hurt. 10000 steps how far is that? an all assuming astride is 60 to 70 centimeters in length, then 10000 steps is between 6 and 7 kilometers. for many 10000 steps or a benchmark guess? yesterday i did 12100. 68. how does that? it's still early, but i've done 2000 so far. but who came up with a 10000 step proven martin. honda is an authority on the topic if you're going to is this your exercise is great and the more the better. but there is no scientific basis for $10000.00 steps of the i think it's just a marketing gimmick. piece of right. during the 1964 summer olympics in japan, there was an exercise grades. soon afterwards, the mazda accompanied launched the 1st wearable pedometer. it was called none for
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months. okay, ma'am, is 10000 quote means step k is counter toyota. so the name was to walk a $10000.00 steps a day to allow for the mechanical month. ok could only count to 10000 dollars to get to fit movie you know, my as a hope so you might that's mostly in everyday life. i don't exercise that much. so i tried to walk as much as i can. i count my steps and lately i've done 86, sometimes 10000. i make sure i always manage about 10000 steps a day. marina does a health check to see how fits. she ends as all that blocking, made a difference as an $18000.00 descriptive walking. 10000 steps is a great basic work out, any of that coming up with that as a basis, you can tell that someone does a sufficient amount of move money, outpatient. i live in this and that, but when it comes to training that also stimulates the metabolism and keeps the heart and blood vessels healthy to sending this into
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a high training like that. it has to be of a certain intensity. so i have and i just supposed to visit intent detail the load test reveals how intense exercise should be for moving a miser. like many people who have just started exercising, jogging cycling quickly and swimming, cause pulse and blood pressure to rise significantly. for lot take levels also rose too quickly during the test, and that's a sign that while she's starting out, she needs to train differently at a greater intensity. but for shorter durations, it's not the, it's a stop to it. to my advice to her would be to do structured workouts and been slowly increase the duration get 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, that will lead to better fitness and overall better health counseling. as it says, love's outdoor training, the expert on diabetes has read many positive studies on walking. however, from a scientific standpoint, they're often inconclusive. observational studies don't allow us to do
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a causal conclusions. so an extensive study from sweden and 2020 provided some robust research results. that's up to you in the patients who walk 4500 steps or more. a daily head is 50 percent lower risk of diabetes, then study participants who are less active. tiny mothers, being recently another study showed that people who walk regularly even live longer one man knows firsthand how crucial exercise can be in the case of illness. just last summer, thought done today post was 20 kilos heavier he was also constantly thirsty and exhausted. due to his extremely high blood sugar levels and severe diabetes, then he had a major physical crisis. and last night and goes because we rushed to the hospital and i went to the emergency room and you say, immediately said i had to stay there. his proper sugar levels were determined and
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the clinic now he inject insulin 3 times a day counting steps, helped bogged down get started in his new life and he is much more active as well off and miss, yes, it was pretty much a must for me because i'm still young, some have a family at home. i have 2 small children and i have my whole life ahead of me leaving from you. he's begun to move a lot more and has checkups regularly. the gospel does all the test results show that you've actually managed to make your sugar metabolism disorder completely disappear in this one is all done to the post, no longer needs injections, and he's completely healthy again the there's a huge range of youtube videos showing high intensity training souls and very intense workout sessions have long been preferred by body builders will strength training the work out so short but push the muscles to the limits and the number of
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repetitions as know sounds like a good way to save time. the exercise is great for your health, but many people are put off by the amount of time they believe it will take up from the exercise about 5 hours a week, twice, 2 hours a day, and 20 minutes half an hour a day. for week the world health organization recommends a 150 to 300 minutes of moderate exercise for 75 to a 150 minutes of intense exercise. but a new study from australia that analyzed 70000 people over a period of 6 years showed that just 15 to 20 minutes of exercise a week can significantly increase your life expectancy. the discovery caused something of a sensation in sports medicine, the tiny and, and all study participants were fitted with an excel or ometer d, a speed sensor, the tracks movement and records. the effort involved and stuff happens. the
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researchers discover that for the subject is just 15 to 20 minutes of intense exercise a will lead to a 20 to 40 percent decrease in instances of cardiovascular diseases and cancer and sensors construct. this puts intervening of time. so 20 minutes of exercise a week or just under 3 minutes a day is enough to significantly reduce the risk of heart attack stroke and even cancer. helena, viola has worked out regularly for years because it's good for her. because i tried to come here a few times a week to make up for all the time i'm sitting down at my office, just kind of knew what she combines, endurance training and muscle building exercises for 3 hours a week and moderate effort. but according to the australian study, she could also benefit from additional short intensive workouts assess
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fund is the exciting thing is that both those who are completely inactive and there is no exercise casually benefit in science, they say that's been corrected for moderate activity. the motor hot depend no matter how much moderate exercise you do, not you benefit from the short, intense session quotes and collectively intensive mind. high if you already exercise, you can simply add some short demanding sessions. but you don't even have to go to the gym to increase your life expectancy. it's enough to just avoid elevators and climb 4 flights of stairs twice a day. even less so the effort doesn't have to be so intense that you work hard for 5 or 10 minutes, like in a hard work out for example, until you can't do it anymore. i honestly just the key is repeatedly exerting the muscles for a short period of time and everyday life without getting really tired of a day a couple of days in doom on the final dash 5 peddling hard on a slight incline unoccupied foot or turning off the motor on any bike or running to
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the bus stops, that's 200 meters away and that's why i have not made a kline on last. i mean it's important to remember that to improve performance long term. the heart has to be really stimulated, challenge to briefly but intensely one's eyes and response, blood flow to the muscles improve these. what's good to the hearts blood flow can also improve and the focus on or short, intense repetitions can help increase life expectancy. but endurance training is worth while at any age to rejuvenate yourselves and turns back your biological clock. researchers at don on university in germany, provided evidence for this back in 2018. the scientist looked at the red blood cells, especially the chromosomes, and they contained their genetic information. at the end of the dna strands that make up chromosomes are what are called telling me here, like the caps at the end of a shoelace. telling me here's protected dna from franklin and deteriorating,
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which is a normal part of the agent process. the each time cells divide the protective, telling me here's shorten, allowing the natural aging of the cell to progress. and within our biological age the german researchers were able to show the exercise, it can slow down this process. especially in durance training did rejuvenate the sales. besides, that means we can delay the aging of ourselves. our muscles are bone and send our blood vessels to them. so actually a combination of endurance, increasing physical activity and intense short work hours is the best thing we can do, especially. but the good thing is that you don't have to do everything at once. anyone who manages to push themselves twice
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a day for 2 minutes and incorporate proper exercise into the daily routine can significantly reduce their risk of dying prematurely. learning to will is a difficult and time consuming. and deva, even though practice sessions start with kicks in the room, it takes most babies about a year to be able to work on their own. so it's no surprise that advancing to high jogging. i was running marathons takes much longer. some people even prefer to run like this. it's hard work to do it effortlessly and skillfully running backwards in real life. that's a different matter altogether. a 100 kilometer run is a challenge and what most people can't manage normally mark as your organs from one star runs backward slash, it's helpful to look backwards because then you can see what you've already accomplished. you always have that when you're running backwards. backward running
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has become an established sport and it go off track was introduced to the discipline by her coach, oscars and stuff. and so it's not so hard onto joins and you can lessen the impact more easily. i'm kind of your best off field, very pleasant. in any case, i'm running backwards is considered particularly healthy. it's set to train the muscles in the back of the body. sports scientists and ask lead designer tongue has taken a special interest in it, but it will look like the flow from. i'm the and the most. when we're running backwards, we have increased activity in muscles that we tend to neglect, to not use and everyday life dots who come beyond that. there's less impact on all the joints you use for these movements. somebody on site, home phones. and last but not least of using, it can help limit other injuries that can take place in the musculature. when we run normally on it, all sorts of people who sit at a desk a lot, mike wallace, student konica,
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putting stream amounts of stress on just the front of the body that can cause back shoulder and neck problems, nothing upright and backwards of is if i'm pulling you up by the pony tail for you . with these issues in mind, i know tongue develop a training program. many exercises target the bodies neglected regions all thumbs out. then you'll have the full range of motion. single. another focus of his cons that is exploiting the full range of motion martial artist hastily sent office workers all benefit equally from the approach. as always, when i push off with my legs and then extend my hips as if i were jumping backwards . like or many exercises from the sessions, train the posterior chain muscles, which helps maintain fitness by counteracting strain from everyday work and sports activities. those at the german sports university. cologne's institute for movement
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and neuro science researches underway to explore how sports and regular exercise affect the brain and memory deal and physical effects was condition up by men. we studied people on the verge of dementia to find out if a regular exercise and sport regimen can slow or even prevent the progression of dementia. definitely not in the tank support go up a project. elderly people who had not previously exercised trains 2 to 3 times a week for a year. one group worked on coordination and strength. another trained endurance of the control group didn't exercise at all. memory tests after 12 months showed a significant improvement in memory and the exercises and their perceived quality of life also increased. so to sum it up, backward running and.
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