tv DW News Deutsche Welle July 21, 2023 9:00pm-9:31pm CEST
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the the, the state of the news long from berlin let him are put in with a threat to poland, the warrants any aggression towards belmont, bruce will be considered an attack on russia as follows, poland deployment of more troops along its eastern border in response to russian mercenaries gathering and belarus also coming. emergency crews battle wildfires in
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greece as a new heat wave adds to the missouri for some hoping to save their livelihoods from the flames. it is too late. now for an almost 36 hour hunt german police of mid orleans mystery lion may not have been a line after all. plus more accident from the women's world cup. spain show dominance in their tournament opener against coast or rica loving to get past the last 6 themes for the 1st time. they're off to a great start. the on the go for at least welcome to the program. russian president vladimir putin has issued threatening warrants to poland, saying moscow would react to any aggression against its allied bella roost food and the case. nato member, poland of having territory real ambitions in the former soviet union. earlier today,
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poland announced it's military as read, applying more units closer to its border with bella roof after having already done so earlier this month was after reports of russia's wagner, mercenary group, training, fellow, roofing, and soldiers. both russia and poland share a border with bowlers and put in warrant that so called aggression against bella. ruth wouldn't be considered an attack on russia. let's look. i say it's a lot better research that is part of the union state and a leasing aggression against bella luce will me and aggressively against the russian federation, we will respond to this even more the means at our disposal. jonathan cops as the senior director of the democracy and security project at the brookings institution in joins us tonight for washington, dc. mazar cuts. welcome to the w. clearly there is concern on colin's eastern border about wagner. troops and neighboring bolivar is how big a threats do these mercenary, really pose to poland?
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now, wagner has a long history of, of, of acts of violence. we saw, we've seen this in africa, middle east, but also in ukraine. and so anytime you see with this emergence of walk there including a training, but the reason is close to the polish border of thousands to come in. we know now that there is about 1500 that report. in fact, in truth that are reported in, in bell risk, this certainly is a, is something that raises alarm bells. poland is certainly right to be concerned, but you're already saying nato partners at allies backing up poland and saying that will provide additional support including germany. attack and poland is attacking nato. is that in anyone's interest at this point? and certainly the nato alliance including president binding. now there's been clear about any attack and what age of native soil is an attack on the lines. so i think
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there's a lot of bluster right now. what, what's disconcerting is that you hear increase rhetoric including coming from from mr. clinton about threats to the west. so i think today that was certainly direct threat to poland such an important ally that's been critical and supported ukraine and it's fight against russia. so it's something clearly that we need to watch. and i think there are things that we can certainly do to strengthen efforts to trust these, these networks like fox or including increased enhanced sanctions. something that we've been working on it at brookings, including over the last couple of days, is how do we strengthen efforts to hold accountable these networks, these dangerous networks in a week and their ability along with mr. prove to harm ukrainians, but also to weaken their threat less than their threat to data alliance in countries including paul. so it's something that we have a lot of work to do,
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but we need to take this right seriously. i do want to take a little deeper into these threats because he accused poland of having territorial emissions in the former soviet union. who is this audience here? is anybody in warsaw taking this seriously as well? i think it's laughable. and the only employee person who has designs on, on territory, that's not russian territory distribution. we've already seen the outcome of that work. tribes that he's committed, the atrocities been committed to ukraine. so there's a lot of disinformation message spreading. i don't think anybody buys this and but what we do take seriously is that the security threat with dr. showing up in bel ruse. and when we hear from mr. goshen that he has things to prove, potentially to get back in the good graces of, of mr. food, you have to worry about what that means, both for ukraine,
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but also also the threats a long versus border, which includes a baltic countries, but also a poland. so something to watch. but it's pretty laughable that, that mr. couldn't present carrier of what he has been normally in ukraine, but in this neighborhood, for all the street, 222 dozen years is making this quite know the german defense minister and the face of bass threats said today that jeremy anita were prepared to support. poland in defending the alliance as eastern fling. what might that look like at this stage with a threat that is fairly vague? yeah, it was 1st let's step back. a native over the last couple of years has really strengthened into eastern flank, including increasing the number of troops, equipment, key equipment, that's there. and so what we might see is increase levels of troops in poland. obviously there's a significant us presence there as well. it could be in the form of the type of
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equipment that a patriot batteries, things that might send a strong signal that a polo like any, any nato partner that you will stand with a, provide security and support beyond just diplomatic, to make certain that both russia and mr. shank and others that might be willing to do the things that they shouldn't be doing that nato stands with warsaw stance with the polish people. and i think that message has been loud and clear over and over again, both in washington. but we've seen this across your dogs and cats of the perkins institution. thank you so much. thank you. here's a look at some other news from around the world. russian authorities have detained prominent pro, war national as blogger, igor gurkin, the former leader of moscow. back to troops in eastern new crane is a vocal critic of president vladimir buttons and how russia's war and ukraine has
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been conducted. griffin's wife said he had been detained for extremism. a group of women in india for and down the house of a suspect accused of parading to women, make it in the north, a state of money for their reports of another suspects house also being burned down . this all took place over 2 months ago, but it a spark national outrage after a video went viral on social media this week. so it says it will move its staff and operations and back down back home temporarily after protesters storm the swedish embassy earlier this week, demonstrators have been outraged by protest and sweden this month where the cron was the sa created texas. yes, president joe biden says a number of tech times have agreed to voluntarily version voluntary artificial intelligence safeguards set to buy the winehouse. the commitments are meant to ensure a products are safe before their released security. messrs. agreeing to buy firms
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like amazon, google open a i meta, include digital watermarking of a i generated contents. and amsterdam is banning cruise ships from docking at the cities ports. the decision is part of the dutch capitals bin to car pollution and climbed down a mass tourism, which it says is out of control. the mayor complained last year that cruise taurus do a little for the local economy in spain, the final day of campaigning is drawing to a close ahead of sunday's general election. that could see the far right box party emerge as king makers the centre. right. the opposition people's party are leading in the polls. they're sent to fall short of an absolute majority. until recently, the conservatives has promised not to work with fox, but now they'll likely need their backend to form a government. and 3 spanish regions, the 2 parties are already in coalition. they nobody is inside of shots. and does this look from valencia at what could soon be in store for the rest of spain as
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well? women have come to valencia's regional government building prompted by fury at radical right wing box politicians forming part of the government. the party denies the existence of gender based violence and wants to ban the phrase from valencia's official communications. i mean, of course violence against women exist. you just have to look at the statistics one . how many women have been murdered this year? by the i understand it's already more than 50 and we're only halfway through the year. how many i mean the she and the others, the danger not only for valencia, but for the whole country. being worried that national conservatives could form a coalition with box to following the regional politicians here regional premier carlos my zone doesn't want to talk to journalists and fox representatives at all levels to ignore how requests for interviews inside we asked,
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depends on why he's made this coalition, later, later he says and disappears. calling sessions from box, don't even pretend to want to talk. this is their press chief energy on this. let me say, i know you're not filming this minister report you. this is the model for the full of spain. now the parliamentary sitting is the 1st one here for the new coalition. afterwards we find a conservative politician who will talk to us. he's from madrid across him just as occasion policy, which is so important in trying to prevent violence against women is in our hands. it will do that social policy and security policy to protect victims of this violence is also ours. there's no reason to worry. even holiday makers here know about the political machinations going on in valencia and how they might influence the national picture. it's totally insane. the worst thing that happened to this
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country, it gives me a bit of hope, the model here in valencia, and would certainly be a good solution for the whole country after the election on july 23rd. i want you to scrap the abortion long. they want to get rid of the youth nation law. they say that violence against women doesn't exist. it all makes me very scared. the fear of the radical right must be turned into anger. says active is common probably. you know, if the valencia model is reproduced in madrid after the election, she says she and the others here will go there to protest. for a closer look, i'm drawing now by richard fitzpatrick is a journalist based in barcelona. richard, welcome. how likely is a coalition between the center, right opposition people's party and the far right box party a it's looking very likely at the moment, although the pools are very, very close,
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it's a really to really difficult to election to cause. and most likely outcome is the popular the conservative party and what else will require and the coalition government would box them to get them over the line. and the problem, the problem with arise and when per data popular up to date with boxes, demands to form that coalition for them it's, it's the big possibility. although it could also go to the other direction. and the socialists are still in this, in the size. and i would say that this was a campaign based on producing noise rather than content still. what would you pinpoint as the dominant issues and this election that's a really good way to put it. it is, it's the noisiest election night, like we're just in, in a long time. and when it comes down to is it, it is about the economy. the people in spain are worried about them. the rising cost of living as their recruiters people are across europe and high interest rates,
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and also the unemployment unemployment is the highest level in your patrol point 7 percent. bush, all the noise in the base when you turn on the television station here, it's all about the culture wars of the rise of box and, and also the char left and am trying to base with them about the issues around a portion reform agenda writes, am it's very ugly to base at spain has a progressive reputation when it comes to race and legislation and lots of women's rights, l g, b, t q, ryans, used in asia at how easily can all of that be and done by a possible government with a far right element in it or yeah, it is. they're essentially is the sitting them and these are in spain, is talking about a sinister return to, to franco times the front of dictatorship to them and,
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and in 1975. and it would be very difficult to fully road back all of that social legislation and abortion is abortion rights have been in place and 65, they've been adjusted in 2010 and again under sanchez. so, but what could happen is that they would be ruled back and protect the popular the dominant rise in parity or are conservative. they're not a radical parity. and, but they will have to tow the line is that, is there any coalition government which then stocks and, but i imagine box also we're gonna have to, you know, tailor to and these flavors will talk to you to popular with them with their demands. so this is remains to be seen interesting to action, to watch, richard fitzpatrick in barcelona. thanks for getting us caught up turning to grace,
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now we're firefighters. are battling to get wildfire as back under control for the 5th day in a row. firefighters and water bombers from other european countries are joining the efforts to battle the plains as temperature sore. once again, dozens of properties have already burned down. our correspondent, i'm in east of was on the ground as a family own summer camp near athens. far to save it from the plains in the hills near the greek coastline. and we follow the fire brigade to a hot spot, water bombing planes and helicopters of kept the situation under control until now . the regional commander wants to show us the progress they've made. the when we arrive, the situation has changed. another firefighter tells us, the commander can't talk. they have an emergency on their hands. a fire is threatening to spread into a family owned summer camp. it's been evacuated, but the owners are still here helping as much as they can. of these companies from 1953 and so we have the uh, similar to that,
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i was very young to them in 1995 and we monitor saved savings. then we helped to save it. now we were very optimistic. the mornings dollar we are again the very think fontes. they put out a call for help to the fire service to be pack the claims that are approaching the fence. several water bombers managed directed in the fire smolders 3 or 4 times. we've seen the fire simmer down because of the water being dumped from the sky. but then 3 or 4 times the fire re kindled and we've seen them go back out it with poses and even buckets of water. some of the firefighters have been working through the night in the morning and are exhausted. finally, the commander says he can speak to us because the flames are once again dying down the fundraising. we're trying to secure this camp here and we're doing everything we kind of, i don't, and for now we're monitoring. that's cool. that's good. but then there's
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a sudden commotion inside the gates. the camp. the fire has spread around the back in just seconds. the hope that prevailed has turned to panic. a wall of flames is coming in on a new front where they weren't prepare the . the heat is palpable and so was the sense of danger. the owners look on and disbelief and then make a last attempt to save the tents that welcome summer campers for generations then, just like that, it's all over the fire barrels down the 3rd side of the property, moving a 100 meters and 10 or 20 seconds. the campus all but surrounded with only one way out. back to the parking lot as fast as possible.
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so it looks like they've lost control of the fire here. they're asking everybody to evacuate immediately. the family that braved the wildfires all morning has lost the flights and grief sets in front of the we couldn't do anything. it went up to us and it means us, i don't want to visit boston because again, i'm certain about this. it was all here. 20 minutes ago and now and believably, it's gone. but everyone survived in with them the blueprints for how to rebuild. well here in berlin, many people are breathing a sigh of relief and having a good laugh after authorities called off the search for a linus on the loose. well,
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that's what everyone thought it was to begin with. but after a 36 hour hunt now seems to suspect captured on video was instead one of the areas more common inhabitants. so when is a line, it's not allowing us, but it's simple. this short video was it 1st believed to show a lie in s on the loose. it goes quite the stair in clyde mac, now are usually quiet municipality just outside of bell in police hunters and vet set off on a big cap tom through the forest. ultimately though, it appears to old a wild goose chase, the matter of climate cannot be made a somewhat sheepish announcement, a sunday to see missed. it's not a lie nash or a similar while donovan is on this some evidence. that means we can be fairly certain on the animal in the picture is a wild boar. each one can do it. he said that the search has now cooled off after
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further analysis of the footage. having looked more closely at the shape of the animal's hind legs, length of the tail and the lack of auction, it's back. oh, so it is not believe that the ballad line s, there's nothing more valuable. the man added that while there was no acute danger, people in the forest. sure none the less remained alert while the police and the hunters to pack up their vials and had back home at the women's world cup of spain. when their 1st mans reading costa rica, 3 mill and wellington new zealand, the pick of the 3 goals was the 2nd score by i found out on monday to cards out the smallest of spaces and the penalty box and followed it up with a fantastic fitness, spain scored a 3rd and had a penalty saved all in the 1st half. the wind puts them on the top of groups.
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he w sports stern was daniel burst loan. i told his what she thought. the secret of spain success against costa rica with spain is a very impressive side, and this was a very dominant performance from spain. spain is technically one of the most gifted sides in this tournament. a lot of their players come from real madrid and barcelona barcelona. of course is one of the absolute best teams, if not the best team in women's football at the moment. and it's amazing because for example, i was playing in spain when they really started their development of women's football. we focused on possession based systems. this is diane russell and i'm in group a switzerland one, their 1st game against the philippines and the need and new zealand. after taking the lead from a penalty on the stroke of half time, this with double their lead, and the 2nd half when there, i now few bo scored after some last steps, defending from the philippines and several unsuccessful attempts from her to me.
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of the canada i missed an opportunity to join australia at the top of a group be with nigeria holding them to a goal as john canada has the best chance of the match or you can see it. but christine saint clair saw her 2nd house. and on tuesday's ontario's debra audio june was then sent off an injury. time after video review nigerians for far happier with a result which leaves both teams. 2 points behind australia after one get the w corresponding tom. good. know it was in melbourne to give us an overview of where that leaves group be and he also caught up with nigeria gold keeping her with talk through this tournaments 1st, 2 games last night in oakland and sydney ended with one new window for the host
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teams in melbourne, leaving nigeria nor canada were able to break the deadlock and decide this game in that. ultimately it's nigeria who we have here with the point of that it was canada who had the better of the chauncey's, but the even pick champions. ricky would go school records theme sinclair was unable to combine a spark tate and secure her side of victory. just a moment ago, we spoke to the woman who said that penalty. i'm rescued. a point for nigeria. i only played against her last day. i never watched anything even, but i wanted to give the print out to you. i was like, oh, i should the starting school. i just, i just thought myself, go go, you can do the same. i did it so it wasn't the result we wanted. but then we agreed some for this opportunity and i believe we will keep working hard. we're not going to relax and keep working hard on to, to get it to get the task and right. and then as now and the swedish open 2nd, see the andre room laugh made light work of german alex on savannah to reach the semi finals on friday. prior to this bathroom left had only managed one. victor
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worry, the german and their head to head meetings. it only took one hour and 9 minutes for room left to get the 6362. when over his opponent left spaces defending champion francisco orchard on the in the semi finals and some golf news. the british open was interrupted by just stop oil protestors who through orange powder and set off a smoke flare onto the 17th green security. quickly took action and local police have arrested before perpetrators incident happened while players were completing their 2nd rounds. just stop oil has disrupted a slew of major sporting events and britain in recent months, including when built in a brief look now at some other stories from the world. a sports react marez is the latest star player to move to the saudi pro league according to saudi state. media is to join lee who have reportedly agreed
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a transfer fee of around $35000000.00 euros with manchester city. ill, jerry and winger won the travel with city last season, having joined them in 2018 and in the world rally championship, terry neville a show night has the rally of a stony after 4 of the scheduled 21 stages. the belgian leads reigning champion and points leader color roll on pair of finland. britton's, elvin evans. it's 3rd and finally, the legendary pop and jazz senior tony bennett has died at the age of 96 and his hometown new york city bennet, 120 grammy awards, and saying dozens of hits and his career spending more than 7 decades. the with his classic american songs, but it was one of the most popular singers of the 50s. frank sinatra famously
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