tv Kick off Deutsche Welle July 25, 2023 4:30pm-5:01pm CEST
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right, and how she thinks most rain, so today wise mother annoyed for nearly 4 decades. she's for peace for me, for brace of freedoms in your home, then the wrong in spelling so far, very cousin tries or children should not inherit science from us. the, an income, if you look into the nice stats, july 29th on d, w. the drawing and how i can, teen is promise of working to defy the effects of joining the power dice. last former residents of the chunk of islands fighting for a right to return the land under surveillance. lead
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time is the home comans democracy movements the home in 2019 named 2023. how can a city change so much in full use? what happened to the 2000000 people who took to the streets to demonstrate for the freedom and civil rights have time to go back to this place. i mean, life and things happen just in the past. that shouldn't be ok. florida springs as to the spot where he was arrested in 2019 like more than 10000 others. according to the process they will fail to prove any other things.
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only that i'm hiding behind this fellow and maybe with some other clothing, a helmet gloves and a mask. he's reluctant to show as a photo because he was convicted of supporting the protest movement. he spent 32 months in prison and still feels an easy here. in the face of the or this thing is a, is there a reminding yourself is not safe to speak so freely. yeah. the next morning tourist springs as to his freak show, which he's open since it's released. it's an easy finding, a job with a gun in his resume,
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a g does them all then. 9 the highs a cars. tories used his time in prison to study languages including gym and he said kids that could come in handy if he makes a fresh start somewhere else. he still chooses his words carefully. i know at the ends of him doing somehow is risking my life again. going back to joe in 2020 aging, impose the national security little that gave it broad powers to punish dissenters and critics of the chinese communist party for the pro chinese politician regina. yet, the new rule was an appropriate reaction to the protest comes this d valez became unacceptable. so by doing an extra, a nachos, a coach a little on, i'll be home, not good with the protesters to bring back law and order. how monday is the bocce?
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even when it came, parliament has become easier since the pro democracy calling because of the anymore far more effective, far more efficient because of the city bus 3, the deliberate of destruction, of the opposition which the west like to will mention size as democrats. they've done a lot of home to home calls sheets probably say the same about the woman we visit next, 40 minutes and downtown her home. debbie was elected to the district council here. 2 years later, she resigned to paste or the district council, the half is p 2 o to say that we are loyal to the come of this policy. like many other local make is debbie refused, but she held on to our office space so that she could remain available to
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constituents. so you know, sales locally made products to pay the rent. usually it's not enough to cover the costs, but this month she said record sales. the end of may as thoughts, distribution candle because to involve is coming and is one of the transitions like for the po, to like to move on. so the people who die on that day, june, 4th, 1989 was the day when the chinese minute tree cut down on pro democracy protest is that the aging stand them in square in china mentioning those who died or even the data known as to be debbie wrote down what happened next. local officials pay to revisit saying that had been complaints that her book shelf was blocking the sidewalk and that she was selling alcohol to minus a light odor. galvan lindsey's hotline came and closer in light to 2 or 3 days, which i think is fairy at no more. since then, she said more custom has been edited tool. this kind of sign and statement is the
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only form of protest that still possible in hong kong. during our visit, a police code stopped across the street. the offices took photos of us, and debbie took photos of them. the taste of the new normal, you know, call i don't think people, you know, is happy about the situation. but they also food. that is things we have to say anything about that. that's how these retired social scientist explains it. who like many others, like the u. k, you decided to leave off to repeatedly receiving assignments from the place. he can speak openly, which is no longer an option in home home, you have been told that we had to ups of some went lice. but let we never know what those what lies all even singing a song on call could be dangerous these days. the government wants to burn glory to
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home comb him the became the on some of the 2019 protest movements. as far as virginia is concerned, home home special spaces is a thing of the post. hong kong is supposed to tell you the 9 come, what may, the white, sandy beach is clearly will send the chunk of salt capella go is a jewel in the indian ocean. the british overseas territory is thousands of kilometers from the nearest mainland. but since the late 19 sixty's, the largest islands, diego garcia, is housed a huge submitted to the bank. the final act in a traumatic drama began on april 27th. 1973. a ship collected the last
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remaining residence of the cha goes archipelago. their island paradise was taken from them. the british government forced the islanders into exile. what was the amount that tom was one of them? we were to let the ship is there? no, then they took our people away. the british never told us to pack anything, and there was no time. all we had with us was a mattress and a suitcase. when we arrived in moorish us, we had 11 family members sleeping on the floor and one room. after 3 days my grandmother said you need to look for a house. so my mother built mine from tow, done. who was the moment that tone leaves with the horrors of the past? and a lifelong dream of returning to cha goes, now to this day, she remains caught between 2 worlds. the walls of her home and marissa was to pick the island world she left behind on the table. there are some veneers,
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nothing's happening. go, no, no tablets, just see enough. that chunk off has shells like bees if your mouth, although i got this one from the st. shells when they took us away so brutally, we couldn't take anything with us. so when i saw the shell, i picked it up. it's like the one my mother had many years ago. were talking about so many of those who were deported ended up in malicious in this part of the locals began moving away, anxious to leave what they called the seats, or the challenge of the islanders. the people who carry the stigma of being poor and far right. they have their own flag and even a kind of national and some that tells of their expulsion from paradise. after many, the years a small group was allowed to visit cha ghost. the joy of seeing their former home was mixed with sadness over their loss. it's almost impossible to get permission to
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visit the british view, the islanders as a security risk and fear any visits might strengthen their desire to return. it's all part of a g o. strategic move by britain in the united states that turn the islands into a restricted military zone. the largest island of diego garcia, features enable and air base. from here in the middle of the indian ocean, the 52 long range bombers were able to reach both afghanistan and direct. the location is also perfect for allowing the us to monitor global trade routes and keep an eye on growing chinese influence of the region. we cross to britain where we meet frankie bohn told in the city of crawley south of london. he's one of more than a 1000 residents in this area of chicago seem to send club supervisor, my lien cuts the birthday cake for her. and the club is
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a popular meeting point for the to a go see and community the older members can chataway inquiry old and forget their struggles in a country where they often feel like strangers. most of family and marissa is usually 10000 kilometers away. child goes, the land of their dreams is just as far away a we even now he's on the table. i was just simple, especially life. and believe, you know, on the land where you know your mom, you've done mother was born. how can you do that? we should go on met say they don't want to recognize like goshen as an easy just because they knew the moment they do that they will have the claims of the land. frankie talks regularly to his mother and other relatives and malicious bobby's has that family leave it for the initial phase of a deportation by the british bridge. while we spent months living in
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a pooling conditions. well, we wanted was to attend to chuckles, but they said we wouldn't get permission and the on us have been sold. that was in the 19 sixty's our history so so we had to stay here. when my father died, my mother wanted to go by can race had children there, but that was in the hospital. my mother died then my youngest sister. she was so she wanted to go on record and enroll her daughter about claims as close as she could imagine living in cha goes. but her granddaughter chloe, is trying to get rid of citizenship and wants to go there to study in the land of the former colonizers on a new cause. i know it's a paradox, but it's just an opportunity that has to be taken suddenly can't make you forget what they did, but it's a small compensation side at all. but but frankie boned so once more than that, we met him in new york at the united nations where he's been fighting to get the
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truck go, seems recognized as an indigenous people group in their own right. he believes this will give them a sick and what happens to child goes just this has to be done. i don't know if we, we really have to read about the next generation, but we would never give up. we have to do something and we just those things do nothing with hospice. and ben, if in the conference hall be here and you included indigenous groups from all over the world and that is at minorities seeking to assert their rights against a powerful nation state. each group was given 3 minutes to state their case before the mike was handed over. we are not motion and then on more than 1000 miles or more, we just, we have a unique culture of what a way of life and to the next to the land and ocean, all island, we are, we'll get it soon for the things that it pays rented keith of chicago,
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c n y and i now use the fraud to date. if it isn't that piece of work in my life. the problem is the united nations is already rule that the u. k. must be turned chunk goes to more riches the group stops for a quick photo to post on line. but there's no hiding there, frustration the u. k. and marissa, as have agreed on some key points, british, barrister phillips, and successfully argued the case on behalf of my wishes at the world court. he says the child goes sealants, could still be given the right to return. but it's not for an international court to grant the islands independence. the ruling can only reaffirm the previous supporters when cha ghost was part of marissa. so you might have a group of chicago students who say, we don't want to be part of permissions. we want to own independent country and understand why perhaps they may want to all do that. but under the rules of international law back is not possible. it unless of course nourishes what to
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say. we will give you a referendum. you can choose, it's like scotland. it's like catalonia a bug, marissa is hoping to generate income from tourism and plantations and would likely charge to us a heavy fee for using the military base. which of those sealants are refusing to give up, their demanding reparations from britain and to return to their homeland stage shop the best sand is from cha goes, can you go to the what do you feel when you look at it? why is it? oh, my heart aches when i look at it. if i can't go back, the child goes and die there, then i want to have the sense spread over my grange. i'm a movie, apple. how big demo for the beach you dream of. that's good. that was. yeah, so general god will bring me there one day. i will definitely go, god will give the islands back to us and to me and i will embrace them. i'll say i'm back for now. so she returns the send back to
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the bottle. what was the amount that's home was 17 when she was forced to leave her home. after 50 years in exile, she now has fresh hopes that one day she might return. if i ever go back to chicago, so build a house like this one, the single harvest, drilling capital argentina has been suffering, devastating drought for years. as much as down to human activity, like swathes of forest being cleared, the agriculture farmer, i'm on demos land is much to drive right now. he's planting wait. but here in the province of santa fe, it hasn't rained for a long time. so he's planting a genetically modified strain called
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h before it can cope better with arid conditions and was developed by the argentinean company bo settings. i'm a demo is a shareholder and the vice president of vio settings. like many farmers in argentina, he's worried about his ever shrinking harvest the someone else. again, we're currently going through a terrible drought single. but sooner than the train done, you know, anything. i've been working in farming for 30 years and i've never seen anything like it. when i say go, i don't want me to last year, he planted both genetically modified and conventional. we to compare the 2 little or the genetically modified h. b for we have, you'll do tend to almost 20 percent more than the conventional waiting 3 or to report in argentina h before we is already being sold as food, no extra labeling is required. other countries like for sale and the us have
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lifeline is authorized to use. but there's also massive criticism of h before because it's resistant to a toxic herbicide called glue false in 8 ammonium. critics argue that means that the herbicide will likely be used would be a series denies that i've gotten okay most. so we've never used a good fascinate ammonium here. there's no need for and to invest in the chemical treatment we do is exactly the same as for conventional weight. and i think on some cases where it's necessary to use just for selected areas where there's a specific weed or a problem noise. but it's not use that much on argentinian wheat fields, the farmers, eduardo strategy and my cell upfront team follow a different concept. they also grow wheat, but they don't use any chemical toxins or genetically modified crops on their fields. even if that means they end up with a much smaller harvest. and $3.00, oh $8.00 is
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a staple food in argentina. that's why it's so important. it's noticed in every household for bread, pasta, and flour. as i saw, see it wouldn't be healthy if it contained toxins. and we said a lot of time, one of those sounds we produced without any toxins or genetic engineering to be able to see what we think h before is dangerous, because it was made to tolerate advert chemicals. and i'd like to move, fascinate ammonium will give me go home on forcing that to them on the to organic farmers grind their own flour and sell it across argentina. it's become very popular. the point of study is showing that residue from agricultural chemicals, remains and foods like fruits and vegetables. any practical good at the product and you consume are directly affected. chemical residue stays in the ground for the air on the micro flora and microphone on,
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and also affects the people who live near that farm land. a tenant of old edwardo, spi anji is on his way to visit someone who has become sick because of the use of anchor chemicals. norma cabrera is a farmer to how are you doing? very well. nice to meet you. i'm edwardo. thanks for seeing us. she shows him the neighboring farm there, so it being planted here, one of the most important crops in argentina, after wheat and corn, the farmer sprayed anchor chemicals on his fields, accord case determined that they made her sick. now the neighbor has to stay at least 500 meters away from her house when spring chemicals. they will not let us. yeah, i developed analogy and started getting blotches on my skin cell enough, my bones were damaged, these were sometimes the doctor told me that i have to be on the races of an 18 year old and its in dining or still, she has to continue working to survive back to santa fe
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biologist, rockhill, john headed up the team of scientists that develop the genetically modified weight for b o series. she thinks the worries about age before are unfounded. the seeds are basically the same. she says whether genetically modified or conventional seats in the end is the same bread being baked like that on the punch is 5 months old that about that high. by the time it develops, green is unlikely to be hub side and the grains. i'm not saying it can't happen, but it's highly unlikely. she's especially proud that argentina develop the drought resistance weak variety rather than some wealthy industrialized country the farmer i'm our demo, meanwhile is on his way to the bakery in the city of roofing. now the
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bakery here doesn't use his genetically modified weight. the opinion among consumers is mixed. anything else? no video, we shouldn't even consider planting genetically modified weight. seed a thing should be kept as natural as possible with no chemicals, see no set out of phoenix, and that's the thing. that's how we experience drive to every 10 years. so it's good that they can do this. yeah, i mean it's good to have an alternative on i'm our demo for his part plans to continue planting, genetically modified please. the this week on global teen comes from south africa.
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the my name is invited in the late call. i'm a cheese old from cape town has had efficacy the my mom is a domestic worker and my dad works at the construction the i really loved going to school, but i didn't love the idea of freaking out in the morning any in the morning. my favorite subject of school ease of cons. in accounting. i love after class because since i'm out of the day after clause primary school, it's actually gets now to flow more and i can beta marks in very good luck and may now as somebody been a girl and it gives us an idea of
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a big one and top spot and based on what i like to do in my free time, a gymnastics the or it's the baseboard it with and it keeps me calm and collected every time i feel stressed and need to be calm and everything. i'll go to the studio and do the when i go, as i want to do media studies and one of the options of actually being in the content. but i'm actually more passionate about doing media studies. my hope is to one day be able to go cited overseas, find a job overseas, and be a successful independent woman.
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the plots makes me happy, a gymnastics, and nature as well. i love exploring. i love going out. the big challenges for the world is lots of old poverty and, and lack of housing. people are struggling out. the people are starting out, see what will maybe change that is if we may probably give as a political part, has a chance and see if what change it can be the case. i think my life is actually much better because when my back grand parents
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flight for market dominance. this is west with dw business beyond the deb houses are we can we must of course carry research of climate change. i mean sales station in the rain forest continue, carbon dioxide emissions have risen again young people all over the world are committed to climate protection. what impact will change doesn't happen on its own. the make up your own mind. a phone lines. the
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stuff for more little bagley basic goals, pitching the countries beaches to las vegas and push back even from their own salmon in my my, my can be this money lending money. i'm more now i will. i shrugged on the spicing social moons so you can use self determination goals. escape from treasury and abuse. starts oldest based on dw, the
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business dw news life from the chinese foreign minister, which in john is removed from his post. he hasn't been seen in public for more than a month, walking a stone with speculation about political and bible based on some alleged extramarital affair. also on the program, presidents of the training and forth of a desk that struggled to rebuild after.
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