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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 16, 2023 11:00pm-11:15pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw, and use live from berlin. ukraine defies russia. incense i've a ship from the port of odessa, the container vessel safety leads ukrainian waters using a new card or for merchant ships, despite russian warnings that it might target vessels on the black sea. also on the program already mired in poverty. the people of the share begin coping with crippling sanctions. weeks after the conference president, as i've said in a qu,
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plus and football, england's women reach the broke up the final after defeating hosts, astray the ensues. me will bring you all the action from down under the on pop out for the 80 s. welcome to the program. ukraine says it has started sending ships across the black sea along want it describes as to monetary and car doors. the 1st to ship that left odessa on wednesday morning has now left ukrainian borders according to presidents, a lot of mirrors the landscape. the hong kong flags carrier is one of many that have been stuck in ukrainian ports since rushes full scale war began in july, moscow withdrew from an agreement that allowed the safe passage of grain shipments that would be resumption of maritime traffic, raises the possibility of intervention by russian warships and comes amid
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increasing tensions in the black sea, the summer sun, sand, and see the beaches of odessa reopened this month for the 1st time since rush this invasion, it may look identical, but this ukrainian black, c, c, c is now at the house of the battle of the military and geopolitical interests. russia has long been the prominent naval power in the black sea, with its fleet stationed in crimea, but the west and shows are controlled by nato allies. romania and bulgaria and pauses of the eastern shore belongs to nature popular georgia. in the south nato member techie is the gatekeeper of the black sea, controlling the only access point through the bus press straight. in the early days of the war, russia started mining ukrainian waters and blockading its ports, including odessa. the blockade disrupted, ukraine's great exploit, leaving millions of people affected,
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particularly in african nations. dounia often months of uncertainty techies, president rep, tie up at one, and the united nations broke at a d last summer for russia to allow ukraine to exploit its grain. but in july this year, ahead of the russia, africa summit, vladimir putin pulled out of the deal with most co announcing ships. the saving ukrainian ports would no longer be saving it when they got blown they were about to go into the tensions continue to rise as a rush. i began the bombing campaign targeting ukraine's port infrastructure in odessa that forced ukraine to find alternative routes, sending its exports to smaller ports along the river, down you on its west and boulder. but that to russia took action bombing, the ports of rennie scene has failed in just a few 100 meters away in romania and nato country law. ukraine also ramped
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up its attacks targeting navy vessels in russian poets and several russian ships in the black sea. and then last week came another clash with rushes, navies, firing warning shouts at a pullout flag vessel afterwards failed to stop for inspection. it was boarded in a dramatic rage, but lights were allowed to continue to ukrainian. done, you porch rushed as president has said he is open to returning to the great deal, but only in exchange for better conditions for russia's own exports, but by throw ukrainian grey and ex both remain stuck in storage facilities and in trucks waiting to be picks up as the black sea stand off as fast reaching boiling point, dw, corresponding tommy, and as if in cave explained why ukraine is sending ships into the black sea, despite the risk from russia. a while ukraine has called this a humanitarian cord or but you what might be more likely to call it
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a trade cord or for ukraine, they're becoming more and more desperate to get their exports out in order to save their economy, which is extremely important right now. as they send off the russian invasion, so they're trying to get these exports out through the black sea. and they are trying to call russia's beloved here, which since the end of the grand deal has threatened to attack merchant vessel civilian ships. saying that any uh, ship going toward ukrainian ports in the black sea would be considered likely to be carrying military cargo and therefore a legitimate target for russian attacks. but several merchant ships since the end of the grand deal have successfully made it to port at their own risk. and it seems ukraine now saying, well, we're going to try to defend the ships with our navy. that's not a guarantee. they have made it clear that it's still very dangerous, not only for because of russian tax, but also because of the mines that are in the black sea from ukraine end, from russia. what ukraine has done, no, to guarantee the safety here is to say, we're going to guide you with the navy,
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and we're also going to ensure your ship at the printing governments costs. so they're trying to work out a way to get the goods out of ukraine's largest ported odessa and one of your ups largest altogether. i mean, as of reporting from k, if there, let's take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. ukraine says it's forces have read, taking the village of or so or of zine in the don't ask region from russian occupiers the military release to video of its troops advancing and russian forces, withdrawing key for so far made slow progress and pushing back rushing units from the fiercely contested area, a violence has broken out in pakistan's punjab province over allegations of blasphemy by to christian residents. an angry mob attacked at least 2 churches and damaged several homes in the city of german. while it happened after torn pages of the crown were allegedly found near
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a christian set fighting between 2 armed functions in libya, as capital tripoli has reportedly killed at least 55 people, an injured nearly a 100 residents were trapped in their homes. as the city was rocked by gunfire and explosions, tensions flared when a melisha commander was captured by a rival group. it's the worst of islands. tripoli has seen this year. officials in hawaii are working to identify the 106 people and i'm known with dining while fires on the island of maui. the governor has confirmed the children are among the dead. the federal government has promised large amounts of aid us president joe biden is expected to visit the island next week of the stress of military action against me. shares qu leaders remains on the table. a head of crisis talks
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on thursday by the west african eco westbrook. the readings on to is refusing to hand back power and has shrugged off international efforts to restore mohammed. but as soon as the country's president, the standoff has led to the slope of sanctions that are not crippling. the country . hundreds of trucks are lined up on these as close boat as many filled with desperately needed aiden food. although sanctions placed on these, yes, since last month's crew have only been in place for around 2 weeks. the country, one of the poorest in the world, is being taught. the majority of its electricity has been cut off by neighboring nigeria and food prices, sky rocketing, making life and work even more challenging, fueling anger against equal worth. while growing support for the jazz music tree
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lead us, we don't care about a co equal boss has been silent, made for the presidents impala, and we do not need to deal with an equal us intervene, so not to media is ready for all the options we have radio on the 1st i will have one. why? because my children and i loved the soldiers and i invite the young people to join the army and develop our country. our villages. this week. i make blessings for the soldiers and go home, sit in court on the cross. leaders have so far avoided taking military action to remove new shares, new unelected rulers. but have set a stand by force. could be used that they know anom conflict could further de stabilize the region. something eco us wants to avoid the already. now for the u. n . chief antonio guitar says a multinational force, including police and military units should be deployed to the tyra. be
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a nation of haiti to combat heavily armed gangs who've overpowered the police force . their estimated to have sees control of some 80 percent of the capital port her problems. it was just a few belongings they can carry the stymies of trying to reach safety, gang violence and hate. these capital is driving many out of the farms by foot a motorcycle. they're forced to seek shelter in public squares. and schools like this left to feel like they're standing for themselves. it wasn't the gang leaders who chased me out of my head. it was the haitian state that chased me out of my head and the haitian stage that killed all the people you'll see. because it's the state that has the circle of legitimacy and violence. the state can witness the grand ravine, govern, taking over the streets and never do anything about it. hate his face,
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years of economic security and political crisis. crime and poverty has escalated since full of presents is over now, movies was assassinated in 2021. and current prime minister henri has struggled to stem the interest. human rights watch says, rates killings and kidnappings, by criminal groups have risen dramatically since his don't of the year. it's triggered the anger on the streets with thousands of protest is calling on a thirty's to provide more protection and aid the red. we lost out policeman who were helping us find the games they played all night. rights groups are repeating for more action to address the crisis in haiti. the u. n. chief is calling of the international community to deployed a multinational force to combat again violence. kenya is the latest country to consider taking the lead to bring law and order.
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the so full of news for, you know, and the indians have booked their place in the women's world cup final. after defeating australia, $31.00, it's a bitter end for a strategy is matilda was finished a magical wrong to the semi finals in front of another pack stadium in sidney. after k d start a thunderbolt from ella to drop the deadlock and put england ahead. one neil to the line. this is after 36 minutes australia thought they were back in the game . when captain sam kirk to the level was a wonderful striking distance, sending the home crowd into a frenzy poor defending from the co host in a box. so morton had capitalized on an air and put england back on top. the line, this is showing why they're the reading european champions. alexia russo sealed the
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deal for england when she put the game out of us fairly as reach me 86 minutes. england reached the world cup finals for the 1st time in history. they will face springs to footballs top prize in sydney on sunday hart break for australia. dw sports, lima who tacky was at stadium, australia as england got the better of the home side and the home crowd in sydney to no matter how no deals, trade in hand spot, it has no impact on the outcome until the parents, of course, had built a reputation for creating an incredible atmosphere, but there was hiding in spite of mighty england. there was one moment of magic when sam could never, but that's as loud as it got. and of course, got very careful. his reminder of our top story, ukraine's president of the mirrors, the landscape says a merchant ship has crow safely out of your brain in waters from the port of odessa, despite threats from russia. the vessel is one of many that have been stuck in
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ukrainian ports since rushes full scale war began. you are up to date business news is next with a coupon that you belive that's after a short break and don't forget that there's plenty more news and information on our website, dw dot com. and you can follow us on our social media accounts on pablo. so you leaves me in the team here and brandon, thanks for watching you tomorrow the door don't take mommy. under your mommy's not coming back. over february 2022 russian troops and faded the ukrainian city of components. it was recaptured. 6


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