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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 16, 2023 5:00pm-5:29pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news lies from the land. ukraine defies russia and sends out to ship from the port a desa the contain a vessel is using a new car at all so much and ships despite russian warnings. but it might target vessels on the black sea. also coming out the head of the u. n. says an international forces needed and hazy to combat the heavily on gang space for germany moves closer to legalize and kind of it's to be government on sale,
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draw floors to allow people to pro comp. i'm to join kind of as club plots and football england's women reached the wells comp final off to defeating hosts. so straight in in sydney we will bring you all the action from down on the menu mckinnon. welcome to the program. ukraine says that it has stuff, it's sending ships across the black sea along what it describes as humanitarian car doors of a ship left odessa on wednesday morning carrying an unspecified cargo. the hong kong flags contain a carrier, is one of many that have been stuck in ukrainian pool since rushes full scale will began. russia has said it will consider all ships in the area to be potential military vessels in july must go withdrew from an agreement that allowed the safe
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passage of grain shipments of a resumption of maritime traffic raises the possibility of intervention by russian warships and comes amid increasing tensions in the black sea, summer, sun, sand, and see the beaches of odessa reopened this month for the 1st time since rushes invasion. it may look identical, but this ukrainian black, c, c. c is now at the house of the battle of the military and geopolitical interests. russia has long been the prominent naval power in the black sea with its fleet station in crimea. but the western shows are controlled by nato allies. romania and bulgaria, and pauses of the eastern shore belongs to nature popular georgia. in the south nato member techie is the gatekeeper of the black sea, controlling the only access point through the bus press straits. in the early days of the war, russia started mining ukraine, invoices,
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and locating its ports including odessa. the blockade disrupted, ukraine's great exports, leaving millions of people affected, particularly in african nations. jr, often months of uncertainty techies, president rep, tie of ad one. and the united nations broke at a d last summer for russia to allow ukraine to export its grain. but in july this year, ahead of the russia, africa summit, vladimir putin pulled out of the deal with most co announcing ships. the southern ukrainian ports would no longer be safe when they got blown they were gonna go in. the tensions continue to rise as rush up again. the bombing campaign targeting ukraine's port infrastructure in odessa that forced ukraine to find alternative routes, sending its exports to smaller ports along the river. done you on it's west and border but they had to rush. i took action bombing, the ports of rennie scene has failed in just
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a few 100 meters away in romania and nato country law. ukraine also ramped up its attacks targeting navy vessels in russian ports and several russian ships in the black sea. and then last week came another clash with rushes, navy firing warning shouts at a pullout flag vessel afterwards failed to stop for inspection. it was boarded in a dramatic rage, but lights were allowed to continue to ukrainian. done, you porch rushed as president has said he is open to returning to the great deal, but only in exchange for better conditions for russia's own exports, but by throw ukrainian grey and ex both remain stuck in storage facilities and in trucks waiting to be picks up as the black sea stand off as fast reaching boiling point, we joined now by both hamilton, who's the head of a such are the you raise your program at the foreign policy research institute in
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philadelphia. welcome to the w ms. hamilton pub. thank so much for your time. the warnings from russia, a really quite clear on a so. so what do you think about ukraine's decision to send these cargo ships across the black sea as well? i think it's a certainly you credit has very limited options to export it's grain, which is a key part of its economy. and this is really part of a russian strategy to destroy ukraine's economy. having failed to achieve their objectives on the ground through military action. brushing strategy been shifted to the attacks on ukraine's energy infrastructure over the winter to try to destroy that and see if it could bring ukraine towards these that failed. and so now you've got the exit from the grain deal, as you know, noted in your introduction last month in russian to tax on ukraine's green infrastructure, green storage, green and then cargo handling in ports. so ukraine really has limited options to
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try to survive economically and as you know, to using the danube ports as one and then sending news. what are clearly civilian cargo ships out of court, or is another option to try to re establish some sort of economic connection with the outside world. okay, but what would happen if russia did into set 3, even the top one of these condo ships? what would be the consequences? well, i think it's likely it is, you know, in the introduction the russians have already boarded a ship bound for ukraine. and in respect to that, i think it's likely that one of the ships will be boarded that the russians will board it. there's not military cargo in any of the ships. this is, this is pure economic, you know, interchange it's, it's, it's green and it's other things with the ukraine is trying to export to the world . so then the onus is on the russian navy, does it try to intercept the ship and force it into a russian port or does the letter proceed knowing that what is on the ship is leo cargo is economic, economic, cargo bound for world markets. and by the way,
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the global south has been predominantly affected by russia's exit from the grand deal. and the, the big, the decline in ukrainian great exports because it's the most dependent part of the world on ukrainian grain. and so it's been predominantly, it's been effected disproportionately to the rest of the world. mm hm. i did just want to ask you about the fight. but of course 3 nato members also bore to the black sea. so in everything that's happening here, i mean, is there a risk, but nato is made policy to this rule by accident. so there's always been a risk of escalation of the war since the since day. one of the russian invasion in february of last year. and frankly rushes irresponsible nuclear threats throughout the over have added to that risk of escalation. the russian attacks on ports that are along with dan you. as you noted in the introduction to that, you can, you can see the attacks of fighters burning from across the river in romania. there
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is always a risk of escalation when things like this happened that the predominant risk of escalation has fallen on the russian side. the russian side has done things in this war that have made escalation more likely in exceeding the great deal and threatening to attack any commercial ships. the trans of the black sea from ukraine ports is another example of russia, essentially raising the risk of escalation for everybody of hamilton from the foreign policy research institute in philadelphia. thank you so much for you and alice, but i thanks for your time. thank you. ok, let's take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world now. and ukraine says, but it forces have retaken the village of oregon, yet in the don't yet. region from russian occupies the military released video of its troops advancing and russian forces, withdrawing key posts, i found made slow progress and pushing back russian units from the fiercely
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contested area. fighting between 2 factions in libya's capital, tripoli is killed at least 55 people and injured nearly 100 residents were trumped in the homes. as the city was rocked by gun flint and explosions, tensions fled when a militia ca mulanda was captured by a rival group. it's the worst violence the tripoli has seen this year to. and hundreds of people have been lifted to safety in northwest and canada. well walled fi as a threatening several towns, roads out of the area were closed off to they, they became engulfed by flames. in the past, weeks record fires have spread across the country, scorching millions of heck to as more than a 1000 fi is also bunny. orange lot looks like right now. officials in hawaii on working to identify the victims of the devastation well, size on the island of maui. the governor has now confirmed the children are among
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the 106 confirmed faith policies, and those are as have begun the process of naming and some of those who lost the lives. aid is reaching the island. these donations are being unloaded to help residents made homeless by that is off to the federal government has promised its full back in the us president joe biden will travel to now we next week to see the devastation for himself and to help coordinate relief efforts. but many on the island are still without power and a running low on supplies. and nivia, we come to the blazes survivors on our cooling by terrifying experiences directly across the ship. it's a pic freeze on these grounds. life of where this man is walking, just minutes before the fire burned, hook guard, and the lease and some neighbor. it's not running. escape into the ocean. i'm for washington. there's rocks got hurt and legs, but you didn't lose hope break. baldwin for what she kept her side step much up to
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her neck in the cold water. we got as low as we could, but at that point at 9 i both started to lose consciousness. we began to hallucinate. i would kind of pass out into the water and as my face hit the water, i would come into again and realize where i was and what was going on and how i needed to keep myself safe for any reason. it's not head. finally, i so many of those did not escape the rapidly moving flames. the tragedy has left around a 100 dead and more than a 1000, missing a massive search operation is under. we see for dogs a working through re to hundreds of printers, homes and we cuz the intensity of the police and state of destruction have made it difficult to define and identify human to me a week after the fight. only a few of the dead has been identified using the fingerprints. the exact number may
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not be known for weeks. t w's country moya is on the island then she told us more about the relief effort and the support that survive is receiving. yes, most of the survivors are still being placed in shelters and are staying with friends and family. many have also thrown out to the mainland or how i have been saying that they are going to return to the countries of origin that there are many argentines for doing the military units should be deployed to hazy in the caribbean to come about heavily on gangs the gangs of overpowers haiti's police force and the estimated to seize control of some 80 percent of the capital for the pump. it was just a few belongings they can carry the stymies of trying to reach safety. gang violence in haiti's capital is driving many out of their homes by foot a motorcycle. they're forced to seek shelter in public squares and schools like
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this left to feel like they're standing for yourselves. it wasn't the gang leaders who chased me out of my head. it was the haitian state that chased me out of my head and the haitian stage that killed all the people you'll see. because it's the state that has the so called legitimacy of violence. the states can witness the grand ravine, gang taking over the streets and never do anything about it. secondly, hates his face. years of economic security and political crisis. crime and poverty has escalated since full president is over now. movies was assassinated in 2021. and current prime minister henri has struggled to stem the interest. human rights watch says rates killings, and kidnappings by criminal groups have risen dramatically since the start of the year. it's triggered the anger on the streets with thousands of protesters calling
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on a thirty's to provide more protection and aid. we lost out policeman who were helping us find the gang. they bled all night. rights groups are repeating full action to address the crisis in haiti. the u. n. chief is calling of the international community to deploy a multinational force to combat. again, violence can you, is the latest country to consider taking the lead to bring law and order of the west african regional block eco us is due to meet again on thursday to review its response to the military coup in news. yeah, the economic community of west african states has so far avoided to 8 military responses instead using sanctions to pressure the one to which these pilot and these, yet 3 weeks ago. eco s member countries have close the land borders with nisha, leaving hundreds of trucks stranded with cargo. that includes relief materials
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agencies on now seeking a way of getting supplies to people in the area who are in desperate need. and dw is telling me all the depo can tell us more about what is happening in these a welcome time. we can we start about start with these sanctions against a need yet what effect to they having? well, you mentioned the people, the image in desperate need is one of the world's eyes on the bottom 10 of course countries in the world. it's not just any low income country. so when there are sanctions, economic sanctions, sanctions of the sort, when the board has a closed because nature has got this, a hired as a to the north, is called the coastal west african states to the south. it's land locked and can't get anything. and so essentially it's, it's, it's isolated at the moment and that's why you need the outside world. and with these kinds of sanctions with nigeria, for example, which supplies initiated with electricity cutting off with about 70 percent of its
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electricity, cutting off electricity. the countries in the dock is not able to get supplies, food prices, a soaring, and that is really hitting the mode. so people are really being done by the sanctions some up for us. what response that's been from, from nature as new military rule as well. the strategy right from the beginning has been to appeal to the public. they want this to look as if it's an easier against the world. and so they have appealed to the public. they said this is in humane this sanction. and they said it's, it's illegal. they use all kinds of terminology to describe this and say that they represent the missionary and people and it's outside those. we're trying to impose a government on them and they, they saying that they want to forward you way forward for the country. so it's, it's really an us versus them type of situation and that's how they're responding to the sofa. and they've done quite a good job getting support from the people having them. and i remember seeing folks say, uh, footage of concerts,
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the soldiers sort of putting on entertainment for the people. so they've, they've, they've launch quite good pay all campaign, haven't they? indeed, although it's difficult at the moment to see how wide spread that support is. mm hm . okay, now i'm eco of have tended to use functions against cruise in the region, but there isn't really much evidence is that those functions have restore democracy in the past. i mean, is there any indication that new jack could be different in this case it's, it's difficult to say because the media is in a different position. so we've had several countries, excuse me, that of new jersey and it's, it's a trend so night. and these are the 4th right now in west africa, which is got a military rule. and that causes worried about trend developing so that you've got a guinea. you've got molly, you've got booking, that's also a noun. you share under military rule, and they don't want this to become a kind of trend that develops. that's why they've taken this stern response. but also we think the us response and we think fronts responded. we've seen the world bank, the us and particularly is not describing this as a cool in,
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in theoretical terms they, they're still very careful about that terminology to make it seem as if the zoom present presume has not been outright removed from power. so they still recognize him as the legal head of state, but we're seeing all this international pressure as a whole. and i think it was saying that this time, they don't want to let a trend develop. they want an end to this kind of cool process that's going on. all right, do you tell me tell me only the past. thank you very much for that. all right, let's take a look now at some of the other headlines at this hour, the pylons constitutional court has blocks a bid by the progressive move forward policy to nominate a new prime minister. despite winning the election in may. the policies candidates pitts lim, darren wrapped, was rejected by the military dominated parliament. the court's decision paved the way for the appointment of a military loyalist to the post and north korea has officially acknowledged as
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detention of us soldier, travis king. he was on a civilian tour of a board, a village between north and south korea when he crossed into the north, becoming the 1st american consent detained, to bypass on. yeah. and in almost 5 years now, germany's government has approved a draft bill to possibly legalize the use of cannabis is the 1st step in a to pump plan and will still need to be approved by parliament. but it would allow individuals to possess up to 25 grams of cannabis for recreational purposes and to grow up to 3 plots at home. people will also be able to join cannabis clubs to exchange marijuana. the german health minister, colorado buff, said the previous drug policies had failed, as marianna use was growing, and marijuana products sold on the black market. well, becoming more dangerous. is this on the event? it's a tanya rugged and our drug policy. and where do you criminalizing, kind of,
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based on what we are doing it in a controlled way, where private cultivation is a load? where passionate consumption is a lot where the possession of 25 grams of kind of basic is exempt from punishment. francisco. and i'm drawing now by nicholas cabanas, he's been co founder of a company that sells kind of us here in germany. welcome to the w, you are in the cannabis interest to yourself, so you must be happy about this new bill to there's always a pleasure being here. thank you very much for having me. we are happy, especially for the recertification of medical come with the kind of this that is something what was needed in the past and is done now by the 1st color. and also did the criminalization has its upside spike. sample germany is spending 1000000000 euros for law enforcement for the resume and also fences for cannabis. 85 percent of this offenses are only minor causes. so for example, consumption so we can also save money in the law enforcement system in germany. so
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quite happy right now. yeah. okay and, and the gentleman, health minister, of course is saying this bill will help to fight the sale of products on the black market. i mean, do you think that this will work practically to like i said, is the 1st step right. uh, the full scale legal ization didn't happen. that is something where the government promised by the end of 2021. that will not happen, obviously because of international law because of your law. that is something what takes time and also takes companionship, companionship within the u, for member states to join our forces and then basically have a change on the new level. what mr. a lot about us doing now. the government is doing now is a 1st step and that is necessary that 1st step it is the criminalization of this kind of as gloves. it is home role is also the possession of 25 grams, and it is also reclassification of medical cannabis which is great for patients. great for doctors rates and pharmacies, 2nd pillar. we don't know what when that will happen. we don't have
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a law. so now probably in 2024 is the scientific pilot projects in germany, regionally that is full scale and it falls full scale equalization. another recreational umbrella, the full value chain legal is, is that the 2nd hold, okay? you say all of this is necessary. the, the draw phil has of course, faced a whole lot of christmas isn't. the professional association of pediatricians in germany is condemning the plans. they say it will encourage kind of best consumption among young young people. what's your response to a criticism like that? i strongly disagree. uh that is the most important step germany could take right now. um a, a uh, a list of market is not something we want to have. there's no control in terms of quality. there's no control and time of use can use the use protection and that is something what is outdated and we have poor vision for 60 years now. nothing has
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changed. so what we're doing right now is choosing a different approach in germany to have a controlled markets to have controlled quality. and to also secure our use from using cannabis and that is absolutely necessary. so i don't understand these statements because they don't make sense to me is for admission for 60 years has fail. nicholas cooper on this. thank you so much for your time and see your point of view. thank you very much. you've got some simple news for you now, and england's women have booked the place and the world cup. final often defeating australia. 31 in the semi final. now it is a best friend for australia is matilda is who played in front of a packed stadium in sydney despite the home crowd advantage england's line scored 1st and then forced ahead. in the 2nd house fell, now face off again, spain in sundays, final of the after k g start
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a thunderbolt from ella to drop the deadlocks and put england ahead one new to the line. this is after 36 minutes australia thought they were back in the game when captain sam kirk to the level with a wonderful, striking distance, sending the home crowd into a frenzy. the poor defending from the co host in the box some more, and had capitalized on an air and put england back on top. the line, this is showing why they're the reigning european champions. alexia russo sealed the deal for england when she put the game out of us fairly as reach in the 6 minutes england reached the world cup finals for the 1st time in history. they will face springs for football is top prize in sydney on sunday. start break for australia. and we will of course,
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have full coverage of that final hit on the d w. you're watching dw news. here's a quick reminder of the top stories today. ukraine has become sending ships across the black sea alone, the new so called humanitarian carlos despite increased risk of interception bibles . russia months ago says that results bullshit in the area is potential minute tree vessels. the death toll from hawaii, devastating walls fires is now at $106.00, and it is expected to rise as such for human remains continues. and here is what is coming up next in d, w and use asia. why china has decided to stop issuing use unemployment data and the impact of india and authorities. heavy handed actions against minority to respond to chain will bring you those stories. i'm all that's coming out often.
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i shall break my mind. you keeps makennan. i'm home. the whole team here invalid, so much for watching the
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preserving piece like showing climate change with small scientists are studying the wetlands of our planet. because they are gigantic c o 2 reservoirs . but how to make the most of that? researchers are encouraging officials to cut down trees and grow and use crumbs in 2 hours on dw
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every jenny is full of surprises. we've got all out to give you some time, one day in the footsteps of the right people. in your northern most count the police the free time, but still very much alive. your guy to the special thoughts in germany recognizes where exactly it was fun. learn a lot of our culture history. all their travel extremely worth a visit. the want to know what's going on in roads now someone is getting ready to jump in this. someone
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is strolling these words, the locals on wearing that best small. this is rose now. and now is the time for you to book your trip to wrote, wrote of what you love is cute there's, there's dw nero's aisha coming up today. china cracks down on data. how many driving unemployment paging says it won't issue, use unemployment data any more, often reports to figure out what's alarmingly high, how much of a concern is this for the communist party and does it have any plans to do with it and figure out i'm just bear with me yeah, after definitely clashes between the 2 communities prompted a heavy 100 response from the state.


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